A Romance Like No Other
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A Romance Like No Other : Carole's Shock

E - Words: 3,630 - Last Updated: Jan 03, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 154/154 - Created: Dec 02, 2011 - Updated: Jan 03, 2012
629 0 0 0 1

Blaine watched as Kurt went upstairs, suddenly extremely nervous. He waited until he heard the door shut before sitting down on the couch next to Carole. He sighed before turning towards her, preparing to ask a question. “I know… okay. What would you say.. if I wanted. Okay. Do you think Burt would let Kurt go on a road trip with me to Vermont next week? I already talked it over with the school and they are fine with us missing school….”
Carole turned the tv off and turned to Blaine who was now sat next to her. “Well… i suppose he’d be okay with it, if the school is. As long as you look after him then i have no doubt he’ll say yes.”
“Okay… that’s good.” Blaine looked down at his hands, which were now sweating uncontrollably. “And… and what do you… you think he… how would he react if I said I wanted to… if I asked permission to…” Blaine rubbed his sweating hands on his legs. This was harder than he thought. “What do you think he would…. do you think he would let me…” Blaine just spat it out, talking so quickly it sounded like one word. “…..ifhewouldletmeaskKurttomarryme?”
Carole had not expected what she just heard, she almost choked on her drink. She stared at Blaine for a second. “What did you say?” she asked making sure she’d heard right.
Blaine sighed, putting his head in his hands and resting his elbows on his knees. Carole seemed almost mad that he was asking that question. He rubbed the back of his head with one hand before taking a deep breath. “Not right away, of course. I just… I just want to be able to know that if I do,” He paused, speaking quickly again. “thatifidoaskKurttomarryme one day that… that he’d be okay with that….. I wouldn’t,” He paused, running a hand through his curly hair. “I wouldn’t… I wouldn’t marryhimuntilweareoutofschoolanywaysbutIwasgoingtoaskbecausewe’ve….” Another pause. “We’ve been talking about it and I just want to have the promise that… that he’ll… thathewouldmarrymeoneday.” Blaine could hardly breathe he was so nervous.
Carole put down her drink, she didn’t know what to say she was shocked. “Oh right… well wow. I was not expecting that. Erm… i honestly think its really sweet and amazing, i’m really happy for you… Burt however i’m honestly not sure how he’ll react, i think he’ll be happy but will have his concerns. Sometimes that man is hard to read.”
Blaine sank deeper into his seat, head in his hands, and groaned. Was it way to early? It was way to early. Even though it was just the promise or the thought of marrying him one day… not setting an actual date. They were still in high school after all. Thoughts were running through his head at a million miles a minute but stopped instantly when Burt walked into the room. Blaine looked up at him with a mix of nervousness and fear. “Oh, hi Blaine. What did you want to talk about?” Blaine looked from Carole to Burt and sprang up from his seat. He paced the floor once. “Excuse me.” Blaine said, rushing towards the bathroom. He shut the door, locking it, and slid down the wall until he was sitting, pulling his knees close to his chest.

Burt looked at Carole rather confused. “Is he okay?” he asked her. She tilted her hand backwards and forwards. “Its complicated, he’s very nervous.” She said.
“What do you mean complicated? Is it something to do with Kurt?” Burt sat down next to Carole.
“Sort of.” She said, completely unsure of what to say. “What do you mean sort of? They haven’t broken up have they?” He asked.
Carole shook her head vigorously. “No, no, no. We’ll talk about it when i get back. I’m going to see if he’s okay.” Carole got up and walked to the bathroom where Blaine was. Kurt was standing in his doorway looking rather confused. “We’ll talk in a minute” was all she said to him. He looked concerned. “Go back inside.” He sighed and did as he was told. She knocked on the bathroom door. “Blaine?”

