Jan. 3, 2012, 12:19 a.m.
Jan. 3, 2012, 12:19 a.m.
Kurt’s hand was still wrapped in Blaine’s; he looked at the joined hands and smiled. He sat Blaine down, releasing his hand. “Right what would you like? You can have anything” he smiled.
“Annnnyyyytttthhhinnnggg?” Blaine raised his eyebrows at Kurt. Kurt nodded and Blaine laughed, looking around the kitchen for inspiration. He saw a waffle maker and suddenly had a craving. “Can we have waffles?” he asked, hopeful.
“You want waffles? Then you shall have waffles.” Kurt laughed getting out the waffle ingredient. “Now what kind of waffle would you like?”
“Just plain waffles, unless you want something else in them.” Blaine said, watching Kurt get the stuff out. “Do you want some help? I feel like I should help and not be a bump on a log just watching you….”
“No I don’t want anything in them, I’m not particularly hungry” he admitted. “No you are not helping you are going to sit there and be good.” he smiled.
“Fine. If you say so…” Blaine put on an expression that was a mix of a smile and a pout. He watched Kurt, fascinated, while he was making the waffles. “I’m glad you didn’t want my help,” Blaine said, pulling his legs up and sitting with his legs crossed in the chair. “I wouldn’t have a clue what I was doing.”
Kurt smiled. “Yeah I would like a kitchen left,” he joked. “I only know what I’m doing because before Carole I did a lot of the cooking especially when my dad was in hospital and when he came out. It’s not hard when you’ve done it once, the second time it’s easier”
“True….. but in all honesty, I can’t cook to save my life.” Blaine said with a crooked smile and a shrug. “Singing…. I can do that. Guitar… that too. Getting people fired at the GAP… I seem to be good at that. But cooking…. I get completely lost.”
“I’ll have to teach you won’t I?” Kurt grinned at him. “Apart from getting someone fired from the Gap and playing guitar, it’s something I can do that you can’t” Kurt put the mixture down. “Have you been into the Gap since?”
“Oh no way, I’m afraid I’ll get someone else fired…. that was not a good day.” Blaine said, shaking his head and remembering the events of the last Valentine’s Day.
Kurt put his head down and sighed. He went back to fixing up the waffles; he’d almost finished making them. He put them in the waffle maker and then went into the fridge to get a drink out; he poured some into a glass and gave it to Blaine.
Blaine noticed Kurt get quiet after the subject of the “Gap Attack” he made the Warblers do last Valentine’s Day. He looked at Kurt, hoping he didn’t make him think of Jeremiah and that whole fiasco. He grinned at Kurt when he gave him a drink. “Why thank you, kind sir.” Blaine said with a British accent, hoping to see Kurt smile again.
Kurt had been thinking about Jeremiah and how he thought that it was him that Blaine liked at that point only to be shot down. He gave Blaine a half smile when he did his British accent as he cleaned up the utensils he used. When he had finished cleaning he took the waffles out the maker and put them on a plate for Blaine and slid them across the table to him. He cleaned out the maker, poured himself a drink and sat down opposite Blaine.
Blaine didn’t begin eating until Kurt sat down opposite of him at the table. “Careful with that, don’t want you spilling anything.” He said, pointing his fork towards Kurt’s drink. Kurt only half smiled in response, like he did earlier. Blaine could tell something was on his mind. He wished he had never brought the Gap up. “You okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine.” Kurt half smiled again taking sip of his drink. “I’m not going to spill it this time, there is a table here and you’re on the opposite side”
“You never know.” Blaine said, raising his eyebrows and putting on a mischievous smile. He made a face at Kurt before diving back into his waffles, remembering his hunger.
“Yeah I’m not that clumsy.” Kurt said watching Blaine eat his waffles before taking another sip of his drink. “Are they ok?”
“Okay? More like heavenly.” Blaine said in between bites. He flashed Kurt a wide grin when he noticed Kurt watching him. He began to eat more slowly, hoping he didn’t look like a pig in front of Kurt as he ate.
Kurt smiled, it wasn’t long before he finished his drink, and Blaine was still eating so he decided to top up his and Blaine’s glasses. He looked at the calendar pinned on the fridge then sat back down.
