Jan. 3, 2012, 12:19 a.m.
Jan. 3, 2012, 12:19 a.m.
Kurt was trying to think of how to do his hair, he would do it Blaine’s favorite but he knew that Blaine would most likely get distracted. He then had a thought, he was going to do his hair like he had it the day they got together. Blaine would like that a lot Kurt thought. So he started combing his hair spraying it with hairspray in places.
After checking out and setting his bouquet and single rose in the passenger seat, Blaine drove off and rode around town for a few minutes. He didn’t know how much longer Kurt would take to get ready, but he was going to go pick him up at six. He sang loudly along with the radio, looking in the mirror a few times to make sure he still looked alright for Kurt.
Kurt finished his hair and smiled in the mirror. After going over some touch ups and doing a few other bits and pieces he was all ready. Kurt looked at his phone and saw that it wasn’t far from six, he wasn’t sure if he should message Blaine and tell him he was ready or not. He decided he should, he got up Blaine’s number and text him, “i’m all ready, i miss youuu”
Blaine’s phone vibrated as he was singing, and he very quickly looked down at the text he got. He grinned but couldn’t text back, since he was driving. He quickly drove home, getting there in a matter of minutes, and parked the car. Flowers in hand, he walked up to the front door of his Vermont house, knocking the door politely.
Kurt was so excited, while waiting for Blaine he went into their bedroom and picked up the guitar. He started playing the guitar using the chord progression that Blaine showed him. He was jumping around the room and then on the bed like he was on stage at a concert. He heard the door being knocked so he put the guitar down and jumped down off the bed going over to his bag and picked up his jacket. After putting that on he ran down the stairs and to the door opening it with a large smile on his face.
Blaine waited, shifting his weight from foot to foot nervously. He held the bouquet of flowers in one hand and the single rose in his other, ready to explain the bouquet once Kurt came down. As soon as the door opened, Blaine’s eyes shot up to Kurt, dropping his jaw a bit as he stared at his fianc�e. “You look… wow. You look fantastic. Beautiful.”
Kurt smiled widely looking at Blaine, he looked so amazing. “Thank you, i know i always look fantastic” he said with a laugh. “You look gorgeous, amazing, stunning” His eyes went down to the flowers making his smile grow, he loved flowers he always thought they were so romantic. Blaine blushed a bit when Kurt said how he looked, he wasn’t sure and he wanted to look great for Kurt. “Thanks….” He started to say, his eyes following Kurt’s down to the flowers in his hand. “Oh right. I got you these.” Blaine said, holding the flowers up. “A single red rose….” He handed it to Kurt, grinning as he did. “…. and a bouquet of red tulips. Since red tulips mean perfect love, and you, my love, are perfect.”
Kurt smiled at the blush finding it extremely adorable. He couldn’t believe Blaine had got him flowers and a rose, roses were his favorite flowers and now so were red tulips. His eyes were shooting hearts and his smile was completely smitten as Blaine explained the flowers. He held the rose in his hand and looked up at Blaine leaning into give him a kiss. “Thank you, they’re beautiful.”
Blaine kissed Kurt back once he was kissed, smiling against Kurt’s lips as he did. “It’s my pleasure. Really. I love getting you flowers.” He smiled, holding out his arm for Kurt to take. “Shall we?”
“I love it when you get me flowers” Kurt smiled back, stepping outside and closing the door before taking Blaine’s arm. “We shall, i’m, really looking forward to this.” He hoped Blaine wasn’t still really sleepy, he didn’t want him falling asleep during dinner.
“I am too. It’s going to be amazing.” Blaine led Kurt to his car, opening the door for him and helping him in like a proper gentleman before going over to his side of the car and getting in himself. He didn’t want to tell Kurt where they were going, since he wouldn’t know the restaurants anyways and he wanted it to be a surprise.
Blaine was being such a gentleman, opening the door for Kurt to get in. Kurt just couldn’t stop smiling, he smiled from Blaine to the flowers and back again, his smile constantly growing. He wasn’t going to ask where they were going since it was a surprise. He moved one of his hands and put it on top of Blaine’s stroking the hand beneath it as he leaned back more into the chair smiling at Blaine.
Blaine turned his head to smile at Kurt once his hand was stroking Blaine’s, his smile completely smitten. He kept his hand where it was and let Kurt continue to stroke it as he drove them to the restaurant, using only one hand.
Kurt was really excited to see where they ended up and especially for the surprise afterwards. He wouldn’t have minded if Blaine moved his hand to drive since it was easier than with one hand. ”I love you” Kurt smiled his smile matching Blaine’s. He had a feeling that tonight was going to be more amazing than his own planned evening.
