The List
Chapter 4 Previous Chapter Story
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The List: Chapter 4

M - Words: 3,391 - Last Updated: Jun 04, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: May 17, 2012 - Updated: Jun 04, 2012
181 0 0 0 0

“And what the hell do you think you’re doing with your life?” The old balding man yelled at his son. “Music, Blaine? Really? We’ve gone through this a million times! How is that going to help you in the future? You’re going to be left out on the streets, with nothing and no one! And you won’t have you’re mother and I to help you out as long as you’re choosing to live your life like this.”

Blaine didn’t even need to look up to his mother to know she was sitting with a drink in her hand, dismissing the fact that she was addressed at all. He just continued to take it with his head down.

“I don’t even know what to tell you anymore, Blaine. I’ve tried sending you away to boarding school and all they did was encourage this inexcusable shit. I don’t know how I can say it any clearer than this: you need to stop it. You need to get this gay thing out of your system, stop with this music idea that you’ve convinced yourself can work out. You need to get a real life and start getting a real career. You are an Anderson, Blaine. It’s about damn time you start acting like one. I don’t know where this little fantasy world you live in is, but it’s not here, Blaine. Welcome to the real world. Now get out of my sight, I can’t stand to look at you anymore.”

Blaine promptly turned around as he was ordered, keeping his eyes on the floor and headed for the stairs. He was tempted to slam his door shut when he finally arrived to his room, but it would’ve probably either made them angrier or even satisfied, and he was unsure of how he wants them to feel right now.

He knew his father was going to react this way when he decided to declare his major. He still doesn’t know why he expected anything less than what happened. Blaine sighed, falling face first into his bed like a frustrated teenager. It was all right though, he’d get through this, only a few more days and he’d be out of their way, on a plane back to New York, back to his real and only true home.

And Blaine couldn’t wait to leave.

Kurt didn’t want to leave.

It’s not that he didn’t love New York. In fact, if New York was a person and if they had at least some sort of sexual chemistry he was pretty sure he’d put a ring on it. He just hated saying good bye. It was the worst part of being home, he got so used to seeing his dad everyday, got used to home cooked meals and the small town, he like the familiarity of Lima, but New York was his home away from home.

By the end of the week Kurt had spent some time with his Dad and Carole, along with Santana and Brittany, and he even visited some of the Glee club members that were still stuck in Lima. It was a nice visit, and he was itching to get back to his apartment in New York and lose his thoughts in his school work.

“I’m going to miss you, dad,” Kurt sighed into his fathers shoulder while they hugged in front of the house. 

“I’m going to miss you too, kiddo,” Burt was the first to let go. “But you need to get back to school, we’ve all kept you here too long.”

“I know,” Kurt attempted at smiling, but he loved his father, no one understood him more and it hurt when Kurt had to leave him. Kurt glanced back at his rented car, his bags all packed, the keys feeling heavy in his hand, reminding him he better leave now.

“And tell that brother of yours to give his mother a call,” Burt said, regarding Finn. “It’s been almost two weeks and we both know she’s dying for him to call her.”

“I’ll be sure to relay the message,” Kurt smiled for real this time. Even if he was leaving, it didn’t mean he was going somewhere he didn’t want to be. He sort of missed school, no matter how chaotic it was at times. And he even kind of missed Rachel and Finn.

“Alright, well call me when you land,” Burt walked Kurt to the car and gave him one last hug. “It was nice to see you home, bud.”

“It nice being home,” Kurt confessed. “I’ll be sure to be home again, soon.”

“Don’t worry so much, I promise Carole is taking good care of me, you just need to worry about you and you’re school work,” Burt said. “Now, go before you miss your flight, you don’t want to be late.”

Kurt slid into his seat and said, “I love you, dad.” And after his dad replied Kurt shut the door ready for another long plane ride.