Blaine heard someone, Carole, tell someone else to go back inside. Then it hit him. He was right near Kurt’s room. Great.. now Kurt is going to be all worried and ask what is wrong and I won’t even begin to know how to explain and he’s probably worried sick and- His thoughts were stopped by a knock on the door. He jumped, not expecting one. Oh god please don’t let it be Kurt… He heard Carole call his name. Blaine stiffened, not sure what to do. Staying on the floor, he leaned forward, unlocked the door, and opened it, allowing Carole to come inside. He stayed on the floor, looking up at her as she walked in.
Carole breathed a sigh of relief when Blaine let her in. She sat down beside him, putting her arm around him gently rubbing his arm. “Oh honey, you okay?” she asked, then realized what a stupid question it was.
Blaine didn’t answer. He just wrapped his arms around Carole in a giant hug. “Now I’ve made Kurt all worried and he’s gonna ask me what’s wrong and I won’t be able to tell him and it’s going to kill him and I can’t stand to see Kurt like that, confused and caring but feeling like he can’t do anything about it because I’m hiding something from him and then he’ll become all suspicious and..” Blaine rambled off his worries about Kurt, still hugging Carole. He temporarily lost all concern for his nervousness about asking Burt and was worried about Kurt. The nervousness crept back in. “And then Burt is going to want to know because I had asked to talk to him and he won’t let me leave until I do and it’s just going to be a disaster and…” He couldn’t go on and buried his face in Carole’s shoulder.
She returned his hug and stroked his hair. “Kurt doesn’t know its you in here, if he did he wouldn’t have gone to his room. He’ll be trying to knock the door down. He doesn’t have to know its you, i can convince him that its his dad and he won’t even think twice about it. I love how much you care about him, he means a great deal to you doesn’t he?” she asked. “And Burt, tell him about Vermont, i can talk to him about the marriage stuff later and not make it seem like you two are planning it. They both won’t suspect a thing”
Blaine listened as Carole talked, nodding his head without so much as a second thought when Carole asked if Kurt meant a great deal to him. Kurt meant the world to him, and he said that to Carole.
He looked up at her like she was the most brilliant person in the world when she was done talking. He closed his eyes and smiled. “Are all women as much of a genius as you? I mean really…. thank you. Thank you so much. You don’t understand how much this means to me.” He buried his face in her shoulder again, giving her a tighter hug.
“No i’m a new kind of woman.” She laughed hugging him tight. “I understand completely, i’m going to give you my number okay and anything you need or want to talk about just call or text me. I’ll talk to Burt a bit later and then i’ll tell you what he said, that okay?”
“Yeah. Thank you so much.” Blaine gave her a squeeze before standing up and offering his hand to help her up too. He caught her smile as she took it, and he pulled her up. Blaine held his arms out towards her. “Can I have a proper hug? A hug while sitting down is not a very good one…” He asked, grinning for the first time since he played guitar for Kurt earlier that day.
“Such a gentleman.” She smiled as he helped her up. She smiled wider when he held out his arms and asked for a hug, it was rather adorable. “Come here.” She pulled him in for a big hug. When he pulled away she looked at him. “Right i’m going to see if Kurt’s gone back into his room. If he has then we can sneak you down and we can talk to Burt about Vermont, okay?”
“Sounds like a plan.” Blaine backed away from the door and watched as Carole left the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. He sighed and took out his phone, looking at the picture of him and Kurt together. Blaine smiled to himself and stuffed his phone back into his pocket when he heard something going on outside. He leaned his head closer to the door, straining his ears to try and hear what was going on.
Carole went outside to see Kurt standing outside the door. “What’s going on?” He asked confused.
“Nothing honey.” she smiled.
“Yeah there is.” He said.
“It was just your dad, we were talking and then he needed the loo, i was just making sure he was ok because he left so fast.” Carole took Kurt’s arm leading him back to his room.
“Is he okay?” Kurt asked.
“Oh yeah he is, he’s fine” She smiled.
“Where’s Blaine?” He asked about to turn round but Carole still kept hold of his arm. “He’s downstairs, he’ll be up in a few minutes, there is nothing to worry about.” She smiled. Kurt nodded not knowing what else to say, he walked into his room and closed his door behind him.

Carole sighed and made her way back to the bathroom gently knocking on it to let Blaine know the coast was clear.
Blaine jumped. He heard Carole sway Kurt into thinking nothing was wrong and he smiled. He opened the door and walked with Carole back down the stairs, praying that Kurt didn’t open the door right then and there.
When they got back downstairs they could see Burt pacing, obviously worried about something. “Honey, we’re back.” Carole said, patting Blaine on the back before going to sit on the couch. Burt took one long look at Blaine, as if he was staring into his mind and trying to figure out what went on, before sitting down next to his wife and motioning for Blaine to come around and sit.