“What day are you looking at?” Blaine said, noticing Kurt look at the calendar. He finished eating and looked at Kurt with raised eyebrows and a questioning look.
“Oh, no day in particular.” Kurt said picking up Blaine’s plate and washing it up. “You can bring your drink up with you if you like.” Kurt said walking out into the living room.
Blaine picked up his drink and followed quickly behind Kurt. “Well now you’ve got me wondering.” he said, standing behind Kurt. He put his chin on Kurt’s shoulder from behind when they both stopped walking, trying his best not to put too much pressure onto Kurt’s shoulder.
Kurt stopped when Blaine put his chin on his shoulder. He sighed. “It’s nothing okay; I was just checking the date. Nothing to wonder about.”
Blaine’s eyes dashed across Kurt’s face, finally settling on his eyes. “Okay.” Blaine said with the smallest of shrugs, watching Kurt’s eyes look various different places around the room. Blaine wasn’t sure if Kurt was just saying that to get Blaine off his back or if he really was just checking the date. He took his chin off of Kurt’s shoulder and took a small step back, allowing Kurt to lead the way to wherever they were going.
As Blaine released Kurt’s shoulder, Kurt took a deep breath before moving. He walked towards the shelf underneath the television. He was there for a second then walked up the stairs. “You coming?”
“After you.” Blaine followed Kurt up the stairs, beginning to worry. He heard Kurt pull in a sharp intake of breath before going up the stairs, something that Blaine knew signified something more than just “okay.” He decided to drop it for now and would wait until Kurt wanted to tell him, if there even was anything to tell. The two reached Kurt’s room and stepped inside, slowly shutting the door behind them.
Kurt went up the stairs with Blaine followed behind him. He wanted to tell Blaine everything that was wrong but he felt like it wasn’t worth it and it was nothing. They reached Kurt’s room, closing the door behind them. Kurt walked over to the DVD player pressing play on the way back to the bed; he put his drink on the side table and climbed into bed.
Blaine stood for a moment, looking down at Kurt, before walking over to the side of the bed Kurt had just gotten on and kneeling on the floor by the bed. He put one hand on the top of the covers and the other on his own knee. His eyes searched Kurt’s for any indication of what was wrong. He didn’t want to make Kurt tell him, but he felt like he should at least let him know that he was there for him. “It’s only me.”
Kurt half smiled at the kneeling boy who was looking into his eyes concerned. “I know,” he sighed he took Blaine’s hand that was closest to him. “I just forgot.” was all he said after that.
Blaine shook his head and laughed, it was all he could do. “What made you forget?” he asked Kurt, his thumb rubbing the top of Kurt’s hand. He wanted to ask what it was he forgot, but he decided if Kurt didn’t want to talk about it then it didn’t need to be talked about. He smiled at Kurt, waiting for an answer to his first question.
“Being happy with you, I just got so caught up I almost forgot about it, about her.” Kurt said quietly looking down at Blaine stroking his hand.
Blaine stopped breathing, realizing what Kurt was saying. He stood up quickly and wrapped his arms around Kurt without a second thought, stroking Kurt’s hair. Kurt sat up a little bit more, and Blaine pulled him into an even closer hug. Kurt didn’t need to explain. Blaine understood.
Kurt felt comforted when Blaine hugged him, Kurt hugged him back tightly. He was lucky to have Blaine this year; it was usually just him alone coping with this. He couldn’t fight back the tears any longer, they trickled down his face.
Blaine knew words wouldn’t help right now; all Kurt needed was someone to be there for him, someone to hold him while he cried. He pulled back in the slightest, arms still tightly around the trembling boy, and rested his forehead on Kurt’s. He didn’t try to kiss him or try to say anything that could backfire and only make things worse. He just sat there, arms wrapped around Kurt, with his forehead resting on that of his boyfriend’s.
Kurt couldn’t stop the tears, they just kept coming. When Blaine pulled back slightly Kurt still gripped him tight. Blaine’s forehead was now rested against Kurt’s. He felt so bad for almost forgetting the anniversary of his mom’s death which was the following day. “I’m sorry.” Kurt mumbled trying to wipe the tears from his eyes. “I cry too much.”
