A Romance Like No Other
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A Romance Like No Other : Suspicions

E - Words: 4,349 - Last Updated: Jan 03, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 154/154 - Created: Dec 02, 2011 - Updated: Jan 03, 2012
705 0 0 0 1

Kurt came running back into the room with a jacket in his hand. “I remember you saying you wanted to see it and i couldn’t find it but here it is.” He handed Blaine the leather jacket he was dying to see.
Blaine took the jacket, taking his hand out of his pocket. He ran his hand over it, smiling. “It’s awesome.” He said, looking up at Kurt before folding it and putting it in the bag. “Right. What else do you need me to do?”
“Nothing, that’s it, all i need to do now is my hair like i promised i’d do for you and then sort out my toiletries and i’m all done.” He smiled walking into the bathroom, he offered Blaine a chance to follow.
“Sound’s good.” Blaine said, getting up and following Kurt to the bathroom. He couldn’t find a better place to sit, so he sat down cross legged in the bathtub. He smiled up at Kurt through the mirror, watching as he got his stuff together.
Kurt laughed as Blaine climbed in the bathtub in sat in it. He got his things together and went back to his room and put them in his bag. He came back a minute later and smiled at Blaine. “Right just need to do my hair, you still want it how you saw it in that picture?”
“If you want to.” Blaine said, leaning back against the wall of the bathtub and closing his eyes. He remembered where his packed bag was: sitting in his closet. He had packed his bag as soon as he got permission to take Kurt and had it ready for when they decided to go. He opened his eyes to see Kurt smiling at him, and he smiled in return, hand in his pocket.
Kurt turned back to the mirror and combed his hair. He pulled out hair gel, turning to smile at Blaine. Now they were both going to be wearing hair gel. Kurt finished his hair that he had said he’d do and turned to Blaine. “Finished, what do you think?”
While Kurt was fixing his hair, Blaine had pulled out his phone and was waiting for Kurt to turn around so he could take a picture. Kurt turned around after a few minutes of fixing it, and Blaine held up his phone and snapped a picture. “It’s beautiful.” Blaine said with a smile, eyes darting from the picture he took and the boy in front of him.
Kurt laughed and shook his head, he walked over and crouched down by the bathtub leaning against it. “Let’s have a look.” He asked. He really hoped it wasn’t a bad picture, he hated bad pictures of himself.
“Go ahead.” Blaine handed Kurt his phone. It was a good picture, but knowing Kurt, he would probably think it was a bad picture. As Kurt was looking at the picture, Blaine’s eyes swept over Kurt’s face, making him smile. He watched as Kurt’s lips formed a smile, he watched as his eyes examined the picture of himself.
Kurt smiled at the picture and then looked up at Blaine. “Is that what i look like?” Blaine nodded. “Not bad." He smiled getting up. He gave Blaine his phone back and held out his hand to help Blaine out of the bathtub.

