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Heteroflexible: Chapter 24

E - Words: 1,935 - Last Updated: May 04, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 27/? - Created: Dec 18, 2012 - Updated: May 04, 2013
160 0 0 0 0

AN- So, this is kinda shortish, comparatively, but I ended up splitting this chap into two parts, for reasons.

Quick note to my facebook buds... I have not forgotten you, loves! You have been so beyond supportive of me I can't even begin to describe. I love you all and promise to be back on there very, very soon. All of your notes and messages brighten my days like you wouldn't believe. xoxo

FYI- The second half is already begun and well on it's way. I promise that you don't even know how much your reviews and PM's mean to me, darlings, so if you felt inspired to give me uber amounts of love and encouragement from this snippet I bet it'd spur me on to post again in only a day or two ;)

Big sloppy cyber kisses to you all along with a lovely butt squeeze,


"Oh my gosh. You're sweating. You're like, actually really sweating."

Blaine looked up in a slight daze after yet another failed attempt at tying his tie with sweaty palms. He finally let out a deep breath when he found Kurt eyeing him with concern from the bedroom doorway. For a split-second every nervous thought bouncing around his head disappeared. Everything seemed to still except for his heart, which was beating faster now... but for entirely different reasons. His shoulders relaxed, releasing a tension he didn't even know was there.

Every once in a while he would have a moment like this. A moment where, out of nowhere, he would suddenly become overwhelmed with the knowledge of how crazy lucky he was to have someone like Kurt in his life. A moment where he would see so clearly just how kind, how handsome, how incredibly loving this man was. A moment where it blew his mind that someone like that would want to be with him, let alone the fact that this man felt those same things in return.

This was one of those moments, and it couldn't have come at a better time.

His nerves had slowly been building over the last week, culminating today. The day he introduced Kurt to his parents. Every day that brought him closer to telling his parents what had happened in his life, hoping that they would just accept it, like Jared and Luke had... hell, even like Mrs. Moscowitz had... he grew more nervous that they wouldn't. He knew that in the grand scheme of things all would be well. Ultimately his choice would always be Kurt, no matter how his parents felt, and he knew with a decent amount of confidence that Kurt would feel the same. He knew that in the grand scheme he would still end up with the love of his life. He knew he didn't need his parents' approval to live his life.

That didn't stop him from wanting it.

"Oh, Blaine..." Kurt grimaced slightly, pulling the other man with a sigh to the edge of their bed to sit down. "You are seriously a mess."

With that cute look that Blaine secretly loved so much, the one where Kurt sucked both of his lips into his mouth and bit them from the inside because he was trying so hard to keep his mouth shut and not criticize, he carefully pulled the tie the other man had chosen completely out from under the collar of his shirt and tossed it aside. With a slight shake of his head and a furrow of his brow, which Blaine knew Kurt didn't even realize he was doing, (he honestly believed that he was doing a perfect job of keeping a blank expression) Kurt reached to the side table for some tissues and started dabbing away Blaine's perspiration.

A slow smile came across Blaine's face and he let out another deep breath. He felt the release of tension spread even further throughout his body as he took in every detail of this moment. Kurt debated out loud, more to himself than to actually get Blaine's opinion, about whether Blaine should wear a different tie or simply go without... completely unaware of the effect he was currently having on his boyfriend. And honestly? To Blaine, that was the best part. That Kurt could have such an impact on his every emotion without even attempting to do so told him everything he needed to know. It was the perfect reminder at the perfect time, just in time in fact, before he completely spun off the cliff of fearful and irrational thinking.

He felt a tingling happiness as that inexplicable feeling of contentment and of being so at home settled in. The same one that came every single time Kurt would rub his back in those soft, slow circles as he had their very first night together.

The concerns about how his parents would respond to his news, and subsequently treat his boyfriend, obviously still existed. The truth was that his concerns were unfortunately realistic, and therefore not so easily dismissed. Blaine wasn't in denial about this.

He had Kurt by his side though, to deal with whatever may come. That was all he really needed.

Somehow in the past week his growing fears and conflicting emotions had managed to nudge this fact from his consciousness. He felt an overwhelming urge to do something to affirm this suddenly remembered truth.

"Okay," Kurt sighed lightly, giving Blaine a sympathetic smile. "I think you'll dry out fine, just try and relax for a few minutes. You look like you've just been out run-mmm-"

Blaine interrupted by kissing him, leaning in just enough to cause Kurt to lose his balance and begin to tip back a little.

"...mm-running and we don't want that. Sorry, but eww gross, you're all sweaty."

"No, I'm not."

"Ye-mmmph... you are and- Don't climb on top of me! This is NOT the time for your inner koala to make an appearance, honey. You're gonna get the both of us wrinkly now cuz you're... Oh, Blaine. N-no. No, d-don't."


"Blaine, no! What are you thinking?!"

"Yes, and you know very well what I'm thinking."

"No wait... don't... Oh, god... you sexy little brat."

"Yes. I love it when you call me a brat."

"Oh my god... No! Stop it! You can't put your weight on me like that cuz I... Oh. Oh, shit. Oh yes..."

"See?! I told you it would be yes!"

