For All Eternity
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Story
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For All Eternity: Chapter 6

E - Words: 2,682 - Last Updated: Dec 08, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Dec 08, 2014 - Updated: Dec 08, 2014
127 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I have a one shot that goes along with this! I am spinning this story off. I will post the one shot eventually! :)

MAY 27, 2014

Today is our wedding day. We decided to get married where we first met Dalton Academy. Everything was decorated to perfection. The windows were blocked leaving just enough light to send a romantic glow in the room. Twinkling lights illuminated the staircase where yellow and red roses were wrapped like garland on the banister and at the end of each row of chairs. I asked Kurts father Burt to walk me in the absence of my own father. He agreed and was waiting in the hallway for me. The same hallway Kurt and I ran down the day we met. I know its sappy but the symbolism in the walk back down the hallway put a warm feeling inside of me I couldnt ignore. 

We both were wearing black suits with red cumberbunds, simple but elegant. Mercedes and Liz were wearing spaghetti strapped red dresses that draped romantically in the front and had a small train in the back. They both looked beautiful.

It was time, I stood next to Burt as the music started. A small instrumental as Mercedes and Liz walked down the hallway and I began to sing;

Never knew, I could feel like this,
Like Ive never seen the sky before
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Everyday I love you more and more
Listen to my heart can you hear it sing
Tellin me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you, until the end of time

Come what may, Come what may
I will love you, until my dying day

Kurt is standing at the top of the staircase, the lights giving his skin a romantic glow. His eyes pierced me as he looked straight into my own as he slowly walked down the steps and joined me singing;

Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesnt seem such a waste
It all revolves around you

And theres no mountain too high, no river too wide
Sing out this song and Ill be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather,
And stars may collide

But I love you, I love you
Til the end of time, Until the end of time

Come what may, Come what may
I will love you, until my dying day
Oh come what may, come what may
I will love you , I will love you
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place

Come what may, Come what may
I will love you
Until my dying day

Kurt stopped on the same step as he did the day we met and when the last note played I grabbed his hand and led him down the last two steps. Mercedes stood next to Kurt as my sister stood next to me. The pastor came forward and addressed everyone.

"These two men have decided to join their lives together today. They did not make this decision lightly and have asked all of you here today to witness their union. Blaine and Kurt have written their own vows for one another, he nodded his head for me to proceed.

I turned to the love of my life, as I took his hand I looked into his eyes and said,"I, Blaine Devon Anderson, take you, Kurt Aaron Hummel for my husband. You are the first person I want to see in the morning and the last before I close my eyes. My world revolves around your smile and your happiness. I promise to love, honor and protect you and cherish each day you have given me for all eternity." I then slipped the ring on his finger. 

With tears in his eyes, Kurt kept ahold of my hand, never breaking eye contact."I, Kurt Aaron Hummel, take you Blaine Devon Anderson for my husband. You saved me when I was at my lowest and you showed me it was okay to love and be myself. I promise to love, honor, cherish and protect you every day for all eternity. I love you!" He slipped the ring on my finger.

The Pastor came forward again "I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss to seal your union." I kissed Kurt, a long deep kiss that left no room for doubt about the way I felt about him. Everyone stood and clapped. Mercedes stepped forward as music started playing. She sang A Thousand Years, as we walked down the hallway we once ran down.

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when Im afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone,
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, dont be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
Ill love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
Whats standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, dont be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
Ill love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
Ill love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling dont be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
Ill love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
Ill love you for a thousand more

At the double doors to the commons we opened the doors together and walked through. All our guests came and congratulated us. I couldnt stop looking at Kurt. The love of my life was finally mine in name and word. Could life hold still for just this moment? Life could not be anymore perfect than in this place and at this time.


A few minutes later after everyone had gone to the reception and it was just Blaine, Kurt and Liz in the room where the ceremony took place. Liz motioned for Blaine to sit next to her, with Kurt on his other side. She took Blaines hand and tears welling up. "Kurt and I wanted to give you our gift in private. I went to Kurt to ask what he was planning to give you for a wedding gift. Thats when we came up with the idea...."

