Lost Boys
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Lost Boys: The Stranger

T - Words: 2,050 - Last Updated: Aug 09, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Feb 01, 2013 - Updated: Aug 09, 2013
404 0 0 0 0

Three blocks to the left, a dead end, a right turn, another right turn, and a left turn later had Blaine ready to kill Mike.

The motel hadn't been there, in fact, no building had been there so Blaine had gone an extra two blocks only to come face to face with a dead end. With no other choice, he had gone back on himself and now he was properly and truly lost. The area didn't look remotely familiar, the houses were getting shabbier by the minute, and he swore he could see the night getting darker in ominous warning.

Once again the urge to call his parents settled in but he ignored it, continuing forward in the hopes of finding the motel or at least somebody that he could trust. He wasn't going to let some punk "gang" member send him running home, the night wasn't over yet.

Blaine turned another corner, his eyes watching his feet as he tried to remember the path he'd taken to get here when the sound of laughter wrenched him out of his thoughts. His head snapped up and his eyes narrowed automatically as he heard high pitched familiar laughter amongst the chatter.

One of the gang members nudged another before pointing at Blaine with a cigarette in their hand. Blaine was too far away to determine which ones were Mike and Britney, but he was also too close to turn back the way he'd came. He'd have to keep walking so as not to show fear. Fear would give them reason to attack.

Taking a quick breath, Blaine steeled himself, straightening his back and squaring his shoulders as he continued forward, watching the faces as they came into view. There were six of them in total; three boys and three girls. The one who had pointed him out was tall with light brown hair that was surprisingly coiffed in a very prep boy style. He had a light smattering of freckles on his face and green eyes that raked Blaine's body like he was something to eat. A smirk played on the boys' face that made Blaine want to smack it off.

Blaine didn't like him.

The one he was talking to was slightly shorter with messy brown hair and eyes that were a darker green than 'Sir Smirkson'. He was donned in a leather jacket and jeans, his face stone as he stared at Blaine. Next to him was a startlingly thin girl with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. Her arms were wound around herself as she laughed at something that the blonde haired girl that wasn't Britney, said.

Britney and Mike themselves were standing on the other side of Sir Smirkson, Mike deliberately looking everywhere but at Blaine.

"Hey," Sir Smirkson said as soon as Blaine was in front of the group. The girls stopped laughing and turned to regard Blaine, simultaneous judgmental looks donning their faces. Blaine resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he kept on walking, ignoring the ruffians.

"Excuse me," Sir Smirkson continued pushing off of the fence he was leaning against to follow Blaine. "I was talking to you."

Blaine looked over his shoulder eyebrow raised. "And I was ignoring you."

A hand shot out and grabbed Blaine's wrist, pulling him to a stop. Blaine's heart stopped and instincts and training kicked in. He violently turned his hand to the right, the force of it breaking the thug's hold on him. He stepped back, stopping himself from punching the kid in the stomach and putting him into a sleeper hold, and relaxed into a natural standing position eyeing the group angrily.

"That was rude," Sir Smirkson said rubbing his hand.

"As was grabbing me," Blaine retorted. "As was your friend Mike here giving me the wrong directions so that I'd have to wander these stupid streets all night." Mike lowered his eyes upon being called out on his betrayal but didn't say anything.

"Aw," Smirkson cooed. "Don't blame him; he was just doing his job."

"What?" Blaine asked tilting his head. "Screw with the new kid? That's a pretty pathetic job—a pathetic job for a pathetic person I guess."

The stone faced boy who was carefully watching the scene suddenly stepped forward. "Don't." He said in what Blaine was pretty sure was a growl.

Blaine shrugged, holding up his hands in mock surrender. "Sorry," he said. "Excuse me if I'm just the tiniest bit rude, you see, I have the feeling that I've been set up and that really makes this entire situation incredibly awkward."

"Then allow me to break the ice," Smirkson said with a grin. "My name is Sebastian, this here," he pointed to the stoic boy, "Is Hunter. You already know Mike and Britney and these to lovely ladies are Marley," he pointed to the brunette, "And Kitty."

Marley gave him a one handed wave, offering him a sad smile. He didn't return it and turned his attentions back to Sebastian instead.

"How fascinating," Blaine replied dryly.

"Blaine..." Mike started.

"You know what?" Blaine put his hands in his pocket shrugging. "What do you guys want?"

Sebastian reciprocated the shrug taking a step backwards. "What makes you think we want anything?"

Blaine gave in to his urge to roll his eyes this time, his hands squeezing into fists in his pockets. "Please don't take me for an idiot; it'll be the stupidest choice you ever make."

The smile fell off of Sebastian's face and he narrowed his eyes. "Is that a threat?"

Blaine shook his head closing his eyes as he sighed internally, honestly, only he would get himself into this situation. Not even two hours since his feet hit solid ground and he was already being harassed. "I'm not an idiot, remember?"

Hunter chuckled nodding his head, the first ounce of emotion he'd shown. "Look," he said, cutting off Sebastian who shot golden daggers at him. "Mike just noticed that you were new," Blaine scoffed but Hunter kept on speaking. "So we just wanted to offer you a place to stay."

Blaine froze, staring at Hunter like he was insane, which he probably was. "Are you kidding me?"

Mike shook his head. "No," he said emphatically. "I just didn't know how to ask you."