“BLAINE?! Are you even listening to me?!” Blaine snapped out of his thoughts, he had been staring out of the window for the past 30 minuets, unsure how long his father had been rambling on. He doesn’t even know why his father wanted to accompany him to the airport, but something in the back of Blaine’s mind told him his father just wanted a reason to yell at him some more.

“Get your goddamn head out of the sky, Blaine, I’m talking to you,” his father continued. “Frankly, I don’t care if you need to drop out of NYU in order to exterminate your major you will-“

Blaine just slumped against the window again; this time watching the sun cast beautiful shadows on passing trees and bushes, but still drowning out his father’s words.

When they finally arrived at the airport Blaine couldn’t get out of the car fast enough. His father got out of the car at his own pace, still talking pointlessly, but Blaine already had his suitcase in hand when his father turned to look at him.

“Blaine, I can tell you how to run your life properly, but you’re the only one that can make the changes,” Blaine looked at his father, confused as hell. Did his father really think that he was going to change? That he was going to wake up tomorrow morning, straight as pencil, headed into school with intentions of changing his major? If so he was fucked.

“Good bye, dad,” Blaine said before turning away to check in. His father yelled something back, no doubt some sort of insult, but it was too late, the doors were closed and Blaine had found his line for the next flight to New York.

Kurt decided the best thing about airports is people watching. He actually kind of loved airports, he wasn’t crazy about riding in the plane, it usually took a self empowered speech in order to calm himself down once the plane start moving, but airports he loved. He especially loved watching couples reunite, and even say good bye. It was almost like a real life movie and Kurt liked making up stories about them having a happy life, most likely a false life, but happy none the less.

Kurt’s stomach plummeted a little as he handed his ticket to the lady dressed in black and white and bored the plane. Kurt got even more nervous when he realized he had the window seat. This time he had no Santana to worry about, no sense of urgency; his mind was open and free. And this sucked because now all he could think about was this damn plane and how far away the ground will be once they’re up in the air.

Kurt closed his eyes tightly, slamming the shade on the window down and dug through his bag for some distractions. It was when he was pulling his headphones out of his messenger bag that he felt a small pad of paper. 

Kurt hadn’t added to his bucket list since that night. He didn’t even think twice about it after that, simply put it away to deal with later. And now that it was in his hand it was almost mocking him, whispering foul words of his dreams and ambitions. Asking him, ‘What do you want to do Kurt?’

Kurt nearly laughed out loud at his own thoughts about this little pad of paper, but then toned it down so he didn’t have to endure another plane ride receiving strange looks. He just took a pen out and set the two on his lap. Just in case.

Blaine stepped onto the plane, finally sighing a breath of relief to be getting away. It’s a known fact that many people don’t get along with their families, but when it came to Blaine, he downright despised everyone of them except maybe, maybe his brother, but he barley saw him or talked to him enough to be able to despise him.

8B… great, an isle seat. Blaine hated the isle seat with a passion, he liked being able to see out the window, and right before they touch down at New York is the most beautiful sight you can see, it’s like falling in love all over again. And he hated how it was such an easy seat to hate. The isle seats really need to stand up for themselves. 

Okay maybe Blaine just really hated the isle seat.




Blaine was relieved to see his neighbor already settled in, glad he wouldn’t have to go through the awkwardness of letting his neighbor slip past him with the limited amount of space between the seats. Blaine stuffed his bag under his chair, his iPod already in one hand as he sat down, leaned back and got comfortable.

The announcements started and Blaine sighed, bad weather was approaching but they were going ahead with the flight anyways and Blaine had no second thoughts, nothing bad plagued his mind because at least he wouldn’t be home any longer. He heard the breath of the man next to him hitch and Blaine kind of smiled. Many grown men aren’t afraid of airplanes, and if they were you usually didn’t see anyone so stricken with fright as the man next to him.

Blaine turned his attention to the small man next to him. He was wearing an obviously expensive suit and matching tie. And he gripped the arm rests as if they were some sort of device that would save his life. His hair appeared to be done by a professional and his skin looked so soft that Blaine wanted to touch it.

