Holding On Forever
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Holding On Forever: You're Too Sweet

E - Words: 1,320 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 32/? - Created: Apr 28, 2012 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
1,075 0 11 0 0

Author's Notes: HELLO!? ANY READERS STILL OUT THERE!? *cricket noises* NO!? ....HELLO!? (again, this is unbeta)
“Wha-what do you mean you’ve got him down at the police station with you!?” Kurt asked, his voice raised but not enough to wake up the girls who were still asleep.

“We found Mr.Anderson trespassing on private property, there is more information but maybe it is best that you come down so we can tell you face to face. Mr.Anderson is also asking for you.” The policeman told him.

Kurt groaned “So, you wake me up in the middle of the night to tell me to then come downtown…”

“Mr. Hummel we know tha-”

“I’ll be there in thirty minutes” The Kurt hung up, then pulled the covers back.

He then hears a sleepy groan as he starts trying to get dressed.

“Kurt? What are you doing?” Mercedes asked, rubbing her eye which were full of sleep.

“Nothing, my dad just called me to say that…umm…Carole is in hospital?” He was such a bad liar.


He groaned “Okay, it was the police and-”

“Police! What are they doing calling you!? Kurt what’s happened!?” and with Mercedes voice getting louder through out the sentences, the rest of the girls woke up in a fright.

“What’s happened!?” they all seemed to ask at once.

“Kurt’s getting calls from the police!” Mercedes told them.


“Look” Kurt said trying to calm the over worried girls “They were calling me saying Blaine was on private property and the owner of it called the police. I have to go down there to find out what’s happening”. He’d only changed his top since he’d fell asleep in some sweatpants and he was in too much of a rush to worry about that at the minute.

“Well, we’re coming with you then!” and with that all the girls pulled back their own covers.

“What? No, no look, I’ll be fine going alone.”

“Kurt, you’re 23 weeks pregnant…we are not letting you out there alone! Also I want to see you flip out on Anderson! I am not missing that!” Santana said while changing into a black skirt and simple white top.

Kurt sighed “I can take care of myself, my does everyone think I need a babysitter all the time…” He muttered under his breathe.

“We just care about Kurt” Sugar said, pulling her coat on.

“I know I know” He then felt guilt hit his stomach, knowing his friends cared enough about him to wake up in the middle of the night and go to the police station.

“Lets go get your man” Mercedes said as they left the bedroom.

The whole drive there was filled with wondering questions, but all kept in each persons head. No one wanted to upset Kurt anymore then he already was. Especially with him feel extremely hormonal since he woke up.

Once they arrived at the station, they all got out the car and walked through the revolving door.

The five of them walked to the receptionist, which was a women around the age of forty, with red hair cut into a bob, she looked bored.

“Excuse me?” Kurt asked, making the women look up.

“Yes, how may I help you?” she asked, her eyes going straight to his baby bump.

“I’m looking for Blaine Anderson, I got called down here”

The women’s eyes snapped back up to his. He sighed then turned to the computer, checking through the files.

“Yes, he’s here” Well duh! “I’ll get a policeman to escort you down” then she got up and left the room through a door marked ‘No Entry’

“I don’t like her” Kurt heard Sugar say from behind.

“Don’t think she liked us” Tina replied.

The women then returned with a tall policeman.

“Mr. Hummel, you may come through, but your friends have to stay here in reception.” he told them. Kurt smiled to his friends over his shoulder then followed the man down the hall.

The hallway was long and dull. With navy blue carpets and white walls, which were bare, there was nothing lifting Kurt’s sprits at the moments. With and un-countable number of door, he had no idea where they were going. It wasn’t until the policeman turned down a hall and opened the door at the end. He let Kurt walk through first.

In the room, the bare white walls continued through, but the floors were now tiled. In the room was a grey table surrounded by four chairs. On one side were one policeman and a policewomen, on the other was the curly haired boy who caused this mess

“Mr. Hummel” The women stood and reached her hand out for him to shake, which he did “Thank you for coming down, especially at this time at night, please have a seat” she gestured to the seat next to Blaine.

He sat down and looked at Blaine, who’s eyes didn’t meet his.

