Nov. 14, 2011, 3:17 p.m.
Nov. 14, 2011, 3:17 p.m.
A leaf shakes, detaches, twirls with the wind before landing and Kurt looks away, ignoring the way his chest has tightened, pushes Blaine to the car.
Helping Blaine into the car is getting easier now, another routine they are both becoming familiar with. Kurt hooks an arm under Blaine’s, reaching across his back and they half-stand, Blaine leaning into Kurt as Kurt supports his weight, pivoting Blaine and lowering him gently, gently until Blaine is sitting on the edge of the passenger seat. Kurt slips an arm under Blaine’s legs, lifting and turning, Blaine’s hands grabbing the seat, trying to help, to make this easier for Kurt. It really doesn’t, but Kurt lets him do it anyways because more than anything Blaine wants to help. So Kurt lets him attempt the buckle, one hand holding the seatbelt slack, the other on Blaine’s, steadying his hand and providing support until they hear the little click. With a quick kiss to the cheek, Kurt ducks from the passenger side, closing the door, folding up the wheelchair and lifting it into the trunk.
Blaine looks at Kurt quizzically as he slides into the driver’s seat and Kurt smiles at him.
“You ready?”
Blaine makes a noise in his throat, the one they’ve been practicing in speech therapy, and cocks his head and Kurt knows what he’s trying to say.
“I’m still not telling you,” he says as he starts the car, backing out of the driveway and pulling onto the road. “It’s a surprise silly.”
Blaine furrows his brow, groaning at Kurt’s stubbornness as he turns to look back out the window.
“Hey, you’re going to love it,” Kurt says, reaching across to rest a hand on Blaine’s leg. “I promise.”
Blaine sets his hand on Kurt’s, letting their fingers twine together, squeezing tighter than is strictly necessary and Kurt knows Blaine is nervous. Aside from their morning walks and therapy appointments, Blaine hasn’t been out of the house, in public, very often. Kurt runs his thumb soothingly along the dips of Blaine’s knuckles.
“You’ll be fine, Blaine,” Kurt reassures glancing from the road to Blaine. “But we can leave if you’re uncomfortable, okay?”
Blaine nods, hums his understanding and they drive in silence for awhile, their hands stay clasped until they get into busier traffic and Kurt has to concentrate on driving. Blaine lets his head fall back against the headrest, watching the world race by through the window with mild interest.
It takes about forty minutes for them to reach their destination, Kurt parking and helping Blaine from the car and into his chair. He takes a quick moment to fuss with Blaine’s scarf, smoothing his hands over Blaine’s jacket and pressing a kiss to his forehead. Blaine’s eyes are sad when he pulls away. They’re always sad, lately. That’s why Kurt is doing this. More than anything, he just wants to see Blaine smile again.
Blaine’s been making progress, so much progress. Every week they do tests, and every week he improves; problem solving, critical thinking, depth perception, motor function, vocal range. Kurt doesn’t think he could feel more proud of how much Blaine is achieving, how hard he’s trying. But the more Blaine improves, the more aware he becomes; the more he understands what’s happened, what he can’t do, what he’ll never do, the more sad he becomes. It’s not like before, when Blaine would get angry. He rarely gets angry anymore, but Kurt almost wishes he would. At least when he was angry he showed emotion, fight, feeling. Not this…apathy that’s overpowering him, this despair that’s draining him. Kurt can see the way Blaine becomes more withdrawn, eyes downcast and poignant, trying so, so hard at his therapy, but nothing else. It’s this lack of emotion that worries Kurt more than anything else, and he can’t remember the last time Blaine smiled.
There’s a poster outside the doors. Sweeney Todd starring Alexander Russo and Rachel Berry. He stops, letting Blaine take it in. They’re here early, but people are already moving around them to enter the building.
“It’s not quite Broadway but…” Kurt trails off, shrugging. “It’s Rachel’s first lead and we haven’t been to a show since… I thought it would be fun.”
Kurt moves so he can look at Blaine, gauging his reaction. He looks the same as he always does, lately, face impassive, though slightly more contemplative in a way Kurt can’t read.
“Is this alright?” Blaine’s eyes shift from the poster to meet Kurt’s, and for a second he’s afraid Blaine won’t want to stay, this is too much for him.
