For All Eternity
Chapter 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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For All Eternity: Chapter 2

E - Words: 2,178 - Last Updated: Dec 08, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Dec 08, 2014 - Updated: Dec 08, 2014
126 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

My fellow Klainers are going to love me!! :)

Blaine was restless all night. He completely understood what she was going through. Liz already knew his story. She didnt know Kurts. It dawned on him that maybe she needed to hear his boyfriends story. Rolling over on his side Blaine looked at the love of his life. Kurt opened his eyes and smiled. "Good morning. How was your night?" 

"Not too good sleepwise, but great because you were here. Ive been thinking about Lizs situation. She knows what I went through. She doesnt know your story. Are you willing to share it with her?"

"Yes I am. It was a terrible experience but Im grateful. It lead me to you."

"Thats my favorite part." Blaine said leaning in and kissing Kurt."I need you." 

Kurt grinned, took Blaine in his arms and kissed him passionately. Kurt rolled Blaine on his back. His fingertips slowly traced down his torso. When he reached the waistband of Blaines boxers, Kurt slipped his hand inside and massaged his cock. Blaine moaned,"Oh my God! You drive me wild." 

Kurt straddled his boyfriend he moved so that their cocks rubbed together, they became hard at the same time. Blaine used every ounce of control he had not to orgasm. Once they were both exposed, Kurt slowly and deeply kissed Blaine while massaging his cock. Blaine squirmed beneath his boyfriends body. 

Then Kurt lowered himself on Blaines body until he was at waist level. Knowing it would drive Blaine wild, Kurt put his tongue in his belly button playfully and watched as his love shivered in pleasure. Kurt took Blaines hard, excited cock in his hands, took him in his mouth, and started to suck. Blaine arched his back and purred. Kurt twirled his tongue around the hard cock. He slowly ran his tongue across the tip. This sent Blaine over the edge. Blaines body tensed as he let the orgasm wash over him. Kurt released him and snuggled close.


Liz was sitting up in her bed listening to her music. Her favorite artist was Adam Lambert. She lip-synced to his songs all the time. She had her eyes closed silently singing along. Midway though the song, she opened her eyes to see a female at the foot of her bed holding a bouquet of daisies. Her heart raced when she realized who it was.

"Hello beautiful. How are you feeling? These are for you." Darla said leaning down for a kiss from her girlfriend.

After their lips parted, Liz smiled, "Better now that youre here. Daisies are my favorite. Thank you." Darla was keeping her distance. "You blame yourself for this dont you?" Liz asked motioning for Darla to join her, moving over so there would be room.

Darla nodded, moved over and laid down next to her girlfriend. Liz curled up into Darlas side."Dont blame yourself. Its not your fault. Im not out at all. The students who did this are just ignorant. I love you. Now kiss me. I have missed those lips and your touch."

Wrapping her arms around Liz, Darla kissed her hungrily, her fingers slipped through the opening in the hospital gown and found their way to her girlfriends breasts, massaging them until Liz became hard. Liz sighed contentedly returning every kiss. "Oh God! Youre amazing. I want you right now." 

Darla pulled back far enough to look deep into Lizs eyes. "I dont want to hurt you more than you already are."

"I wont let you hurt me." Liz said, her eyes shining with desire. Seeing that Darla was still hesitant Liz whispered."Please trust me."

Darla kissed Liz passionately as her hands massaged her girlfriends breasts, Liz got hard and caressed Darlas face never breaking contact with her lips. Liz moaned in pleasure as Darla slowly moved her hands down to her underwear. Darla slipped her hand inside as Liz opened her legs wider for better access. Darlas fingers went in search of Lizs clit when she found it she massaged it until it rose. Liz arched her back as much as she could with her injuries and moaned in extreme pleasure as the orgasm washed over her. Seeking out her girlfriends mouth she devoured her hungrily."I love you so much. You set me on fire!" She hissed as she started to come down from the emotional rush.


Blaine and Kurt were at the door to their room, kissing gently. Kurt was getting ready to go to the hospital."Do you want to come with me? I know she wants to see you." Kurt said nibbling Blaines neck. 

Hugging him, Blaine smiled,"Not this morning. I have to take care of something that cant wait. I will meet you back here later." 

Kurt looked his boyfriend in the eye, searching for some clue as to what he was up to. "What are you planning? I know youre up to something." 

Playing it casual Blaine answered,"its a surprise for my sister. Now go before I change my mind, throw you on the bed and have my way with you."

Kurt sighed,"Ok, ok Im going!" Unable to resist he grabbed the back of Blaines head and passionately kissed him. "We will finish this later. I love you."

Opening the door, Blaine grinned,"I love you too." After Kurt was gone, Blaine immediately got to work setting up his surprise for Kurt. 


Liz was sitting by the window looking out at the view, remembering in vivid detail what transpired not fifteen minutes before. She loved Darla so much. She was sad to see her leave to go to work. After Darla had gone, Liz asked one of the nurses to help her shower and wash her hair. Her hair was still wet and tangled. She tried to brush it herself but it was hard to do one handed. She heard a knock, she looked over and there was Kurt. Standing up, she slowly walked over to him and hugged him. 

"Its just me today. There is something I want to talk to you about."