Blaine took his eyes off the road for a second to look at Kurt and smile back. “I love you too. You hungry?” His smile increased, thinking about their dinner. His eyes had to concentrate back on the road, getting closer to the restaurant. Once he finally pulled up and put the car in park, he sprang out of his car and rushed over to Kurt’s side, opening the door for him and helping him out, still being the proper gentleman.
Kurt nodded when Blaine asked if he was hungry, he was very hungry only having a couple of slices of toast over the past day. He smiled as they arrived at the restaurant and even more as Blaine ran round to open his door. Kurt took Blaine’s hand and climbed out of the car. “You’re such a gentleman, thank you.”
”I try.” Blaine said with a shrug and a smile, still holding Kurt’s hand as he walked them into the restaurant. After asking for a table and having the manager recognize Blaine and smile, he wrapped an arm around Kurt’s waist as they waited. “It’s a good thing that you’re hungry. You won’t even have to suffer with eating my toast for another meal.”
Kurt was looking around the restaurant, it was really nice. He looked back at Blaine when his arm went around his waist, his own doing the same to Blaine. “Ha-ha you’re sooo funny. Your toast is very nice though,” He grinned leaning a little more into Blaine.
“I am funny. The funniest eveerrrr.” Blaine smiled, holding Kurt closer to his side when Kurt leaned into him more. He stood there with Kurt for a second, wondering how on earth he got so lucky. There would be a few more minutes until they would go to their table, and Blaine was happy just standing there with his fianc�e.
“Oh you are, you crack me up,” Kurt grinned kissing Blaine’s cheek. He had dreamed of dates before and they were always really nice and either in Breadstix or seeing movies. He never dreamed that this would happen, that he would be with Blaine in a restaurant in Vermont almost a week after getting engaged to him.
The waitress came and showed them to their table, Blaine on one side and Kurt on the other, ordering drinks and flipping through the menu. Blaine had to admit that he was hungry, all he had that day was toast the he have mostly to Kurt. “What’re you getting, babe?”
Kurt was looking from the menu to Blaine and back again, there were quite a few nice things on it, he narrowed it down to the chicken parmesan or ravioli or fettucini alfredo. “Oh the fettucini alfredo most likely, what about you?” He asked looking up from his menu to look at Blaine.
Blaine was about to say he wanted the exact same thing, so when Kurt told him, he broke out into a grin. “That’s what I was going to get.” He laughed a bit, staring at Kurt as he did. Blaine knew that they were both hungry, having only toast that day.
Kurt laughed as Blaine said he was going to get the same. “Wow we really are alike aren’t we?” His hands slid half way across the table opening silently asking for Blaine’s hand to take his. He smiled at Blaine not sure if he saw his hand.
“We really are.” Blaine laughed again before seeing Kurt’s hand open up on the middle of the table asking for his. He grinned and let his hand slide into Kurt’s, looking straight into his eyes. “Our hands. They fit so perfectly.”
Kurt smiled as Blaine’s hand slid into his, his other hand going over the top of them so Blaine’s hand was sandwiched between the two of his own. He looked back deep into Blaine’s eyes smiling more as Blaine spoke. “They do, we were most definitely made for each other.”
“That’s true. I was made to be with you, and you were made to be with me. There is no way in the entire world I could even think about being with someone else, I’ll only ever love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, you and only you. Our kids too.” Blaine spoke through a smitten smile, loving having his hand in between Kurt’s.
Kurt was completely in love, his eyes and his smile showed it. “I couldn’t think about being with anyone else but you, you are my world and mine forever, i will only ever love you too. Only ever you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and our children too, our life, you and me its going to be amazing. Like a dream, one that i would never want to wake up from.”
Blaine opened his mouth to reply with something as romantic and sappy, but the waitress walked back up and gave them their drinks. He thanked her politely before ordering for both of the boys at the table, his foot finding Kurt’s ankle under the table and lightly stroking it as the waitress took their order.
Kurt wasn’t sure what it was at first, he felt something on his ankle but after a few seconds he realized what it was, it was Blaine’s foot. He smiled and looked down, it was really cute when Blaine started that. Kurt’s hands still held Blaine’s and started stroking it, the strokes in between the ones on his ankle. He looked up and his eyes met with Blaine’s face once again, still smiling.
Blaine couldn’t be rude to their waitress, so he had to look her in the eye as he ordered for them, his foot still stroking Kurt’s ankle. A smile formed on his face as soon as he felt Kurt’s hands stroking his, and his gaze went back to Kurt’s as soon as the waitress left. “I still can’t believe it.”