Blaine smiled at Kurt’s hand and took it, allowing Kurt to pull him up. He followed Kurt into his room and looked at what he had packed, walking over towards it. “Do you want me to take this down to the car?” Blaine asked, picking up one of the bags.
“Please.” He smiled picking up the other bag. He followed Blaine to the car putting the bags in. “Where’s your bags?” He asked looking in the trunk.
“Still at my house. We pass by there anyway, and I need to pick them up.” Blaine said, opening the trunk and putting Kurt’s bag in. He helped Kurt put the other bag in and slammed the trunk closed. He turned to Kurt and motioned towards the house. ‘Do you want to go tell Burt and Carole we’re going soon?”
“Yeah i suppose i’d better.” He smiled, he held out his hand for Blaine to take. Once he’d taken it he led Blaine inside to say goodbye to Carol and Burt, Kurt was surprised when his dad gave Blaine a hug. He was only expecting him to be given a hand shake. Blaine hugged Carole which wasn’t a surprise. Kurt hugged his dad and then Carole before heading towards the door with Blaine in tow.
Blaine hugged both Carole and Burt and said goodbye before being towed out of the room by Kurt. “Wait, can I ask you something Blaine?” He heard Burt say. Blaine nodded and Kurt began to follow him back until Burt shook his head. “Just Blaine, Kurt. He’ll be out there in a second.” Kurt looked confused but listened to his father and went outside. Once Kurt was outside, Blaine turned to face Burt with a smile. Burt looked towards Blaine and asked “Can I see it?” Blaine looked from Burt to Carole, who wore a “I couldn’t help it!” look. Blaine bit his lip to keep from laughing and pulled the box out, handing it to Burt.
Burt took the box and opened it, his eyes widened and a smile stretched across his face. “Wow look at that, its very nice.” He said handing it back to Blaine. “Welcome to the family son.” He smiled widely holding out his arms to hug Blaine, he didn’t usually hug but considering the circumstances he couldn’t he happier to do so.
“He hasn’t said yes yet.” Blaine said, accepting Burt’s hug. Carole flashed him a proud smile and he smiled back across Burt’s shoulder. When he pulled back he noticed the door was wide open, and he hoped Kurt was at the car and didn’t hear anything. He walked over to the door. “Wish me luck.” Blaine said to Kurt’s dad and stepmom, waving as he walked outside and closed the door behind him.
Kurt was stood waiting by the car when Blaine came out smiling. Kurt was getting rather suspicious since over the last few days Blaine had secret talks with his dad, Carole and Reed and then he had an errand to run with Reed in which Blaine would not tell him about. He had no idea what was going on but he intended on finding out. “What did dad want to talk to you about?”
“Nothing. He was just telling me to look out for you.” Blaine said, trying to contain his smile. Kurt was giving him suspicious looks. Was he on to Blaine? Did he figure it out? Oh no, he probably heard. Blaine went from happy to a bit nervous as he slipped into the drivers seat of the car, slipping his hand into his pocket to stroke the box for secret reassurance.

“Couldn’t he have said that in front of me?” Kurt asked confused. He climbed into the car and put on his seat belt, he looked at Blaine who was suddenly very nervous, he knew there was no point in asking because Blaine wouldn’t tell him.
“I don’t know…. I think he didn’t want to seem threatening at all.” Blaine said, driving away towards his house. Kurt was still staring at him suspiciously, making him nervous. “We have to drop by my house.” Blaine said, turning the radio on.
“Yeah, okay.” Kurt said taking his gaze off Blaine and looked out of the window. He heard the radio turn on and began tapping his fingers on his knee.
Blaine felt bad when Kurt looked out the window. Lady Gaga came on the radio and Blaine turned to Kurt, hoping it would cheer him up. He smiled at him, also hoping Kurt would turn around and smile back.
When Lady Gaga came on the radio Kurt began mouthing the words to the song, he didn’t notice Blaine smiling at him. He continued to look out the window and watch everything fly by.
Kurt didn’t turn around, and his mood didn’t improve. Great… he probably heard and was avoiding talking to him. He leaned back in his chair, worried. He began to sing along softly. Bad Romance. How fitting, he thought. One hand went back into his pocket, needing more reassurance.
Kurt was listening to Blaine singing softly and a tiny smile formed in the corner of his mouth. He got out his phone and began texting.
Blaine turned back to Kurt to see him texting. He smiled, attempting conversation. “Who you talking to?” He took one of his hands off of the steering wheel and draped it over the back of Kurt’s seat.
Kurt’s head didn’t move position but his eyes shifted so he could see Blaine, who was smiling at him. “Rachel and Tina.”Hhe said shifting his eyes back to his phone and resumed texting.
Blaine didn’t even get so much as a small attempt at a smile, and his heart sank. He was going to propose when they got there, but now he thought he was going to wait. They pulled up to Blaine’s house. “You don’t have to come in.” Blaine said, getting out of the car and walking towards the house slowly, hand still in his pocket.
Kurt watched as Blaine got out of the car and sighed, tilting his head back. He was mad at Blaine, his dad, Carole and Reed as they were all keeping things from him and he didn’t know why. He didn’t want to make Blaine upset or mad so he got out the car and ran to Blaine’s side, taking his spare hand.

