Lost Boys
Mermaid Lagoon Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Lost Boys: Mermaid Lagoon

T - Words: 1,184 - Last Updated: Aug 09, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Feb 01, 2013 - Updated: Aug 09, 2013
144 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Comments, questions, concerns? Review!
I haven't watched the season finale, how was it? None of the Klainers seem happy :/

And as always, many thanks to my lovely beta wheelsjustkeeponturning, on tumblr.

Enjoy :)

Mermaid Lagoon

The first thing Blaine noticed when he stepped into the small cafe was that it was air conditioned. He hadn't realized the other places were lacking the cool air until now. He took a deep breath and let the breeze wash over him; he hadn't even realized how hot he was.

The second thing he noticed was the small fountain that broke the cafe into two parts; to the left was the ordering station, and to the right was the sitting area. Water so pure it seemed blue trickled down the rocks of the fountain, and pooled into the basin where pennies and other various coins shone brightly at the bottom.

Blaine walked up to it, and rested his hands on either side of the cool stone looking down into the basin.

"What are you looking for?" A cool woman's voice asked from next to him.

"I don't know," Blaine said without tearing his gaze away. He couldn't bring himself to distract his attention from the gentle waves of the pool.

"Then how will you know when you find it?" She asked, her voice neither condescending nor judgmental.

"When not if?" Blaine asked, cocking his head as he watched the gentle ripples of the waterfall hitting the pool. "You have faith," he continued, eyes taking in the way light danced on the pool's surface, and how no matter how much water dropped into the basin, it never overfilled.

"You could say that," she said with a nod of her head. "Come." Gentle fingers tipped Blaine's head up, breaking the spell of the fountain. He blinked a few times before the fingers turned his head and he came face to face with a woman with bright green eyes and long blonde hair that cascaded past her waist.

"Hey there," she said with a soft grin, "I'm Quinn."

Blaine held out his hand and gave a soft smile back, still feeling disoriented. "Blaine."

She threw her head back in a melodic laugh taking his hand and pulling him to the line behind Kurt. "Trust me," she said when Kurt gave her acknowledging nod. "I know."

"The usual for you, Kurt?" she asked as she hopped over the counter.

"Obviously," Kurt replied resisting the urge to roll his eyes.

"I'd like a—" Blaine started, but was cut off by Quinn putting a perfectly manicured (nails painted dusty pink) finger to his lips.

"I'll get you what you need," she said, before disappearing through the doors to what Blaine had to assume was the kitchen.

He blinked twice, turning to look at Kurt question evident on his face.

"Let's take a seat."


"So your hair," Kurt said as they took their seats.

"Ugh," Blaine moaned running his hands through the tangle of his curls. "Isn't it hideous?"

Kurt scoffed leaning back in his seat. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"Please," Blaine argued. "You haven't had to live with this for your entire life, my hair is terrible."

Kurt just shook his head, giving Blaine a look. "You have thick dark curly locks, who doesn't want that?"

"People who like their hair to stay where they put it." Blaine retorted with an eye roll of his own.

"I don't trust you with gel," Kurt said matter of factly, staring at Blaine's hair like it held the answer to the universe.


"How much do you use?" Kurt carried on, seemingly indifferent to Blaine's exclamation.

Blaine shrugged, eyes glancing around the well lit room that seemed to exude calm and peace. "A dollop or two?"

Kurt's eyes practically bugged out of his head. "What do you mean a dollop?"

"...One or two teaspoons?"

"Blaine!" Kurt exclaimed leaning forward dramatically. "You don't need more than the size of a dime, a quarter at most!"

Blaine just shook his head, "You are so mistaken."

"Do you want to bet?" Kurt asked leaning back off of the table. "And be careful with your answer because you're going to lose."

"The nerve of the people in this town," Blaine said mostly to himself. And then to the pale boy sitting in front of him, "I'll take that bet."

"And the loser has to do whatever I, the winner, decides."

"Or whatever I, the winner, decides," Blaine retorted.

"So it's a deal?" Kurt asked, raising a single perfect eyebrow.

"Oh you are so on."

Kurt smiled, and shook Blaine's outstretched hand.

"May the most stylish man win."

"I'm glad to see you two are getting along," Quinn said, appearing out of nowhere behind Blaine with a tray of goodies.

"Of course," Blaine said turning a bright smile towards the beautiful girl. "He's my Wendy."

Kurt scoffed, "I am not Wendy!"

"I don't know," Quinn said, cocking her head and squinting her eyes as she scrutinized her friend. "It makes sense."

"You're high," Kurt pouted, crossing his arms defiantly.

Quinn just shrugged neither agreeing or disagreeing, Blaine had to stifle a laugh. He really liked this girl. "So Quinn," Blaine started when the girl placed the tray down on the table between the two boys, "How do you like working here?"

Quinn pushed a wayward hair behind her ear, before giving Blaine an amused glance. "Well considering that my mother owns this place, I like working here quite a lot."

"Is everything here self-owned?" Blaine asked looking at Kurt in fond exasperation. He couldn't deny that he loved the charm of a self-run town. It was undeniably quaint and hospitable, with all the familiarity and tender touches most chains ignored or forgot.

"Only the ones that matter," Quinn said with a laugh. "Where've you been dragged to already?"

"Everywhere!" Blaine said with a dramatic flourish.

Kurt smirked. "Barely," he intervened. "Don't listen to a word he says, I think he's in the works to be a bigger drama queen than Rachel."

Quinn let out a loud gasp, "That's possible?"

Kurt shrugged reaching for his cup of coffee. "Apparently."

"Wow," she said giving Blaine an appreciative scan of his body. "The boys you find, Hummel."

"It's a gift." Kurt paused, holding the coffee to his lips. "Because I'm Pan."

Quinn rolled her eyes but didn't argue, a small smile playing on her lips.

"So what did you get me?" Blaine asked Quinn, looking up at her with a coy smile. "What do I, quote unquote, need?"

Quinn nudged the cup that was left on the tray towards him. "Drink and find out."

Blaine quirked an eyebrow but accepted the challenge, picking up the steaming white mug with gentle fingers. He blew on it for a brief moment before closing his eyes and taking a sip.

He rolled his eyes as soon as the liquid hit his tongue.

"Really?" he asked giving her a look.

She just winked, taking the biscotti and cheesecake slice off the tray as she did so. "Think of it as foreshadowing," she said her smile growing immensely. "Now I'll be back in a little bit, until then, you boys enjoy your drinks."

And with that dismissal, Quinn was gone.

Kurt looked at Blaine, raising an eyebrow in question.

Blaine just sighed and gave his cup the death glare, as if he could melt it completely with his thoughts alone. "She spiked it," he said with another sigh. "With Bailey's, if my tongue serves me right."


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