Jan. 3, 2012, 12:19 a.m.
Jan. 3, 2012, 12:19 a.m.
Kurt shrugged his shoulders, he didn’t know if he was in the mood for a party but his mind could always be changed. “I’m not worried.” He said looking at his phone before going even more red, Wes was giving some tips on how to get Blaine to say the hidden words, the tips were a lot different than he expected.
Blaine watched as Kurt blushed like crazy. “What’s up?” He asked, rubbing his hand down Kurt’s back. It must have been the tips from Wes. Great, what did be say…
“Nothing, nothing. Just Wes giving me a few… tips on how to get you to say the forbidden words.” He felt Blaine’s hand rubbing down his back, shivers followed along after it.
“Ahh.” Blaine was curious as to what Wes told Kurt, but he kept his curiosity to himself so he didn’t seem nosy or foil any of Kurt’s plans. “So are you in the mood to school Wes in baseball, or do you want to do it another time?” Blaine asked so he could text back a reply to Wes. “Either time is fine with me.”
Kurt shrugged his shoulders. “I could be put in the mood i guess. What time?”
“I don’t know lemme check.” Blaine said, getting out his phone. “When are people wanting to have the party?” He texted back quickly. “I’m saying tonight at 7. But if you and Kurt can’t be there, then I’m calling it off. I haven’t seen public flirting between you two lately ;P” Blaine rolled his eyes and looked back up at Kurt. “People are wanting to hold it tonight at seven or so. If you don’t want to go, though, Wes will postpone it.”
Kurt sighed. “We might as well go, it might be fun and it’ll take our minds of things. And anyway its not fair on everyone else if its postponed because we can’t go or we’re not in the mood.”
“You sure?” Blaine didn’t want to make Kurt go if he wasn’t feeling up to it. Kurt nodded, and Blaine took that as a yes. He took out his phone and texted Wes. “Kurt and I can come. Expect to be beaten in bowling and baseball.” As soon as he set his phone down, both of their phones vibrated. Another mass text from Wes. “Attention all Warblers: Kurt and Blaine are in, so come at 7. The rule will be in affect for everyone but the one whose first Warbler party it is (We’re looking at you, Kurt.) The forbidden words are as follows: Drink, remote, awesome, and like.”
Kurt looked at the text and memorized the words, it was lucky for him he didn’t have to do what the rest of them were doing. He looked at Blaine who was smiling and seemed pretty excited. “So what exactly happens at these parties?”
“You’re just going to have to wait and see.” Blaine said with a wink. He looked at the time. “Hey, it’s already six. Do you want to go home and get ready or something? Or stay here and head out after some shopping or something?” Blaine asked, smiling at Kurt. He was pretty excited, the Warbler parties were usually fun. Especially the Wii ones.
“Tease” he smiled as Blaine winked at him. “Have you seen what i look like? I actually went out with messed up hair and now its even messier, i look a mess. I can’t believe i just said mess three times in the same sentence.” He realized he was talking too much and shut up.
“Good thing mess isn’t one of the words.” Blaine teased, standing up. “Right, let’s head home.” He offered his hand to help Kurt up, not letting go when he was standing. It reminded him of when he helped Superwoman up. They walked out of the coffee shop and strolled though the mall towards their car.
Kurt took Blaine’s hand when it was offered to him to help him up, when he stood up he didn’t let go. They got to the car and climbed inside, Blaine offered to drive this time, Kurt wasn’t going to refuse. Kurt turned on the radio and just as he did ‘I Wanna Hold Your Hand’ came on, he smiled at Blaine.
Blaine was relieved when Kurt let him drive. He had been in the passenger seat the entire time they had been in the car together, and he wanted to drive Kurt somewhere for a change. He laughed quietly to himself when he heard John Lennon and Paul McCartney’s voices singing in perfect unison flood the car. He couldn’t help but sing along. “Oh yeah I’ll tell you something, I think you’ll understand…”
Kurt stared lovingly at Blaine as he sang along, Kurt was remembering the last time he sang that song. It was when his dad had had a heart attack and he was expressing his feelings to his former glee club. When Blaine sang the line “I wanna hold your hand” he took Blaine’s hand and kissed it before giving it back so he can drive.