Kurt was fine with their gaze being broken so Blaine could talk to their waitress. He kept stroking his hand as his ankle continued to be stroked, happy when the waitress left and Blaine spoke. “I can’t believe it either, being here engaged to you. When we left Lima to come here i never even imagined coming home engaged, did you?”
“Actually…..” Blaine said, breaking out into a grin. “… I had a feeling we’d go back to Lima engaged. I did know that I was going to ask you….. but then again, I always had that lurking feeling of nervousness and the fear you would say no. You know?”
Kurt’s smile just kept growing. “So really you knew i would say yes to you, i did say just a couple of days before that i would be an idiot to say no. I would never dream of saying no to you, neverrrrr but i do understand the nervousness and fear if i did. I love you Blaine and i want to spend the rest of my life with you and i will.”
Blaine’s grin grew just as much as Kurt’s did as he listened to him talk, he loved hearing that Kurt would never say no. “You wouldn’t be an idiot to say no, you’d never be an idiot. I’m just beyond thankful that you said yes. My plans are the exact same as yours: I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I will.”
Kurt squeezed on his hand a little, his eyes gazing deep into Blaine’s. “If you didn’t ask me then i would have done, i know you said that you wanted to do the proposing its just i really want to marry you. You and me are forever, we will marry and it will be amazing, perfect, just truly incredible.”
Blaine nodded as he listened to what Kurt said, imagining what it would be like if Kurt proposed to him as well. Probably just as amazing, if not better, than how he did it. “Hmmmmmm…… you proposing…..” He said through his grin, imagining what it would be like if Kurt had decided to ask him to marry him instead of the other way around.
Kurt didn’t really have a proper idea of how he would propose if he did. He knew that Blaine would and had his heart set on it so he didn’t go and make plans or ideas but he did fantasize. “You proposing… your speech… that whole night was just amazing, i didn’t think it was possible for one night to be so perfect but it was. And i know tonight will be perfect too, i know this because you’re here.”
“Why thank you. Really. I didn’t know, with that whole firefly deal, if you were going to think it was too cheesy. Everything worked out perfectly, without knowing it you went along with my plan perfectly. But the most perfect part of the night…. when you said yes.”
“It wasn’t cheesy, it was perfect. It was more perfect than i had ever imagined, the fireflies just made it even more romantic and beautiful” Kurt said honestly. “I did? What did i do?” He didn’t know what he did when he said that Kurt went along with his plan perfectly, all he did was had a bubble fight and follow Blaine’s voice. “The most perfect part for me, was you asking. When you started talking i had no idea that you were going to propose i just thought that it was a sappy Blaine moment. But when you dropped down onto one knee i couldn’t believe it, i had to restrain myself from jumping on you, saying yes and kissing you before you even asked.”
“Yeah, you did. When I went on that walk while you were cooking, I went to set everything up. And then I was going to do something and blindfold you, which the bubble flight worked perfectly. So then after I blindfolded you, I was going to take you down to the river and take off the blindfold when the fireflies came out. And then my speech…..” Blaine smiled. “Which you already know what happened from there.”
Kurt smiled and laughed a little, oh that bubble fight. “So the bubble fight worked perfectly? Thats good to know, i love having bubble fights with you they’re fun. I’m really glad it worked into your plan” His hand that was on top of the their holding hands moved and took Blaine’s other hand so now both of his hands were holding Blaine’s. “This is really sweet and romantic, taking me out to dinner. Thank you”
Blaine smiled and shrugged his shoulders when Kurt thanked him for taking him out. “Anything for you.” Both of his hands were now being held by Kurt’s, making his smile grow even more. He got a bit thirsty, but he didn’t want to break away from Kurt’s hands. He awkwardly tried to get the straw for his drink into is mouth, smiling proudly as he took a sip.
Kurt watched Blaine try and get the straw into his mouth without using his hands, he couldn’t help but laugh and be proud when Blaine got it into his mouth. “You’re so cute,” He smiled, his face was aching from all the smiling but he didn’t dare stop, well he couldn’t stop smiling and he didn’t want to. Kurt looked down at his own drink knowing that it was going to be awkward trying to get the straw in his mouth without using his hands, he just didn’t want to break his hands away from Blaine’s. He tried and it pinged up and hit his nose, a little bit of his drink on his nose, he crossed his eyes looking at it and laughed, his nose was scrunching up just like it always did when something was touching it.
Blaine watched as Kurt did the same thing he did, making him melt at the face Kurt made and how adorable he was being. “You’re just so adorable.” He said back, standing up and leaning over the table to give Kurt’s nose a kiss and get the little bit of his drink off of his nose. “All better.”
