Dec. 31, 2021, 1:26 a.m.
Dec. 31, 2021, 1:26 a.m.
They definitely weren’t lying.
By lunchtime everyone in the entire school knew about his ‘situation’ (as he had heard a few students and even some teachers) call it.
He hadn’t yet seen Blaine since what happened in Glee and Kurt was beginning to wonder where he’d run off to.
Kurt was currently at his locker, getting his books out for his next class. Once he closed the dark, mustard-coloured locker door, he was suddenly faced with Jacob Ben Israel and his cameraman and friend, Doug. Kurt knew where this was going so he quickly placed his book into his bag and began to move down the hall, but of course they followed.
Over his shoulder Kurt heard what Jacob was saying.
“Here I am McKinley, with the person headlining big news at this school currently. Former resident gay, fashionista and now soon mother-to-be…”
Kurt gripped the leather strap on his bag tight when he heard those words.
“…Kurt Hummel!” Jacob caught up to him and since Kurt continued walk, Jacob was now running backwards to keep up and still talk to him.
“So tell us about how you came across knowing you were expecting.” Jacob intruded.
Kurt was getting annoyed now from trying to run when they would just follow, so he stopped in his tracks.
“None of your business.” he commented, leaning against the lockers since walking fast had now made him feel nauseous.
“Fine. Then maybe tell us what you and whoever the father is, are going to do with it.” Jacob asked. Kurt didn’t like the fact he just called his baby a ‘it’, but happy that although it really was Blaine who told people, that still no one knew he was actually the father. Except the glee club, who had all agreed to not say a word to anyone.
“Again, none of your business. Now please get out of here, I don’t feel too well." Kurt said, closing his eyes for a second then opened them again as if that would get rid of them. It didn’t.
“Morning sickness I presume? But not done yet preggers! Maybe give us the answer we all want to know, who is the father?” he asked pointing the microphone closer to his face. Weirdly when Jacob first started his interviews, Kurt felt sorry for him whenever someone would yell at him to get lost, but now he wanted to yell that.
“If I told you, would you go away?” Kurt asked.
“Nope, I have more questions.” Jacob said shaking his head slightly.
“Then no comment.” Kurt played, getting seriously annoyed and still feeling sick to his stomach. He really needed some fresh air. Since the hallway was packed with students in almost every square inch, the air had become hot, thick and humid.
“Can you give us any information on your bastard child, then?” Jacob asked.
“Shut up and leave me alone!” Kurt yelled, surprised at his anger that came through.
“Come on, its true thought. You’re a freak and this child is too, so give us information and we’ll-”
“He said leave him alone.” a voice came from behind the afro boy, who turned to see Blaine.
He held his hands up in defense, “I haven’t said anything to you this time.” he said since that was the only reason that Blaine had ever talked to him.
“No, but leave him alone.. or do you remember what happened before Jacob? I think..that it had something to do with the science block having to be evacuated because someone made a chemical explosion that was deadly. But, no one thought of checking the closet at the back of the room for a small annoying interviewer, who was trapped in there.” Blaine moved closer to the boy, his voice dropping lower. “Now we don’t want that happening again do we.” he told him instead of asking.
Jacob shook his head and was soon telling Doug to get out of here and the pair ran down the halls until they were out of sight.
Kurt sighed in relief and then turned to Blaine. “Thanks.” he said, “But I gotta get some air...” then quickly darted down the hall to the closest door and went outside.
He sighed a breath of relief and soon moved to sit on the ground, not caring about his jeans or that the school bell just rang to signal them all to get to class.
“Hey.” Kurt heard Blaine’s voice then saw the boy move to sit down next to him.
“Shouldn’t you be in class?” Kurt asked.
“Shouldn’t you?” Blaine shoot back, Kurt just smirked.
“So what was going on in there?”
Kurt shrugged his shoulders. “Just Jacob being an idiot and not understanding that ‘no comment’ means ‘no comment’.”
Blaine smirked and then the two fell into a comfortable silence.
“Can you do me a favour?” Kurt asked, breaking the quietness.
“Sure.” Blaine replied.
“Take me back to the hospital after school?” Kurt asked, then saw some panic filling Blaine’s eyes. “No, nothing bad, just need to pick up some nutrients and hormonal medicine.” Kurt explained.
“Hormonal medicine?” Blaine asked.
“Yeah, according to Olivia its meant to help prepare my body for actually giving birth.” Kurt told him.
Blaine raised a eyebrow. “But, you would have thought since you were born with this…ability, that your body would be ready for it.” Blaine said.
“Nope, hence why the medicine was made.” Kurt told him.
“Look no more questions, will you take me or not?” Kurt asked.
“Yeah, sure.” Blaine said with a smirk.
The rest of that week had been the same, questions and whispers behind Kurt’s back and Blaine trying to help him out without anyone finding it suspicious.
Friday night came along and Kurt noticed that Blaine seemed a bit nervous.
“You alright?” He asked as Blaine pulled into Shelby’s driveway. Quinn had been told to stay there while she watched Beth, so the little girl would be more comfortable.
“Yeah, it’s just…I'm the youngest in my family, so I’ve never really been around kids.” Blaine admitted.
“Never?” Kurt asked, Blaine just nodded as he killed the engine and the two got out of the car.
“What about Nick, I thought he was younger then you?” Kurt asked.
“By a month, that’s not a lot is it?” Blaine replied.