But he refrained. He wasn’t going to be a creeper.

“Nervous?” Blaine offered to the man next to him.

“Obviously,” he muttered, his eyes screwed shut as the woman at the front of the plane started describing how to use the seat as a floatation device. Blaine was a little taken aback. It’s not that Blaine wasn’t used to being insulted, he was just usually such a good talker that the other person automatically saw what he was getting at and wanted to know more. The man next to him cleared his throat quietly and looked at Blaine for the first time. It took a few seconds before he spoke, “I’m sorry, that was rude. I’ll be fine once we get in the air and I’m allowed my distractions.”

Blaine nodded and let the man be alone with his iPod and his pad of paper he wasn’t even writing on.

Unlike many people Blaine liked when the plane took off. It was a rush, made him feel alive and happy, for some reason unknown it just made him feel good. Once they were in the air Blaine put in his ear buds, the latest Katy Perry song blasting through to his soul, making him feel even better, if it was possible. It was 20 minutes into the flight that his life changed forever.

“Excuse me, sir,” the woman across the isle asked. “But do you have a piece of paper by chance?”

Blaine shook his head out of instinct and then remembered, “I’m sorry I don’t, but maybe…”

Blaine looked to his right, the man once nervously muttering and clinging to the arm rests was asleep, his pad of paper still on his lap.

It’s just a piece of paper, was the only thing going through his head as he slowly picked the pad up. Blaine turned a few pages before detaching a blank sheet and handing it to the woman. As he was about to put it back his mind started to tell him to wait. That what his eyes were skimming over was important as he read the words.

1: Play a main role on Broadway

Blaine read the words and then looked back to the sleeping man. He looked like the type who should already be on broadway with that wardrobe of his and that hair so perfectly done, it was a sham he wasn’t. 

Blaine read on to the second one curiously.

2: Fall In Love

Blaine looked at the man once more, trying to figure him out. If he was being honest, a lot of men didn’t really care about these kind of things. And Blaine was intrigued.

3: Get an outfit approved by Tim Gunn

Blaine chuckled quietly to himself. Of course this man would have this on his list, he just screamed Project Runway if he wasn’t some sort of celebrity with a fashion consultant.

And then Blaine read number 4

4: Be Able To Get Married in Ohio

All of a sudden it was as if Blaine’s throat closed up. Blaine sighed and looked at the man next to him, thankful he didn’t wake up or all of this looking would be slightly creepy and maybe Blaine should stop. But this was something Blaine had been dreaming of too, ever since he knew he was… different. 

Blaine always knew he wanted to get married, wanted someone by his side, maybe not right away, but once his life was calm enough to handle someone new in his life. He thought maybe he’d be able to get married, but as soon as he got older and started learning more and more about things he realized maybe he wouldn’t be able to. Blaine shook his head, trying to rid himself of all of the unwanted thoughts penetrating his mind, one that had a voice identical to his fathers. He distracted himself with the last thing on the list.

5:  Get a custom made designer outfit 

Finally Blaine smiled again. Who was this man? He was kind of absolutely adorable.

But the thing was, this list was just unbelievably small for a whole life. This man couldn’t be more than maybe 22? So Blaine stole the mans pen without even thinking and wrote down:


Blaine taped the pen on his chin as he studied the man. Trying to imagine what his life was like. Blaine smiled, an idea hitting him.

Be a fashion consultant for Vogue

Blaine nodded to himself and continued.

7: Give someone advice on an outfit for a red carpet event

Suddenly it was as if Blaine knew his whole life, or maybe just some of the parts that mattered, he even incorporated some of his own life in the list.

8: Make a difference in someone else’s life

Well, that should be on everyone’s list. Maybe it’s not something everyone can accomplish, but it should at least be a goal.

9: Learn an instrument

Okay, maybe this one was all Blaine. But music was important to Blaine, and it touched his life so strongly, especially in the last few years. Maybe he could get someone else to see the beauty of it, and maybe it can change their life, too.

