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Heteroflexible: Chapter 25

E - Words: 5,183 - Last Updated: May 04, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 27/? - Created: Dec 18, 2012 - Updated: May 04, 2013
174 0 0 0 0

"You know, I'm suddenly realizing that I've been a tad selfish this week."

Kurt looked up from his silent reverie with a blink of surprise.

"How so?"

"Well," Blaine lifted his left hand to steer the car so that he could reach over the center console to hold his boyfriend's hand with his right. "I've been so caught up in my own feelings, how I'll introduce you to my parents and how they'll respond to everything I'm about to tell them, that I don't think I've asked you even once how you're feeling about this."

Blaine glanced over apologetically with an adorable little pout and brought Kurt's hand to his lips to press a light kiss.

"Sap," Kurt snorted, though they both knew that the little jab was just a front. Kurt instantly melted into an equally sappy puddle when Blaine was overly romantic. It was an incurable sickness.


"So, what?" Kurt smiled and raised an eyebrow challengingly.

"So," Blaine laughed, shaking his head in amusement, "are you gonna tell me how you're feeling about today? You haven't said anything at all. You've just been so amazingly supportive of me this past week, and I've been so self-involved that I didn't think about how this will be hard for you as well until just now. I'm so sorry, Kurt."

If Kurt thought that he had melted from the romantic sappiness before, Blaine's caring thoughtfulness pushed him completely over the edge. He instantly sagged down in his seat, feeling every muscle in his body relax momentarily as he gazed back at the other man.

"You," he sighed contentedly, "have nothing to apologize for. These are your parents, not mine, and you are the one announcing the drastic change to your lifestyle, not me. This week, and today, WAS and IS about you. You had every right to be 'self-involved'."

He finished his sentence by letting go of Blaine's hand and making sarcastic air quotes at 'self-involved'. Blaine laughed and snatched his hand again, linking their fingers firmly.

"Not necessarily true, babe. See, the way I look at it is this: We are in this, and every other obstacle we face from now on, together. I hate that I was only thinking of myself this past week. I don't want it to be that way. I'm not alone anymore, so why should I continue to act that way? There's no more 'me'. There's 'we', and that's that. If anyone doesn't like it... well, fuck 'em! So I ask you again, how are you feeling about today?"

Kurt shook his head slowly in disbelief, then smiled brightly while bringing Blaine's hand to his lips.

"There's no more 'me', there's 'we'," he quoted Blaine's words back to him quietly. "You are officially perfect. I couldn't love you more if I tried. I want us to be 'we' as well. I want us to be in everything together. In answer to your question though... I'm very nervous. I mean yes, ultimately you're right. If anyone doesn't like us being together then fuck them... but these are your parents, honey. I want for you to have a good relationship with them. You deserve that. And honestly? I just want them to like me. I've always been loved by parents. I'm very lovable. I'm not used to the idea of being hated." He finished uncomfortably.

"They are not going to hate you," Blaine squeezed his hand reassuringly. "They may hate us being together, but they're not going to hate you. As you said, you're way too lovable."

Kurt gave a silent little laugh and squeezed Blaine's hand back.

"Let's hope so, my adorable frat boy. Let's hope so."


Kurt's eyebrows raised sharply when this was the only sound that left the mouth of the woman standing in front of him. Blaine's mother had answered the door after an appropriate twenty seconds had gone by, not too eager yet not too tardy, and proceeded to simply stand there, leaving both Kurt and Blaine on the front step. Kurt took her in, knowing that he could read her partially by her ensemble. He needed all the help he could get right now.

She was wearing a stylish suit that was tailored to perfection. Tasteful diamonds graced her ears, neck and wrist along with the biggest rock he'd ever seen on her wedding finger. Her hair was obviously colored to hide the grey, but very well done and natural looking enough. She was quite lovely actually. He could see where Blaine had gotten his good looks.

The one thing that caught his attention, though, was the back of her hair. While everything else about her appearance was perfectly put together, this one little thing looked so out of place. A few small hairs from her otherwise perfect french twist were sticking out on end. He guessed that she had run her hands nervously over her hair at some point, causing this small change in her normal appearance. Most people wouldn't have even noticed it, it was such a tiny detail. Kurt, however, was not most people.

What really shocked him, though, was that her gaze actually wasn't judgmental, as he'd expected. He could see that she was simply trying to read him as he was currently reading her. He had an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach that they had both met their match today. He wondered briefly if she had come to the same conclusion when she uttered her little "Hmmm".

