Jan. 3, 2012, 12:19 a.m.
Jan. 3, 2012, 12:19 a.m.
Blaine couldn’t hold back the second loud moan when Kurt went in even further, his legs now wrapped nicely around Kurt’s waist. He was so thankful that they had already gotten Blaine to the point of where this was pain free, because they certainly didn’t want for Kurt to slow down or stop because of that. Everything was pain free, so no stopping was necessary and Kurt could do whatever he wanted to Blaine.
Kurt deepened his kisses even more not at all caring if Blaine kissed back or not, he just wanted to kiss him. He just wanted to keep hearing the moans he was hearing, he hadn’t even properly started and he was getting them, he went in all the way not being incredibly rough but not being delicate either. His hands went down to Blaine’s waist, shifting it up so he could feel Blaine against him which then made him moan.
Blaine felt Kurt not be delicate with him as he moved all the way in, and that alone combined with Kurt’s own moan after moving Blaine’s hips made him moan loudly again. His eyes were shut so he could focus purely on the feel of everything, but he would most likely open them later so he could see Kurt. Right now, Kurt could do whatever he wanted to Blaine and Blaine would be beyond happy.
Kurt moaned again just hearing Blaine’s loud moan, look at what you do to me Anderson, Kurt thought to himself. He was actually very happy that he had the problem otherwise this probably wouldn’t have happened and if it did, as much as he looooved Blaine topping, Blaine probably would have topped. He didn’t even waste a second to even stop and let Blaine just take in the feeling, it didn’t even occur to him to do that, he was however concerned about how Blaine was. But if there was something wrong with Blaine something would have been said. As soon as he was all the way in he started moving slowly but having a looooot put into it.
Blaine didn’t even have a second or two to relish in how everything felt, Kurt had started moving immediately, which didn’t keep back a moan from Blaine. He didn’t mind at alllll that Kurt had started moving, especially the way he was. Blaine moaned again just feeling how Kurt was going very slowly but putting a ton into it, it felt like pure bliss.
Kurt realllly wanted to make this amazing, even more amazing than yesterday if that was possible. He pulled Blaine’s hips up a bit more and lowered his own, feeling Blaine even more making him moan quite loudly into his mouth. When he pulled Blaine’s hips up he didn’t realize that he had pushed himself more into Blaine, he thought he was completely in him but obviously not. He kept moving at the same pace, making sure to keep putting as much, if not more, into it still not being gentle. He was hoping that Blaine liked it, hoping that he was okay with him just going straight into it and not stopping and just hoped Blaine was okay.
As Kurt continued with his pace and how much he was putting into it, Blaine couldn’t help but let multiple moans spill out. He was far from okay, much better than okay, he was literally in pure bliss. He felt Kurt move his hips again and grinned at his moan, happy that Kurt was liking it as much as he was. Blaine still was going to let Kurt do whatever he wanted, even though he didn’t say that to Kurt. He was hoping that Kurt could read his mind and knew that, since he was incapable of speech right now.
Kurt took Blaine’s hands and rested them where they were yesterday and had been that morning, he loved it when they were there. His smile was huge hearing the multiple moans, he knew from that that Blaine was okay and was enjoying it thoroughly. He put a ton more passion into his kisses and his movements, making them a little faster still putting as much into it, going a little bit rougher. He wasn’t going to be too rough since he didn’t want to hurt Blaine and they were driving so Blaine would need to be able to sit down.
Blaine opened his eyes to look up at Kurt with a grin when he moved his hands, and he tried to give Kurt something back so that he was as happy as Blaine was by moving his thumbs slowly. He couldn’t put very much into it, since Kurt had started going faster, making Blaine moan a bit louder and lose his concentration all together. He also couldn’t kiss back, but he knew that Kurt wouldn’t mind that at all.
Kurt was over the moon feeling the thumbs on his skin, he knew it wouldn’t last long since Blaine’s ability to be able to concentrate would disappear very quickly. He kept on kissing Blaine even though he couldn’t kiss back, just wanting to kiss him and feel the vibrations of them on his lips, they were very hot. He kept at the same pace not wanting to go too fast or put everything into it otherwise it would be over quicker, it was the last thing he wanted right now.
Blaine needed something to hold on to, and Kurt had moved his hands to where they had been a lot recently, so that was the only place Blaine could think of to hold on to. He hoped Kurt didn’t mind and kept the moans at the same pace as Kurt’s movements, not even caring that the air around them was hot and that the windows were steamy beyond belief.
Kurt grinned feeling Blaine’s hands grip him so he had something to hold onto, he didn’t mind at all, it was pretty hot. Right now he didn’t care about anything but Blaine and what they were doing, not even caring that they were getting sweaty from the heat in the car. His hands moved and rested on Blaine’s chest, gripping at it as he moved a bit faster and putting more into it.