"Im so glad to see you! I have a favor to ask. Could you please brush my hair?" Liz said motioning to her long brown hair. 

Kurt helped her sit on the window seat. He sat behind her gently taking the brush though her hair. When he was done, he moved to the chair that was by her, sat down and took her hands. "I want you to hear my story. I relate to what you are going through. My sophomore year I came out to a good friend of mine and to my dad. From sophomore year to the start of senior year I was the only out gay kid at my school. It was hard at times. Junior year, there was a football player who made it his mission to make my life a living hell. He would slam me up against lockers and threaten me. When I hit my breaking point, I visited Blaines school. Your brother saved me. He told me that I could run away from the bully or stand up for myself. I chose to stand up. The last time the bully pushed me against the lockers, I had just gotten a text from Blaine, that was one word. Courage! I regrouped and chased him down to the locker room." 

Liz was giving Kurt her full attention. Overcome with emotion she actually had to look away as she tried to force back tears. Taking her chin in his hand, he turned her to face him once more, at that point two tears fell, Kurt caught them before they rolled down her cheek. "Ill stop if its too much too soon. I dont want to make you uncomfortable."

"Im not uncomfortable. Its not too soon. Im sorry please continue." Liz said squeezing his hand. 

"Ok. So I go into the room literally getting into a yelling match with the guy. He keeps telling me to back off, I dont. He ends up hate-kissing me. I push him away in shock. He tries to kiss me again and I push him further away. I realized that he was terrorizing me because he was unhappy with himself. I called your brother, told him what happened and he came to my school. We confronted the guy together. A few days later David, the guy who was bullying me, comes up to me and tells me that if i tell anyone what happened he would kill me. I believed him. The day that my dad and Finns mom announced they were getting married, David comes up to me. I told him I did not want him near me. He invaded my personal space. I was so shaken and upset by it Mr. Shue went with me to the principals office. I eventually transferred to Dalton Academy to get away from him. Your brother and I are survivors. We never let the bullies change us or let them make us feel bad about who we are. I want you to get to that point. We love you and would do anything to protect and defend you."

Unable to speak, Liz reached for Kurt wrapping him in a hug. "Thank you. Are you able to hang out for a while?"

Kurt was about to reply when his phone chirped, it was a text from Blaine. "Hey sexy, please meet me at our room at five. I love you." Kurt smiled."That was Blaine. I can stay for a while. I have to be back by five. What do you want to do?"

"Please just hold me? I just need contact right now." Liz asked. 

"Yes. Come here." Kurt positioned himself behind Liz and she leaned back into his arms.

She instantly relaxed. She felt loved. She smiled and closed her eyes. Before she fell asleep she whispered,"You are family. I love you." She then started to dream.

Kurt kissed her hair and said his voice shaking, barely above a whisper,"I feel the same way. I love you too." He leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. Two tears fell, as he felt his body relax after reliving that part of his life, he held Liz in his arms, a plan forming in his mind.


Kurt was at the door to their room and had his hand on the handle. He opened the door and what he saw took his breath away. The room was bathed in candle light, there were yellow and red rose petals on the floor. He followed the trail and discovered Blaine at the end of it. Blaine was in his old Warbler outfit, and had a single red rose in his hand. He held it out for Kurt. As he took it, Blaine leaned in and kissed his boyfriend tenderly. "Are you surprised?"

"Very. This is very romantic. You look amazing." Kurt said."I didnt know you still had that. You still look sexy in that outfit!"

"May I have this dance?" Blaine asked holding his hand out for Kurt to take. Kurt could only nod. As soon as they were in each others arms, music started to play. The song was Christina Perris "A Thousand Years". It was one of their favorites. When Kurt realized what song it was he buried his face in Blaines neck and let the emotion over come him as they slow danced. Blaine pulled back slightly, so they could look deep into each others eyes. Saying everything that needed to be said without saying a word. After the song ended, Kurt kissed Blaine. 

Still holding Kurt in his arms, Blaine looked into his boyfriends eyes and said, "Kurt, I have loved you since we first met at Dalton. As we talked that day I wanted to protect you from everything bad in the world. When you sang "Blackbird" I fell in love with you. That was the week we kissed for the first time. When we went to junior prom and you turned a bad situation into a positive one, I was so proud to call you my boyfriend! You are the strongest person I have ever met! When I transferred schools to be with you, it was romantic. When we made love for the first time, I loved that you were shy at first. When I found the texts on your phone even though I was mad, I never entertained the idea of leaving you. I loved you too much. We have been through a lot and have over come it all. Youre my soulmate Kurt. We have a love that will stand strong against the worst that the world can throw at us. My world is better when you are in it. What I am trying to say is.." 

Kurt gasped as Blaine started to kneel down on one knee, opening a ring box. Inside were two gold bands. Kurt let his emotions get the better of him and the tears started to fall. 

"Kurt Aaron Hummel, I love you more than life itself. Will you marry me?" Blaine asked.

Nodding and trying to get his voice to cooperate, Kurt whispered,"Yes!" 

Blaine smiled. Slipping one of the rings on Kurts finger, grabbed him and kissed him passionately. Kurt caressed the side of Blaines face sighing happily, "I love you so much Blaine Devon Anderson! I always will."


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