May 11, 2012, 8:33 a.m.
May 11, 2012, 8:33 a.m.
Blaine wanted this night to be special so he spent half an hour on his hair instead of the usual ten minutes, trying to make it perfect. He had picked the perfect outfit out, a classic black suit, a white dress shirt with black buttons and a black bow tie to finish it off. Maybe for once everything will go according to plan. Blaine was starting to get maybe a little over excited about this, he loved being able to hold Kurt’s hand and he couldn’t wait to be able to do it and not get weird stares. And if Kurt let him kiss him between meals, he would die happy because he knows how much Kurt wants this, even if he wouldn’t admit it. He just wanted to show his boyfriend off to the people who would appreciate it.
Sometimes it shocks Blaine how close him and Kurt are. Despite being so confident, a lot of Blaine’s firsts have been with Kurt and he didn’t really know what he was doing. Blaine loved the fact that Kurt was a romantic because Blaine completely enjoyed doing small things that make Kurt smile, like giving him flowers even if there’s no real reason besides the fact that Blaine loves him.
Blaine was so excited to be able to have a normal evening with his boyfriend and it was showing on his face, the only other time he smiled this much was the day him and Kurt had become official.
Kurt looked in the mirror for the hundredth time that day… or what seemed like it. He sighed again before turning his attention back to his closet. Although he was fashionably clueless at the moment, he was rather excited at the fact he’s letting Blaine take him on a date that wasn’t coffee or Breadstix… or anything that could get Kurt’s clothes dirty. Kurt was all for dates and such but he really didn’t want to be harassed by anyone when he’s having such a good time with Blaine. But Blaine, being the amazing boyfriend he is, figured out a way for them to have a normal date together. Kurt didn’t want to admit it, but he was ecstatic.
Kurt finally sighed in defeat at his wardrobe before picking up his phone and dialing the number he had known by heart, even though it was programmed into his phone.
“Hey!” A familiar voice sounded, even the sound of Blaine’s voice through a crackling phone made Kurt smile.
“Okay so I narrowed down a few outfits… but,” Kurt trailed off, talking more to himself than Blaine, which happened every so often. “Bottom line, I need to see what you’re wearing before I make a permanent choice on tonight’s attire.”
Blaine laughed a little before nodding his head to himself. “Fine, fine. I’ll set my clothes out and take a picture for you, no way am I getting ready now when we still have over an hour until we leave.”
Kurt sighed, “Exactly Blaine, we have only an hour and a half, which means I need to get ready, like now... But I guess I can make due with a photo.” Kurt happily twirled around a little before plopping down on his bed.
“And there’s no way I can get you to spill where we’re going?” Kurt asked optimistically.
As predicted though, Blaine declined happily. “No, but I know you’ll look beautiful anyways.”
“And how do you know that?” huffed Kurt.
“Because you could be wearing as much as a house elf… or maybe even less, and you’ll still be the most beautiful person to me.” Blaine said honestly, not meaning it to come out so cheesy. There was a short pause before Kurt said anything, Blaine almost wondered if they were disconnected.
“How am I so lucky to have you?” Kurt asks, his eyes gleaming just a little bit. No one besides his dad has ever meant this much to Kurt, even then this is a different kind of love and sometimes he gets a little overwhelmed at how much he is loved in return by someone who didn’t grow up used to Kurt’s unique personality.
Blaine inhaled a small laugh, “funny, when you called me rambling on about your fashion dilemma, I was thinking the same exact thing about you.”
Kurt smiled into the phone. “I just hope everything goes alright tonight. I guess I’m just kind of nervous.”
“I promise, if anything happens we can just leave and then we can go home back to your house or my dorm and sing along to Disney movies. I’ll even let you do all the girl parts if you’d like.”
“Deal… Wait, I thought you were going home this weekend?”
“Um, no, I got some homework I still need to do.” Blaine didn’t really lie, he did have homework, but so did the rest of Dalton, including Kurt. He just didn’t need to be at Dalton to do it. “And I didn’t feel like driving all the way home for two days just to come back.”
Kurt sighed a little, “Oh, alright…” and Kurt dropped it, no use bringing it up again now when in just an hour he’d be seeing Blaine, besides he didn’t want to bring up their little fight that they had the other day. “Well, if you’d like me to be wearing an actual outfit tonight we’d better get off the phone so I can get ready. As much as you’d probably like to see me dressed as a house elf, I doubt I can pull it off successfully.”