"It's lovely to see you, too, mother," Blaine rolled his eyes, stepping through the door and gently, yet firmly, moving her to the side. He reached behind him with determination to link fingers with Kurt before pulling him in by the hand.

"So nice of you to invite us in and out of the cold. It would have been incredibly rude of you to keep us standing on the front stoop."

She turned to Blaine with a placating yet obviously loving gaze.

"You've always had a penchant for dramatics, my dear. I see you haven't changed." A smile came to her lips as she leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. "It IS lovely to see you, Blaine, and I say that genuinely and without sarcasm."

Kurt could practically feel how hard Blaine was working to keep from rolling his eyes a second time as he kissed her back. Kurt blinked in surprise when he saw that Blaine was wearing the exact same placating yet loving look his mother had given him only moments before. They looked so alike it was uncanny. Turning to Kurt, Blaine placed an arm around his waist and pulled the model to his side, holding him there tightly.

"Mom, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Kurt."

The entranceway was heavy with sudden silence as both Kurt and Blaine's mother had an apparent stare down following the blunt introduction. Kurt broke first, but mostly because Blaine was squeezing at his waist harder and harder by the second and it was starting to hurt. He smiled kindly, reaching out for a polite handshake.

"Your son does indeed have quite a flair for the dramatic. I have to admit that I find it absolutely adorable, though. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Anderson. I've been looking forward to it for quite some time now."

"Quite some time now," she repeated as she crossed her arms and looked at Blaine pointedly. "I wish I could say the same but I had no idea you existed until last week."

"Well, I-" Blaine started but turned to Kurt in surprise when he was immediately cut off.

"I know," Kurt wrinkled his nose apologetically. "I really do apologize. That must have been quite a shock to find out like that."

"Were you the one who answered the phone in such a crude manner?"

"Mom! You can't-"

"Of course not," Kurt looked offended, crossing his arms as well and taking a firm stance. "As soon as you take the time to get to know me you'll realize how ridiculous it was to even ask something like that."

"Kurt, she only-"

"Well, it's not exactly my fault that I don't know you very well, is it?"

"Mom, look, I didn't-"

"Well, with all due respect, that is why we're here today, so you can get to know me."

"Kurt! Please don't-"

"I'm only saying that it would have been nice to be given a heads up instead of being shocked over the phone by some debauched friend of yours."

"Mother! What the-"

"He is NOT debauched, and who even uses that word anymore? Again, we sincerely apologize that you were subjected to that, but he was just joking around. And I will have you know that that particular friend has been one of Blaine's biggest supporters since we started dating."

"Yes, mom, his name-"

"My son wouldn't need supporting if he was dating a woman."

"Mom, stay out-"

"I will forgive the open hostility in that statement seeing as you're still in shock about this. And if he had a choice and had fallen in love with a woman then that would be all well and good. He didn't, though. He fell in love with me. Like it or not you're stuck with me so I suggest you start opening your mind to the possibilities."

"Um, hello? Am I even-"

"Wait... the two of you... are in love?"

"Why are you not asking me, mom?!"

"Yes, ma'am, we are. I love your son more than anything in this world, and if you would give him the opportunity to fill you in on what's happened you might be pleasantly surprised."

"Ok, you two just go ahead and speak for me then."

"Kurt, was it? Well, Kurt... I suppose you're right. When I'm wrong I say I'm wrong. I'll stop jumping down your throat and we'll hear you out fairly. You deserve that."

"Oh, no, no. Don't mind me."

"That's all we ask. I really do want us to get along, Mrs. Anderson, and I think we will if you just give this a chance."

"I'll just be standing here. Apparently invisible."

This last frustrated statement finally seemed to grab the attention of both Kurt and Mrs. Anderson, reminding them that Blaine was still there.

"What did I say?" His mother smiled knowingly, patting him on the cheek and linking her arm through his as she steered him towards the dining room. "Dramatic."

"That's what I love most about him," Kurt grinned, kissing Blaine's cheek and then stepping back to walk behind mother and son.

Blaine just let himself be led, shaking his head in disbelief, trying figure out what had happened and if this turn of events was a good thing or a bad thing. He supposed he'd just have to wait and see.

One thing was for sure though. This promised to be the most interesting Sunday brunch the Anderson household had ever seen.

