A Romance Like No Other
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A Romance Like No Other : Cedric in the Head

E - Words: 3,816 - Last Updated: Jan 03, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 154/154 - Created: Dec 02, 2011 - Updated: Jan 03, 2012
293 0 0 0 1

Blaine was thankful for the automatic doors as he ran into the hotel, walking over to the front desk with Kurt still in his arms. The receptionist knew who he was and just smiled at them, not asking Blaine to set Kurt down or anything. Blaine checked in and got a room, freeing a hand from carrying Kurt momentarily to grab the room key. He thanked the receptionist and started carrying Kurt to the elevator.

Andrew went to Kurt’s other leg and pulled on it. “Daddy, i’m hungry.” Kurt looked at Blaine.
“Honey can you make lunch for all of us please while i take Elizabeth to the bathroom and get her and Andrew a change of clothes. You can change afterwards so i can keep an eye and then when you get back we’ll switch, okay?” Kurt smiled kissing Blaine again as he took the small girls hand and led her to the bathroom.

Blaine stared down at Kurt with a smitten smile as they were in the elevator, only looking up when they reached their floor. He walked them over to their room, opening the door and carrying Kurt over to the bed. Blaine wanted Kurt comfortable, so he would change him into pajamas when he came back up with their bags. For now, he took off his shirt and pants that Kurt was wearing and tucked him in under the covers, giving the top of his head a kiss and looking down at him for a minute while he stroked his hair. “I’ll be right back, okay? I’m getting our bags so I can put you in pajamas and all that jazz.”

Kurt was slowly coming out of his dream, he wasn’t waking up yet the dream just ended. He couldn’t hear Blaine say he was leaving or when he did leave, he wanted Blaine. He couldn’t feel him holding him anymore, he didn’t like it, he tried feeling around for him, pouting when he couldn’t find him. Kurt grabbed a pillow and hugged it tight, his knees pulled up so he was curled up in a ball.

Blaine kissed the top of Kurt’s head again before reluctantly slipping away from him and out of the room, heading back to the elevator and down the stairs. Rain was still pouring down as he ran back to the car, grabbing his bag and one of Kurt’s before running back inside and to the elevator. He caught his breath and set down the bags as the elevator went up, trying not to keep Kurt waiting for too long.

Kurt slowly woke up, he looked round, Blaine wasn’t there. “Blaine?” He called out pushing the pillow away, he got up and looked around the room. “Blaine, you here?” He asked looking in the bathroom to see if he was there. Kurt came out of the bathroom and stood in the middle of the room. “Blaine, where are you?”
Once the elevator reached their floor, Blaine picked up his and Kurt’s bags and trudged over to their room. He set down the bags as he unlocked the door, hearing Kurt call his name a few times. “I’m right here babe, I’m coming in.” Blaine said as he opened the door and brought the bags in, kicking the door closed and setting the bags back down where they were supposed to be, seeing Kurt standing in the middle of the room. “Hi there, I was just getting the bags.’
Kurt walked over to Blaine and wrapped his arms around him in a hug. “I didn’t know where you were, i looked around and i couldn’t find you.” He said still holding onto Blaine. “I knew you hadn’t left me, you wouldn’t, i was just worried because i didn’t know where you were.”

Blaine hugged back, his hands stroking Kurt’s back soothingly. “Sorry about that, I was just getting our bags from downstairs. I’m right here, I’m back, I didn’t leave.” He kissed the side of Kurt’s head and started to lead him back over to the bed so he could lay Kurt back down.
“I didn’t think you did, i just woke and you were gone.” Kurt followed Blaine over to the bed, sitting down on it. “Sorry, i… i’m being over-possessive aren’t i? Of course you should be allowed outside without me, you don’t have to have my permission, i’m sorry.”
“No no no no no, you’re not being over protective. I would’ve done the same thing if I woke up in a hotel room and you weren’t there.” Blaine went around and sat down on the other side of the bed, laying down and looking over at Kurt, smiling at him and motioning for him to lay down too.
Kurt saw Blaine lie down and motion for him to do the same, so he did, smiling a little at him because Blaine was smiling. He lay there looking at Blaine, his arms going round his waist, their foreheads resting against each others. “I hope you weren’t too bored while i slept, if you were i’m sorry. I’ll try not to fall asleep next time.”
“I wasn’t bored. I was driving and talking to you. And shhhhhhhhh, don’t apologize about falling asleep, if I remember correctly the whole reason you tried to fall asleep was because I asked you too. I wanted you to sleep.” Blaine said as he pulled Kurt closer to him, their foreheads resting more against each other’s.
“You were talking to me? Like i talk to you when you sleep? What did you talk to me about?” Kurt asked curiously, looking into Blaine’s eyes. “Did i talk in my sleep? I ask because whenever i sleep with you i always seem to do something in my sleep, i never do it with anyone else.”