They were both went back to smiling into the phone. “Alright, I’ll be there in an hour to pick you up.”
“Alright, bye.”
Blaine hung up and put his phone back in his pocket. He walked over to his wardrobe and finished gathering his clothes for the evening. Unlike Kurt, he already planned his entire outfit out for the occasion, but also unlike Kurt he knew sort of where they were going and could dress accordingly.
Blaine gathered his nice black suit while thinking his mother would be proud… until she found out he was going on a date with a boy. He shook his head, letting the thoughts leave him and spread his outfit out on his bed. He took a photo of it with his phone before sending it to Kurt. He was happy overall with his choice, if it was too formal he could always take off his jacket and he didn’t want to look too casual especially when he’d be standing next to Kurt, a fashion god.
Kurt sent him a message straight back “Thanks! See you soon! :)”
He smiled at his phone then decided to finally get ready; he could spend a little extra time on himself tonight for Kurt. He wanted to look the best he could for his boyfriend and hopefully tonight will show Kurt just how much Blaine loved him.
True to his word Blaine was on the Hummel’s doorstep at 6 pm with 9 roses, three red, three white, and three black. Burt answered the door ushering Blaine inside and apologizing for his son. “Sorry Blaine, Kurt has been locked in his room for past two hours claiming to be getting ready. I’ll go up and tell him you’re here.”
”No need, father, I have arrived!” Kurt said dramatically from the top of the stairs. Blaine smiled immediately, thankful for dressing a bit more formal. Kurt was wearing tight black pants sort of like Blaine’s but a lot more clingy. Along with his pants he wore a white button down, with a skinny black tie and a black vest. As he descended the stairs he finished his look off with a form fitting black pea coat.
Blaine had a hard time breathing when he took all of Kurt in. He didn’t lie when he said Kurt would look beautiful no matter what, and right now he looked absolutely stunning.
Kurt stood in front of Blaine feeling just as winded as his boyfriend as he spoke, “Hi.”
Blaine snapped out of his thoughts smiling back and he awkwardly held out the flowers, “Hi… these are for you.” Kurt looked into his eyes and Blaine was mesmerized.
Burt looked between the boys and cleared his throat, the boys obviously momentarily forgetting he was there. Kurt was first to snap out of their little world and excused himself to put his flowers in some water. “Alright, so you both got my number right?” Burt spoke loud enough for both of them to hear. Blaine nodded then linked hands with Kurt who just came back from the kitchen.
Blaine spoke up about Burt’s concerns before he could interrogate them about the evening, “Don’t worry I’ll take good care of him, Burt. And if anything happens we’ll be sure to call. I promised Kurt already that if something happens we’ll leave right away and we can just do something else.” Blaine looked back to Kurt with a smile and a shrug of the shoulders. Blaine would do anything for Kurt and if singing along to Disney movies is what Kurt would prefer, Blaine would comply.
Burt looked reluctant but said, “alright, don’t be out too late. Kurt did you remember you key?”
“Yes, we have everything. We won’t be out too late, we’ll call if something happens, it’ll be fine,” Kurt reassured his dad while pushing Blaine towards the door.
Burt took a deep breath, “alright, alright. Have fun, boys.”
Burt furrowed his brows a little and said a small silent prayer, hoping the boys would be aright tonight. Blaine and Kurt smiled at each other and walked out to Blaine’s car, prepared to have some much needed time alone. Blaine walked ahead of Kurt and opened his door for him as well as offering a hand like a true gentleman. Blaine wanted this night to be special and Kurt could defiantly tell he was trying. Kurt gave one last look at his father standing at the door, he was anxious to be on his first real date and with someone he really cares about. Blaine hopped in and started the car after another look at Kurt.
“Are you ready?” Blaine asked.
Kurt smiled and said confidently, “Of course.”
The first stop on their date was a dinner. Usually people just thought they were friends as they showed as little intimacy as possible when going out, Blaine wanted this night to be different, though. Trying to find a completely non-homophobic restaurant that didn’t sell toys was nearly impossible in Ohio, but if Nick and Jeff said they were 100% sure the place they were going was completely fine with it than he would trust them and go with it. Blaine didn’t really know where he was going at all but he pretend to for Kurt’s sake. He looked up the directions a few nights ago and crossed his fingers that they wouldn’t get lost.