"Oh god! It just slipped out! No! I meant no! We don't have... t-time... Oh shhhhhit, shit, shit, shit..."

"For someone saying no you're doing an awful lot of thrusting."

"I can't help... If you'd just stop... We have to get going, Blaine!"

"Your mouth says no but your cock begs to differ."

"I can't help it!

"I know."

"Oh my god... you've got to... stop... that..."

"You know I'd stop if you meant a word you were saying, but you literally have your legs locked around me right now."

"Dammit! You little shit! You know perfectly well it's... it's cuz you're doing that... thing... that..."

"Ha! Of course, I know! We are so doing this. Quick, pull my pants down."

"Jesus christ, you've gotta fuck me... Wait! No, we can't!... Shit, shit, shit keep going... No, stop! We're gonna be late!... Oh my god, why the hell are you not fucking me yet?!"

"You sound like you have multiple personalities fighting for control again, Kurt."

"Not my fault you purposely make me crazy!"

"Only cuz you make me crazy first... oh, shit! This won't take long, huh? When'd you use the vibrator?!"

"While you were doing your p-power nap slash shower... It was that beer commercial on the beach... gets me hard... every single... time."

"God, I love that commercial, too. So many titties spilling out of teeny bikinis."

"Do NOT ruin this for me with talk of your boob lust! Especially after what you've put me through, dammit!"

"Sorry, babe. I meant... um, so many greased, sculpted pecs, and rock hard abs and... um... unrealistically huge bulges under inappropriately small speedos."

"Yeah, cuz all those boobs w-were... OH MY FUCK! YES! JUST LIKE THAT!... r-realistic. No, no, no, Blaine. Toss your pants all the way aside. We don't need to make things worse by showing up late AND wearing passion stained pants."

"Good thinking. How's it feeling?"

"So good. So... Mmmm... fucking good. I think... yeah, I'm ready. You?"

"I've been good to go since you called me a sexy little brat and started ramming your dick against mine."

"Well get that dick inside me then. We're on a timeline."

"Yes, sir."



"Shit, Blaine. I'm glad we're already in a hurry. Gonna be... fuck... shamefully fast on my part."

"Me, too. You look so hot, jerking yourself off like that."

"Come on. Ri... right there. Shit. Yes. Faster, baby. Think dance mix tempo."

"Can't go much faster at this angle."

"Dammit! You started this, now finish it! Ignore the burn and fuck me fast... oh my god! Yes!"


"God, yes!... Just... right... speed... so... good!"




"A-almost there... Blaine..."

"Me too... almost... Oh shit! Oh no, oh shit!"

"Damn! Already?!"

"No, not that! Leg cramp!"

"Told you you should start stretching first."

"Not helping, Kurt."

"Sorry, babe. You can do it. Fuck through the pain."

"K. I can do... fuck it hurts! Pain, pain, pain... wait... oh, wait! K, orgasm... over-overpowering... cramp... "

"That's it... keep going..."





"God, yes!"

"Oh my god! Don't stop, oh my god!"

"Fucking shit, yes!"




Blaine smiled blissfully as he finally collapsed just off to Kurt's side, and blinked a sleepy blink. Kurt snorted a laugh along with a contented sigh, then reached over his boyfriend for the small pack of Wet Ones he kept next to the bed.

"Feeling better now, honey? More relaxed?"

"Much," Blaine grinned as his eyes drooped shut.

"Good. I was really starting to worry about you there. Now wake up, wipe up and get dressed."

Blaine frowned when a couple of wipes landed square on his face.

"Can't I take a super fast shower?"

"No!" Kurt smacked at Blaine's bare stomach and tried to shoo him off the bed. "We are already so late! It's a whore's bath for you to wipe away the goo, spritz some body spray and then we are out the door."

"Okay," Blaine smiled a still blissful smile as he stood and began to quickly clean himself off.

"Let's just hope the smell of sex doesn't linger." Kurt tossed Blaine his pants before yanking his own into place. "Your parents are already probably gonna think I've completely corrupted and molested you. We don't need to add to their suspicions by walking in, smelling like a bath house."

"They're gonna love you," Blaine tried to reassure. It didn't come off very convincingly though, both because he was genuinely concerned that this wouldn't be the case and because he was currently hopping on one foot, junk bouncing and all as he tried to get a second foot through the leg hole of his boxer briefs.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Kurt snorted a little laugh again, rolling his eyes in amused exasperation.

"Well," Blaine said softly after a moment, pulling his pants up and tucking in his shirt. "I love you. That's all that matters, right?"

Kurt paused from smoothing down the "sex hair" that was spiking up on the back of his head, a small but real smile now coming across his face.

"Of course, right. I love you, too."

"Good," Blaine grinned, turning swiftly to find his shoes in the closet.

Kurt turned around as well, trying to cover what he knew would be a concerned furrow of his brow. He felt confident that they could make it through today somehow, regardless of Blaine's parents' response to their impending surprise. He just couldn't shake the feeling, however, that this wasn't going to go well. It hurt his heart to think of Blaine being scorned in any way, and if he was being completely honest with himself he wasn't looking forward to being scorned either.

Yup, we love each other. That's all that matters...


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