Kurt smiled as Blaine called him adorable and kissed his nose making it scrunch more, he had expected as much. “Thank you, it was scrunching up my nose and it wouldn’t stop” He smiled at Blaine’s melted face, obviously that had melted him. He wasn’t sure how he really melted Blaine, Blaine always said he was adorable. Maybe he was and he just couldn’t see it because it was him, other people always said he was. Maybe it was time he just accepted he was adorable.
“Anytime.” Blaine said with a smile, settling back down in his seat. His hands were still sandwiched in between Kurt’s, his foot still on his ankle when he had an idea. He lifted his legs up and rested his feet on the top of Kurt’s thighs, his fianc�e now doubling as a foot rest. “Ahhhh. Nice and comfy.”
Kurt couldn’t help but laugh as Blaine’s feet rested on his thighs, his first thought was if Blaine’s shoes were dirty or not but there was no reason for them to be. He was happy that Blaine was comfy so he didn’t complain and he would just clean it later. “I’m glad you’re comfy” he smiled giving Blaine’s hands a squeeze.
“Super duper comfy.” Blaine said, laughing whenever Kurt did. He contemplated taking his feet of, just in case Kurt was worried about Blaine’s feet getting his outfit dirty, but he decided if Kurt had that worry he would tell him. “I don’t want to go back. I just want to stay here with you forevvvvveeerrrr.”
Kurt didn’t want to go back either, like Blaine said he just wanted to stay here with him forever. At home were so many troubles and then there was school, both he’d rather avoid. With Blaine it was a trouble and pain free zone, it was just filled with love. “I just want to stay here with you forever too, remind me why we have to go back please”
“School. If it wasn’t for school, I’d stay here forever.” Blaine said with a sigh. He didn’t mind school, he loved the people at Dalton (some of them), it was just the work he hated. He awkwardly tried to get another sip of his drink, this time being more successful. “Food should be here soon. Yessssss.”
“I would too, ughh school why can’t we finish already?” Kurt sighed as well. He really liked Dalton, the people there just not the work and some of the teachers. He did admittedly miss McKinley but he still had his friends from there and he was more than grateful for that. “Oh yes it should, i’m hungry”
Right on cue, the waitress showed up with their matching plates of food, not sure what plate to give to who. Blaine just laughed and said it didn’t matter, because it didn’t, and waited until the waitress had left to even look down at his food. It looked amazing. He looked back up at Kurt, doing the polite thing and waiting until he had taken a bite to eat.
Kurt’s eyes didn’t leave Blaine’s face even as the waitress came over, he politely thanked her and reluctantly removed a hand from Blaine’s. He wanted to keep at least one hand in Blaine’s but knew that it might not happen since they had to eat. Kurt smiled and picked up his fork taking his first bite, it was delicious. “Woooow this is just delicious.”
Blaine grinned after Kurt took a bite, his hand still under Kurt’s on the tabletop. He could probably eat with one hand, but he would have to see. He took a bite himself, sitting up and taking his feet off of Kurt’s thighs. “You’re right, it’s great.” Blaine said, being sure to have good table manners and not talk with his mouth full.
Kurt always had good table manners when eating and was happy when Blaine used them too. He was even happier when Blaine didn’t move his hand from under his. Kurt and Blaine often thought alike and liked the same things so Kurt wasn’t surprised when Blaine agreed that it was delicious. Kurt put down his fork for a second getting a napkin and putting it in his lap just to make sure nothing fell, even though it never usually did it was always good to be safe.
When Kurt was putting his napkin in his lap, Blaine stole a bite of Kurt’s food. “Mine’s bettttteeeeeeer than yours.” Blaine teased, sitting back down more and only eating his food. He wanted to make a good impression on Kurt about how good he could be on dates, so he also put his napkin in his lap.
Kurt laughed as Blaine spoke, he leaned over himself and stole some of Blaine’s. “Hmmmmm nope mine is soooo much better,” He grinned watching as Blaine put his napkin in his lap. Blaine wasn’t usually like this, so Kurt figured Blaine must be trying to make a good impression. “You don’t have to try you know, you’re amazing as you are.”
Blaine looked up at Kurt when said he didn’t have to try and impress him, but he thought otherwise. “Well….. I mean I guess. I know we’re getting married and everything, but I still want to make it so you’ll go out with me in the future or be good with taking me out and not having to worry about me embarrassing you or having bad table manners.”
Kurt laughed and squeezed on his hand. “Baby i’m not worried about you embarrassing me or you having bad table manners, you aren’t embarrassing and i can’t think of any way that you could embarrass me. Its most likely the other way around, when i’m with you i’m clumsy so i could end up knocking something or falling off my chair, or something completely outrageous. And you do have good table manners, you don’t have to do anything that you don’t normally do. Just be yourself, its why i love you.”