Kurt was looking out the window when Blaine caught him by surprise by grabbing his hand and holding it over the center counsel. Kurt smiled back at Blaine, a real genuine smile.
“Not nervous anymore?” Blaine asked, glancing from the road to Kurt and back again.
“Surprisingly, not any more,” Kurt said shifting in his seat getting a little comfortable. “I don’t know what it is, but when I’m with you,” Kurt took a breath, trying to sort his words. “I don’t know, sometimes I feel like we’re unstoppable, because even if something happens tonight that we didn’t exactly plan, it’ll be fine because we’re together. And sometimes I feel like we always will be.”
Blaine smiled once more because he felt the same exact way, it took all his will not to pull over and pull Kurt into a tight hug and a small kiss. Instead he gave Kurt’s hand a little squeeze and continued to drive.
It didn’t take Kurt long before he became restless with the silence and was digging under the seat in a search to find Blaine’s CD case. Blaine realized what was going on, cursing himself for not thinking of it first, and turned on his stereo, a familiar song filling Kurt’s ears.
“My favorite CD,” Kurt said adoringly. He abandoned his search and retook Blaine’s hand, moving a little closer to his boyfriend. Blaine just wanted the night to be as special as Kurt deserves so Blaine didn’t even think twice about the small things Kurt was sure to appreciate.
When they arrived at the address both Kurt and Blaine were confused at the empty restaurant in front of them. It was a pretty building, rustic and old fashioned, but it was beautiful all the same. Blaine didn’t know what to do, maybe the Warblers told them the wrong time or the wrong date, although they’ve been planning it for over a week.
“This should probably be the time to tell you I have no idea what I’m doing,” Blaine cautiously looked at Kurt.
“Umm, what?” Kurt didn’t really understand what Blaine was saying.
“The Warblers were actually the one who planned out our dinner date,” Blaine confessed. “They saw that I was upset and I told them why and so they said they would find a solution no matter what.”
Kurt took a deep breath and Blaine asked, “are you mad at me?”
Kurt thought for a moment before deciding that, “no, I’m not. I mean, I trust you with this, and this is your call. And the Warblers have always been supportive of our relationship, I just didn’t know it would go as far as planning our date.”
Blaine breathed a small sigh in relief. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, they asked me not to, that it’s a surprise, and I actually have no idea what we’re doing either, they just gave me a time and an address.”
Kurt smiled reassuringly, “then we’ll just face this together.”
Blaine was glad that Kurt was all right with this, and he wondered why he had any doubt in his boyfriend. Kurt had always been understanding and it seemed silly to Blaine that he even thought about it for one second.
Kurt looked towards the door of the restaurant and smiled while taking off his seat belt, “hey look!”
Blaine looked in the direction that Kurt was referring and once again got excited for what their night had in store.
“Lets go,” Blaine grinned, getting out and getting Kurt’s door.
Kurt let Blaine drag him to the door where Jeff and Nick stood dressed in matching black suits. They greeted their customers and opened the doors for them.
“Thank you guys so much,” Blaine told them, but Jeff and Nick just smiled at each other, they seen nothing yet. Kurt was the first to realize what was going on as he looked around the restaurant.
“You guys….” Kurt’s breath was once again taken away for the second time that night. He was having troubles trying not to cry. He never thought he’d meet anyone like Blaine, and all he ever wanted was to be able to do things like go on a date and hold hands without people calling him disgusting. He was just overwhelmed by the people who thought Kurt deserved that romantic date with his boyfriend, and they never judged him for it, not even once.
Blaine also looked around the room as realization settled into his mind. Jeff and Nick reserved a whole restaurant and filled it with all his friends. He smiled back at the faces of his friends, and a few people who were just acquaintances. He spotted Will and Emma laughing in the corner, even Rachel’s dads were sitting and having dinner together, clinking their glass of wine. Blaine looked back to his boyfriend whose eyes were brimming with tears. Blaine grabbed Kurt’s hand and Kurt held on to it as if it was going to save him.
“You both deserve it, besides we knew some people who were more than happy to help out,” Nick spoke as Jeff ushered them inside.
Kurt and Blaine were so overwhelmed by Jeff and Nicks kindness that they didn’t even realize that the inside of the restaurant was just as beautiful as the outside, but with more of an apparent Italian theme. There was a stage in the corner with a microphone and a piano where Wes was seated with sheet music.