"Honey, please join us in the dining room. Your son and his guest are here."

Blaine turned pointedly to his mother as she released the button for the intercom, raising an accusing eyebrow.


"Yes, Blaine," she answered evenly. "Your father doesn't know anything yet and I felt it better for you to give him that news in person rather than blurting out over the intercom that his son is now apparently gay. Thoughts?"

Blaine had the grace to blush a little, nodding his head as Kurt squeezed his hand.

"I'm sorry. You're right. I'm just automatically on the defensive right now, I guess."

"It's okay, darling," she smiled weakly. "I do understand that."

Blaine sagged a little with relief at his mother's words. It was obvious that she was still trying to process everything and that she wasn't exactly ready to accept this, but the mere fact that she had taken his side for the first time since he'd walked through the door bolstered his spirits. He stepped over, pulling his slightly stiff and reserved mother into a side hug. After glancing at Kurt awkwardly, flustered at the show of emotion in front of company, she quickly patted him on the back and smiled once again as he pulled away. He knew she wasn't a hugger but he just couldn't help himself. She was actually attempting to support him, in her own way, and he was very moved.

Kurt smiled softly, seeing what had gone on, and winked at his boyfriend while nudging his shoulder when Blaine stood next to him again. He was purposefully being quiet now, not wanting to continue overstepping his bounds, though he honestly regretted nothing about how the conversation with Mrs. Anderson had gone. Now they all knew where they stood, Kurt in particular had made his stance very clear and Blaine and his mother would be free now to move on and try to get things back to whatever their normal was.


Kurt looked up and immediately smiled as a gentleman with silver sprinkled throughout his jet black hair walked into the room. It was easy to see at first glance that Blaine may have gotten his looks from his mother, but he definitely got his affable nature from his father. They still only shook hands, whereas Kurt knew his own father would have had him picked up off the floor in a bear hug right about now, especially after not seeing him for months at a time. The handshake was warm, however, and Mr. Anderson clasped his son's arm with his other hand for a moment, smiling brightly.

"You look great, Blaine! I don't remember when I've seen you so alive and happy!"

He turned to Kurt with a pleasant smile and reached out a hand.

"Frank Anderson."

"Kurt Hummel," Kurt responded, shaking his hand firmly but actually wincing a little at the tight grip. Yeah, he could see his dad getting along great with this man.

"You've already met Blaine's mother, Kate, I'm guessing?"

"Yes, I've had the pleasure," Kurt smiled politely, giving nothing away about what he was thinking.

"Please, everyone sit and we'll eat before the food gets cold," Mrs. Anderson spoke up, clearing her throat and eyeing Frank and Kurt cautiously. She was just waiting for the final bomb to drop and hoped she could at least have her husband seated first.

"I've gotta say, and no offense to you young man," Frank nodded politely in Kurt's direction before looking back to his son with a grin. "When your mother said that you were bringing a special guest to brunch I fully expected it to be a girlfriend. You're definitely seeing someone though, I can see it in your eyes. Do tell."

Kurt paused midair as he moved a scone from the serving platter onto his own plate, and felt his heart suddenly begin to race.

Wow. Well? No time like the present.

He was surprised at the sudden attack of nerves, though. Blaine's father seemed kind enough, and the scary part of telling Blaine's mother was over. He didn't know why he was more nervous now than he had been before. He thought quickly that it was probably because Blaine and his father obviously had a good relationship, and seeing that ruined would actually be much harder than dealing with a protectively bitchy mother.

He swallowed back his fears and forced himself to look at Mr. Anderson calmly as Blaine reached for his hand in plain sight on top of the table.

"You're right, dad. I am seeing someone. In fact, we're even living together."

Frank stared at Blaine and Kurt's interlocked fingers in confusion.

"Well, why didn't you bring her today, son?"

"It's not a HER, dad, and I did bring HIM." Blaine laughed a little, shaking his head and lifting Kurt's hand in the air just a bit. "I'm seeing Kurt. I'm living with Kurt. Dad, this is my boyfriend."

His father stared back at him, blinking rapidly.

"Yes, this is your friend, Kurt. We've already met."

"No, dad," Blaine spoke slowly then, eyeing his father warily. "Not friend. Boyfriend. BOY. Friend. Only smooshed together. WE are together. WE are dating. WE are in a relationship."

