Camp Arborwood
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Camp Arborwood: Chapter 5

E - Words: 1,295 - Last Updated: Aug 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 11/11 - Created: Aug 26, 2012 - Updated: Aug 27, 2012
899 0 3 0 0

"I can't get it in there! It's too tight!"

"Just shove harder, Kurt!"

"I'm trying! You're not making this any easier. You're wiggling around!"

"So sue me! You weigh more than you look."

"Hey, now!" Kurt looked down from where he was standing on Blaine's shoulders, grasping the tree trunk in front of him, trying to shove an old tennis shoe into the crevice they found in the bark.

"Seriously, Kurt. I'm gonna drop you. Hurry up!" Blaine spoke in a strained voice as he grasped onto Kurt's ankles.

"Got it!" Kurt tried to crouch down and gracefully drop from his position but slipped, knocking them both to the ground.

"Ummph!" Blaine let out a gasp as Kurt knocked the air out of him.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Kurt scrambled to get off of the other boy, but slipped a little in the mud and landed straight down on top of him again.

"Grrraahh, Kurt, this position would be so much more enjoyable if you weren't totally kneeing me in the junk right now!" Blaine groaned out in a pained voice.

Kurt rolled off to the side this time, trying to avoid more injury, a bright blush to his cheeks. He leaned over the other boy's face anxiously.

"Are you aright? I am so, so sorry, Blaine!"

The prostrate boy lay with his eyes closed, taking in deep breaths. He finally peeked one eye open.

"That was our last item to hide. I had serious make-out plans in store. You SO put the kibosh on that."

Kurt snorted and held out a hand. Blaine groaned again and grasped it, attempting to stand. As he struggled to gain his balance while doubled over in discomfort, he slipped in the same mud and fell forward with a small cry, pushing the taller boy on his back and landing soundly on top.

"Ooofff, oh my word! And you thought I was heavy! How much do you weigh?" Kurt gasped, trying to gently roll Blaine off of him, knowing the boy was still in pain.

They lay side-by-side for a moment in the mud, breathing heavily.

"I can't believe this. I am so filthy." Kurt spoke in disgust as he sat up gingerly. Blaine didn't even try to hide his laughter.

"I am so tempted to say that you're such a girl right now, considering how often you make fun of me for being 'such a boy'." He put his hands up to do finger quotes. Kurt whipped around to glare at him. "I won't though because I feel like it would discount my gayness for me to consider you a girl." Blaine grinned and sat up next to the other boy. Kurt pushed him back into the mud, none to gently.

"FYI, you just cancelled yourself out. You mentioned it, regardless." Kurt tried to stand, but easily slipped back down into the gooey mess when Blaine pulled on his hand.

"Awww, you're not mad at me are you? I was only teasing." Blaine yanked Kurt so that the taller boy was lying on top of him completely.

Damn! It's hard to stay mad when our crotches are pressed together!

Kurt blushed and desperately willed Blaine not to notice his little situation.

"See," Blaine whispered. "Proof positive that you are not a girl. Something for which I am incredibly grateful." Kurt took in a sharp breath when he felt a sudden firmness against his thigh. This was definitely a first for him. Not just with Blaine, but with anyone. The thought of that made it even more exciting.

They both stayed right where they were, staring into the other's eyes, taking in how big this moment was. They were boys though, and this didn't last for long. The tension and excitement they were feeling quickly became too much. Kurt planted his knees more solidly on the ground and slowly started to move up and down. Blaine grasped the boy's slim waist and worked his own hips as best he could, under the weight. They kept faltering slightly as they worked to find a rhythm. They tried to place light kisses on each other's lips as they moved, but neither were used to this yet and the kisses were either sloppy little smacks or complete misses.

That was part of the beauty though. This was brand new, for both boys. It didn't matter if it wasn't perfect because they knew that the other was just an inexperienced. Every little mistake brought small laughs and more attempted kisses, and when they missed they just laughed again. Any laughter quickly died away though as they finally found their rhythm. Their attempts at kissing stopped and they focused solely on the pleasure they were feeling. The friction caused more and more electric jolts to shoot through their bodies as they grew sensitive to every single touch and movement.

Blaine finally closed his eyes and tipped his head back slightly as he felt that, oh so familiar, tingling in his groin and tightening in the pit of his stomach.

"Kurt! Oh my god, don't stop!" Blaine gasped and clutched Kurt to him as he hit his peak hard and suddenly. This feeling was so familiar and yet not. He couldn't believe the difference in intensity when you were experiencing this with someone else, when someone you cared about was causing you to feel this way. It was un-fucking-believable.

Kurt moved steadily as Blaine rode out his high, knowing that his own climax was only moments away. He worried for just a moment that he wouldn't finish quickly enough and that they would have to stop. In movies, sex was always perfect. Both people participating would always come and they would do it at the exact same moment. It never occurred to Kurt that things weren't always so easy in real life.

"Is it okay… can I…" he was so close he was finding it hard to speak but he needed to make sure that it was okay for him to keep going.

Blaine nodded quickly, biting his lip. He was determined for Kurt to finish, even though he was already feeling the oversensitivity keenly. There was no way he was going to be one of those kinds of boyfriends. He didn't have to wait for long.

Seconds later Kurt was tensing and crying out as his hips stuttered forward one last time. He felt the same awe as Blaine. He couldn't believe how much better this was when someone he cared about deeply was the one causing his pleasure and staring at him intensely.

Kurt suddenly felt like he had run a marathon and could no longer hold himself up completely. He collapsed onto the shorter boy, knowing he was probably crushing him a little, but unable to find the energy to move quite yet. When Blaine wrapped his arms around him more tightly and rubbed circles into his back, he decided that there was no rush to move.

"You know," Blaine whispered in his ear, "I didn't really think you were too heavy earlier… and I definitely don't think you're a girl." Kurt laughed and placed a tiny kiss on the other boy's neck before lifting his head and gazing into the hazel eyes before leaning in for a kiss. Their lips were just meeting languidly when they heard something that made them both leap to their feet.

"Boys? We're done hiding everything for the hunt. We've got just a little time before the campers head out. If you hurry you can run back to clean up from the mud and… whatever else." The games director was unabashedly looking them right in the eye with a stern gaze. They both nodded, blushing furiously and rushed off in the direction of their cabin.

"Kurt? Blaine?" They stopped and turned to the man again, with sinking feelings in their stomachs. "After your kids are in bed tonight I'd like to see you in my office."


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I love the way you described everything they went through as the frotted. It made it so much more sweet, like I was experiencing their first time. I wish more people wrote it like that because that's what I read teen romances for: the sweet innocence. I honestly don't like the "smut." I mean, I read it and enjoy it, but I much prefer this style when dealing with teenagers. *hugs*I don't like the sound of the director's request....

Thank you! I felt strongly about showing the innocence of it. So many fics make it seem like teens automatically know what they're doing even when it's their first time. I felt like this was real.

nicely done ith the beginning. you tricked me for a moment. lol and they got caught in the end. can only imagine whats going to happy=en when they meet the game director.