Blaine was walking towards his house, hand still in his pocket. It wasn’t giving him very much reassurance, which he needed now more than ever. He sighed and bit his lip to keep a sob in. He let his hand fall out of his pocket and a second later he felt another hand grab it. He looked over at Kurt with a look mixed with thankfulness, sadness, and surprise. “Hey.” Blaine said, giving his hand a squeeze.
“Hey.” Kurt said back, returning the squeeze on his hand. He looked into Blaine’s eyes and saw he was sad, Kurt had no idea what he’d done but he knew he must have done something. Still holding onto Blaine’s hand he stood in Blaine’s path stopping him. With his spare hand he put it on Blaine’s face, he leaned him and kissed him, hoping that it might make him feel better.
Blaine completely melted into Kurt’s kiss, kissing him back almost instantly. That was the kind of reassurance he needed. His free hand went up to Kurt’s neck and he couldn’t help but let the grin sneak back onto his face, smiling largely against Kurt’s lips.
Kurt felt a smile against his lips which made him smile, he intertwined their fingers and stepped closer to Blaine still kissing him. After almost a minute of kissing he pulled out of the kiss, his face still close to Blaine’s. “Better?” He asked.
“Much.” Blaine said after the kiss giving Kurt a quick peck before leading him towards the house. No one was home, Blaine could tell. He lead Kurt back up to his room and opened the closet, pulling his bag out. He only had one, but it wasn’t small. “I got it.” Blaine said, picking it up and smiling at Kurt. They walked back down the stairs with Kurt following and Blaine carrying the bag. The box almost fell out if his pocket, but he thankfully pushed it back in there before Kurt could see.

Kurt followed Blaine down the stairs being knocking by the bag every so often. When he got to the bottom of the stairs he waited until Blaine was further forward and then moved trying to avoid being hit by the bag.
Blaine didn’t notice he was hitting Kurt until after he had gotten the bag down. “Woah, sorry about that..” He said, setting the bag down on the floor. He shifted the things in his pocket so the box wouldn’t have the chance to fall out on him and bent down to pick the bag back up. He took it out to the car, setting it down to to open and close the door to his house. Blaine carried it out to the car and popped the trunk before setting the bag down next to Kurt’s. He shut the hood of the trunk and looked at Kurt with a proud smile as he got into the car again.
Kurt smiled back at Blaine and was about to get into the car, he stopped. “Wait a second.” He said looking at Blaine.”You’ve forgotten two things”
Blaine looked at Kurt and then looked around, confused. He began to pat his chest and pockets as if looking for something, but stopped when it hit him. He looked up at Kurt and broke out into a grin. “You still want me to bring them?” Blaine asked, remembering he had promised to bring his guitar and ukulele, Kurt nodded his head. He got out of the car, closing the door with a laugh. “I’ll be right back.” He jogged up to the house, leaving the door open as he practically sprinted up the stairs and into his room to grab two of his favorite instruments.
Kurt laughed as he watched his dorky boyfriend jog into the house and sprint up the stairs. Within minutes he was back and putting the instruments into his car. “You taking part in a marathon?” Kurt joked walking towards the passenger side.
”Haven’t you heard? I’m going to be in the Olympics, and I have to train some times.” Blaine said after putting his instruments in the trunk next to where his previous stuff was. “We’ve got the same amount of stuff, only mine is half instruments.” Blaine teased as he slipped into the drivers seat of the car, leaning over to open the door from the inside for Kurt.
“Oh the Olympics? you’ve been keeping that one quiet.” He laughed looking at the instruments in the trunk. “Oh you know i have to look fabulous hence why i have more things, i have to try harder. Thank you.” He climbed inside the car and smiled at Blaine.
”You always look fabulous.” Blaine said with a shrug as Kurt got situated in the car.
“Yes thats only because i use so many products which help me and then there are my many outfits.” Kurt smiled as he put on his seat belt. “There’s no other stops we need to do?” he asked. Blaine shook his head smiling. “Only Vermont?” Blaine nodded. Kurt smiled wider as Blaine pulled away from his house.
Blaine could feel the box against his leg and he smiled to himself. Kurt was talking to him again and not just staring down at his phone. Kurt smiled again. Blaine let out a happy sigh before setting his course for Vermont.

