Sept. 14, 2011, 12:25 p.m.
Sept. 14, 2011, 12:25 p.m.
“Blaine, I think I might be gay.” Beat said, watching Kurt in awe.
Jeff had tilted his head. “Is it even legal to move like that? If I wasn’t already bisexual, I’d be questioning my straightness.”
Nick promptly punched Jeff in the arm.
“Dude, you can’t even bed mad. Just watch his hips. You can’t tell me that you don’t want that underneath you.” Jeff paused. “Actually, I’d let him top. I don’t even care.”
Blaine turned his head. “Will you guys shut the fuck up?” He snapped before facing Kurt again.
His eyes widened as Kurt strutted towards him, throwing a scarf around Blaine’s neck. He gyrated over his lap, moving away the second Blaine’s hands showed signs of movement.
Kurt waved a finger at Blaine, smirking slightly as he continued his dance routine.
When the music ended, David was the only one capable of speech. “Wow, Kurt. I don’t think we were expecting that. In any case, I think I speak for all of us when I say welcome to the Warblers.”
“So, uh, what did the rest of you think?” Kurt asked, staring at the other four expectantly.
Beat blinked twice. “Was good.” He huffed out before dashing out of the room.
Jeff and Nick shared a glance before standing up together. “You’ll be a great addition to the Warblers.” Nick said with his voice slightly higher pitch than normal.
The duo gave Blaine a nod before exiting the room, David following right behind them.
“So great leader,” Kurt said, taking a seat beside Blaine. “Any kind words of advice?”
Blaine swallowed hard. “Yeah, can you just always move like that? You know, forever?”
Kurt blushed slightly, “Unfortunately not. The world would not be able to handle my constant swag.”
“You have a point.” Blaine laughed, eyeing the clock on the wall. “Shit, I’m late. I have to go, but seriously, congratulations on becoming a Warbler.”
Kurt thought for a moment “Hey, wait. Late for what? It’s Saturday.”
Blaine turned around slowly. “There’s a new kid. I’m showing him around today. You probably haven’t met him yes. His name is Damian.”
“You like him.” Kurt said simply. It was a statement, not a question.
Blaine shifted his feet. “Yeah he’s pretty cool. He’s Irish so the whole accent thing is ridiculously hot.”
Kurt shook his head with a smile. “Get out of here, Anderson.”
It wasn’t until 3 weeks later that Kurt realised Blaine and Damian were in a relationship.
Blaine always brought boys back to his dorm, never venturing out overnight. A week after Kurt and Blaine’s initial conversation, Blaine was staying out every night. He would return in the early hours of the morning, looking exhausted and dishevelled.
On one of these particular nights, Kurt decided to take advantage and bring Cameron back to the dorm room.
“Kurt are you sure Blaine’s gone for the night?” Cameron whispered as Kurt pulled him down on top of him by his tie.
Kurt moaned as Cameron bit his neck. “Mm…. Positive. He won’t be back until 4 am at the earliest.”
“The rest of us are still here.” Jeff muttered sleepily.
Kurt threw a spare pillow at Jeff’s head. “You’ve never complained about Blaine’s activities, so shut up.” He hissed, gasping when Cameron rutted down into his erection.
“You taste amazing.” Cameron said softly.
Kurt had just started removing Cameron’s blazer when the door flew open. Kurt pushed the boy on top of him unceremoniously to the floor, looking up at the door in shock.
The two boys remained quiet, Cameron climbing off the floor. “Was that really necessary-“ He stopped mid-sentence as his eyes landed on the boy Blaine had brought with him.
“Shit, Kurt. I’m sorry. We decided to come back here for the night. Damian’s room-mates kicked us out for the night… so yeah…” Blaine said, clearly uncomfortable about the situation he’d just walked in on.
Damian broke eye-contact with Cameron, nudging Blaine. “It’s okay; I’ll just go back to my dorm. I’ll see you in the morning.” He gave Blaine a small kiss on the lips before departing.
Cameron stood up slowly, straightening his tie. “I’ll see you tomorrow babe. “ He planted a kiss to Kurt’s forehead before walking out. Blaine closed the door behind him.
“I think we’ve reached the point in our friendship where we can both agree how insanely awkward that was.” Blaine said, walking over to the bunk bed they shared.
Kurt sighed grumpily, leaning back on his elbows. “That could have turned into one hell of a porn movie. Those images are the only reason I’m not going crying at this moment.”
He heard Blaine laughed as he crawled into his own bed. “There will be other times when we’ll be able to get off. Clearly this is God’s way of telling us to go the fuck to sleep.”
A few days later, Kurt had his first non-Blaine altercation.
He was walking down the hall when he was pushed roughly to the floor, the back of his head smacking against the tile.
It took a moment to recover, but Kurt stood up quickly. “Can I fucking help you in some way, jack ass?” He yelled at the retreating figure.
Whoever it was stopped walking, and turned around. “What’d you just say, homo?”
“I said, can I fucking help you? Did I do something to offend you as I was walking down the hall?”
Kurt found himself held up by his collar and thrown against the lockers. “What the fuck!” He screamed. He blinked his eyes a few times. His head was pounding and it was making his vision blurry.
“You think you can show up here and act all king shit?” Kurt flinched as the boy punched the locker beside his head, leaving an indent. “Maybe you need to be taught some fucking respect.”
