A Romance Like No Other
Reverse Romeo and Juliet Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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A Romance Like No Other : Reverse Romeo and Juliet

E - Words: 3,913 - Last Updated: Jan 03, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 154/154 - Created: Dec 02, 2011 - Updated: Jan 03, 2012
288 0 0 0 1

Kurt felt Blaine even more and at a new angle too, he was absolutely loving it. He just wished they could stay as they were, not have to move, they were just so happy right now. “W-w-when are we… we starting the er sleepovers?” He asked wondering if they were going to start when they had permission or a bit later on in the week, he knew it couldn’t be tonight since his dad and Carole would like him to themselves for a bit and the same with Blaine’s parents and Blaine.
“I guess whenever your dad lets me come over. We’d mostly likely want to start on a weekday, but I would like to have your dad’s permission instead of just being there every day without explanation, you know?” Blaine said, thinking about how he was going to convince his own parents to let him. His mom would be easy to convince, his dad might be a little harder.
“Oh i know i understand that, he might want me for myself for this week because i’ve been away but i think next Monday should be okay. I’m not too worried about my dad though, its your dad that would need convincing since he’s still trying with the whole “fiancee” and “gay” thing, if its too uncomfortable for him then we’ll just have to live with that. I don’t want him to feel uncomfortable or get mad at you.” Kurt looked at Blaine with a loving smile.
“I think I know how I can convince him to let you stay over the night on weekends.” Blaine said with a reassuring smile, thinking up what he could do. He could always say if his dad wouldn’t let Kurt stay over on the weekends, he would stay with Kurt full time, and he knew that neither of his parents would want that to happen.

“How do you think you can do that?” Kurt asked very curious not having a clue at all. Blaine’s dad was very intimidating and from what Blaine had told him, not very friendly at all. As long as Blaine was able to stay over his then he was fine with that, if Mr Anderson was at all uncomfortable then he wouldn’t stay weekends.
“Well… I was thinking that if he says no, I’ll tell them that I would spend weekends at your house too. I know that both my mom and my dad would hate that, so… yeah, I think I might do that. Since it would work.” Blaine said with a shrug, he knew that his idea wasn’t the best idea, but it would work and Kurt would be able to stay the night with him on weekends.
“I guess it would work but they could still be against you even coming to stay at mine on weekdays too.” Kurt said sadly. “We’ll think of something okay? Lets just focus on right now, you and me.” His smile grew again as he continued staring down at his beautiful beyond belief of a fiancee.
“They wouldn’t be able to stop me from staying over at yours on weekdays. I’m still most definitely doing to do that if Burt gives me permission. “Blaine said, trying to get the sadness out of Kurt’s voice. He brightened up seeing Kurt smile again, nodding at what he said. “Alright. You and me. Nothing else really matters besides that anyways.”
“Dad will give you permission but then if your dad says no i could always sneak through your window or something. Reverse Romeo and Juliet since there is no way you’re taking Juliet from me.” Kurt grinned. “You and me are the most important thing ever, nothing else matters besides us.”
Blaine laughed a little when Kurt said that he would be Juliet. “Okay thennn, so lemme get this straight. You get to be Ariel, Meg Ryan, and Juliet?” He teased, kissing the top of Kurt’s nose and grinning up at him. He stared up at Kurt and intertwined their legs a bit more, his thumbs still stroking Kurt’s skin.

“Oh yes i do, Meg Ryan is fabulous and well you are the Eric to my Ariel and the Romeo to my Juliet except its a happy ending.” Kurt smiled his nose scrunching under Blaine’s lips. He stared down at Blaine with a large smile, still adoring the feel of Blaine on his leg, he had just managed to stop stuttering.
“Oh good. A happy ending is what I want as well.” Blaine said with the giant grin of his still on his face, noticing that Kurt had stop stuttering, making him think the affect was wearing off a bit. And he didn’t want that. Blaine shifted his hips again so that Kurt would feel him at a different, even closer angle.
“Well i’m…” Kurt held his breath when he felt Blaine move again so now he felt him differently and even closer. “I-er wh-what was i saying?” He stuttered, he had lost what he was thinking and about to say, he had only just managed to regain that and now it was lost again.
Blaine couldn’t hold back a grin when Kurt held his breath and stuttered again, absolutely loving the affect he was having on Kurt. “I’m not sure…. I can’t read your mind from the past you know. You okay up there?” He asked with a wink, knowing what Kurt would stutter out.
“I er i… y-yes, p-perfectly f-fine.” Kurt replied with a stutter again, Blaine’s wink didn’t help at all, it was so sexy, he was just sexy. He saw Blaine’s grin making his own grow, he didn’t dare even think about asking when they were leaving or getting up for their shower, he was just too into their moment and what he could see and feel.