He lifted their linked fingers even farther into the air then, waving them slightly back and forth. Kurt started to blush.

"I don't think I understand. What do you mean by boyfriend?"

Oh my god. Kurt glanced from Blaine back to his father, not sure how to respond. So this is what denial looks like.

Blaine's mouth dropped open and he looked quickly to his mother for help, clearly not expecting this turn of events.

Kate sighed in exasperation, not believing she had to do this when she didn't even know for sure how she felt herself.

"For christ's sake, Frank! They are romantically involved! The boy sitting next to your son is the person he's dating!"

Frank's wide eyed stare turned from blank to helpless confusion. He looked guardedly between the other three people at the table.

"I don't understand," he whispered.

All three groaned inwardly and Blaine actually lowered his head onto the table and thunked it lightly.

"They're gay, Frank! Kurt is gay! Your son is now, apparently, gay! They are in a gay relationship! As in two men! Boyfriends! I know! I'm in shock, too!"

Frank sat up sharply then, and if possible, his eyes widened even further.

"But… Blaine isn't gay. He isn't gay, Kate. Blaine, you aren't gay." He kindly turned to Kurt then, looking as if he was determined to straighten out a tragic misunderstanding. "I'm sorry son, but he just isn't gay."

Kurt stared back, having no idea what to say to this man who was in such deep denial. Frank's responses were actually bordering on comical now, but Kurt didn't dare crack a smile, not yet anyway.

"Your son seems to be under the impression that he is, Frank," Kate sighed, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms.

"Oh my god," Blaine moaned, turning to Kurt and shaking his head apologetically. Kurt just bit at the inside of his lips, unable to hold back his amusement any longer. A little snort of laughter escaped his mouth as he leaned in to press their foreheads together. Blaine couldn't help himself either, and joined Kurt in his little spurt of laughter. He honestly didn't know what to do at this point, and laughter seemed as good an option as any.

"Well," Kurt smiled, pulling back but reaching out a hand to lightly stroke his boyfriend's cheek. "Since we've already turned their world upside down should we just go ahead and set them straight about the whole 'gay' thing?"

"Why not?" Blaine's shoulders were shaking now in silent laughter. Once the laughter had started to leak out it was hard to stop. He cleared his throat roughly when he caught the expressions on his parents' faces, though, and turned with a sigh to place a kiss on Kurt's palm. "I seriously doubt we will make the situation any more confusing for them than it already is."

"Set us straight about what?" His mother asked slowly. "There's only so much I can handle in one day, Blaine, and that is clearly even more true of your father."

She tipped her head to the side, trying to catch her husband's gaze. He looked back at her eventually, repeatedly mouthing the word 'but' with a lost look on his face.

"See? I think you've broken him. All right, fine. Why not? Go ahead. What else do you need to set us straight about?"

"Well, technically… I'm actually not gay, mom and dad."

"Um… pardon? Now I'm the one who doesn't understand."

His dad leaned forward, interjecting softly.

"I told you all he wasn't gay."

Kurt couldn't help himself. He burst into laughter once again, smiling across the table at Blaine's father, but immediately fell silent when Kate leveled him with a look.

"Sorry," he cleared his throat.

"Yes, dad," Blaine smiled, meeting his father's gaze as he patted Kurt reassuringly on the knee. "Like I said, technically, you're right."

"What do you mean, 'technically'?" Kate questioned carefully.

"I mean, that while I am one hundred percent attracted to and in love with Kurt, I'm also still one hundred percent straight."

"How does that even work?" Kate asked, looking at her son skeptically. "I don't think that's possible, Blaine."

"It's entirely possible, mom. Believe me, I understand your reticence. I struggled with it myself at first. After meeting Kurt and knowing how crazy I was about him, I was so confused about who I was. I had no idea how to label myself. Was I gay? Was I straight but just experimenting? Was I bi?"

He paused for a moment to look both his parents in the eye, and to make sure that they were still following him. This whole morning had gone in a direction that he hadn't even imagined possible. First with Kurt and his mother clearly trying to out-bitch each other, yet both just as clearly enjoying the confrontation deep down, and secondly with his father's sudden and unexpected break from reality. Blaine had never seen his father like this before. Never in his life. His father was always cool and calm and in control. He was guiltily beginning to wonder if he had indeed broken the man.

He was encouraged to see both of his parents listening intently, though. Especially his dad.