Blaine looked at Kurt when he kisses his hand, thankful they stopped at a red light. He stared into Kurt’s beautiful eyes and kept singing. “And when I touch you I feel happy inside. It’s such a feeling that my love I can’t hide, I can’t hide, I can’t hide.” He smiled and the light turned green, forcing him to resume driving.
Kurt smiled, the biggest smile he’d had since he was home earlier. This was the reason why Kurt hated traffic lights so much, they can be such awful cockblockers and mood killers. The song finished and Kurt clapped for Blaine.
Blaine bowed in his seat when Kurt applauded him. “Thank you, thank you.” He teased, the song changing. He liked being able to let Kurt relax and drive for him. It didn’t take long for the pair to reach the Hummel household, and when Blaine got out of the car he ran to Kurt’s side to open the door for him.
“Why thank you kind sir.” He smiled as he took Blaine’s hand jumping out. He opened the door and went inside, Blaine followed still holding onto Kurt’s hand. “Oh Blaine do you want to go and tell dad or Carole that we’re going out while i get ready? Oh wait what time will it finish they’ll need to know that.”
“They usually finish at 11 or so. Sure I’ll go find Carole. I have to ask her a question anyways.” Blaine said with a smile before giving Kurt a quick peck and letting go of his hand. He watches as Kurt went up the stairs to his room, and he found Carole in the kitchen getting a drink. “Hi Superwoman.” Blaine said to her with a smile as she turned around.
Carole turned round and smiled at Blaine. “Hi honey, everything okay?” She asked pouring herself a drink, she poured Blaine one and they sat at the table.
“Right now they’re good. Earlier… not so much.” Blaine began to partially explain what happened at the mall with Jeremiah. He left out parts like how Kurt pushed him and things he knew Kurt wouldn’t want Carole to know. “And when Kurt is done getting ready, we are heading out to a fellow Warbler’s house for a Wii tournament night. We’ll be back no later than 11, and if it’s any later, I’ll text you.”
“Oh my… are you both okay?” Carole asked referring to the Jeremiah incident. “Oh and thats fine, i’ll tell Burt and leave the door unlocked.”
“I think so…” Blaine ran a hand though his hair. Kurt never did let him gel it. “Okay that sounds good. Could you do me a favor? Do you think you could trick Kurt into telling you his ring size? So I have it for later…” Blaine trailed off, not sure what Carole was going to say.
“You don’t even need to ask, its lucky for you that i already know it.” She smiled. “Being Superwoman and all.”
Blaine laughed and got the size. “Superwoman saves the day once again. Thanks!” Blaine called, giving her a wave before walking up to Kurt’s room and closing the door behind him. He didn’t see Kurt, so he laid down on the bed and waited, closing his eyes and thinking.
Kurt was in the bathroom changing and doing his hair, when he came out he looked at Blaine who had his eyes closed. He wondered whether Blaine would recognize his outfit, it was the one he wore when his dad caught them kissing.
Blaine opened his eyes and smiled when Kurt walked into the room. He recognized the pants. “You found that shirt, huh?” Blaine teased, standing up to meet Kurt. “Come on, let’s go. The boys are going to start a riot if we’re late.”
“Yes i found the shirt.” He grinned taking Blaine’s hand and pulling him off the bed. “You drive or me?”
“Me, definitely. You drove me around all day. It’s my turn.” Blaine stuck his tongue out at the last part and they both walked out of the room, hands still together. They saw Carole on the way down and Blaine waved with smile. They got out to the car and Blaine slipped into the drivers seat, waiting for Kurt to get in.
Kurt was about to get into the car when he was Carole beckon him over. He walked over and spoke to her. A few minutes later he told her he had to go otherwise they’d be late, he hugged her and ran to the car jumping in the passenger seat. “Right lets go.”