Blaine noticed that Kurt was stuttering even more than he was before, it made him bite his lip and try not to giggle. They didn’t want to get up, they just wanted to stay there how they were. Blaine moved a bit again to give Kurt a different angle, knowing it wouldn’t help Kurt’s stuttering. “Oh realllyyyy?”
Kurt was going completely insane, everytime Blaine moved so he could feel him more just made him more and more insane. “Y-” Kurt couldn’t say anything, he was just completely… he couldn’t think of a word to describe it. He just stared down at Blaine, seeing him grin and bite his lip just made him smile widely as he took deep breaths.
Blaine saw how he was driving Kurt even more insane, and another idea came to him to make Kurt go even more insane. His hands slipped under Kurt’s boxers and around to the spot that Kurt adored Blaine having his hands yesterday, grinning even more as he started stroking the skin with his thumbs.
Kurt felt Blaine’s hands slip under his boxers and go to where he had had his hands yesterday, he held his breath again feeling the thumbs stroking him. He was going so completely insane, Blaine always did that to him but him doing this was just more than he actually expected like Blaine was with what Kurt did to him yesterday.

Blaine leaned up and gave Kurt a long, opened mouthed kiss when he saw him hold his breath, his hands moving a bit along with his thumbs still stoking his skin. He also, just to make Kurt go even more insane, moved his hips again so Kurt would feel him pressed up against his leg differently. Blaine knew what he was doing to Kurt, and he loved it.
Kurt really tried to kiss Blaine back but it was hard, he was going insane absolutely loving what was being done. He had lost his ability to speak otherwise he would have said something by now. He made a sound feeling Blaine move his hips again, he kept changing where it was and he loved it. He couldn’t think straight, he couldn’t talk, he couldn’t feel his hands, he couldn’t move, there were a lot of things he couldn’t do.
Blaine kept on kissing Kurt even though he wasn’t able to kiss back, he just really wanted to kiss Kurt. Only a few more things would drive Kurt even more insane than he already was, so he decided to try and use one. His open mouthed kisses would be an advantage as Blaine let his tongue come out to lick along Kurt’s bottom lip as he kissed him.
Kurt felt the tongue he loved so much slip out and lick his bottom lip making him part them as he tried and failed to kiss back, he just really wanted to kiss Blaine but he couldn’t. He had been melted in a different way to how he usually melted Blaine, he had been melted from sexiness and insanity.

As soon as Kurt’s lips parted, Blaine immediately let his tongue go into Kurt’s mouth, looking around for Kurt’s tongue and playing with it. He knew that Kurt couldn’t play or kiss back, but he really didn’t mind at all. His hands were still moving along with his thumbs, and he shifted his hips again for a different angle. He knew he was just driving Kurt insane, which was his aim.
Kurt was very very very happy feeling Blaine’s tongue play with his, his actually playing back since it was the only thing he could do. Kurt knew that Blaine knew that he was driving Kurt insane, he moaned loudly feeling Blaine’s hips move again. If someone was standing outside the door it would sound very wrong but Kurt didn’t actually care.
Blaine grinned even more when he felt Kurt’s tongue play back with his, he was sure that it wouldn’t since Kurt couldn’t kiss back or do anything else. His hands moved a bit faster and his thumbs stroked a bit deeper. He heard the moan come from Kurt and he wanted to hear more, not sure what else he could do to get them, but thinking up ideas while he kissed him
Kurt moaned again feeling Blaine’s hands move faster and thumbs stroke deeper, he was sure that he could get a problem very soon if not already, he was too busy focusing on what Blaine was doing to him. He wasn’t sure what they/he would do if he did have a problem, they were in a hotel and not just any hotel, the hotel that Blaine had gone to every summer, they all knew him here.
Blaine just wanted to hear Kurt moan some more, but he had no idea how to do that without moving. He knew that Kurt wouldn’t want him to move at allllll, so he decided just for now, he wasn’t going to. He made their tongues start a slow and steady rhythm as they played, grinning and giving Kurt a squeeze before going back to moving his hands.