"So you gave me bad directions instead," Blaine deadpanned.

Mike spoke looking apologetic. "There is no motel around here; I just didn't think you'd believe me."

"I don't believe you now," Blaine retorted before looking back at Hunter and the group as a whole. "Look," he began. "I appreciate the invitation but I'm going to have to say no."

Hunter shrugged taking a step back, "alright."

"But he's right," Sebastian said following Hunter's lead and taking a distancing step away from Blaine. "There really isn't a motel around here."

Blaine nodded. "I'll take my chances, thanks."

Sebastian shrugged turning his back. "Whatever, your choice."

Blaine rolled his eyes at the sassy boy's retreating form, wrinkling his nose as he pulled out another cigarette. Blaine turned his attention to Hunter, who just nodded his head before walking back to the rest of the group. Marley waved at Blaine again, and this time he reciprocated but he didn't smile.

Mike looked disappointed and regretful when Blaine turned his back on the ragtag group and continued walking again, not even glancing behind him. Mike watched Blaine's back until he turned the corner and disappeared into the night.


The fact that Blaine was seriously beginning to regret not accepting the gang's proposal should say something about how lost he was. Nothing looked the same...again, but he was past the rundown houses and was getting into what he assumed to be the nicer part of town.

Blaine hoped that he'd be able to find a store or something; someplace with an authority figure that he could trust. But his feet were dragging across the ground and he was barely able to keep his eyes open. Sleep was taking him and he was nervous that he would pass out if he didn't find a place to rest.

He carried on for a couple more blocks, the cool night air the only thing keeping him semi-aware until he came across a small park. It was cute, with two benches, a sandbox, a swing set, and an entire play set with a tunnel and a twirly slide and a fireman's pole.

Blaine could practically hear his feet sigh in relief so he relented and walked towards the jungle gym, eyeing it meticulously for the best place to sleep.

"I'd go with the tunnel," a voice said from behind Blaine.

The brunette boy started and twirled around to find the speaker. A teenage boy stared at him from his perch on the swing, his Doc Marten clad foot rocking him gently in time with the breeze. He looked at Blaine expectantly, staring up at him with the most impossible eye colour Blaine had ever seen. They were an incredible mix between blue and green; Blaine could imagine them switching between the two depending on the teen's mood. His hair was coiffed to perfection and his head was tilted slightly as he waited for Blaine to answer.

"Umm..." Blaine replied eloquently.

"You're looking for a place to sleep," the boy stated inclining his head towards the play set. "I'd advise you on the tunnel, we're prone to impromptu rain storms in these parts and it'll keep you dry."

Blaine stared at the other teen mouth agape. The boy on the swing rolled his eyes, a smile forming on the edge of his lips.

"I'm sorry," he said pushing himself off of the swing and standing up. This brought him even closer to Blaine who just continued to stare at him like he'd never seen another human before.

"I'm overstepping aren't I?" The teen looked sad for a second before taking a step back. "I should probably go."

"No!" Blaine yelled inappropriately loud, blushing as soon as the words were out of his mouth. "I mean, please don't."

The stranger's half smile grew and he inclined his head towards Blaine in agreement. The stranger didn't say anything else and Blaine couldn't remember what words were, so they just stood there staring at each other, the paler boy's smile falling every minute.

After about five minutes, the paler boy raised a singular eyebrow and crossed him arms looking at Blaine like he was crazy. "So do you speak?"

"Your eyes!" Blaine blurted resisting the urge to smack himself as soon as they left his mouth.

"I have eyes, yes," the pale boy agreed the smile creeping back onto his face.

"Sorry," Blaine shook his head, his loose curls bouncing. "They're just like nothing I've ever seen before."

"In a good way I hope," the boy laughed sitting back into the swing he'd preciously vacated. He gestured to the other one, so Blaine shrugged off his duffle bag and guitar before sitting next to the boy who apparently made Blaine turn into a blurting idiot.

"Yes," Blaine said when he was settled. "In a good way."

The stranger harrumphed quietly to himself, before pushing off and swinging his legs to gain more height. Blaine watched him, awestruck at his grace for a moment before the boy looked at him mid-flight smiling broadly.

"Well don't just sit there," the boy laughed kicking himself even higher. "Swing with me!"

Blaine complied with the boy's order, running backwards to give himself more lift before kicking his legs off the ground. He felt the air rush around his face before being jerked backwards, now swinging downwards, opposite to the stranger who was flying high in the air.

Blaine found himself smiling as he and the effervescent boy got into a rhythm, swinging silently together high into the night sky. He didn't know how long they swung for nor did he really care, because for those care free moments, he was simply free. There was no worry and no responsibility dragging him down. It was just him and the stranger flying as high as the swings could take them.

His smile broadened.

This is what he was looking for.


Slowly, the strengths of their kicks lessened. The two boys slowly came down from their little high, their feet becoming one with the ground again.

Blaine got to his feet first, shakily standing, his breathing slightly ragged through the giant smile on his face. The stranger followed him, much more stable, but a similar smile lighting his face. Blaine turned to him and met his heavy gaze before sticking out his hand.

"Hi," he said slightly redundantly. "I'm Blaine."

The stranger rolled his eyes before taking the outstretched hand in his.


End Notes: Comments, questions, concerns? Review :)


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