May 11, 2012, 8:33 a.m.
May 11, 2012, 8:33 a.m.
“What’s the verdict?” Blaine nervously asked the Warblers (minus Kurt and a few others).
Wes smiled, resulting in a sigh of relief from Blaine. “Just relax, Jeff and Nick have it all planned out.“
“… Jeff… and Nick?” Blaine asked, confused. He looked over at the two who were sitting close to each other on the sofa, they just smiled back reassuringly. He knew Jeff and Nick were close, but he had no idea that they were interested at all in Blaine and Kurt’s dilemma. He was thankful, though and decided that if Wes trusted them with this, he could, too. “So…. What’s the plan then?”
Blaine walked to take a seat next to Jeff and Nick but a few Warblers cut him off.
“It’ll just be better for both of you if you leave it to us,” Wes explained. “We know exactly what’s going down so all you need to do is plan your outfit. However, so you’re not completely in the dark, we will conclude that you two will be going out to dinner. Something, kind of fancy, but not a black suit affair, if you’d like to tone it down you may.”
Blaine laughed a little, thinking of Kurt, “when have any of you known Kurt to tone it down.” A few other people laughed and Wes smiled, nodding in agreement.
“And then afterwards, maybe a walk around the pond. We’ll give you the address and everything, the place is right outside of Lima, maybe 20 minuets, 30, tops.” Wes stood, helping the Warblers shuffle Blaine out the door. “Blaine you can trust us, we know what we’re doing.”
“So have you decided where we are going?” Kurt asked during their usual coffee date on Monday morning. They sipped their coffee at their usual table.
Blaine shuffled in his chair a little, “well, it’s a surprise.”
Kurt frowned, “Blaine, you know I trust you, however, how am I supposed to work with that?” Blaine looked at Kurt confused. “How am I supposed to know what to wear when I don’t know where we’re going?”
Blaine laughed, “Kurt, you are beautiful, you always are, so I’m sure whatever you decide on will be absolutely stunning.”
Kurt huffed, “fine.”
With the pause in conversation Kurt finally decided to talk to him about something he’s been meaning to ask for quite awhile. The thing was, he didn’t know if Blaine would go for it, seeing as they haven’t been together horribly long.
“Blaine, you know how you said we’d spend some time together over winter break?” Kurt asked unsure, staring at his coffee.
“Yes, and then I recall you attacking me with your lips afterwards,” Blaine smirked into his own coffee at the memory.
“Hey! You started it!” Kurt accused playfully. Once his laugh died down he started up again, “but seriously, I was thinking.”
“Oh, god, no!” Blaine exclaimed.
Kurt laughed again, “Stop interrupting me!”
“Okay, okay, continue,” Blaine busied himself with his coffee cup, this time paying attention to everything Kurt was saying.
“Anyways! I was thinking… and talking with my dad,” Kurt looked at Blaine nervously. “Would you maybe want to spend Christmas with me?”
Blaine immediately wanted to say yes and pull him into a hug and maybe a small kiss if no one was looking. Blaine hesitated though, unsure what he would tell his parents, and then he started imagining the horrible words that would be exchanged if he even dared asked.
Kurt noticed Blaine’s hesitance and started rambling, “I’m sorry it it’s too soon, we haven’t been going out that long, well, this is the longest relationship I’ve ever had, actually, it’s my first real relationship, really, and I don’t know where we should be but I know that I want to spend my Christmas with you, even if it needs to be on Skype or over the phone, but I’d really like you to be there. I want you to be one of the first people I see Christmas morning and… why are you laughing at me?”
Blaine chuckled just a little, “it’s just adorable when you start going off.” Kurt rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair. “I just… Kurt, I would love nothing more than to wake up to your beautiful face on Christmas.” Blaine knew talking about this was inevitable, but he wanted to prolong this conversation for as long as possible. “I just don’t think my parents will go for it, being a holiday and all.” Okay, that was a slight lie, the only reason they’d say no is because Kurt is a guy. And his parents wouldn’t be thrilled at all.
