Dec. 31, 2021, 1:26 a.m.
Dec. 31, 2021, 1:26 a.m.
Why now?
Why did he even want him to come back?
How come he couldn’t tell him himself?
How long had he wanted him back?
There were so many more thoughts, but these were the four that kept popping up the most. He was sure Carole had something to do with it all but he didn’t want to start pointing fingers at who’s idea it was. For all he knew it could just be his dad’s idea.
He hated the fact that it had to be Finn to tell him. His dad couldn’t even man up and visit his pregnant son…
Kurt knew he had disappointed his dad but he did not need to be reminded.
Though for one moment throughout his nearly fifteen week pregnancy, he really thought that maybe his dad would be happy for him. Happy that he would get his first grandchild. Happy that…that Kurt was happy.
Kurt knew that Blaine wouldn’t be in love with him or anything but knew that he cared for him. He also knew Blaine was starting to get his act together, he hadn’t had anything like fights or even a detention in nearly a month. That was a record for Blaine Anderson.
Kurt had told Blaine all about it once the boy had got through the door that night, well he had to ask what was going on since he found Kurt in tears.
He was really going to have to talk to dad.
Sectionals was today and the whole glee club was buzzing.
They had been through all songs and choreography a ridiculous number of times. The set list was perfect for the team, Teenage Dream (Blaine had even agreed to stay and help them with it) and Never Going Back Again, which Artie had suggested.
The group were making their way into the dressing rooms. (thankfully McKinley had been selected to host the competition, so the dressing room was the choir room), they had drawn the last slot for performances.
They waited until their name was called, but over the P.A. system in the choir room, they could hear the other teams. They were good, very good.
Groups from all over the country had come and had all won at least three National championships in their glee club histories. The New Directions had won none so far.
Finally a bell rang, signalling the group to make their way to the stage.
Blaine was part of the band so had to go on stage first, but not before giving Kurt a quick good luck and a wink.
The curtains rose moments after the group took their place. The girls began the song.
"I think you're pretty without any makeup on
You think I'm funny when I tell the punchline wrong
I know you get me so I let my walls come down, down
Before you met me, I was alright but things
Were kinda heavy, you brought me to life
Now every February, you'll be my valentine, valentine..."
The boys then took over, with they girls for the harmonies.
"Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I will be young forever!"
Kurt looked over for a second to the band and noticed that while Blaine was playing the guitar, he was singing along.
"You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream!
The way you turn me on, I can't sleep...
Let's runaway and don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back.
My heart stops when you look at me,
Just one touch now baby I believe...
This is real so take a chance and don't ever look back!
Don't ever look back!
Let you put your hands on me,
In my skin tight jeans,
Be your teenage dream tonight...
Tonight, tonight, tonight...
Kurt couldn’t stop smiling whenever he looked over and saw Blaine smiling and having so much fun in a long time. Blaine looked over at Kurt and their eyes met, they both smiled warmly at each other. Which one judge seemed to notice the interaction.
"You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream,
The way you turn me on, I can't sleep.
Let's runaway and don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back , no!
My heart stops when you look at me,
Just one touch now baby I believe.
This is real so take a chance and don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back!
Coz your heart racing,
In my skin tight jeans,
Be your teenage dream tonight.
Let you put your hands on me,
In my skin tight jeans...
Be your teenage dream tonight!
The group was met with a huge applause once the song was over. They all smiled and the boys, except Artie, who was leading the next song with the girls. Once Kurt got time to wonder, the second song had began. He looked for Blaine, who was probably packing up his stuff.
He found him in the choir room. Blaine looked up from his guitar case and soon was wrapped up in Kurt’s embrace, which he returned with a smile on his face.
“Oh my god! That was amazing Blaine!” Kurt said while they hugged tightly, but let go a moment later.
Blaine chuckled slightly. “Well, you guys rocked it. No one can out beat Katy Perry..”
“You’re a fan?” Kurt asked.
Blaine hummed, “A little.” then chuckled again.
Kurt smiled too.
“I’m not going to argue about it with you two!” Vivian Teston yelled at the other two judges, “I know what I saw.”
“And what is so wrong about two boys flirting and being in what I would call puppy love!” Poppy Frankie argued back but didn’t shout.
“Many things! I don’t wanted that group to go through with this type of profanity being displayed, not only were two boys practically flirting on stage, one of them was pregnant! ” Vivian yelled once more. “Get Will Schuester in here at once!”
Poppy asked the third judge, Harry Johnson, to get the teacher.
Harry came back minutes later with Will.
“What seems to be the problem here?” Will asked.
“It has come to my attention that you have a-a...fag in your group.” Vivian stuttered on the word ‘fag’.
“Kurt or Blaine?” Will asked.
“Oh, so there are two. Well Mr. Schuester, I refuse to let this just go past.”
“What do you mean?”
“If you want your group to go through, those boys must go.”
The groups joined on stage for the results.
Poppy, Vivian and Harry all made their way on stage with the results. Vivian took the mike.
“Due to…difficulties, The New Directions are disqualified from the competition. Can you all please leave the stage.”
A chorus of gasps and whispers filled the room as the group left the stage.
They made their way back to the choir room and once Will walked in, multiple questions were thrown his way.
“Mr.Schue what is happening!?” Rachel screamed in question.
“Yeah, we haven’t done anything!” Mike yelled.
“Look guys, It’s not what you have done. It’s one of the judges letting their beliefs get in the way of fair competition.” Will told them.
“And what does that mean?” Blaine asked.
Will sighed, “One judge didn’t like the fact that we have both Kurt and Blaine in the group because of their…sexuality.” He announced.
The choir room went silent.
“But what about me and Britt? We’re together?” Santana asked in curiosity.
“Apparently, she noticed Kurt and Blaine smiling and in her word ‘flirting’ on stage. She also didn’t like the fact-”
“That I’m pregnant.” Kurt cut him off, knowing what he was going to say. Kurt sighed as he dropped down into one of the red plastic chairs.
“Im so sorry you guys.” Kurt apologised.
“Kurt…” Mercedes said and sat down next to him, taking his hand into hers. “You shouldn’t have to say sorry, it's just that stupid judge who doesn’t know anything about you or Blaine. You’re the sweetest, most generous guy any of us have met, and with that we know that you are going to be an amazing father to this little girl or boy. So don’t you dare say you’re sorry.”
Kurt smiled, then the two hugged with a smile on both their faces.
“Umm…Kurt, Blaine, you guys might want to see this.” Puck said from behind them with his phone in his hands.
He passed it to Blaine, who then moved to sit on the other next to Kurt and noticed it was a video on Fox News. He pressed play and they both froze just at the first line.
“We have been informed that once again, here in America, we have another pregnant man…”
Ohhhhhh shit. *hides behind hands* Let it be fake, let it be fake, let it be fake... *peeks* DAMNIT!
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg... That was mzing and horrible ll t the same time... I loved it.... WRITE MORE SOON! :D
Please update faster i loveeeeee this story !
Will it help if I say at some point (I wont say when) Kurt becomes very lucky/happy...?
You had better stay under that bed!!! Stop being so mean to my Kurtie :-(I hope the chat with Burt goes well but I really want him to stay with Blaine!! :-) Great chapter btw
Oh oh oh oh oh oh ohmygodddddddddah!!!!!!! Awesome.
Poor Kurt :( Oh , and please update soon !!