Blaine’s head fell back a bit when Kurt started to move faster and put more into it, his moans almost becoming inaudible. He knew that if they did Kurt wouldn’t be as happy with everything, since they both adored the sounds the other made, so kept them loud and intense. His moans weren’t super intense, but they still had a level of intensity in them.
Kurt smiled insanely hearing Blaine’s moans, they were like a drug to him, he was addicted to them. He couldn’t kiss Blaine’s lips anymore or feel the moans since Blaine’s head had rolled back so he decided to kiss down Blaine’s jaw, then neck and stopped on his chest. He had an idea but wasn’t sure how okay Blaine would be with it, he decided to go for it. He started kissing his chest more before starting to suck on it, beginning to create the second love bite he’d given Blaine.
Blaine let his jaw fall open in a loud moan when he felt Kurt kiss his chest, his weak spot, and again when he felt what Kurt was making. He was marking his territory again, which Blaine absolutely loved. His hands still had a grip on what he was holding, but the grip was less than before.
Kurt carried on with what he was doing, when he was done with the love bite he was creating since the last one was fading and this one was less obvious he just continued kissing the beautiful skin. Mixed with the moans, Blaine’s grip on him and the feel of Blaine on his leg made him moan again as he went faster with a bit more and a little bit rougher, knowing how much Blaine loved it.
When Kurt started to be a bit rougher and went faster, Blaine couldn’t help but moan Kurt’s name and tighten both the grip around Kurt’s waist and his hands. His eyes were still shut and his jaw dropped open, gripping on to Kurt and starting to moan his name, other inaudible moans coming out in between them.
Kurt was ecstatic hearing Blaine moan his name, it was an amazing feeling when Blaine moaned his name, he did that. He grinned feeling the grip on his waist and where Blaine’s hands were, he loved it a looooooooot. “You… okay… down… there?” He asked between kisses. The car was pretty warm, the car windows were all steamed up and the pair of them were getting a bit sweaty but neither cared.
“S-s-sooo… good…” Blaine was able to stutter out, both talking about how he was and about how everything was feeling. He felt Kurt still kissing his chest, knowing it was one of Blaine’s weak spots, and the combination of that and Kurt’s movements only made him moan Kurt’s name again.
Kurt’s hands slid down and rested on Blaine’s thighs and began rubbing them deeply as he continued on kissing Blaine’s weak spot. He was grinning so much hearing his name being moaned, putting more into his movements and made it faster. He was happy that Blaine was “so good” otherwise he would stop or make it less rough for him. He did say yesterday how he didn’t want Kurt to be gentle so today he definitely wasn’t.
Blaine threw his head back again and moaned Kurt’s name more loudly, now having two weaknesses used against him along with Kurt moving faster and putting more into it. As much as he loved topping, he was so happy that Kurt was the one who had gotten the problem, because he absolutely adored this. His moans were now either inaudible, or Kurt’s name.
Kurt didn’t know how much longer he could keep going but he was going to go for as long as he could. He was very glad that he had got the problem, as much as he loved Blaine topping, this was absolutely amazing if he did think so himself. He was loving this and really hoped Blaine was too, he was trying to make this one last and make this so incredible that they would never forget it. Well they would never forget any time they had sex, especially since Kurt wrote each time down, he wanted this to make this the best for Blaine because he deserved the best.
Blaine still held on to Kurt tightly as he continued to move, lifting his own hips up to get Kurt that much deeper in him and a bit of a new angle. Both of those things made Blaine moan more intensely and lift his hips again to see if he could get even more.
Kurt moaned feeling Blaine lift his hips making him go a little deeper into him and at a little bit of a different angle, Blaine’s intense moans made him moan even more himself. When he felt Blaine lift his hips again, Kurt gripped them and made himself go as far in as humanly possibly, going faster as he put more into it, still kissing his chest and now deeply rubbing Blaine’s hips holding them, so there was no chance of them slipping or him not being able to feel him no more.
Blaine felt Kurt go even faster and put more into it, and he didn’t know how much longer they would be able to last, but right now he was in euphoria over what Kurt was doing, and his legs tightened their grip around Kurt’s waist, trying to get Kurt in deeper or feel him more, even though it wasn’t possible.
Kurt moved as fast as he could, he wasn’t going to put everything into it just yet, he didn’t want it to end, not yet. They didn’t know when they would next do this so Kurt was trying to make this as amazing and incredible as possible, hoping that Blaine thought so. He grinned feeling Blaine’s legs wrap more around him, he couldn’t go in anymore as much as he tried. “I can’t… go in… anymore… baby…” He grinned as he kissed up Blaine’s chest to the weak spot on his neck.
Blaine could only moan in response as Kurt started to kiss the weak spot on his neck, tilting his head as much as he could to the side to give Kurt better access to his neck. Kurt would be able to feel the vibrations of his moans against his lips as he kissed Blaine’s weak spot, which he knew Kurt would love. He moved his own hips again to get Kurt at a different angle, making him moan even more loudly when he got it.