Burt watched as Blaine shuffled into the seat. He sat and looked from Blaine to Carole. “So Blaine… what did you want to talk about?” Carole looked at Blaine giving him a reassuring smile.
“Well,” Blaine looked back down at his hands and cleared his throat. “Would you be extremely opposed to the idea of Kurt and I going on a road trip together?” Blaine still looked at his hands, not daring to raise his eyes. “I’ve already talked to the school about what days would be alright to miss; we are having a lazy week at Dalton soon anyway…”
“Well i don’t have anything to say against it, sounds like a good idea to me. Where were you planning on going?” He asked watching Blaine.
Blaine looked up, completely and utterly shocked. He had expected a whole lot of “I don’t knows and questions and trying to come up with ideas to convince him to let them go. “Oh, um, we were thinking about going next week, possibly leaving this weekend.” Okay, the last part he would have to talk to Kurt about. But the rest was true. “We were thinking about driving to Vermont, one of my favorite places in the world. Is… is that okay?”
Burt smiled and looked at his hands. “Vermont is a beautiful place; me and Kurt’s mum went there a few times when she was alive. Yeah its okay you can go, the boys had a hard few weeks and you’ve made it so much better for him i can’t see why you can’t go, i know you’ll look after him.”
Blaine looked up at Burt and smiled. “Really? Thank.. Thank you so much sir.” He said, standing up and offering his hand for Burt to shake. Burt shook it and looked up at him with a small smile before looking over at Carole. Carole, Blaine thought to himself. That woman is Superwoman in disguise. He walked over to her and gave her a hug before walking out of the room and heading up the stairs.
Burt watched and smiled as Carole and Blaine hugged and then as Blaine went up the stairs he stopped him. “Blaine?” He stopped and looked at him. “I just wanted to thank you, you know for today looking after him. He’s usually so lonely around this time and well you mean so much to him, i can tell. He’s never opened up to anyone about his mom let alone take someone to her grave. So thank you son.”
“You don’t need to thank me. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but with him on a day like this, a day that’s so hard for him. It’s a reflex for me to make sure Kurt is always okay. Thank you so much for letting us go on this trip. It means a lot to me.” Blaine said, in awe that he has been the only one Kurt had opened up to about his mom or taken to her grave. He smiled at Burt, vision becoming a bit blurry.

Kurt was lying on his bed when he heard the door open, he sat up and saw Blaine come in, his eyes looking teary. He walked over and hugged him. “What happened? Are you okay?”
Blaine couldn’t take it when Kurt hugged him and he let the tears fall, crying into Kurt’s shoulder as he pressed his face to it. He pulled Kurt impossibly close, grinning like an idiot through his tears. Burt had said yes… Carole was amazing and made him regain confidence… Carole was going to talk to Burt about the idea of Kurt marrying Blaine… Kurt was hugging him… He and Kurt were going on a road trip to Vermont together… Blaine couldn’t help but grin through the tears he had held since leaving the room where Carole and Burt were to hide in the bathroom.
Kurt hugged Blaine tight as he cried into his shoulder. It must have been bad he thought, he’d never seen Blaine cry before. He kissed the side of Blaine’s head while he hugged him. “What happened?” he repeated.
Blaine’s grin grew larger and he pulled away, beaming at Kurt through his tears. “He said yes… Kurt, we are going to Vermont!” Blaine pulled Kurt in for another hug, not wanting to give the full story. We’re going to Vermont, yes. But your superhero stepmom is going to talk to your dad and find out what he thinks about me popping the question and I’m just so happy I could explode… these thoughts ran on an endless loop in his head.
“Oh my god!” He laughed and smiled widely hugging him tight. “We’re going to Vermont? Oh my god. I told you he’d say yes. Oh my god this is amazing!” Kurt was so happy, he was really worried in case something bad had happened but hearing this made it all better.
“I know! And Carol-” Blaine stopped. Don’t go any further, Anderson. You’re going to give it away. Stop right now. “I know! I’m so excited.” Blaine pulled away and wiped away some of his tears from his cheek. “I’m sorry if I worried you.” He said, still wiping away the tears before more would form.
“Yeah you did! You made me worry like crazy and then Carole was talking to dad in the bathroom, i was worried that it was you.” He laughed helping Blaine wipe the tears away. “Silly isn’t it?”
“Yeah…” Blaine hated lying to Kurt. But if he didn’t, he would have to tell Kurt everything, which he wasn’t going to do. Blaine pulled away completely and sat down on Kurt’s bed, engrossed in thought. Carole could be talking to Burt about it right now. That blew his mind. Come on, Superwoman. Help me out.
A few minutes later there was a knock at Kurt’s door. He opened it and saw Carole behind it. “Oh hi Carole, is everything okay?” He asked, Blaine’s eyes shot to the door. “Oh yeah everything’s fine, Blaine can you help me with some lifting? There is a box on the top of my dresser and its rather heavy. I would ask Finn but he’s not here.” She looked at Blaine and her eyes widened hoping he knew what she was saying.
“I don’t know…” Blaine said, standing up. “I’m pretty short…” He teased and gave Kurt a quick peck on the cheek. “I’ll be right back. The lady requests for some help.” Blaine walked out of the room with Carole, closing the door behind them. “What’s up?” He asked, looking at her with eyes filled with worry, excitement, and slight fear.
“Not here.” She said walking towards her and Burt’s room. She closed the door behind them. She took a deep breath and then hugged Blaine tight. “He said he couldn’t ask for a better son in law, he’d love you two to marry one day.” She smiled widely.