"Blaine, my love what is the one thing that we have been talking about a lot lately, besides the wedding?" Kurt said a small smile playing on his lips.

"Starting a family...." Blaine stopped short when he realized what they were trying to tell him. 

Liz smiled and placed her hand on her stomach, that had a very slight bump."You and Kurt are going to be daddies. Im three months pregnant. Kurt is the donor. We went with an anonymous egg donor. We didnt tell you because we wanted it to be a wedding gift if it worked and well..."

Liz put Blaines hand on her stomach. Just then he felt two little light kicks under his hand. Excitement overcame him, he grabbed Liz and spun her around in a hug. "Im so excited. Kurt I just felt our baby kick. They used both feet..." Blaines brain was running a thousand miles an hour. 

Kurt grinned and said, "Uh, Blaine thats the second part of the surprise. I want you to look at this and tell me what you see." He handed his husband a copy of the last sonogram.

When Blaine realized that there was not one...but two babies growing inside Liz, his smile grew and he couldnt help himself he grabbed both of them hugging them tight."Twins?! We are having twins? I love you both so much. Thank you Liz. This an amazing gift." After he let go, he sat down and traced the images with his fingers. This was the best day of his life. First he married his soulmate and then he found out hes going to be a daddy. 

"Yes I am carrying twins and Deena is completely behind this and supportive." Liz said. Deena was the woman she was currently dating. They started as friends but by the time the wedding came around they were officially dating. 

Blaine grabbed his husband and kissed him with everything he had. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. Whispering in his ear, "Were gonna be daddies!" 

Kissing Blaine back, Kurt grinned,"Yes my love, we are." They embraced each other, pure happiness radiating from both of them. Liz quietly slipped out of the room and went to the reception. Leaving the soulmates to bask in the happiness and love they shared. 


When Kurt and Blaine arrived at the reception fifteen minutes later, the party was in full swing. Muted lighting set a romantic mood. There were yellow and red rose petals scattered on every table. On the head table there was a huge bouquet of yellow and red roses. The dinner was a self serve buffet, people were already starting to eat. Instead of the traditional wedding cake, they decided on baby cupcakes, a personal favorite treat of Kurts. Since they were both under twenty-one, and that the party was on Dalton campus, there was no alcohol served. 

The husbands held hands as they made their way to the table where Liz and Mercedes were already sitting. Liz was picking at the food on her plate. When she saw her brother and best friend coming towards them she smiled and stood up. She hugged them both. She was suddenly overwhelmed with nausea and excused herself. She assured Blaine that it was just due to the pregnancy and she was fine otherwise. 

When she reached the door to the hallway, Liz ran as best she could in her dress and heels, to the bathroom, not realizing she was being watched. Liz loved being the surrogate for her boys, but the one thing she could have lived without was the morning sickness that couldnt tell time. As she came out of the stall to wash her face and hands, she looked in the mirror and saw Darla standing right behind her.

"What the hell are you doing here, Darla?! This is a private party to celebrate the marriage of my brother and the love of his life. Family and friends only. You are none of those. I want you to leave. I was done with you in Mesa. I only helped you months ago because my brother taught me not to turn away someone who needed help. I hate you Darla. Please leave." Liz said turning around and giving Darla her best angry glare. 

Darla smirked and inched closer as she spoke quietly."Your mother invited me. She thinks that we are still girlfriends. I didnt have the heart to tell her what happened. Shes here by the way. You arent sick are you, love? I will take care of you."