“Mmm,” Blaine hums, nodding. Kurt smiles, relief flooding through him and he gives Blaine’s hand a squeeze before pushing them into the building.
It’s unavoidable, he knows. The looks. Humans are curious by nature, they’re going to stare, even if they don’t mean to. It’s not bad here, an inquisitive glance, eyes lingering a few seconds longer than necessary, at the man in the wheelchair, limbs held abnormally stiff, winding scars still visible through his hair. Kurt knows they don’t mean anything by it, but the way Blaine draws his shoulders down, trying to make himself smaller, his hands gripping at his forearms in a way Kurt knows would leave scratches if he didn’t have his coat, makes it hard for Kurt to not feel annoyed and angry. Blaine is far more aware than most seem to think, embarrassment and shame press down on him, making him shrink into his chair with each sidelong glance, each child that whispers “Mommy, what happened to that man?”
Kurt moves them through the lobby as quickly as he can. The handicap seats are in the very front, to the side, and Kurt is silently thankful. He locks Blaine’s chair in place and kneels in front of him, unwinding the scarf from his neck before sliding his fingers under Blaine’s, gently prying them from his forearms.
“Do you want to leave your coat on?” Kurt asks softly, trying to judge Blaine’s mood. Blaine nods, eyes fixed on their clasped hands, relaxing slightly now that they are mostly alone. Kurt massages Blaine’s fingers, trying to rub some warmth into them. He’s always so cold, now.
“Are you okay? Do you want to leave? We don’t have to stay, Rachel will understand,” Kurt says in a rush and Blaine raises his eyebrows. Right. Too many questions.
“Do you want to leave?” Kurt chooses one. Blaine shakes his head, squeezes Kurt’s fingers reassuringly. Kurt smiles, maneuvers into the seat beside Blaine, only letting go of his hands to take off his own jacket, before resuming his attempt to warm them.
“Rachel hasn’t stopped talking about this since she got the part,” Kurt says, noting the way the auditorium is slowly beginning to fill with people, eyes fixing on Blaine’s face for signs of discomfort. “I’ve been forced to read the lines opposite her during my lunch break so she can practice. Not who I would have imagined for Mrs. Lovett, but she actually does the accent spot on.”
Blaine’s eyebrows draw down in the way they do when he’s listening, eyes roaming over the stage, and Kurt feels the smallest seed of success blooming through his chest. Blaine’s here, relaxing, more at ease in public than Kurt’s seen him in awhile.
They sit in a comfortable silence while they wait for the show to start, the occasional person sliding past them and Blaine doesn’t seem to mind, content to let Kurt massage his hands, warming and loosening the knotted muscles. It’s been a few days since he’s given Blaine a proper massage, Kurt realizes with a pang of guilt, knowing how tense and sore he must be feeling. Kurt makes a mental note to fix this tonight.
The lights dim and Blaine shifts, their shoulders touching. After a rather obnoxious reminder to turn off their cell phones the music starts, loud and encompassing. The lead is good, his chemistry with Rachel undeniable. Rachel’s enthusiasm is almost overwhelming, her voice made for Broadway, the smile on her face genuine and Kurt is happy for her, he really is, but it isn’t her he is watching. His attention is fixed on Blaine in his peripheral vision (after ten minutes of looking directly at Blaine, Blaine had looked at him pointedly until he turned his head towards the stage). Blaine eyes are wide, face completely enthralled by what is happening on the stage, a smile tugging at his lips with Rachel’s overly dramatic acting and ridiculous accent and Kurt couldn’t feel happier if he’d been given an entire Hermes bag filled with gold.
Intermission comes and goes and when they resume their seats, Blaine seems almost excited for the show to start, eyes expectant, hand reaching easily for Kurt’s and Kurt sits back with a relaxed smile. The second half is just as impressive as the first, Rachel’s death scene played to dramatic perfection and in the end she receives a standing ovation and Blaine keeps smiling and Kurt hasn’t felt so happy in a long time.
They decide to wait for Rachel in the lobby, off to the side while they wait for the crowd to disperse. Kurt feels light, like things are finally starting to go right for once; his fianc� is relaxed in public, his best friend is achieving her dreams, and tonight has gone better than he could have imagined. Until:
“Mr. Hummel?”