Kurt did the only thing his brain could comprehend to do. He raised his leg, promptly kneeing the boy hard in the balls. His attacker instantly keeled over, and Kurt kneed him again in the face. He cringed slightly at the crunch that echoed around the hall, but raised his leg again none-the-less.
“Kurt, enough!” Someone called, and Kurt looked up to see Blaine jogging towards them.
He pushed the boy away from him, and began to straighten out his uniform.
Blaine made his way over to Kurt, placing a hand on his shoulder. “You okay?”
“I’m fucking terrific. I thought I left being attacked for being gay at McKinley.” Kurt snapped angrily, fighting the urge to kick the boy on the floor.
Blaine got a confused look on his face as he looked over at the other boy. “Really, Karofsky? Did you forget who you were on your knees for, not a month ago?”
“A gay guy who is also a homophobe?” Kurt said in disbelief. “Dalton will never cease to amaze me.”
Karofsky shifted slightly, and Kurt could see that he had a bloody noise. He smirked in satisfaction. “I’m not gay.”
“That’s not what it seemed like when you were so eager to suck my cock.” Blaine replied thickly.
Kurt bent over to pick up his bag, and almost fell over in the process. Blaine grabbed his waist and Kurt leaned in to him.
“Maybe we should take you to the nurse.” Blaine said quietly as they walked away from Karofsky.
Kurt shook his head, pain stabbing at him as he did. “No, Cameron’s dorm is around the corner. I’ll just got there and lay down for a bit.”
When they arrived, Blaine pushed open the door, and what happened next was a bit of a blur.
Cameron was on his back in bed with someone riding him. Blaine’s reaction made it very clear he recognized it as Damian.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Blaine was furious. “Are you both actually fucking serious?” He started to move forward but Kurt held him back.
“Don’t Blaine.” He said simply, shaking his head at Cameron.
“I really thought you were a good person, Cam. Thanks for reminding me that I’m at a fucking reform school and 99 percent of the guys here are scum bags.” Kurt held tight to Blaine’s arm.
Cameron jumped off the bed, pulling his pants up as he did. “Kurt… I’m… Please…”
“Fuck you, Cameron Mitchell.” Kurt bit his lip. “On my first day here, you warned me about Blaine and the Warblers. I just wish somebody had been there to warn me about you!” Kurt turned then, dragging Blaine out of the room with him.
As they arrived back at their own dorm room, it was Blaine who found himself pinned against the wall. “Kurt, what are you-“. He was cut off when Kurt’s lips pressed roughly against his.
Blaine returned the kiss eagerly at first, pulling Kurt tighter against him. When he felt the other boy’s hands on his belt however, he pulled away.
“Kurt, as much as I’ve been fucking dreaming of this moment since I- Fuck-“ Blaine inhaled a sharp breath as Kurt sucked hard on his neck. “First saw you; I don’t want this to happen for the wrong reasons.”
With the very little small amount of will power that he had left, Blaine pushed Kurt back gently.
“Please, Blaine. Just let me touch you.” Kurt was practically begging.
Blaine had never seen Kurt look so lost in the time that he had known him. Given it had only been about two months, but it still scared the crap out of him.
Kurt made his over to the bed, sitting down and tucking his knees to his chin. “I’m so fucking angry, Blaine. Yeah it hurts a little bit, but I’m mostly pissed off. I mean, was I really not worth waiting for?”
Blaine made his way over to the bed, sitting down beside Kurt. “Worth the wait?” He questioned innocently.
“I’m a virgin, Blaine.” Kurt replied, hugging his knees tighter. “I’m assuming that’s why Cameron went and, well, you know. It’s just frustrating. Is it so wrong that I want my first time to be special?”
Blaine shook his head. “Not at all. I kind of which my first time had meant something, maybe then I wouldn’t be such a whore.”
Kurt sighed as he fell backwards onto the bed, bringing Blaine with him. “Can you just stay here for the night? I just really need someone to cuddle.”
Blaine wrapped an arm around Kurt’s back, pulling him close. “Of course. But I do have to wake you up every hour. The whole cracking your head on the floor thing.”
“Mm… I know.” Kurt snuggled into Blaine’s chest, throwing his leg over the other boy’s lower half. “Now you can’t leave.”
Blaine felt Kurt smiled into his shirt. He set his up his phone to go off every hour, and placed it on the table beside them. He felt a strange tug at his chest as he watched Kurt’s eyes flutter in his half slumber.
Was Blaine Anderson actually starting to develop real feelings for Kurt Hummel?
He placed a soft kiss to the top of Kurt’s head. There was no need to rush things. Dalton wasn’t going anywhere. Neither of them was going anywhere.
Blaine settled into a peaceful sleep with Kurt wrapped in his arms.
Neither of them heard the alarm signalling there was another attack. Neither of them heard the stampede of feet down the hallway as everyone ran to the common room.
And neither of them noticed when Jeff didn’t return after class.
Ahahahaha Cameron and Damien I see what you did there
Omggg did something happen to Jeff? Ok when it said Blaine had a bf I was like ok I guess I can deal with Kurt and Blaine dating other guys and being friends cause it won't work out, Then when it said Damien broke eye cantact with Cameron ,I was like ohhh shit they are going to fuck around but I did not know it was gonna go down like that with my boys walking in lol but I am glad they did. And Cameron and Damien I see what you did there lol I like that. And Karofsky ughh but Kurt kicked his ass and Blaine put him on blast :)