“Shh, it’s alright. You don’t need to apologize.” Blaine raised his hand to Kurt’s face and helped wipe away some of the tears. He hated seeing Kurt like this, but he would still do anything to be there for him. Blaine finally understood why Burt had wanted Blaine to stay over for the night, and why it would be good for Kurt. He took his forehead off of Kurt’s, and Kurt buried his face into Blaine’s chest. He pulled Kurt as close as they could get and kissed the top of his head.
When Blaine removed his forehead from Kurt’s to talk to him, Kurt hugged Blaine, head buried in his chest. He felt Blaine kiss the top of his head, more tears rolled out of his eyes. “I just miss her so much.”
“I know.” That was all Blaine was able to say, even though he knew how untrue those words were. He didn’t know. He would never know. Never know what it was like to go through all the pain and have to re-visit it year after year. Never have to keep these terrible feelings bottled up until they can’t live in confinement any longer and explode. Blaine’s eyes shut and his breathing became more difficult. He knew he would never know, but at least he could be there, holding Kurt in his time of need.
Kurt loved having Blaine there to hold him while he broke down. He didn’t feel able to talk to his dad about it; it’s just something that had gone unsaid. Every year on the day of her death and her birthday, Kurt would secretly cry and go and visit her grave with a candle. It was nice having someone there when the day came around for a change. Kurt’s crying was affecting his breathing so he did his best to stop but once he started he couldn’t stop.
Blaine heard Kurt’s breathing becoming heavier and he was crying even harder than before. He pulled Kurt so close that he was almost crushing him, and he loosened his grip. “I’ll be here as long as you need me, no matter how long.” Blaine said, running his hand along Kurt’s back. He didn’t know for how long Kurt would be depressed, but he would stay with him through it all if Kurt wanted him too.
Kurt was gripping Blaine tightly; worried in case he was hurting him. He looked up at Blaine. “Always.” he said. “I’ll… always… need… you” he said through the tears. He hated the fact that he’d completely broken down in front of Blaine, he felt it ruined their night. He felt comforted even further when Blaine said he’d be there no matter how long. His crying now becoming more controlled now and he was calming down. “I’m always be here for you too. Thank you for this, I usually do it when it’s the actual day but...” he looked at his clock, it was 1am, it was the day.
Blaine stared at Kurt with the most caring eyes as Kurt talked. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” he said when Kurt thanked him. And he meant it. More tears began flowing down Kurt’s face after he checked the time, and Blaine looked over at the clock. It was now, the next day, must have been the day when… he shook his head in the slightest. He would have to take note of the date when he could and memorize it. Blaine looked back down at Kurt, who was staring up at him with a tear painted face. He kissed his forehead and raised his hand to wipe away some of the tears, leaving his hand on Kurt’s cheek to collect more tears when they came.
Kurt stared at Blaine, he hated breaking down in front of him but he loved having Blaine there and someone to talk to. He thought he was calming down until he looked at the clock. He took the hand that was on his face and held it, kissing it gently as a way to say thank you. “I love you.” Kurt said quietly
Blaine’s eyes stared deep into the blue of Kurt’s, wanting to say a million things at once. The arm not connected to the hand Kurt was holding wrapped itself around the crying boy, trying to say some of those million things. “I love you, Kurt Hummel, and I always will.” Blaine thought he sounded cheesy, but there was no other way to say the words he knew to be true. Blaine felt Kurt put his head on his shoulder and hugged him tighter, not wanting to let go unless Kurt wanted him too.
Kurt felt better when Blaine said he loved him and always will he managed a small smile at Blaine before resting his head on his shoulder hugging him tight. “Where would I be without you?” he asked, Blaine had done so much for him since they first met, he felt like he hadn’t done enough for Blaine and hoped to make it up to him one day.
“You’d probably still be at McKinley, being your fabulous self.” Blaine responded with a smile. “You wouldn’t have to deal with the burdens of being a Warbler and you wouldn’t have to listen to that terrible, terrible CD in your car. You wouldn’t have to owe anyone coffee for a week.” Blaine said, looking at Kurt and raising his eyebrow sarcastically as if reminding him of something. “And you wouldn’t have to deal with this puppy following you around everywhere.” He nestled his head in Kurt’s neck, imitating the animal he was constantly referred to.