“What did I talk to you about? Nothing much really, just what was going on around us and how gorgeous we both know you are and your amazing hair and things like that. Did you talk in your sleep? Yeah, a few times you said my name, but that was it. Which reminds me, what were you dreaming about?”
“I was dreaming about something amazing, you, me and our children. We were all playing in our house together, well at first it was just you and me. I was on a swing and i couldn’t see you and i called for you and then you came up behind me and almost pulled me off the swing. You pushed me on it for a little bit before i jumped off you and you chased me and then tackled me, then tickled me. My little saviors came to my rescue, Andrew and Elizabeth tackled you themselves.” Kurt laughed.
“Ooohhhhhh so I was tickling you…” Blaine said, looking at Kurt with a small laugh. “Sorry. In your sleep at one point you were grinning and saying my name and squirming a bit, and I was talking to you and asking if I wad tickling you in your dream. And it turns out I was. Did anything else happen in this dream?”
“Yes you were tickling me all because you called me gorgeous and i said that you weren’t too bad yourself, you said you were so totally gorgeous which i do agree with by the way, you also complimented my hair.” Kurt smiled. “I picked up Elizabeth and we ran back to the house and got water guns, it was me and Elizabeth verse you and Andrew, we got you soaking wet then you went into hiding.”
“I went into hiding? What happened to my courageeeee?” Blaine teased, holding Kurt close as he explained his dream. He was extremely grateful that Kurt had a good dream and not another horrible nightmare, he would much much much much rather have a happy Kurt after his dreams than a sad one.
“I really don’t know, it must have gone into hiding with you.” Kurt grinned. “I had to offer you a kiss for you to come out, which you did come out for. I got you even more soaking as did Elizabeth before you got your kiss. The kids had the guns and they started shooting us so we ran and we got soaking, landed in a puddle too. The kids found it highly amusing, said we wet our pants. It then started raining so we had run inside.”

“When you dreamt that it was raining was probably when I started carrying you into the hotel, since its still raining. Oh yeah, I kept up our tradition of me carrying you everywhere and carried you from the car to the room, letting you sleep. How did you sleep by the way, in the car and in the room? Comfortable? Sorry, go back to your dream.”
“There wasn’t really much to tell after that, that was really the end of it. Just the kids needing the toilet or food, nothing too interesting. And replying to your questions, i slept fine thank you, well i was sleeping next to you which automatically makes it amazing. When you left me in the hotel, i felt your absence, i don’t know how since i wasn’t awake but i just knew you weren’t there anymore, is that weird?”
“No, that’s not weird….. that’s actually kind of cool. You could tell that I wasn’t in the room? Sorry, I know your subconsciousness didn’t like that probably, but I had to get our bags. Which reminds me….” Blaine said, looking over Kurt and and grinning a bit as he did, since Kurt was in only boxers. “Do you want to put pajamas on, or stay like this?”
“There was no probably about it, i didn’t like it at all. I woke up cuddling a pillow.” Kurt looked down at what he was wearing. “What? When did you do this?” He asked confused. “I think i should stay like this since i can tell how much you like this. What about you? You changing into pajamas or staying how you are?”
“I changed you out of my clothes so you would be more comfortable, since jeans aren’t the most comfortable thing to sleep in.” Blaine stated simply, shrugging as he did. “I’ll either change into pajamas or just to my boxers, whichever you prefer since, like I said earlier, jeans aren’t the most comfy things to sleep in.”