"It took some time and a whole lot of discussions, but eventually Kurt and I came to the conclusion that even though we're together, and plan on staying that way, I am definitely not gay. Not even a tiny little bit."

Kurt chuckled at this and chimed in with a smile.

"Not even the smallest inkling of being gay. Believe me. I know gay."

Kate genuinely smiled then, winking at Kurt slyly.

"Somehow I really believe that statement."

Kurt smiled slowly and simply shook his head while laughing silently.

"Anyway," Blaine eyed them both in amused disbelief, "I realize that this is huge, but-

"I don't understand," Frank interrupted one last time with a sigh, leaning forward and putting his face in his hands.

Any amusement the other three had been feeling quickly faded away and a heavy silence fell over the table. Kate began to move toward her husband, not at all certain that she had anything to say that would make the situation better, but figuring they had nothing to lose. She stopped, though, when she realized that Blaine had beaten her to the punch and was stoically walking around the table to sit next to his father.

"What don't you understand, dad?"

Frank looked up when he realized that Blaine was sitting directly in front of him. He had lost his look of helplessness and confusion, and was now simply looking at his son like he had no idea who he was, which honestly hurt Blaine the most.

"First you're with women, then you're with a man, so you're gay, only you're not actually gay, but how do we know for sure because it makes absolutely no sense, yet what's bothering me the most is why did you lie to me for all these years, Blaine?!"

Silence fell over the table once more as Blaine and Frank now took their turn staring each other down. Kurt swallowed uncomfortably, thinking that he now knew what Blaine must have felt like during his earlier confrontation with Kate.

"First of all," Blaine spoke evenly, but with a slight shake to his voice, "I did not lie to you, dad. Not ever. Not about this. Everything I've told you today is the truth. I was with women before this because, ultimately, I was straight. I still am straight. I'm with Kurt now because I met him and fell in love with him. I can't explain it. I can't tell you why. I just know that it happened and that I'm happier right now than I ever imagined was possible."


"No!" Blaine yelled, causing them all to jump in surprise. "Do NOT sit there and accuse me of lying to you when I've been nothing but honest!"

Frank clamped his mouth shut in surprise at Blaine's outburst, and immediately looked chagrined at his own accusation.

"But I just... I don't understand..." his started again, but quickly trailed off when even he realized that this particular argument was getting weak.

"Exactly," Blaine sighed heavily, shaking his head. After chewing indecisively on his lip for a moment, he looked up at his father and reached out to hold his hand.

"Look, dad... I love you. I love you and mom both. I have made my fair share of mistakes over the years, I know that... but when have you ever known me to lie about something like this? When?!"

Frank swallowed roughly and stared back for a moment in silence before answering.

"Never, son."

"Never," Blaine repeated with a single shake of his head. "What you said earlier, what you've been saying all along, is exactly right. You just don't understand. That's where all of this is coming from."

He paused for a few seconds, looking down at his hands before meeting his father's eyes once more.

"And that's okay, dad. You don't have to understand right now. I don't expect you to. You can take as much time as you need to process all of this. That's only fair... but there is one thing that I am going to ask of you right now. Okay?"

Frank gazed back at his son appraisingly. He dipped his head for just a moment before looking back up and nodding firmly.

"What is it?"

"Just... put all of this aside for a second. Forget that you don't understand why or how this is happening... and remember that you're my dad. Just, please be my dad right now. That's what I need."

And that's what finally did it. Those words. Frank stared at Blaine in sudden understanding, as if seeing him clearly at last, and slowly nodded.

"Yeah, I can do that."

He heaved out a heavy sigh, shaking his head quickly, then surprised them all by reaching forward and pulling Blaine into a tight hug.

"I can do that. I promise I love you, kid."

Blaine stared over his father's shoulder in shock at first, limply letting himself be hugged. His eyes quickly blinked shut, though, and he gripped his father back tightly as he pressed his face down against the other man's shoulder.

"Thanks, dad."

Kurt looked on, unashamedly wiping away happy tears at the unexpected turn of events. Kate watched as well, nodding in agreement before standing up to place an arm around her husband and son and kissing them both gently on top of the head.

"Well," Frank sighed as he pulled away from the embrace, cupping Blaine's face and roughly patting him on the cheek. He cleared his throat, looking around uncertainly, and Blaine smiled and winked at his father to let him know that it was all going to be okay. Frank slowly nodded, punching Blaine softly on the shoulder.