Blaine knew Kurt was talking to Carole. “What’d you two talk about this time? How gorgeous I am?” He teased, backing out of the driveway and beginning to drive towards Wes’s house. Thankfully, he lived only five minutes away, so they wouldn’t be late.
“Oh of course because that’s all we talk about.” He grinned. “No she was asking me about what happened at the mall, asking if i was okay.” Kurt had never been to Wes’ house before so he was glad Blaine was driving.
“And are you?” Blaine asked, turning onto Wes’s street. They had gotten there a lot quicker than Blaine had thought they would. Cars Blaine recognized that belonged to fellow Warblers were parked infront of Wes’s house, and Blaine parked behind David’s car, turning in his seat to look at Kurt. “Ready to put Wes in his rightful place?”
Kurt didn’t answer his first question and looked out his window. Blaine parked the car outside a house which must have been Wes’ he looked at Blaine and nodded. “Yes i am, i’m nervous but ready.”
“Why are you nervous?” Blaine asked, walking out of the car and opening the door for Kurt. “We all love you.”
An arm draped over his shoulders and another around his waist, pulling him away from the car. “How sweet of you.” He heard Ethan say. “But you don’t have to be connected to him all the time.” Evan replied. “Funny. Let me go guys.”
“No way.” They said in perfect unison, picking Blaine up completely and carrying him towards the house. They stopped, turning to Kurt who had just gotten out of the car and screaming to him “Come on Kurt! We’ve got Blaine and aren’t letting him go until you come inside!” They carried Blaine inside and set him down infront of the other Warblers.
“Whoa Whoa Whoa, where’s Kurt?” They all asked.
“He’s coming don’t worry.” Blaine said, watching as Reed left the house. Ethan and Evan were still carrying Blaine and refused to set him down.
“Come on guys!” Blaine said, struggling to get down from their grip.
“Sayy it! Saaayyyy it!” The twins wouldn’t let him down until he said a forbidden word. Blaine shot a glare at Wes.
“Was this your idea?” He asked, and Wes nodded proudly. “Fine…. this is awesome.” Ethan and Evan cheered, letting him down. Blaine sighed and took off his shirt, throwing it at Wes.
Kurt walked in with Reed to see Blaine out of the twins clutches and shirtless, his eyes widened. “What’s going on here?” He laughed. “Started without me?”
Blaine turned towards Kurt and smiled. “They wouldn’t let me go unless I said awesome.” He shrugged and Wes jumped out of his seat and pointed.
“Your belt! Give me thy belt!” Blaine sighed and took off his belt, throwing it to Wes, who winked at Kurt.
Kurt smiled biting the inside of his lip, he walked further into the room, Wes came over to him and handed him the belt. “Thanks.” He said looking at Blaine, even though they were on opposite sides of the room their eyes still met in a gaze.
Wes watched as Kurt and Blaine stared at each other from opposite sides of the room and laughed. “Dude, when are you going to use some of my tips to get that boy’s pants off?” Wes asked Kurt, giving him a pat on the back. David challenged Blaine in bowling just then, giving himself the death sentence.
“Who said i had to use tips?” Kurt laughed. Ethan and Evan practically dragged Kurt so that he was standing amongst the rest of them, deliberately stopping him next to Blaine. Kurt was thankful that it wasn’t him who was challenged to play bowling, he was completely hopeless at it, Blaine however was amazing at it, just like everything he did.
Blaine grabbed one of the remotes, and the game was on. Wes’s Wii already had all the Warblers on his character list, and Blaine was pink again. David went first, failing miserably. Blaine hit strikes every time, and David never hit one. Wes called playing against winner, and a few minutes later he and Blaine were playing against each other, a very close game.
Kurt was cheering Blaine on the whole time and was pleased when David lost. He got nervous when Blaine was against Wes. Wes was pretty good and the game was close.