“Let me take your coats,” Nick requested and Blaine helped Kurt take of his coat before taking off his own and handing them to Nick.
“Let me show you to your table,” Jeff then brought them to a small table with full view of the stage as Nick retrieved their menus. Blaine pulled out Kurt’s chair and they shared a look of adoration before Blaine sat down as well.
“Excuse our manners,” Nick cleared his throat before declaring, “ I am Nick and this is Jeff, and we’ll be your waiters for this evening,” Blaine refrained from coughed a small ‘obviously’, but instead smiled back at them.
“Thank you guys so much,” Blaine didn’t even know what else to say. He doesn’t think they know how much he appreciated what they were doing for them.
“Is there anything I can get you two to drink?” Nick asked professionally.
Kurt looked from Blaine to his menu then back up at Nick, “What would you suggest?”
Jeff and Nick shared a few knowing glances, “We have the perfect thing. Relax and we’ll be back in a minute. You’re entertainment for tonight should also be here soon.”
“And don’t worry about anyone else, they’re just here to enjoy their dinners, just like you guys, don’t feel like you need to break out of your love bubble and socialize.” Nick added. “This is about you two having a date, not your friends.”
Once they left Kurt let out a small pent up ‘oh my god’ before touching his hand to his forehead. Blaine grinned at his boyfriend as he reached over the table and took that same hand into his.
“Blaine,” Kurt’s eyes were once again brimming with tears only this time a few actually spilled over and Blaine quickly reached his arms up over the table and swiped a few fingers underneath Kurt’s eyes, not letting his tears drop all the way down.
“Kurt, you deserve this,” Blaine insisted, looking deep into his eyes, hoping it will convince Kurt how amazing he really is. And then without warning Kurt eagerly grabbed both of Blaine’s hands and crashed their lips together, ignoring a few whispers, but this time he didn’t care because these people were whispering because they were happy for them, not out of disgust or anything near to that. He even heard someone shushing Puck after he said ‘Go Hummel!’.
And Kurt felt wonderful.
“I can’t believe this,” Kurt whispered, his hands still enclosed with Blaine’s and his eyes shut softly, wondering maybe he thought of it all in his head.
Blaine starred at his perfect boyfriend, “Kurt, open your eyes, I promise it’s real.”
Kurt let out a shaky laugh as he opened his eyes and looked around the restaurant, all of his friends having their own conversations and it seemed almost like they weren’t his friends at all. But Kurt was fine with that, he enjoyed his little ‘love bubble’ with Blaine and it made him feel not so obligated to leave ther table.
“Blaine,” Kurt tried to speak again, this time without the tears. He took a deep breath as Blaine rubbed Kurt’s hand with his thumb encouraging him to start again, “Blaine, thank you so much for this. I just, I don’t think it really hit me until we got here at how much I wanted this. And I know it should bother me that this is the only place we can be ourselves in public, well, besides school… sometimes, but for now I think that’s okay. In the future maybe we can figure out something else, but I’m enjoying this so much, Blaine you have no idea how much you mean to me.”
Blaine was looking at Kurt, and it was his turn to start the waterworks. Blaine didn’t even know what to say, he wanted to say everything, but at the same time he didn’t know how to say it so instead he just said, “Kurt… I love you.”
Kurt stopped breathing when he heard the words leave Blaine’s lips. He thought that maybe everything had stopped, the world, time, his existence. But when his lungs couldn’t take it anymore everything started back up again and without hesitance he replied, “I love you too.”
He was so wrapped up with Blaine that he didn’t notice the silence of the restaurant, however he did indeed hear the sudden eruption of applause and cheers around the room. All Kurt could do is blush and look at his boyfriend, because they were all that mattered right now.
that was...wonderful *sighs* seriously, my rapidly beating pulse and the tears in my eyes are because kurt and blaine are finally able to have the date where they can be themselves. not only do the other patrons accept them for who they are, they embrace them for who they are. that, that is hope. i wish i was a patron at that restaurant so i could give kurt and blaine even more love and support. i hope that kurt and blaine find a special way to thank nick, jeff, and the warblers for giving them this. clearly they rented out the restaurant for the night and filled it with friends. and i also gotta give a shout out to puck. with all the heavy emotions, puck's "go hummel" was the right amount of lightness that was needed at that moment.