Do They Know I Love You?
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Do They Know I Love You?: Chapter 1

T - Words: 1,331 - Last Updated: May 11, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: May 07, 2012 - Updated: May 11, 2012
731 0 1 0 0

“Do you ever wish you could be someone else?” Blaine asked Kurt one day after school. They were laying on Kurt’s bed listening to music, surrounded with textbooks from which they were supposed to be studying. Kurt looked up from his French, to his boyfriend. He was unsure if he should be offended or not. Come to think of it, Blaine had been acting sort of weird ever since he went home for thanksgiving break last week.


“Not like that…” Blaine tried to explain after seeing the look on Kurts face. “It’s just sometimes I wonder how it would be if things were different, I’m not saying I wish I were someone else, it’s more of just curiosity, I guess.”


Kurt thought about what he said for a minute before speaking, because even though Blaine didn’t know, Kurt had been someone else before, or at least had tried to be before realizing it’s just better to be himself. “I think it’s natural to be curious, but it’s not like it does any good worrying about it, I mean sometimes I wish I were Patty LuPone, but I’m not going to be prancing around in a dress anytime soon because I know that’s not who I’m meant to be.” Kurt joked before attempting to go back to French, but Blaine was a lot more distracting than Kurt originally thought he’d be when they decided to study together.


Blaine cracked a small smile because in his own weird way, Kurt made perfect sense; it’s just Blaine’s thoughts that consumed him when he had a lot on his mind. And just as usual Kurt was there to pull him out of the water with his sarcastic wit, before he drowned. “You’re so amazing,” Blaine looked lovingly at Kurt, but all Kurt could do was show a faint smile to his homework, because honestly, he thought it was completely the other way around. Kurt thought he was so lucky to have Blaine.


“So you never did tell me how Thanksgiving went,” Kurt put his French away, deciding Blaine was much more interesting than L’Histoire de France and tried to, once again, sway the subject towards Blaine’s family. But as usual Blaine just brushed it off like Kurt knew everything about his life.


“The same old, you know,” he didn’t like keeping things from Kurt, but it wasn’t like Blaine was lying, the same thing does happen every family get together; he just has never classified what he meant when he’d say ‘same old’. And it was clear to Kurt that Blaine didn’t really want to talk about it.


“So what are your plans for Christmas?” Kurt asked innocently enough, all he wanted was some sort of information from Blaine, there was so much about him that Kurt still didn’t know, but he wanted to. He wanted to know every single part of Blaine, even if it was bad and although Blaine didn’t say anything Kurt couldn’t help but have a feeling that Blaine’s parents weren’t as supportive as his own.


Blaine just smiled with a far away look in his eyes as he stood up and packed up all his books. “Well,” Blaine started as he put his things back down and leaned down on the bed next to Kurt, “I have this amazing boyfriend, who is just amazing, and I was sort of hoping I could spend some time with him, if he’s not to busy that is.” By now Blaine’s face was so close to Kurt’s that they could almost feel each other’s warm breath.


Even after the millionth time, the look of Blaine’s face so close and personal still managed to take Kurt’s breath away. Taking a deep breath Kurt replied, forgetting entirely that he was supposed to be interrogating Blaine about his family, instead his mind was cloud and he just said, “I think that can be arranged.” Before their lips softly touched.


After the small make-out session Blaine decided it was time to return to his dorm before his hands ended up somewhere they both agreed shouldn’t be. He shoved all of his books back into his bag and gave Kurt one last kiss good night before heading back to his room. 


The halls were quiet and it didn’t take Blaine long to go down the hall to his own dorm room. He opened his door, slid his book bag to the floor and crawled to his bed with a deep sigh. Blaine was conflicted as to what to do because if he was being honest with Kurt, Thanksgiving went everything but well. In fact, most of his break was spent at Dalton as a result of getting in a fight with his parents. His brother, Cooper tried to defend him but that just got Cooper kicked out of the house, too. He had no choice but to drop his little brother off on his way back out of town. Blaine wished he were older, that way he could be more like his older brother and just leave town when his parents weren’t begging him to visit. They might not like Blaine, but he was their son and really, Blaine didn’t think is parents had many friends that actually wanted to get to know them despite how much his mother brags and the money his father makes. 


Blaine knows he could have told Kurt the truth and Kurt would probably be the supportive boyfriend that he is, but the truth was that Blaine was sort of embarrassed by his family. Kurt had a loving family that supported his life decision to be himself where Blaine’s were nearly the complete opposite. Blaine had met Kurt’s father many times along with his step-mother and step-brother. And every time he met them he couldn’t help but to compare his own family to them. Burt Hummel, Kurt’s dad, was usually in casual jeans and a greasy shirt on days he wasn’t on congress duty, unlike his father who thought khakis and a polo were as casual as it got, not that he’d dare wear them. Carole Hummel, Kurt’s step-mom was also a casual dresser, but even when she wasn’t her dresses were soft and welcoming, usually with a flowery design. Blaine’s mom preferred any business attire with a designer label. 


Through all theses differences though, Blaine thought their personalities are what set them apart the most. Whenever Blaine visited the Hummel’s, they were more than hospitable. They would ask Blaine how he was and if there was a problem they were sure to help him out or leave him and Kurt alone so they could talk. They’d give him a spare bed if the weather was bad or if Kurt asked to let him stay. And Blaine loved the welcoming feeling that overwhelmed him as soon as he walked onto the property. His own family’s house was a lot colder, almost as if no one even lived there at all. He used to go home every other weekend and when he visited they’d ask Blaine if he had a girlfriend yet, after the 4th time he found excuses for himself to be home as little as possible and his parents didn’t even question why. Instead, he found himself leaving a few outfits at his second home, Kurt’s house. He knew it should bother him that he spends more time with Burt and Carole than his own parents, but he preferred it. His parents were downright assholes. Everyone says when he got older he’d realize how his parents were right about how he was raised, but Blaine found that the older he got, the angrier he got about the subject. Now he just doesn’t like talking about it.


Blaine kicked of his shoes in his usual frustration and got up to get ready for bed. He just told himself to relax, in a few days he’d forget about them and he could go on with his life at Dalton and his life with Kurt. No one needed to know how much Blaine’s parents despised him, especially not Kurt.


End Notes: Already finished with the next chapter, should be up soon.


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