Kurt turns around, heart stuttering when he sees the girl approaching them.
“Clara?” She nods, smiling. He remembers meeting her a few times, one of Blaine’s music students, bursting with talent that had always gotten Blaine so excited. He had liked her at the time, but now…Kurt has no idea how Blaine will react to seeing one of his students. Or how she will react to seeing him, for that matter.
“Hey!” she exclaims before the smiles slips off her face as her eyes flicker to the wheelchair half hidden behind Kurt. Kurt’s not really sure what to do as she glides around until she’s facing Blaine.
“Mr. Anderson?” Kurt wants to cringe because he knows how much Blaine hates being called that, and really, Clara does too, but he can see she looks as nervous as Kurt is feeling. He knows before Blaine would have been excited to see one of his students in the community, becoming culturally aware and artistically diverse, or whatever it was that Blaine always said. He would have chatted with her for so long and with such enthusiasm that Kurt would roll his eyes and wonder exactly who was the adult and who was the teenager.
But now he can see the panic that flashes across Blaine’s eyes, the fear and embarrassment, the way he shrinks in, only the slightest bit but noticeable to Kurt, as he looks up at Clara. For a moment Kurt is frozen, unsure, as Clara’s eyes shift from Blaine to Kurt, as if deciding who to address.
“Does he…can he understand…” Clara trails off, suddenly looking decidedly unsure and uncomfortable. Kurt nods, resting a hand on Blaine’s shoulder, offering support and silently hoping she doesn’t screw this all up.
“Hey,” she says with a soft smile. “It’s really good to see you.”
Blaine shifts.
“Thanks Clara,” Kurt finds his voice, drawing her attention back up to him. “Did you enjoy the show? Fancy some pie?” He gives a sarcastic chuckle and Clara laughs timidly.
“Um...I think I’m good.”
There’s an awkward pause and Kurt can see Clara is itching to ask about Blaine. Blaine who’s already vibrating with nervousness, growing more self-conscious with every silent second.
“It was nice seeing you, Clara,” Kurt says, hoping she gets the hint. She looks torn, taking a step to leave while her face looks pained.
“Um…” she bites her lip, glancing at Kurt apprehensively before back to Blaine. “We really miss you,” the words are sudden, rushed. She steps closer. “It’s not the same at the center without you.”
Kurt’s eyes are fixed on Blaine, judging his expression, ready to make a quick excuse and fast exit if needed. Blaine looks surprised, a little uncomfortable but not overly so, not anymore, and Kurt wonders if maybe this is good. Maybe Blaine needs to hear he’s missed.
“We set something up for you, to, you know, raise awareness?” Clara says it like a question, biting her lip as she looks at Blaine. “It’s tasteful though, not over the top. You would like it.”
Kurt finds himself relaxing; Clara means well and is genuinely glad to see Blaine, but so caught off guard that her words are stumbling and unsure and Kurt finds it a little bit adorable. Her face suddenly lights up and she digs in her purse, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper. She starts to hand it forward and pauses, as if unsure who to hand it to. Kurt smiles reassuringly and takes the paper from her, smoothing it out.
“We’re having a Broadway themed show soon, you should come.” She looks pleased with herself for the idea.
“Thanks Clara, we’ll try,” Kurt says, not wanting to promise anything. Clara smiles brightly.
“Everyone misses you,” she says, voice earnest. “They’d all like to see you again.”
Blaine looks up at Clara and smiles, actually smiles, and in that moment Kurt feels like falling to his knees and worshipping the ground she stands on. Instead he just watches as Blaine lifts a hand to his chest.
“He’d love to,” Kurt interprets for Clara and adds, “we’ll do our best,” to keep an out, just in case.
“Awesome!” Clara says, glancing over her shoulder. “I have to go. It was so nice seeing you, both.”
“Nice seeing you too, Clara,” Kurt says and he knows Blaine’s thinking it because he gives a small wave as she turns and leaves. Kurt lets his hand fall from Blaine’s shoulder, fingers playing with the hem of Blaine’s sleeve as he watches Clara leave.
“She’s sweet,” he says, and Blaine turns his arm so he can twine his fingers with Kurt’s. “You’re amazing,” Kurt’s voice is soft and he’s not sure if Blaine hears him because Rachel is skipping up to them, smile wide and face shining, and she throws herself onto Kurt.