Kurt adored what he was feeling, the vibrations of Blaine’s moans, Blaine on his leg, that actually feeling of being inside Blaine was just so hot and he was so in love with it. He continued on kissing Blaine’s neck, turning them into open mouthed kisses making them deeper, the hands on Blaine’s waist doing the same. He couldn’t keep going for much longer, he hadn’t succeeded in what he wanted so far but it wasn’t over yet.
Blaine didn’t think that he would last very much longer either, with the combination of everything Kurt was doing to him, his hands, his open mouthed kisses on his weak spot, just the general feeling of Kurt inside of him and moving as fast as he was. He continued to moan Kurt’s name loudly, wondering how Kurt was holding up.
Kurt couldn’t last much longer, he decided it was time to put literally everything into his movements. He was enjoying this so much and didn’t want to stop but he knew that would have to soon. He wanted to kiss Blaine’s lips so badly but his head was still back making it hard so he just kept to his neck. He wondered how Blaine was holding up, if he was okay and if he was enjoying it as much as Kurt was.
Blaine lifted his head and opened his eyes to look at Kurt, grinning when he saw Kurt. As much as he loved having Kurt kiss his neck, he just wanted to have Kurt kiss him. “K-ki… kiss…. m-m-me.” Blaine muttered in between moans, knowing that it wouldn’t be too much longer.
Kurt was surprised to hear Blaine talk, even more surprised by what he said. He instantly did as he was told, moving his kisses from Blaine’s neck to his lips, where Blaine wanted to be kissed and Kurt wanted to kiss. He started kissing him deeply and very passionately, knowing that in just a few minutes it would all be over. He really hoped that they would snuggle before going back on the road, he didn’t want to go home just yet.
Blaine let his lips part as Kurt kissed him deeply, not being able to kiss back, but all he wanted was for Kurt to kiss him as he moved. He moaned the loudest yet and held on to Kurt tighter, knowing that it would be over for him soon enough. “K… Ku… Kurt…”
Kurt heard his name being moaned the loudest yet, it gave him this amazing feeling and made it speed up for him. He couldn’t go on for any longer, he was about to deepen his kiss when he had the overwhelming sensation. “B-Bl…. Blaine…. W…Warbler!” He screamed as he came still kissing Blaine. He stopped kissing him to look down at Blaine, panting. “H… hi…”
Feeling and hearing Kurt reach his climax made Blaine do the same, yelling Kurt’s name as he came right after his fianc�e. He opened his eyes when Kurt said something, both of them panting loudly but grinning up at each other. “H-hi… hi there….. that was… was just… wowwwww.”
Kurt had not expected Blaine to reach his climax, he really wanted that, just once and he got it. He was panting loudly, very breathless all that had taken it out of him, he was now exhausted and pretty sweaty. His eyes opened and he grinned down at Blaine insanely. “I…. it was… ama… amazing… you… wooooww… y… you… came… so… sorry i didn’t… expect that… but i wa… wanted it….”
“You…. you were… were ama..amazing…. that… wa… you.. you wanted.. me to?” Blaine asked breathlessly, his thumbs stroking Kurt’s skin lovingly and no longer holding on to him tightly, now that he had his concentration back, he could do that as a form of thanks to him.
“Yes… i wanted you… to do th… that… i wan… wanted y… you to ha… have a you… know… i wanted you to… come… like i did…” Kurt smiled down, his face completely smitten, he enjoyed every little second of that. “I wan… wanted it… to be soo… ooo amazing th… that we’ll… remember this for… a long time… especially if… we can’t do it… again for a while…”
“It… it was so… sooooooo…oooooo amazing.” Blaine said with a grin, his hands moving slightly with his thumbs going deeper for Kurt. He wanted to thank Kurt in some way for how amazing that was, so he also leaned up and gave Kurt a sweet but open mouthed kiss. “I… I lo-love…. you… sooooo.. look much.”
“I thou… thought so too…” Kurt replied with the largest grin possible, loving the feel of Blaine’s thumbs as his own hands still rubbed over Blaine’s hips. He returned the kiss that was given to him, only just since he was very breathless. “I love… you soooo…. ooo much… so much…” He smiled as he leaned his sweaty forehead against Blaine’s, the car was very hot and the windows were completely steamed over.