Kurt knocked on the door and it swung opened to reveal Quinn standing there, smiling.
“Hey.” she said letting them in, they both smiled in return.
“Okay, so Beth is in the living room playing at the minute, I’ll get her so she can meet you.” the blonde said as she walked through to the living room and returned with an equally blonde 16 month old baby, as the two boys had removed their shoes and coats.
“Beth!” Quinn spoke to the little girl in her arms. “This is Kurt and Blaine, they're going to look after you tonight.” she explained. The little girl looked at the two boys with her shining brown eyes.
“Here.” Quinn said softly before passing her to Kurt, who held her supportively.
Beth looked up at Kurt and then smiled, to which Kurt returned.
“Well she seems to like you already, so she needs to be down for eight, I haven’t had a chance to feed her so I hope you don’t mind doing that and I think that’s it.” Quinn said then pressed a kiss the both their cheeks and one on Beth’s head before saying a quick goodbye and leaving the two with the baby.
“So…now what?” Blaine asked.
“Dunno.” he said but began to move through to the living room and placed the little girl on the carpet and let her crawl to the toys.
Blaine followed him through the doorway a few moments later.
Kurt looked at the time. “I’m gonna go see if Quinn left her anything to eat, you bond with her.” he said then left to look through the kitchen.
Blaine awkwardly moved to sit on the couch, he’d only sat down for a few seconds before Beth started to cry.
Blaine didn’t know what to do but Kurt came through to see what had happened.
“Why is she crying?” Kurt asked in concern.
“I dunno, I sat down and she cried.” Blaine told him, but noticed once Beth spotted Kurt, she stopped crying.
Kurt noticed this too and moved to pick up Beth, the little girl smiled and cuddled close to his chest.
“She doesn’t like me.” Blaine frowned.
“I’m sure she does, its just like you said. You’ve never been around kids.” Kurt said, as he sat down next to Blaine, with Beth still in his arms.
“You have?” he asked.
“Well my cousin had a baby last year and when I went there last summer her and her husband were on the rocks- so tried ‘date nights’ and since I was there I baby sat her baby a lot.” Kurt explained.
Blaine smiled softly then cleared his throat, “Is there any food for her?” Blaine asked.
“Yeah, but I didn’t get a chance to grab it since she started to cry.” Kurt said.
“I’ll get it.” He said then stood up to get the food. When he returned, he couldn’t help but smile at the scene in front of him.
He saw Beth lying on Kurt’s chest, playing with the buttons on his shirt, while Kurt had on arm around her to keep her safe and his free hand rested on his baby bump.
Blaine suddenly realised that this scene in front of him is what hopefully it will be like in six months when their baby would be born. Blaine never saw himself with a family of his own, but now he couldn’t wait.
Later that night once Beth had been feed, bathed and changed into her pyjamas, the two boys saw it was eight so knew Beth had to be put down for the night.
“She wont sleep if I'm in there, she hates me.” Blaine said in his defense.
“She doesn’t hate you, and anyway you have more energy than me.” Kurt said passing Beth to Blaine.
“You’re going to use that baby to get out of a lot of things aren’t you?” Blaine asked.
“Yep, I’ve already got out of gym class." Kurt smirked, then continued. "Just remember stay with her until she falls asleep.” Kurt said before leaving Beth’s room with Blaine and the sleepy girl still in it.
Blaine stood awkwardly but then placed her in the crib. The little girl just looked up at him, as if she was waiting for something. Blaine didn’t know how to get her to sleep, he didn’t see any books around to read.
Then remembered when he was little his mom would normally sing him to sleep, he quickly thought of a good song.
"Come with me, and you'll be
In a world of pure imagination
Take a look and you'll see
Into your imagination
We'll begin, with a spin
Traveling in a world of my creation
What we'll see will defy explanation
If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Want to change the world?
There's nothing to it
He noticed Beth was already beginning to fall asleep, so he continued.
There is no life I know
To compare with your imagination
Living there, you'll be free
If you truly wish to be
If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Want to change the world?
There's nothing to it
There is no life I know
To compare with pure imagination
Living there, you'll be free
If you truly,
Blaine looked down at the sleeping girl in his grasp and smiled.
Wish to be"
Blaine smiled again then slowly and quietly walked out of the room and closed the door softly behind him. When he turned around he saw Kurt standing a few feet away smiling.
“You better sing that to our child if it makes them fall asleep that quick.” he promised, then turned around and walked down the stairs. Blaine just smiled and followed him.
I loved that song before Glee too. As much as I love the glee version ...you cant beat the origanal.Update soon <3
Although I hate myself for giving out spoilers... Oh well i always do it, all I'm going to say is at a point in pregnancy, a lot of people get horny.... xD
I love Kurt singing that song in Glee, well all of them really but love Kurt's parts the most.It is good to see them getting along, I would love to see them getting physically and emotionally closer though! Possibly some smut?
I am loving this story but Still concern over how much Blaine truely loves Kurt it seems like if Kurt wasn't with child he would easily dump and move on to someone else. I think Kurt should try to make it on his on since Blaine leaves him alone for parties and whatever else he does! Maybe he should go live with Quinn or possible see someone else that will truely love him for him and not because he's a carrier of their off spring! Blaine makes me sad in this story and Kurt is so alone and unloved! *Sad Face*
I NEED MORE. i love this story!! <3