“Well you’re the one who is going to be sleeping like that so its really up to you,” Kurt shrugged. He looked around the room, it looked familiar. “Is this the room we stayed in last week or do all the rooms just look the same?” He asked curiously, pretty sure it was the same room.
“Well, you love me in boxers, so in a bit I’ll change into my boxers. Just for your viewing pleasure.” Blaine traded, giving Kurt a small kiss. “Yeah, this is the same room, my family always gets the same room, this one. So that’s why it looks familiar, we were here last time.”
“Its the same reason why i said to leave mine on, just for your viewing.” Kurt smiled kissing back. “As long as i get to take off your pants and shirt then i’ll be happy.” He grinned looking around the room again before looking back at Blaine. “I like that, one room, the same room everytime you come here.”
“Alrighty then, you can do that. Since you love to get me out of my pants, don’t you?” Blaine teased, giving Kurt a second small kiss. “You like it? I do too, it’s nice. I would always get a bed to myself since there are two beds in here. I like it a tooooooooooon more like this, with you.”
“Oh yes i very much like getting you out of your pants.” Kurt grinned kissing him again. “I really like this too, here with you. I’m glad that when we come here we won’t be with your parents, they wouldn’t let us share a bed most likely. As long as dad knows that you’re staying over he wouldn’t mind us sharing a bed at all.”
“They probably wouldn’t. Butttttt, that wouldn’t stop either of us from sneaking into the other person’s room and snuggling with them in that bed, since I for one wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing that you were in the same house but not snuggling with me.”
“They wouldn’t stop me sneaking, i’m the same. I wouldn’t be able to sleep either knowing you’re just a few doors away and not snuggling with me. Its probably why i woke up earlier when you weren’t with me because you weren’t snuggling with me.” Kurt thought, it could have been why, its the only thing he could think of.
“Well, I’m here now.” Blaine said with a smile, squirming a little bit since his jeans were pressing into his skin awkwardly. “Hey Kurt? Can I get changed out of these jeans at least? They’re getting pretty uncomfortable….” He squirmed another time, hoping Kurt would take off his uncomfortable pants for him.

Kurt looked at Blaine a bit puzzled at the squirming until he spoke, he nodded and crawled over to Blaine, pushing him so he lay on his back before sitting on him and undoing his pants. He pulled them doing and off before folding them and putting them gently on the floor beside the bed. “Better?” He smiled down at Blaine not moving from on him.
“Much better, thank you.” Blaine said with a smile as Kurt stayed sitting on him. It was tons more comfortable this way. “I’m surprised you’re keeping my shirt on too.” He teased, looking down at the shirt he was wearing and trying to decide whether or not to take it off if Kurt didn’t.
“Welllll i was going to but i wasn’t sure if you wanted it off or now. But since you said that i’m assuming you want me to take it off or you don’t mind.” Kurt smiled his hands slipping down to the bottom of Blaine’s shirt, pulling it up and over Blaine’s head, folding it and putting it on top of the jeans on the floor.
“Now were both in just boxers. One of our favoritessssss, besides you in leather and in nothing at all of course.” Blaine grinned, staring up at Kurt as he sat on him, not sure how tired Kurt still was. He might not be that tired, since he had slept a while in the car.
“Oh you in this and nothing at all are obvious winners for my favorites.” Kurt grinned as he slid off Blaine and lay beside him, snuggling into his side. “Are you tired or sleepy at all?” He asked, he had slept in the car Blaine hadn’t.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt as he snuggled into his side, holding him close and intertwining their legs. “I’m a bit tired. Are you tired or sleepy? Or hungry? Do you want something to eat, like room service or ordering a pizza to the room? Since we haven’t eaten in a while…”
“Lets eat first and then sleep, i’m still a bit tired.” Kurt said honestly trying to think of what food. “Pizza sounds good, nice and simply, nothing too fancy or messy.” Kurt smiled, his arms wrapping around Blaine’s torso.
“Alright. Pizza it is. Do we want just cheese or do we want something else on it?” Blaine asked, grinning and kissing Kurt’s hair before snaking one hand up into it and gently playing with it. “So we’ll eat pizza and then sleep, snuggling the entire time. Who knows, Harry Potter might even be on.”
“Errr cheese is just fine thank you.” Kurt replied smiling widely feeling the kiss on his head and feeling the hand there. “Oooh i like that, i love being snuggled up with you, sleeping or awake.” Kurt nestled his head into Blaine’s chest more, it felt like it had been ages since he had been snuggled up next to Blaine, not the other way around.
“Cheese it is thennn.” Blaine said with a smile, freeing an arm from around Kurt and reaching over to the hotel phone. It was a stretch, but he made it. With a proud smile, he called the front desk and ordered them a pizza. His other hand was still in Kurt’s hair as he talked, hanging up as soon as he was done.
“You know that one of us is going to have to get up and go and answer the door when they come right?” Kurt said looking up at Blaine with a smile after he hung up. They were both some comfortable where they were lying and very happy too, snuggled up together after a day on the road.
“Nooooooooo, I don’t want either of us to get upppp.” Blaine pouted a bit and looked down at Kurt, still pouting a bit. “But when it comes, I’ll get up to get it. I want you to stay in bed and be niiiiice and warm.” He said, patting Kurt’s back when he held out “nice”.