10: Learn a foreign language and use it.

Blaine himself had already mastered the art of Italian, partly from staying in Italy as a boy while he and his mother tagged along with his father on business trips. His mother stayed in their fancy hotel mostly, preferring the spa to the outside world, but Blaine found the city fascinating and got other kids to teach him words and numbers. And it was something he was always proud of, even if his mother said it was useless.

11: Make love on a beach.

Blaine couldn’t help himself with that one. And he didn’t even put it there as a joke, the man before him was so beautiful that he deserved the spontaneity and thrill of making love on some secluded beach to man that loved him and was his forever.

Blaine finally stopped with the list as the plane started hitting some turbulence. It wasn’t bad but it did cause the pen and paper to fall out of Blaines lap and onto the floor. When Blaine sat back up, pen and paper in his hand, his neighbor was stirring heavily and finally his eyes snapped open.

“Oh my god we’re going to die!” It wasn’t a shout, but more of a very enthusiastic whisper. If that wasn’t enough, the plane made a large jolt, not horribly but enough that it sent his partner into a small hysterical rant.

 Kurt squeezed his eyes shut to the point where it almost hurt. His mind was rushing, this is why he hated planes. Without even thinking about it he started searching for his list, as if it was an unknown comfort. The man next to him held out the pad of paper, and the pen he was going to use if he thought to add to the list. Kurt didn’t even question why he had it, instead he just took it and started assaulting his neighbor with what it said.

“Oh my god! What, what if-“ Kurt looks at his list. “What if I never perform on broadway?” He questioned the man next to him with an intense gaze that almost made the man sure Kurt expected an answer. “And what about getting married?! I’ve never been married! I want to be married! And we’re just going to die and I’ll never get to be married. And fuck that, I’ve never even been IN LOVE! What the fuck is wrong with me?” Kurt turned his head towards the seat in front of him, questioning himself more this time. “What happens if I don’t fall in love? What if I’m physically incapable of falling in love, and we’re just going to die, and I’m going to be alone!”


Kurt turned back. “Have YOU ever been in love?” The man was about to reply but stopped as Kurt doesn’t wait for an answer before attacking again, looking quickly at his list. “I’ve never gotten an outfit approved by Tim Gunn, I’ve never been a fashion consultant for Vogue, I’ve never learned an instrument, Je n'ai jamais visité la France, I’ve never made love on a-“

Kurt paused with a few deep breaths, the initial shock wearing off as the plane leveled once more and the turbulence was nearly all gone. His eyes never lessened its intensity though as he let his previous words sink in. Kurt shook the thoughts out and his face turned red immediately.

Kurt turned to his partner, and then looked down at his left hand as he seemed to be clutching another without even noticing. The man winced slightly and Kurt blushed even more, “I am so sorry I’m not usually like this. I’m so embarrassed.” 

The man smiled as Kurt released his hand, he stretched his fingers a few times while saying, “It’s alright, you may have cut off circulation in my hand somewhere over Pennsylvania, but I’m sure the feeling will come back soon.”

Kurt was relieved at the mans kindness and finally after his blush had crept away he took his appearance in. He was wearing a simple gray suit and a black tie, his coat had been taken off and laid across his lap. He had on a pair of large glasses and his hair was slicked back, as if trying to contain a mess of curls. Suddenly Kurt wondered if this was what this man was, complete business. He wondered if maybe there was more to this man than what his appearance told him.

The man took off his glasses and held out the same hand that had been squeezed mercilessly by Kurt, “I guess we’re past shaking hands, but I didn’t introduce myself, I’m Blaine, Blaine Anderson.”

The smile the man conjured up was enough to make Kurt nearly forget his name and Kurt wondered if maybe he were wrong, maybe he can fall in love. “K-Kurt Hummel,” he stuttered out.

Kurt shook the mans hand softly and he was pretty sure he was capable of being in love.

End Notes: Sorry it took so long. I'm trying to figure a day that I can start updating regularly once I get enough wrritten.


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