"Well, wow!" Frank attempted to laugh then, turning to look at his wife. "It occurs to me that we've been sitting here this entire time but haven't eaten a single bite of food. I don't know about everyone else but I'm starved!"

Blaine nodded eagerly, but Kate stepped back and looked around the dining room table with distaste.

"I agree, but unfortunately most everything has gone cold and is far from edible by now, besides the scones."

"Oh," Kurt smiled, "No big deal. I'm sure we can salvage most of it pretty easily. Where's your kitchen?"

Now it was Kurt's turn to look on in confusion as Blaine and Frank both burst out laughing.

"We're not laughing at you, babe," Blaine reassured, grinning. "We're laughing at my mom."

Kate glared at them coldly but Blaine just smiled at her and kept on going.

"My mother doesn't cook. Ever. We've had a chef for as long as I can remember. Do you even know where the kitchen is, mom?"

"Yes dear," she smiled then, innocently. "I'm pretty sure it's that room where I used to give you baths in the sink on occasion as a baby. I have pictures, in fact, that we should show Kurt! You with your tiny little acorn penis and all!"

"That's okay," Blaine quickly sobered. "We don't need to go down that road. No more teasing."

"Oh my god. I have GOT to see those baby pictures," Kurt gasped, clapping his hands excitedly. "And also, today is your lucky day, Kate. Not only am I an excellent cook, I'm an excellent teacher. If I can teach my dad how to cook I can teach anyone."

"I think having you in this family is going to work out pretty well." Kate looked him over appraisingly and stood from her seat. Kurt smiled as he quickly stepped to her side and offered her an arm so that he could escort her to the next room.

Blaine watched on with a whimper, dreading the embarrassment of the naked baby pictures.

"I should get a say in this!" he called out helplessly.

"Come on, kid," his dad smiled, patting him on the shoulder. "We might as well join them. Better to laugh with than be laughed at I say."

Frank cleared his throat cautiously and pulled Blaine aside, though, before they entered the living room.

"Hey, do you think... do you think that your boyfriend is gonna become your mom's, you know, best gay friend now?"

Blaine laughed quietly, shrugging his shoulders.

"It's only been one day and if they're not fighting they're collaborating. I think it's a distinct possibility, dad."

"Well, this should be... just... fascinating."

"Oh, dad. You have no idea."

"Did today really happen? Are you sure I didn't dream it?"

Kurt laughed, rubbing Blaine softly across his back as they lay together in bed that night.

"Which part? The part where your mother and I told each other off on your front doorstep or the part where our gayness caused your father to have a complete and utter mental breakdown?"

"You know what I mean, Kurt," Blaine snorted, pushing at his boyfriend's chest playfully. "After that. When we all went to the kitchen and acted like a normal family for once, and you actually taught my mother to fry an egg, and my father tried so hard to act like he was okay with everything and ended up saying the most random and awkward things."

Kurt tossed his head back in full out laughter then at the memory.

"Oh, yes. Like, 'There's a man in my office who's gay.'"

"Then silence," Blaine joined him in laughter, "with absolutely no point besides the fact that he knows someone else who's gay."

"Oh," Kurt went on, "and then there was my absolute favorite, 'So, you're the kind of gay who's like a guy, right? I mean you don't wear dresses, do you? Not that there's anything wrong with that!'"

"Oh my god," Blaine groaned. "Well, you've gotta hand it to him. He was trying so hard."

"He was," Kurt nodded, still smiling as he leaned over to turn the light off and snuggle up under the blankets. "It's gonna take him a little while, but he really wants to be okay with everything. He cares about you so much, Blaine. You've got some great parents."

"Yeah," Blaine agreed with a content sigh. "They really proved who they were today, that's for sure. Underneath everything else they just love me and want to be supportive, even if they're not exactly sure how to do it."

"They remind me of my dad... only less flannel and more vintage Chanel."

Blane snickered into his pillow as his eyes drifted shut.

"I can't wait to meet him."

"You will," Kurt yawned. "I'm gonna take you home at Christmas. That is, if you'd like to go."

"'Course I would! Now I've gotta go to sleep, though. It's been a long day and I am so tired."

"K. Me, too. Night."

"Night, babe."


"Hey, Blaine?"


"Can I see your tiny little acorn penis before we go to sleep?"

"Shut your fucking face."


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