Blaine closed his eyes and continued to grin as he caught his breath and leaned his forehead against Kurt’s. He was panting and tired and exhausted, but he was beyond happy. “You… you were… are… so amazing… so so so…. so amazing…”
“Tha… thank you… so…. so were you…” Kurt grinned as he moved his arms up to cuddle up to Blaine, they always snuggled after sex and this was going to be no exception. “I loved th… that so much… i’m sooo… ooo glad… i had… the problem which… is all fixed… just… so you know…”
Blaine contemplated moving his hands to wrap his arms around Kurt in a tight snuggle, but he wasn’t sure which one Kurt wanted more. “I… you were just…. mind.. mindblowing…” He gushed to Kurt, smiling up at him and opening his eyes. “Do…. do you.. want me to.. wrap my arms…. around you… or keep my hands… where they.. they are?”
Kurt blushed insanely from Blaine’s compliment, he loved what he had just done, he loved it so much but he didn’t think that Blaine would call it mindblowing. “Th-thank you… i wanted…. to make it… perfect for you…” He smiled thinking for a second to answer Blaine’s question. “Both, one around me… one where it is… i think you… can manage that…” He teased.
Blaine grinned and did as Kurt asked, wrapping one arm tightly around Kurt and holding him close, his other hand staying right where it was, his thumb still stroking Kurt’s skin deeply. “It… it was perfect… you… you are perfect… just plain… in every way… perfect.”
Kurt blushed even more, he had got what he wanted and he was beyond happy. “You… are so per… perfect too… in every… single… little… way… i love… you sooo… soooo much… you perfect… human being…” Kurt smiled as he gave Blaine a quick kiss, he was still pretty breathless but he thought it was completely understandable, he had put every little bit of him into that, even more than he had done the previous times he had led.
Blaine grinned as he returned the kiss, he was do happy that they had decided to do this after Kurt had gotten his problem. “I… I love you.. too…” He said as he stared up at Kurt, both of them looking completely smitten as they stared at each other.
The two of them just lay staring at each other in silence completely smitten with each other for a few minutes. Kurt really didn’t want to leave, as eager as they were to get on the road just so they could have sex he didn’t want to go. “I can’t… believe…. we… in the car… you… me… sex… woooooow…”
“I can’t either…. that was just… you were just… amazing.” Blaine said with his smitten grin, still not getting over the fact that Kurt had actually thinking what he was and suggested to do this, and he was beyond happy. “How are you?…. how’re you… holding up?”
“Thank you… i thought… it was… pretty amazing…” Kurt smiled his smitten smile gazing at Blaine, he loved how Blaine was up for sex in the car, he would definitely do it again. “Me? I’m good… great… perfect… even…. how… how are you?”
“Yeah, you… you are perfect.” Blaine said with a grin, kissing Kurt again and grinning after he pulled away “Who, me?… oh I’m fine… wonderful even… thank you. Really…. thank you… thanks for all… all of that…. amazing… I love you sooooo much…”
“As are… you…” Kurt kissed back feeling Blaine’s grin, making his own grow. “I was… worried that… i hurt you… not like… yesterday… but because… i wasn’t being… exactly gentle… you don’t… need to thank… me at alll… i lovee youu…. soooo much… too…. soooooooo much…”
“You didn’t… you did hurt me.. I loved it… feel free to do that… whenever you like…” Blaine said honestly with a grin. He adored the way Kurt did whatever he wanted and was a bit rough. “Do you want… want to go get… breakfast in a bit?” He asked, planning a little breakfast date to take Kurt on, not as amazing as the last one but still nice.
“Oh with… that invitation… i think i will…” Kurt grinned giving Blaine a cheeky wink. To him that sex felt like a free pass, he did whatever he wanted without permission but then he knew eventually they wouldn’t have to ask if they were ready, if they were okay to enter, keep asking how they are, it would just happen, they wouldn’t need to talk. He nodded when Blaine asked him a question, he had used up all his energy satisfying his fiancee. “Yes… please that would… be great… my treat…” He smiled, it was the least he could do.
Blaine couldn’t help but grin when Kurt said he wanted to, and Blaine started thinking up a place to take Kurt out to. His thoughts were interrupted when Kurt said it was his treat, making him raise his eyebrows. “Your treat?” Blaine asked, making sure he heard correctly, since he thought this date would be on him.
Kurt gazed down at Blaine, watching as his eyebrows rose, he wasn’t sure what that meant. “Yes my treat… you’ve been so truly… amazing and you took me… out the other day… and i just want to… say thank you and… i love you… i know its a small thing… breakfast but its a start…” He shrugged still looking at his sex god of a fiancee.
Blaine couldn’t help but grin at that, he wasn’t expecting it. “You’re so sweet…. okay.” He grinned even more. “I’d love that….. if you took me out I mean… I love you so much.” He grinned and gave Kurt another kiss, this one longer and deeper than the one before.
Kurt grinned and kissed him back just as Blaine had kissed him. “Great… its a date…” He laughed quickly stealing another kiss. “I love youuu soooo… much too…” He was getting his breath back now and he could tell Blaine was too. “I’ll arrange a proper… date when we get back… this really isn’t going to be enough to… even scratch the surface… on what you’ve done… for me…”