Aug. 27, 2012, 7:33 p.m.
Aug. 27, 2012, 7:33 p.m.
The boys looked at each other nervously as they entered the game director's office. It was empty when they arrived so they took seats in the plastic chairs that were placed in front of the desk.
"How much trouble to do you think we're in?" Kurt was wringing his hands nervously. Not only was he the kind of kid that never got into trouble, he desperately needed this summer gig to go well to help him get into college.
"I really don't know." Blaine was tapping his fingers on the side of his chair, feeling just as nervous. This place had been his home for the last three summers. He couldn't imagine saying goodbye to it. "Brody is a really cool guy. At least he's the one that caught us. I'm optimistically hoping for a 'boys will be boys" speech." He attempted a lighthearted grin but Kurt saw right through it.
He reached out and placed a warm hand over Blaine's tapping fingers. Blaine's heart started racing for a whole new reason as he smiled and looked over at the other boy. They both thought back to the conversation they had just had during their walk over.
"I can't believe this is happening! How could we be so stupid!" Kurt fretted and angrily kicked a stone to the side as they walked.
"I don't regret it." Blaine spoke quietly. Kurt stopped in his tracks and turned to look at the other boy.
"You're right, it was incredibly stupid for us to do it right then and there, especially when we were technically working... but overall? I don't regret that it happened, Kurt."
Kurt felt himself melt at those words and moved a step closer, taking Blaine's hand.
"I don't regret that part either," he whispered.
Blaine leaned in to kiss him lightly on the lips before speaking again.
"So, I'm going to ask you this now, before we get kicked out of camp for inappropriate behavior... will you be my boyfriend?" Kurt grinned.
"Absolutely. We'll be partners in crime." Blaine snorted, but pulled the other boy in for one more soft kiss before leading them back down the path with a sigh.
"Time to face the music, Bonnie."
"Stop calling me a girl!"
Brody paused just before entering his office. He took in the sight of the two boys holding hands, and giving each other nervous but adoring looks. He had to work on hiding his smile before walking in.
"So," the director said as he settled into his chair, "I don't think I have to explain why we're here right now." Both boys blushed furiously and looked down, shaking their heads. Brody sighed before speaking again. "Can I ask what in the world you were thinking?" The boys looked at each other, desperately trying to come up with a good answer. They quickly realized that there was none.
"Um, we weren't?" Blaine answered tentatively. To their surprise Brody burst out laughing.
"You may have acted like idiots, but least you're honest idiots."
Kurt's blush just deepened but Blaine gave a small smile.
"Listen, I shouldn't need to list the reasons why doing what you did, where you did it, was stupid, but since you've proven to have poor judgment I'm going to anyway." Both boys slumped in their seats a little. "At the very least it was an open place where anyone could have walked by and you knew very well that the woods were full of other counselors. The worst part is that you two are supposed to examples for these kids. That is your job. You're being paid for it. Your actions make it seem like you take that responsibility very lightly." At this point both boys wanted to sink through the floor and disappear. Blaine's smile had completely vanished. "But..."
Two teenage heads shot up with hopeful looks. That one word was spoken kindly and even with some humor.
"You two are far and away the best counselors that we have at this camp." Kurt's eyes widened and Blaine's smile made another cautious appearance. "You work the hardest, it's obvious that you genuinely care about the campers and your sense of responsibility is beyond your years... normally." He laughed and Blaine joined him. Kurt wasn't quite ready for that yet. "Blaine, you have been with us for three years and I have never been disappointed in your work with these kids. Kurt, you're brand new here but you have greatly impressed me already. It's obvious that this work means something to you both and you just had a momentary lapse in judgment." Both boys nodded vigorously, starting to feel hopeful indeed.
"Look, I get how hard it is." Brody spoke very seriously and made sure to look them in the eye. "I mean, I really get it, boys." He reached to his desk and slowly turned a picture frame toward them. The boys leaned forward and saw something that surprised them. It was Brody and another man, sitting together at a picnic table. The other man had his arms wrapped around Brody's waist and they were both grinning widely at the camera, looking ridiculously happy.
"I-I didn't know." Blaine supplied lamely. Brody laughed out loud.
"It's not something I broadly advertise, but not because I'm embarrassed or ashamed," he went on quickly. "I just enjoy my privacy and don't talk about any aspects of my personal life here at work, including my love life." The boys nodded slowly, feeling like they could understand that.
"I have one question for you." Both boys nodded for him to go ahead.
"Is this just a case of teenage hormones out of control or is this something else? Are you guys... together?" Kurt's smile finally joined the conversation.
"We're boyfriends." They glanced over at each other, both feeling nervous little flutters. Brody smiled widely then, nodding his head as he thought about how to respond.