Kurt’s tongue slowed down like Blaine’s as they played in a steady rhythm, he froze for a second feeling the squeeze. Once the hands started moving again he started playing with Blaine’s tongue again, he was happy feeling everything that Blaine was doing, ecstatic ever wanting it to stop, not even for a second.
Blaine knew that Kurt was happy about what he was doing, neither of them wanting to stop. Blaine loved the reaction he was making Kurt have, and Kurt just loved what Blaine was doing. He deepened the kisses and stepped up the pace that their tongues played, being the only thing that Kurt could do in response.
Kurt was very happy that he didn’t stop Blaine’s tease at the start otherwise all this wouldn’t have happened. He knew that would happen, Blaine’s sexiness and what he was doing caused Kurt to have a problem, he hoped it would go down soon because it would be awkward fixing it in the place that Blaine had come as a child. Yes he had fixed it in the Vermont house but that was different, they were alone there, here there were lots of people and all the staff knew Blaine.
Blaine continued to kiss Kurt, his hands moving at a bit of a faster pace and his thumbs moving deeper as well, the kisses increasing a bit along with the pace Blaine was playing with Kurt’s tongue. He didn’t realize that Kurt had a problem, he was still a bit covered up by his boxers and in a position to where Blaine wouldn’t be able to feel him anyways. Kurt, however, could feel Blaine pressed against his leg, and Blaine moved his hips again so he could feel him even more.

If Kurt wanted to make any contact with Blaine, try and tell him something, it would be near enough impossible. Blaine was on his hands, his tongue was preoccupied and his brain was too mushed to actually be able to form words. He was completely and utterly in love with what Blaine was doing, not wanting him to stop but he also wanted to be able to at least kiss back but it was impossible.
Blaine slowed his hands a bit and put more focus into his thumbs, he didn’t want to make Kurt lose his mind. He kept every single other thing up though, like his kisses and his tongue and the occasional shifting of his hips so Kurt could feel him better. He wasn’t sure how much longer this was going to last for, probably until one of them got breathless.
Kurt felt Blaine’s hands slow but more go into the thumbs, he was in bliss right now. His breathing started going a bit shaky when he felt Blaine’s hips move again, he continued attempting to play with Blaine’s tongue but it was now getting difficult. He was trying hard to kiss back and play with his tongue better but it was hard since he had a little problem, his brain was mush and couldn’t talk or think, his hands were dead from under Blaine, he couldn’t do a thing.,
Blaine didn’t know how much longer Kurt was going to last without stopping to breathe, since h knew that soon he would become breathless himself. He deepened the kisses even further and let his tongue continue to play with Kurt’s, even when he stepped down a bit on his kisses. He didn’t mind at all, he just wanted to keep kissing Kurt.
Kurt was happy with whatever Blaine was doing to him as long as he continued with it he was going to be very happy. He would need to take a breath soon since his deep and shaky breaths were making him breathless, but even if Blaine stopped kissing him, stopped his hands and playing with his tongue he would still be like that because of Blaine being on his leg still.
Blaine needed to take a breath, and he figured from Kurt’s shaky breathing, that his fiancee also needed to take a breath. He gave Kurt one long, deep, intense kiss before pulling away from his lips and kissing down to the weak spot on Kurt’s neck. His hands stopped moving completely, but his thumbs still moved, and he was still pressed up against Kurt’s leg.

Kurt tried his very hardest to kiss back, half managing and whimpering loudly when he felt Blaine’s lips and tongue leave his, feeling better when he felt the lips he adored on his weak spot on his neck. “Bl-Blaineeeeee!” He practically shouted, he didn’t meant for it to come out, he wasn’t actually calling him he was just shouting Blaine’s name from enjoyment.
“Yessssssssss, Kurt?” Blaine said, breathing against Kurt’s neck with the smallest hint of a growl in his voice before going straight back to kissing Kurt’s neck. The kisses moved from soft and gentle to open mouthed in a matter of seconds, and his thumbs stayed at the deepness they were at.
“B-Bl-Blaineeee… o-oh my…” Kurt breathed out very breathlessly hearing the sexy growl even though it was barely there. He only got more breathless feeling the now open mouthed kisses on his neck, he wanted nothing more to just pull his lips back up to his mouth and give him back what he was giving to Kurt but he couldn’t, he was enjoying everything else too much.
“You okay there?” Blaine asked with a mix of a grin and a smirk on his lips as he kissed Kurt’s neck, the growl still there in his voice. He hadn’t realized at first that he put the growl in what he was saying, but after seeing Kurt’s reaction he realized that he had, and he had no intention of taking it out.
“I… I…” Kurt tried speaking again but it failed completely the most he could do was either nod or shake his head, well he wasn’t okay because he couldn’t do anything but he was perfectly fine because of all the things being done to him. His problem was getting worse and worse, he was surprised that Blaine hadn’t noticed it at all.
Blaine grinned from Kurt’s reaction and had another idea, holding on to Kurt and rolling them over so that Blaine was on top, pressing into Kurt’s leg even more and making it easier to kiss his fiancee’s neck. Plus, his hands were now free, so if Kurt wanted to, he could do whatever he wanted with them.
Kurt really didn’t expect to be flipped, his head rolled back as he felt Blaine’s kisses on his neck continue and feeling Blaine better on his leg. Kurt’s hands would have roamed all over Blaine if they weren’t dead, he had no feeling in his hands at all, they just lay on the bed, he couldn’t even move his fingers.