Blaine smiled to himself when Kurt was cheering him on. Wes was doing well… too close for comfort. “You’ve been practicing, I see.” Blaine said with a laugh. “It’s all I do.” Wes said, hitting another strike. Blaine was in the lead, but not by much. The game ended, with Blaine still the reining king of bowling.
Kurt was happy when Blaine won, not really feeling bad for Wes who didn’t really like losing. “Well done Blaine.” He smiled he felt a nudge in his back from one of the twins who obviously wanted him to either kiss or hug Blaine.
“Still the king.” Blaine said, smiling at Kurt. He felt a push on his back and he ran into Kurt, his arms instinctively going around him so they didn’t fall. They remained standing, Kurt now wrapped up in Blaine’s arms. The Warblers erupted into whistles and swoons, making them both laugh and blush a bit.
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine returning the hug that was being given, when he heard the whistles and swoons he laughed and his face turned scarlet. It got worse when Blaine took his hand, Evan and Ethan began to mimic them.
Blaine shook his head when Ethan and Evan imitated them. “You can’t copy us forever.” Blaine said, unwrapping one of his arms so one arm was around Kurt’s waist.
Ethan did the same to Evan. “Sure we can.” Ethan said, sticking his tongue out at Blaine.
Blaine gave him a joking glare. “Oh really?” He asked, smiling. He turned towards Kurt and pulled him in for a long kiss, the Warblers erupting again. Blaine broke apart and after smiling at Kurt, gave the twins a look saying ‘bring it.’ Ethan and Evan looked at each other and turned their noses up at each other.
“I love you man, but I’m not kissing you.” Ethan said, and everyone laughed.
Kurt was completely shocked when Blaine kissed him, he returned the long kiss and when Blaine pulled away the shock showed on his face. He wasn’t very good at public affections, with Blaine it was something he had to get used to. He laughed with the others when Ethan told Evan he loved him but won’t kiss him.
Blaine felt Kurt being ripped from his side and saw Wes pulling him away.
“Kurt! You’re playing baseball against me! Now!” Blaine watches with sad eyes as Kurt left, and his phone began to rang.
“Be right back.” Blaine said, stepping into an empty room. As soon as Blaine was gone, Wes announced.
“Okay Warblers. This has officially turned into mission make-Blaine-say-forbidden-words.”
Kurt was pulled from Blaine’s side by Wes who challenged him to a game of baseball. “What? Now? Er-erm okay.” Kurt said nervously, he watched as Blaine left the room. He turned back to Wes who was making an announcement. “He’s already lost his shirt and belt.” He laughed looking at the belt in his hand.
“Yeah, but we all know you want him to lose more.” Wes said with a wink. “Besides, Blaine won’t care. It’s not like we haven’t seen him like that.” The Warblers noticed Kurt’s expression become horrified.
“Pool parties, Kurt.” Reed said reassuringly. “They mean him in a swimsuit is basically the same thing.”
“What about a pool party?” Blaine asked, walking back into the room to see a horrified Kurt and laughing group of Warblers.
Kurt’s face went from happy and laughing to completely horrified, he looked from Blaine to the Warblers. “Th-they were just t-telling me about the pool par-parties.” He stuttered.
Blaine’s face fell when he noticed Kurt stuttering. “Are you okay?” He asked, walking over to Kurt and putting his hand on Kurt’s back. Blaine sent glaring looks at the entire group of Warblers, excluding Reed who looked worried and angry as well. “What did they say?” He asked, putting on a small smile.
Kurt put on a smile and looked at Blaine. “Er yeah i’m fine. Its nothing, don’t worry about it.” He looked at the Warblers who were trying not to laugh, the twins faces were red from trying to contain themselves.
“Okay.” Blaine let it go, wondering what the Warblers were up to. “Come on Kurt. You’re about to be schooled.” Wes said, taking Kurt and leading him to the tv. He handed him a remote. “You can play on Blaine’s person. He won’t mind.” Wes said, handing Kurt a remote.