“You came!”
“Of course, we’d never miss this,” Kurt says as Rachel pulls away and leans down to wrap Blaine in an equally tight hug. Blaine looks slightly stunned, and Kurt supposes he’s had a lot more attention today than he’s used to, but he returns the hug and Kurt’s not sure if the evening could be going any better. “Besides, I knew you’d try to poison my coffee or something if we missed.”
Rachel ignores the jab, releasing Blaine and bouncing excitedly.
“So…what did you think?” She looks at Kurt expectantly and he smiles.
“You were perfectly morose and marvelously melodramatic,” he says and she beams before frowning.
“It wasn’t too much? I was worried about the tears…”
“Rachel, only someone of true talent can cry that convincingly for ten straight minutes,” Kurt reassures.
“Really?” Rachel looks so hopeful that Kurt can’t help but smile.
“Truly. You were phenomenal.”
Blaine hums in agreement and Rachel looks between them, practically radiating happiness.
“Thank you,” she looks over to where her other cast mates are waving her over. “I’ll come visit soon so we can analyze the finer points of my performance.”
She leans in and gives Kurt a quick peck on the cheek, and then Blaine. Kurt wishes her a good evening and then she’s gone and finally they can leave.
It’s late when they get home, but Kurt hasn’t forgotten his mental promise. Blaine’s had a long day, he’s done so, so well, and Kurt knows he’s worn out, muscles sore from the stress and anxiety of the day. He fires up the hot tub, steam and the metallic scent of chlorine filling the air. It’s small, just enough room for the two of them, a gift from Blaine’s mom, who had been doing research on homeopathic treatments, and read somewhere that hot tubs helped with muscle stiffness and headaches. It was a bit excessive, but Kurt isn’t about to complain. And it really does seem to help Blaine; there is something about the water, being weightless and warm, that allows Blaine to move almost like normal again.
Kurt helps Blaine into his swimsuit, wraps him up in far too many towels so he won’t get cold. Getting into the hot tub is a process they’ve worked at perfecting. Blaine sits on the side, clinging tightly to the edge, while Kurt scrambles in, supporting hand never leaving Blaine’s back. He rotates Blaine’s legs into the tub and slides him in, chest flush against Blaine’s back, arms wrapped securely around him. Blaine ends up in Kurt’s lap, and Kurt settles them in, chin resting in the crook of Blaine’s neck.
Normally they would work on Blaine’s range of motion, bending and straightening each joint, and Blaine would actually move, the water washing away the stiffness, the awkwardness. This time Kurt just lets them sit, Blaine nestled between his legs, Kurt’s calves locking with Blaine’s to keep them in place.
“Lean forward,” Kurt instructs gently, helps Blaine move away from his chest, lets his hands trace lines down Blaine’s back, the sensation heightened under the water. He starts at the bottom, practiced fingers massaging the muscles, lightly at first and then with more force. He works his way up, feeling the knots, the kinks, the twists, kneading at them until they give, Blaine sighing with relief each time. Eyes flutter closed as Kurt’s thumbs press in just under his shoulder blades, kneading small circles, and Kurt leans forward to touch a light kiss to Blaine’s spine, not caring that it leaves the taste of chlorine on his lips.
Blaine makes a small noise in his throat, so soft Kurt’s not even sure he heard it, and Kurt lets his hands fall still for a moment, lips pressing to Blaine’s back again, just below his neck. Blaine’s whimper is more audible this time and Kurt lets his nose nuzzle the dip at the base of Blaine’s neck, fingers running lightly across his skin.
“You’re beautiful,” Kurt whispers and he means so much more. Blaine shifts his shoulders and Kurt pulls away, convincing himself his vision is blurring from the steam.
He massages Blaine’s back until his hands are sore and he’s certain every knot has been worked free, every muscle relaxed, Blaine breathing deeper, easier than before. He lets Blaine fall back against his chest, hands still working at his shoulders and Blaine sinks into him, boneless, head resting against Kurt’s shoulder, eyes closed, face peaceful.
“I hope today was okay,” Kurt says softly, working slowly from Blaine’s shoulders up to his neck, thumbs kneading up to the base of Blaine’s skull. Blaine leans into the touch and Kurt can feel the vibration of his hum in his fingertips.