Blaine continued to kiss Kurt’s neck, his hands still not moving but his thumbs keeping up with what they were doing. In a way he preferred this position when he was kissing Kurt’s neck, he didn’t have to lean up to do it, and he could keep himself pressed up against Kurt without having to really try.
Kurt’s head moved back a little further, pressing his neck more against Blaine’s lips as he tried to regain the feeling in his hands so he could actually do something. He was honestly surprised that Blaine hadn’t ordered him to put his hands on him since thats what usually happened. Kurt intertwined their legs more and let out a small moan enjoying every second of what was happening.
Blaine didn’t want to order Kurt to do anything right now, he was just concentrating on making Kurt happy with what he was doing. He didn’t mind that Kurt didn’t have his hands on him, if Kurt wanted to do that then he would. Blaine grinned against Kurt’s neck when he felt the vibrations from the moan and just plain heard it, he practically worshiped those moans whenever he heard them.
Kurt was so extremely happy right now, he had sooo not pictured this happening but he was very grateful it did but then he remembered that they had to shower and eat before they went back onto the road and… gulp… go home. He slipped his legs from out of Blaine’s and wrapped them around Blaine’s waist pulling him closer to him a bit more, feeling him so much better making another moan slip out but this time its louder.
Blaine grinned again against Kurt’s neck when he wrapped his legs around his waist, and both the grin and kisses increased when he heard Kurt moan. They were honestly some of his favorite sounds, and right now his goal was to just get some more. He moved his hips again so Kurt would be even more aware of him, and the kissed against his neck increased again.
Kurt moaned again feeling Blaine move his hips so he could feel him even more and again when he felt the kisses on his neck increase. He didn’t know how long this was going to go on for but didn’t care right now, he just wanted this to go on for as long as possible. “Blaineeeeeeeee!” He moaned loudly then remembered that they were in the hotel, biting his lip to silence himself.

Blaine had forgotten completely that they were in a hotel, he had really forgotten everything around him that wasn’t Kurt or Kurt’s reactions to what Blaine was doing, or Kurt’s glorious moans. His brain stopped functioning when Kurt moaned his name loudly, it drove him absolutely wild. He let his tongue come out a little into the kiss against Kurt’s neck, putting a bit more into the kisses as he did.

Kurt moaned Blaine’s name loudly again when he felt the tongue in the kisses on his neck. He was about to moan again when there was a knock at the door. “Is everything okay in there? Someone sounds like they’re in pain, do you need any help?” The voice from the other side of the door called through. “Is that really how i sound?” Kurt whispered looking at Blaine.
“No no, everything’s fine! Someone just got really big splinters in their foot and it hurts to take them out…” Blaine called out, not being able to think up a better lie. He looked back at Kurt when he asked if that was what he sounded like, and he shook his head quickly. “Not at all. Don’t worry, you don’t sound like you’re in pain.”
Kurt unwrapped his legs from around Blaine and slid out from under him and sat on the bed crossed legged. “Why would they say that if i don’t? First my sexy faces make me look like i have gas pains and now my moans make me sound like i’m in pain. Greeeeaaaatttt.” He sighed.
“I don’t know why they would say that… but would I ever lie to you? I’m always honest. If your moans did sound like you were in pain, don’t you think I would tell you? They don’t, I promise you. I happen to adore them, practically worship them even.” Blaine said with a small smile, sitting up and looking at Kurt with loving and honest eyes.
“I did it again didn’t i? I ruined it.” Kurt sighed again lying back. Everytime, every single time something completely amazing or good happened he had to ruin it, bad mood or stupid, stupid insecurities. There was another knock at the door. “What?!” Kurt shouted. “Someone said there was a splinter problem in here, we just came to check to see if everything was okay and what caused the splinter so we can get it fixed as soon as possible.” The person from outside called through.
“Babe, you didn’t ruin anything at all. I promise.” Blaine said, leaning forward and giving Kurt a kiss before turning back to convince the hotel people that everything was okay. After a few minutes of talking to them through a closed door, Blaine finally convinced the workers that the thing that caused the splinter was something of their own and already disposed of, and he was happy when they finally left.
While Blaine talked to the workers Kurt pulled the pillow over his face, listening to what they were saying. He was far too sensitive for his own good, he knew that, he took things wayyyy to seriously and to heart very easily. He was feeling better when they left but he was still annoyed, feeling stupid and very bad.


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