“I don’t want either of us to get up.” Kurt pouted too as he looked up at Blaine. “I want you in bed nice and warm too but i guess i’m not allowed to argue with that.I am already nice and warm snuggled up beside you, you’re just so warm and comfortable, my favorite pillow.”
“Noooopppeee, you’re not allowed to argue. You’re not getting out of this bed until you absolutely have to.” Blaine ordered, looking down at Kurt with a smile and sticking his tongue out at him. “I’m your favorite pillow? Success!”
“Well since i’ve been ordered i’m going to have to stay here aren’t i?” Kurt grinned, poking his own tongue back out at him as his head nestled more against Kurt’s chest. “You’re my everything and my favorite everything at that.” He smiled turning his head to kiss Blaine’s chest.
“Why yes, yes you are. And if you simply must get up, know that I’m carrying you wherever you feel that you must go.” Blaine said, makinf a serious face but breaking out into laughter right afterwards. “And your my most favorite everything too. But I don’t have another everything, so your competition for favortie is practically nonexsistant… are you saying I have competition?” Blaine asked, pouting again for emphasis.
“Oooh my own personal carrier, i like that a lot,” Kurt said with a laugh. “I’m glad i have no competition… No no baby you have no competition whatsoever you’re my one and only, my only most favorite everything.” Kurt kissed the pout in an attempt to knock the pout from his face.
Blaine couldn’t help but smile when Kurt tried to kiss his pout away, he would be happy to know that it worked. “I’m gladdddd, I thought that surely I would have to fight Cedric for the title of most favorite.” He teased, still not liking Cedric at all in any way, shape, or form.
Kurt laughed when Blaine mentioned Cedric, truth be told he had forgotten all about him. “Noooo you won’t have to fight Cedric for anything, you won my heart not him. I hadn’t actually thought about him alllll week and now you just put him in my head, don’t worry you fill up more of my head. I’d much rather think about you.”
“I still don’t like to have to share your head with Cedric….. grrrrrrr. We don’t get along too well…” Blaine made an annoyed face at the mention of Cedric in Kurt’s thoughts now especially since Blaine had put them in his head. Cedric Diggory wasn’t even a real person, but Blaine still didn’t like him because Kurt had been fawning over him.

Kurt couldn’t help but laugh. “Wellll you must give me something to think about so that he is no longer there. Something interesting and lingering and…” He stopped, leaning up to kiss him. “Ooh… that’s… working…” He said between kisses, grinning as he spoke. He never actually liked Cedric, he was the typical “pretty boy” and thought he was the easiest way to make Blaine jealous.
Blaine was listening intently on how he could get Cedric out of Kurt’s head when he suddenly got a kiss from Kurt. He was nowhere near expecting that, but he was also nowhere near protesting or getting Kurt to stop. He kissed back almost instantly, wrapping his arms around Kurt and pulling him closer as he did. “Oh… oh really?”
“Oh yes… give me… something else… to think about…” Kurt grinned deepening his kiss, he knew it couldn’t turn into a makeout since any minute now the pizza would arrive but he had to have enough to get “Cedric out of his head”. He moved closer to him, contemplating lying on top of him but decided against it for now.
“Like…. like what?” Blaine asked as he continued to kiss Kurt, he had an idea, a few ideas actually, but he still wanted to hear if there was something in particular Kurt wanted. His arms wrapped more tightly around Kurt, knowing that the pizza wouldn’t be there instantly.
“Oh you… know…” Kurt grinned more as his arms wrapped more around Blaine, holding them close together, well closer than before. There was nothing in particular that Kurt wanted, just anything that came from Blaine, he wanted to see what Blaine came up with though without having to be told.
“Do… do I?” Blaine asked teasingly, deepening the kisses a bit as he tried to think up an idea. There were a few different things he could try, like moving his hands to where they were earlier or kissing down to his neck, but that would mean breaking the kiss they currently had, which he very much did not want. In the end he let his tongue come out slightly and run along Kurt’s bottom lip, smiling as it did.
“Oh… yes…” Kurt felt he kisses deepen, make his do the same in return only his lips parted instantly feeling the tongue run across his lip. He knew that this was most likely a tease and being a tease master himself he had to think of a counter one and fast incase this was one.
Blaine wasn’t sure if he wanted to tease Kurt right now, but if he didn’t now, when would he? He made his tongue disappear completely and stepped down on the kisses a bit, making them less deep and putting a bit less into them as an extra tease.

Kurt decided he wasn’t going to counter tease, he was going to let Blaine have his teasing moment of glory, for now. He whimpered when he felt Blaine’s tongue disappear and the kisses step down and have less being put into them, his kisses were still deep and had quite a fair bit in them.
Blaine stepped his own kisses down even more so that they were extremely light, grinning a bit from the whimper he heard from Kurt. Payback. It wasn’t much of a payback for now, but it was working pretty well.


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