Blaine began driving, and his phone rang as soon as he got on the highway. He struggled, getting it out of his pocket, and tossing it to Kurt. “Hey, could you tell me who it is?” Blaine asked, repositioning himself in his seat. He heard Kurt say the name Taylor and he started laughing. “Answer it for me, would you?” He asked, turning towards Kurt. “But don’t let her hang up until I talk to her.”
“Taylor? Okay…” Kurt answered the phone. Who’s Taylor? He thought to himself. He managed to keep her on the phone until Blaine managed to pull over and take the phone from him.
Blaine took the phone from Kurt after pulling over. “Taylor? Hi…. yeah…Uh huh. Yeah, he’s my boyfriend…..Yep….I’m not that big of a sap….okay maybe I am…. oh great. Did mom tell you that?…. right….. I would love to, but I’d have to…. yeah….. look, just let me ask him okay? God your such a girl.” Blaine said, lowering the phone and putting his hand on the mouthpiece. “Taylor’s a family friend that lives in Vermont. My mom apparently told hers that we were going there, and they want to have us over for lunch one day. Do you want to? I understand if you don’t, I just need something to tell them.”
“No, no it sounds like fun, tell her we’re coming, i’d love to meet your family friends.” He smiled as Blaine went back to talking to her on the phone. He checked is own phone and saw a reply from Tina so he replied to it before turning back to Blaine, who was still on the phone.
Blaine smiled. “Taylor? Hey…. yeah. Kurt said we’re coming and tha-…. yeah. Who all is up there?…… Right…..Jack is there, right?… Awesome, I love that boy….. Really? God, could he get more adorable?……” Blaine laughed. “You’re right…. yeah, tell him I’m coming. He’ll be excited…. uh huh…. right, Taylor. Like I believe that…. okay. Look I gotta go, I’ll see you in a few days. Okay? Bye. Tell Jack I say hi.” Blaine hung up the phone and turned to Kurt with a smile.
Kurt smiled back at Blaine. “Who’s Jack?” he asked confused. “When are we going to theirs to get lunch?” Kurt was curious about Blaine’s friends.
”Jack is Taylor’s six year old brother. He’s seriously one of the cutest kids I’ve ever met.” Blaine said, shaking his head at the thought of that crazy child. “Either tomorrow or the day after. Depends on when we get there.” Blaine said, pulling back onto the road and heading the car towards Vermont.
“Ahhh he’s a kid, i thought he was one of your many other boyfriends.” He laughed. “How long will it take to get there?” he wondered.
”Depends on how fast I drive.” Blaine said, laughing. “We’ll probably have to spend the night in a hotel, or you could sleep while I drive us straight through and we’d get there by morning.” Blaine said, either idea being fine with him as long as Kurt got some sleep.
“I like the sound of the hotel, i’m not having you drive all the day and all night without rest, its not fair and if you did i’d stay up with you.” Kurt said sternly.
”Okay, hotel it is.” Blaine said with a smile at Kurt’s sterness. After a while of driving, Blaine was getting tired. He already knew that they were over half way there, so he planned to stop and get some rest soon. Kurt was looking sleepy as well. “Do you want to stop soon?” Blaine asked, patting Kurt on the shoulder. “Just tell me when you see a place you want to stop at.”
“If you’re tired we can stop.” He said looking at the hand that patted his shoulder. “You know the places round here better than me so the place where we stop is entirely up to you” he smiled at Blaine before looking out the window, enjoying the view.
”I’ll stop if you’re tired.” Blaine said, but he was most likely going to end up stopping anyways. He looked around outside the car, realizing exactly where they were. Up here somewhere was the place his family always stayed when they were on their way to Vermont. He pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, turning to face Kurt in his seat after parking. “How’s this?”
Kurt looked at the hotel as Blaine parked up. He turned to face Blaine and smiled. “It looks nice, you ever stayed here before?”