"Things have gotten better over the years but I know how hard it still is. First of all to meet someone as a teen in such a conservative state and then to feel free to be public with your relationship... it's really difficult. I want, more than anything, for this to be a place where you feel free to be yourselves. Where you feel free to act like any other dating couple."
The two counselors felt a warm feeling rush through them at these unexpected and kind words. What he said next though nearly blew them out of the water.
"I would like to make it so that you two have some time together, maybe once a week. Most of the other counselors just take it on themselves to skip out whenever they can and do something fun. We overlook it as long as the campers are okay because we know that a little time off is well deserved. You two have been so responsible and have stuck to your tasks nonstop. You deserve a little time to yourselves. How about we work it out so that once a week I cover your duties and you two go and have a date for a few hours. You can go into town or you can just go to a part of woods and lake that aren't being used by the campers. It's up to you."
The boys just stared at him, mouths hanging open. Blaine pulled it together first.
"Thank you so much, Brody! That would be amazing! I-I can't even tell you how much that would mean to us!" Brody nodded and smiled. He new first hand how much it would mean. If only he had had that kind of support when he was a teen.
"Really, thank you, sir! We appreciate you so much. Not just for this, but for not firing us for our... indiscretions," Kurt spoke with a blush, "and also for sharing a little of your own life with us."
"You're very welcome, boys. You truly are a joy to work with."
The teens stood to leave but Kurt stopped in the doorway and turned back to Brody hesitantly.
"Can I say one thing?" Brody nodded in curiosity. Blaine watched him apprehensively. They had not only gotten off with no repercussions, they had gotten rewarded. What else was there to say? Kurt bit his lip nervously before speaking again.
"It really meant so much to me that you shared with us that you are gay too. I completely understand and respect the fact that you want a private life, trust me. This is your life and you have every right to do what you feel is best for you..." Kurt trailed off
Brody smiled. "But...?"
"But, don't you think that there are plenty of other kids at this camp that are in the same boat as us?" Brody looked at him with raised eyebrows and Blaine gripped his hand, not wanting his boyfriend to overstep. Kurt sensed his reservations. "I don't want to pretend like I know better. I know that I don't have nearly as much experience in life as you. It's just that... we got a lot of encouragement from knowing that we aren't alone. I think that you could encourage so many other kids too." Kurt offered a smile. He was careful in his wording but confident in his message. Brody looked at him appraisingly and Blaine thought his boyfriend was the most wonderful person on the planet.
"Thanks, Kurt. I'll think about that. I promise." The boys went to leave again but were stopped one final time by the director's voice.
"Boys? I meant it when I said that I want you to feel free to be yourselves, just... no more frottage right where anyone can walk past. Okay?"
Kurt's blush returned and Blaine snickered.
"Yes sir."
"Scoot over." Kurt blinked sleepily to see Blaine climbing up next to him. The brown haired boy grinned as he scooted back in his bed.
"Couldn't sleep again?" he yawned, pulling the curly haired boy in his arms so that they were spooning comfortably. Blaine snugged back against him with a contented sigh.
"Well, I did fall asleep at first. I was determined to get over my sheep phobia so I counted them. It worked, but then I dreamed that they were coming at me, sharpening their knives." Kurt felt an involuntary shiver go through his boyfriend's body and fought to hold in a snort of laughter.
"Don't worry, baby. I'll protect you from those scary sheep and their knives."
"I can hear your mocking tone but I'm going to ignore it and just enjoy the fact that you're holding me."
Kurt pulled him in closer and kissed the back of his neck.
"Shut up!"
Brody lay awake in his cabin, fiddling nervously with his cell phone. He had overcome so much persecution in his life. What Kurt had suggested was even more difficult than the boy realized. That didn't make it any less valid though. With a swallow and a deep breath he spoke into his phone.
"Call Justin."
He rolled onto his stomach as the phone rang. His heart raced when he heard the other line pick up and a voice say hello. It didn't matter how many times he heard this voice. His insides still went crazy.
"Hey honey. I'm not waking you am I?... Good... I just missed you. Wanted to hear your voice... I love you too... Things are going well, actually." Brody laughed a little. "I just had a meeting with two kids tonight in fact, two counselors, that you would love. Um, on that note, I was thinking. What if you took a few days off of work and came to visit the camp with me..."
Hmmmm.... Knowing the tri-state area the way I do, living in Southcentral Michigan...I sense trouble ahead. :(
Um, craziness! Me too! I suppose that shouldn't be a shock though seeing as I'm a Michigan fan... ;)
aww i hope justin comes to visit!!!! the scene that blaine just came into kurts bed in was cute. having kurt comforting him by snuggling. =]