Blaine didn’t know what to say. He was in awe. All he could do was hug Carole back, clinging to her for support. She let go, and his knees gave out. He fell to the floor, not even bothering to get back up again. Blaine laid down on the floor, laughing. He was so happy that he couldn’t care about the fact that he was on the floor, or the fact that he had fallen down. He covered his face with his hands, trying to cover up his gigantic grin as he burst out into a fit of giggles. Giggles. Blaine never giggled.
She looked at him with concern when he fell but then smiled widely at the giggling boy on the floor, she sat down beside him. He was making her laugh. She helped him to sit up and then hugged him. She was still smiling widely and he was still giggling, she herself was honestly in shock. She had never thought that Burt would say that, she thought he’d be hard to talk to about it but he was surprisingly easy.
Why couldn’t Blaine stop giggling? He sounded like a five year old girl who had just been told that her family was taking her to Disney World. Carole hugged him and he hugged her back. “Oh my god, you are seriously Superwoman.” Blaine said, bursting into a fit of giggles again. Okay, now he sounded more like a thirteen year old girl who just found out that the guy she liked said her name in a conversation. He pulled back, looking at Carole. “I know this is weird, but… could you tell me what happened?”
She chucked when he called her Superwoman. “Sure, lucky you’re sitting down actually. After you left we were talking about Vermont and you and Kurt, then Burt said Blaine’s the best thing that happened to that boy, i’d be proud to call him my son in law. I naturally looked at him shocked and asked him if he’d like it if you guys got married? He said he likes you and Kurt obviously loves you and he’d really like it if you were to.” She smiled.
Blaine’s jaw literally dropped. “I…I don’t… oh my god.” Blaine said, blushing like an idiot. Grinning like and idiot. Acting like an idiot. “You didn’t even ask? He just said it? ..Wow. I can’t…” He mumbled in response through his grin. “It was really that easy? I’m the best thing that happened to him? He likes me? Why didn’t you catch that on video for me to replay over and over and over?” Blaine laughed as he teased at the end of his questions. He pulled Carole into another hug. “I can’t… just… thank you. Thank you thank you thank you.”
Carole couldn’t stop smiling, Blaine was just the sweetest thing ever. She laughed at his questions nodding and shaking her head answering them. “Believe me if i could have filmed it i would have.” She smiled as he hugged her again. “You are most welcome my darling, i’d get back to Kurt if i were you he might begin to worry.”
”Good idea… but how am I going to explain this?” Blaine asked, pointing to the giant grin on his face that didn’t want to go away. “Every time I try to make a straight face, it just creeps back up on me!” Blaine tried to make a straight face. It didn’t work and he broke out into that giant grin again. He stood up, offering Carole his hand again to help her up. His shaking hands took out his phone and he made a new contact for her, calling Carole “Superwoman.” Blaine smiled as he handed her his phone. “Here… you wanted to give me your number.”
“You’ll think of something.” She smiled as he helped her up, she thanked him and then took the phone from his hand. She laughed when she saw that she had been put down as ‘Superwoman’ she put her number in and handed the phone back. “Anytime you need me just text or call and i’ll be there.”
”Thanks. Thank you.” Blaine gave Carole another hug, losing his words. “I’ll… I should get back to Kurt now.” Blaine grinned and they both walked out of the room. He stood outside of Kurt’s door. “I’m glad I could help you get that box down.” Blaine said loudly enough for Kurt to hear. Carole got another hug and another thank you before Blaine walked into Kurt’s room, closing the door behind him.

End Notes: rate and review pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee :)


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