”I stay here every time we go to Vermont.” Blaine said with a laugh before getting out of the car and walking over to Kurt’s side, opening the door for him. “You just watch. As soon as I walk in all the employees will recognize me.” Blaine closed the door behind Kurt as he got out of the car, taking his hand as he did so.
“Thank you.” He smiled as Blaine opened the door for him. He climbed out and took the hand that was offered to him. “All of them? Wow you do go to Vermont a lot, i’m surprised you’re not bored of it.”
”I go up there every summer and have been since I was three.” Blaine said, leading Kurt away from the car. “I could never get bored of it. It’s so mu- our bags!” Blaine said, pulling Kurt back towards the car. he had forgotton about their luggage that he left in the car.
Kurt wasn’t expecting to be pulled back so he almost tripped when he was. He had to duck when Blaine pulled out his bag as it would have hit him if he didn’t. Kurt pulled out his bags and put them on the floor to close the trunk. He waited until Blaine was a couple of feet ahead of him before he started walking so he wasn’t hit by Blaine’s bag again.
Blaine looked behind as Kurt followed him into the hotel as he rolled his bag with his guitar and ukulele on his back. He was right when he told Kurt that they would recognize him… as soon as he walked in one of the bellboys took his bag from him. “Hello, Mr. Blaine! Long time no see!” The bellboy, Blaine now recognzied as Jeff, smiled at him and offered to take Kurt’s bag too. “You don’t have to call me Mr. Blaine. I’m not eight.” Blaine teased, walking over towards the desk to get a room.
“Thanks” Kurt smiled as Jeff took his bags from him, he went to join Blaine by the desk. “Mr Blaine?” he said quietly trying not to laugh.
Blaine rolled his eyes and laughed. “When I was younger, everyone called my dad Mr. Anderson. I wanted to be called Mr something, but my dad was Mr. Anderson already, so we decided I was Mr. Blaine. My mom and I decided that on the car ride here one trip, and I was so excited about it I ran up to Jeff and told him I was Mr. Blaine. And I regret that day forever.” Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt’s waist and stepped up to the desk. After a few minutes they had their room key and were heading up to their room with their bags being carried by Jeff.
Kurt laughed as Blaine told his story, he felt Blaine’s arm wrap around his waist. “You’re just so cute, i wish i could have seen it.” He smiled widely at him as they made their way to their room. He watched as Jeff carried their bags, he offered to help him but Jeff smiled and said he was fine.
Once they got to their room, Jeff gave them their bags and left. Blaine unlocked the door and dragged the bags into the room, making sure Kurt and all their stuff was inside before he closed and locked the door behind him. He walked over to one of the two beds and collasped on it face first, not wanting to get up.
Kurt laughed at the boy face down on the bed, he walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. He put his hands on Blaine’s shoulders and massaged them, he felt like Blaine needed it.
Blaine let out a tired groan as Kurt massaged his shoulders. “Who knew driving could be so tiring?” He asked, lifting his head and resting it on Kurt’s leg. He looked up at Kurt and opened his eyes with a smile. “Thanks. We’re only three hours away now, so if you want we can have lunch with Taylor and her famliy tomorrow we can.” Blaine snuggled himself closer to Kurt, still smiling.
Kurt looked at Blaine in adoration as Blaine’s head rested on his leg. He leaned down and kissed Blaine’s head before taking one hand off his shoulders and began stroking his head. When Blaine snuggled closer to him, Kurt took the hand that was still on Blaine’s shoulder and wrapped it round him. He smiled down at the boy lying on him.
When Kurt wrapped his arm around Blaine, he scooted up so he was lying against Kurt’s chest. Normally, it was the other way around. But for some reason Blaine was too tired to think about that. His happiness and the drive here had worn him out. “I love you Kurt.” Blaine mumbled against Kurt’s chest, letting his eyes flutter shut.
Kurt loved the feel of Blaine’s head resting against his chest, it was usually the other way around. But this was nice. The poor boy looked so worn out. He smiled when Blaine said he loved him and leaned into just above Blaine’s head. “I love you too.” He said before kissing the top of his head. Wrapping his other arm around Blaine he rested his chin on the top of Blaine’s head, he closed his eyes and smiled.
Blaine could’ve fallen asleep in Kurt’s arms right then and there, but he remembered he had his pants still on. The pants with the ring. “One second …” Blaine said, taking one hand and taking off his pants while laying down. He kicked them off and onto the floor before leaning back into Kurt’s chest, eyes closing again. He wanted to push Kurt backwards so that they could lay down, and he did just that, using Kurt’chest as a pillow.
Kurt chuckled softly at Blaine removed his pants and then returned to his chest. He felt himself being slowly pushed back so he was lying down, when he was lying down and Blaine’s head was comfortable on his chest he wrapped his arm around Blaine hugging him, his other hand was gently stroking Blaine’s hair. He looked down and saw Blaine’s eyes shut, he knew it wouldn’t be long before the tired boy on his chest fell asleep.
“Good night.” Blaine said, wrapping both arms around Kurt’s waist completely and pulling himself closer to his boyfriend. It only took a few minutes for Blaine’s breathing to become steady and he was fast asleep, dreaming about how he was going to propose.
“Good night my beautiful baby.” He said as Blaine wrapped himself closer to him. Kurt was still stroking his hair, even after Blaine fell asleep. He closed his eyes and let his surroundings sink in before his own eyes got heavy and he slowly fell asleep.

End Notes: Please rate and review :D


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