Without thinking Lizs hand flew to her stomach protectively. She didnt feel safe and Darla was blocking the only way out. When Darla touched her, Lizs skin crawled. The babies kicked as if they sensed something was wrong. "I have food poisoning from the dinner last night. Ask anyone. I want you to listen to me I am not yours. I am seeing someone who I really like. I dont love you and I never will. You played me remember? Please leave me alone--" 

Darla cut her off with a hungry kiss while pinning her against the wall. Before Liz could react, a hand grabbed Darlas shoulder and threw her across the room. Darla hit her head on the opposite wall. Liz looked up and saw the honey colored eyes of Deena. Liz smiled as she saw Deena go over to Darla and slap her hard across the face. "Lets get one thing straight, bitchlette, I am the only one allowed to kiss Liz. I am her girlfriend. Im very protective and I want you to stay the hell away from her. She doesnt trust you or like you. You may think you were her first kiss and all that. Wake up call sweetie, I was with her for a year before you two met."

It was at that moment that Liz realized that she was in love with Deena Wroe and she always had been. Liz grabbed on to Deena and turned her to look her in the eyes. "Dee, I am in love with you. My heart has always belonged to you." 

Deena smiled, "Im in love with you too. Kiss me love." 

Liz wasted no time. She wrapped her arms around Deenas neck and kissed her with all the passion and love she possessed, as Darla looked on. "Lets get back to our friends and family. You, Blaine and Kurt are my family. I want to dance with you."

Their fingers intertwined as they held hands. Looking down at Darla sitting on the floor, in a ball, the girls walked past her smiling. They won. Nobody was going to come between them. Not Darla, not Lizs mother, nobody. Their love and friendship was too strong. They were so into each other that they didnt notice the wicked smile on Darlas face as the bathroom door closed. 


A few minutes later Liz and Deena walked hand in hand back into the party. Liz was glowing even more so than before. She winked at her boys. Then she and Deena danced. It was a slow dance. The song that played was Truly, Madly, Deeply by Savage Garden. The two girls kissed and then Liz placed her head on Deenas shoulder. Tears fell from her eyes and her heart was bursting with love for her girlfriend. After the song ended, they kissed again. 

Liz walked with Deena to the front of the room. Liz took the microphone from the stand as she prepared to give her Maid of Honor speech. She took a deep breath,"Everyone may I have your attention please. I have something I would like to say. As most of you know Im Blaines younger sister...."

"ELIZA SHEA ANDERSON! HOW DARE YOU SHOW AFFECTION TO ANOTHER GIRL IN PUBLIC! BLAINE DEVON WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TODAY IS AN ABOMINATION!" A voice called from the back of the room. Liz put the mike back on the stand. She instinctively stood behind Deena and grabbed Blaines hand. This was not happening. 

Kurt stood up and headed towards Tonya. Giving her his signature silent but deadly head tilt that everyone knew meant he was pissed off and ready to strike. He said in a dangerously low voice,"What exactly have either of your children done to deserve what you put them through? They didnt ask to be gay. Its who they are. Your son is the most wonderful man I have ever met. He puts others before himself and is the best thing that ever happened to me. Your daughter is happy and with the three people she recognizes as family. Myself, my husband and her girlfriend Deena. She is extremely generous and has the biggest heart. You dont deserve to have either of them love you."

Tonya was seeing red. "How dare you..."

Kurt cut her off, his voice rising as he got right in her face."How dare I what? Tell you the truth? You need to leave them alone. I want you you leave and not ever contact them again." 

Tonya opened her mouth to reply but before the words could be spoken, Kurt slapped Tonya hard in the face. Something he had wanted to do for months. In a very calm voice he walked back to Blaine and Liz, standing behind them he looked at Tonya with a look that would kill and said,"Get out of here! If you dont I will be calling the police to report trespassing on a private party." 

Tonya and Darla left without a fight. They knew they lost. Love had won. Kurt and Blaine left for their honeymoon a little while later. Liz and Deena went to Lizs house and cuddled on the couch. Deena giggling occasionally as she felt the babies softly kicking under her hand that was resting on Lizs slight baby bump. Life for the two couples was amazing and it was only going to get better. After all they had all eternity together.... 


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