“Everyone really misses you, you know. They all want to see you.”
Blaine is silent, still. Kurt moves his hands down, slipping under the water, where he knows they’ll get pruney but somehow doesn’t care, wrapping around Blaine’s waist, pulling him closer.
“You were so brave today,” Kurt whispers. Blaine shifts against him. “Thank you.”
Blaine’s hair is damp with steam and full of skin-drying chemicals, but Kurt lets his cheek rest against him anyways, pressing a kiss behind his ear. Blaine’s hand rests on Kurt’s thigh, thumb stroking an uneven rhythm. Kurt feels his lips twitch into a smile.
“I love you.”
Blaine lifts his arm, threading his fingers through Kurt’s, raising his hand to his heart. I love you too.
They sit there for a long while, even though Kurt knows the chlorine is doing nothing for his skin, until Blaine’s breathing slows, evens out, hand falling to rest back against Kurt’s leg.
Blaine’s having a rough time, Kurt knows. He’s frustrated and overwhelmed and tired. Some days everything seems bleak, pointless. Some days Blaine seems ready to give up. But today…today gives Kurt hope.
Hope that things will get better.
Some day.
OMG! I dont know if you had planned on writing this anyway or if you had taken my suggestion from my earlier review. Either way thank you thank you thank you. This chapter of Kurt and Blaine going out in public is better then I envisioned. And once again my heart was on the floor. On a side note just wanted to tell you this story makes me want to be a better person.
JUST HANG IN THERE BLAINERS. EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY! WE LOVE YOU! And now I'm going to go watch a Warblers performance with happy singy dancey on the furniture Blaine so I won't cry myself to sleep tonight. This really is beautiful, though, and it sends a great message. Keep it up.
This story is really beautiful, there is so much love between Kurt and Blaine, it is so heart breaking but at the same time so heart warming to see them grow and improve together. Really looking forward to reading more!
I de-lurked specifically to comment on this story, because this chapter brought me near to tears. You have my utmost admiration for writing a fic with such a difficult subject and in my opinion, you are doing an absolutely phenomenal job. It's one of the most painfully beautiful fics I have ever read in my life and I wish I could adequately express how much I love it
This story is so beautiful. Parts make me so emotional and parts make me unbelievably happy. This is really phenomenal. The writing is perfect. Keep up the great work
Oh my... I finished reading this last chapter while listening to the "You and I" mashup that was on Glee on Tuesday night. I know the Lady Gaga song is popular, but the second song was a duet by Eddie Rabbitt and Crystal Gayle (Loretta Lynn's sister) that was very popular while I was in college in 1982! Just listen to the lyrics and think how they apply to when Kurt and Blaine are sitting in the hot tub... And I remember our first embrace That smile that was on your face The promises that we made And now your love is my reward And I love you even more Than I ever did before We made it, you and I
this is so amazingly beautiful. you are truly talented.
this is the most incredible story and the tears are streaming down my FACE and its so beautiful and tragic and heartbreaking and wonderful all at the same time and ugh. i am just really really in love with this.
I've now read everything and it's the most beautiful story i've ever read, I'm crying all the time, it's amazing!
This is honestly so incredibly beautiful. It's poignant and thoughtful and romantic and I just love it so much. Thank you for bringing this into the world!!
This was awesome!!! I'm just sad I didn't see it 'til now, stupid school and then all the Christmas stuff... But I hope you get around to updating again soon!! I love this story, you write it so well :D -Em
Never fails to make me cry with the sheer love that is this couple. You are kind of my hero, I think.
This story is just truly beautiful. You write it with real depth of feeling and so much sensitivity. I've really enjoyed it so far; it's different to every other hurt/comfort fic I've ever read. Long may this continue.
This story makes me want to cry from both complete agony and sadness, and absolute happiness and joy. So... good job, I guess LOL I can't wait for more! This is an absolutely phenomenal story and your writing is amazing. Update soon!
This is sad, but beautiful at the same time...
this is really beautiful :) heart breaking, but beautiful x i can't wait to read more about Blaines recovery, especially when he goes to that broadway themed show to see his students (if that's happening, that is :P) Kj xx