“We can’t talk to them or anything?” Kurt asked, it was hard for Blaine to look at him when his face was like this, as adorable as a kitten, with the eyes of a puppy, his smooth face, sometimes biting his lip in fear of what Blaine was going to say. Kurt wanted this and it pained Blaine so much, having to tell him no, even more than that though is the fact that he lied to Kurt, no matter how little. “You know my dad, it’s not like we’re allowed in the same bedroom unless the door is wide open and we’re checked on every ten minutes. We couldn’t convince them this is a good idea? Maybe if they met me and Carole and my dad they’d-“
“No!” Blaine didn’t mean to yell it or make it sound so harsh, even a few people in the coffee shop turned to look at them. Kurt looked at Blaine a little appalled, “I’m sorry Kurt, I just don’t think that’s a good idea right now.”
Kurt was still so taken aback that he just said, “Oh, okay.”
“Sorry,” Blaine said once again, just wanting this conversation to be over.
“It’s fine, really.” Kurt said towards the table. Blaine reached out and took Kurt’s hand in his on top of the table. Kurt smiled and held on a little tighter. The short-lived fight was officially over.
Kurt always knew something was wrong with Blaine when it came to his family. Kurt usually wasn’t one to so easily give up on an argument, but Blaine wasn’t going to give in, and whatever it was, Kurt would be there for his boyfriend when he decided to talk about it. That’s also why and how he convinced Burt to let Blaine spend a few days for Christmas. Rachel was doing so, seeing as she was Jewish, her parents didn’t mind. Kurt knew he shouldn’t have been so hopeful, but he was thinking that just maybe… It was silly to hope that Blaine would say yes or have any sort of expectations when it came to their relationship.
Blaine was in his room later that week when he got the phone call from his parents. Blaine knew it was going to be bad seeing as they all avoided each other’s phone calls like the plague, but he picked it up, already wanting the conversation to be over. He was so done with talking about his parents, even if it was with Kurt, them calling him would just be the icing on the cake he didn’t want.
“Hello?” Blaine said into the phone with as much courage as he could muster.
“Blaine,” his mother greeted him stiffly. She didn’t even bother beating around the bush to get to the point; she wanted to be off the phone just much as Blaine did. “You were inconclusive about your plans to attend the Christmas Party due to your lack of being able to hold your tongue the last time we met.”
Lack of being able to hold his tongue?! Blaine was furious, after what had happened that night there is no doubt anyone in his position would have been able to hold their tongue. Blaine had no choice though, he had nowhere else to go. Dalton usually wasn’t open on these long weekends so he had no choice but to go back home and deal with his family, or ignore them for as long as possible until break is over.
Blaine took a deep breath though and affirmed his presence, “I will be there.”
There was a slight pause before his mother asked, “and will you be bringing a date?”
Blaine didn’t know why he said yes, wondered if it was just because Kurt had been on his mind so much. As soon as the words slipped out of his mouth he knew it was wrong.
“Okay, good,” his mother said, although it sounded more like she was talking to herself. “I’ll see you then Blaine, bye.”
She didn’t even wait for Blaine to end the conversation instead she just hung up.
Blaine didn’t know what just happened so he just stared at his phone for a while, wondering what the hell he did, wondering why the hell he did it.
‘Because you love Kurt’ someone in the back of his mind said. ‘And he loves you.’
Blaine smiled at his phone after a moment of thought. They loved each other, and if that meant his family would be less than thrilled, he was okay with that. It seemed all his life he was trying to impress his parents, always ‘yes ma’am, yes sir’, doing so well in school that he’d get awards, but no such thing as a ‘good job’ from either of his parents. Maybe they would finally realize that this is who Blaine really is and maybe they’d be able to accept that.
Or maybe they will go completely insane with rage.
Blaine didn’t know what to say to Kurt because there was no doubt that he is now involved, on one hand he could ask Kurt to come, tell his family to fuck off and go on with his life. On the other hand he could try and find someone who is friends with a girl and bring her along. Although Kurt would probably be less than thrilled, he had plenty of girl friends from the New Directions and Blaine and Rachel were kind of friends. Kind of.
Blaine threw himself back onto the bed, the only thoughts running through his head were Kurt and the sentence ‘what have I done?’. He needed to push it to the back of his mind though, he needed to start preparing for their date tomorrow night, and Blaine didn’t want to ruin his mood. He’ll think about a solution later, he wanted their date to be special and this was not helping at all.