“Okay” The women pressed a tape recorder with was on the table, it started recording “This interview is being recorded by both the tape recorder and a camera in the corner of the room. In the room we have Mr. Anderson and Mr. Hummel, this is for case 456. Interview started at 2:48 am.” she said into the recorder.

“So Mr. Anderson, are you aware of why you are here with us today?” They policeman asked.

“Yes” Blaine grumbled under his breath, he was only looking at his hands which were resting on the table.

“And what about you Mr. Hummel?”

“No” Kurt replied, cause he really didn’t.

“Mr. Anderson was seen on private property, the owner of the land reported it after confronting Mr. Anderson. During the time the owner spoke to him, he was reported to be physically attacked by Mr. Anderson.” The policeman explained.

Kurt looked at Blaine with shock and disappointment. Blaine had attacked someone.

“I didn’t attack him” Blaine replied, as if he read Kurt’s mind.

“We have witnesses that you did.” the women told them.

“Of course she would report that I did.” Blaine said. Kurt was still confused.

“Excuse me, can I ask who’s property this was?” Kurt asked.

The women looked through her papers “It was the estate of one Mr. and Mrs. Anderson.” she told him.

“Your parents!?” Kurt asked to Blaine, his voice raised. Blaine just shrugged his shoulders.

“Mr. Anderson, you do realise this could get you up to five years in prison for this crime?”

Blaine’s eyes finally looked up “WHAT!?”

“We allow who ever has been effected by the attack to chose punishment, this normally goes with a fine, but the rules have changed” The man said.

“So, basically they bribed you!” Blaine stood yelling.

“Mr. Anderson calm down!” The man yelled back, he too stood up.

“No! I wont calm down! That baby” Blaine pointed to Kurt’s stomach “is mine! And I wont miss one second of his life! I wont leave Kurt to raise him alone! I WONT LET MY PARENTS WIN AGAIN!” Blaine was in a rage. He only calmed the tiniest down when he felt Kurt’s hand on his arm.

“Blaine, sit down, please” Kurt asked him softly, tears in his eyes.

Blaine sighed and did just that, the policeman did the same.

“Is there anyway me and Blaine could speak for a moment alone please?” Kurt asked the women other then the angry policeman.

She sighed “Okay, but we must keep the recording going” she said then lead herself and the man out the room, closing the door behind them.

“Blaine” Kurt sighed “Why did you do this?”

“I told you I’d find a way to get some baby stuff.”


Again, Blaine shrugged his shoulders. “We haven’t got a lot of money, so we can hardly afford everything the baby will need. So, I remembered my mom once telling me that she kept all my old stuff in the basement of the house. I just, got caught.” Blaine explained.

“You’re too sweet” Kurt said with a smile “but you’re gonna have to pay the consequences.”

“Kurt, I’m not going to go to jail!”

“Well we are going to have to fight then.”


“You’re gonna have a court trail right?”

Blaine nodded so Kurt continued.

“We are going to fight against your parents, and we are going to win”

With that said, Blaine crushed their lips together.

End Notes: OKAY OKAY! I'm SO SORRY! My GCSE's are taing up all my time as well as other shit... ;/ but hopefully next update will come quicker!ALSO! my friend has started writing fanfic, her story is here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8486206/1/ go read and review! (if you review tell her I sent you there xD just to prove that i kept my promise!)Hugs And Butterfly KissesYours PinkSunglassesAndSaiSwords


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:D Thank you for Updateing! xxxxxxx Hey, maybe to help them out the New Directions could throw a Baby Shower later on in the story.SCREW BLAINES PARENTS!!!!And Update soon xxxx

Thanks for the update. :-D

I freakin hate Blaine's dumb parents!!!!

Oh Blaine!!!!Good luck with your GCSE's

This chapter was really awesome. I find myself hating Blaine's parents for the way that they treat him and was feeling proud of Blaine when he told the officer that he wasn't going to miss a second of his kid's life. I really enjoy the way that you write Blaine and Kurt's relationship and I can't wait to see how they get Blaine out of the mess that he is in.

I have NO idea xD I just made it up but it was also 'attempted' burglary I thinkā€¦ in ny mind this is how a police station works ;D

great job! im just curious, would blaine really have to go to jail for trespassing on his parent's property?

I'm still here!! Somehow I knew Blaine's parents would be involved somehow.

This is so good!!! I'm so happy you updated!