Camp Arborwood
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Camp Arborwood: Chapter 4

E - Words: 963 - Last Updated: Aug 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 11/11 - Created: Aug 26, 2012 - Updated: Aug 27, 2012
943 0 2 0 0

"Scavenger hunt day!"

All of the kids cheered from their breakfast tables at this announcement. Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand in excitement under the table. Kurt couldn't help but laugh. The whole camp thing wasn't nearly as thrilling to him as it was to the curly-haired boy, but his eternal enthusiasm was, as always, contagious.

They had been moving forward, slowly but steadily, in their relationship. Kurt was fairly sure he could call it that now, at least after what had happened last night.

"Are they all asleep?" Kurt whispered as Blaine on pulled his hand.

"Of course. Checked every last kid. Even your kids, slacker." Kurt pushed lightly at his back as they exited the cabin.

"I am not a slacker! I can't help it if you're a typical teenage boy in that your hygiene routine leaves much to be desired and takes you a total of two minutes. It takes much longer for me. This kind of beauty doesn't happen easily." Blaine smirked but kept walking, pulling the slightly taller boy behind him.

After a moment he pulled them behind a large tree and pushed the brown haired boy gently against the bark and kissed him firmly.

"Are you sure?" Kurt gasped, pushing Blaine back lightly.

"Sure about what?" Blaine was momentarily worried that Kurt was questioning what they were currently doing.

"That they're asleep!" Kurt rolled his eyes. Blaine laughed and rushed in to kiss him again.

"Blaine, I'm seriou-mmmm..." Kurt melted into the kiss, feeling the other boy's tongue sweep into his mouth. After a contented sigh he pushed the shorter boy back once more. "Tommy's been really homesick this week and he was having trouble sleeping. I just want to make sure... Mmmhhhh ..."

Blaine pushed him back against the tree once more with another kiss and breathed into his mouth.

"I checked on Tommy, twice, while you were moisturizing, slacker. He was sound asleep and happy."

"I told you! I'm not a..."

"Trust me, no one appreciates your dedication to those kids more than me," he slipped fingers under the hem of Kurt's shirt, bringing a small gasp of surprise, "but you seriously need to shut up and start kissing me."

So Kurt did.

They kept at it for several minutes. Over the last couple of weeks their make-out sessions had gotten a little more intense with each round. More tongue, more breathlessness, more grasping... though always above the waist. This was the first time there had been any reaching under clothing though.

Blaine slowly worked his hand from Kurt's stomach to his back, tracing light fingers up his spine. Kurt was shivering involuntarily at the light touches. He grasped the curls in front of him with both hands and breathed in as he explored more deeply than before with his tongue. After a moment they broke away from each other, gasping for air.

They stood close against each other, Blaine's hand still up the other boy's shirt.

"Well, this is a new step." Kurt whispered, still breathing heavily, hoping to all that was holy that the hand lightly touching his skin wouldn't remove itself.

"Are you okay with this?" Blaine questioned nervously, ready to pull away at a moment's notice.

"Absolutely," Kurt met his eyes with a smile. Yeah, he was definitely okay with it.

"Can I ask you something?" Blaine leaned in for another kiss and trailed his hand down so that it was just above the other boy's waist. Kurt inhaled sharply, the anticipation of where that hand could possibly be headed was killing him.

"Sure." For goodness sake! I'm so breathless and high-pitched right now I sound like a twelve-year-old girl!

Blaine either didn't notice or didn't care.

"You said that there was some groping involved with Sam," as he spoke, the counselor trailed his hand down further, grazing the rounding just below Kurt's belt. Kurt breathed in sharply once again.

"Uh-huh." That was pretty much all he was capable of saying.

"Did he ever touch you there?"


"Under your clothes or over?"

"Just over." Damn, if he doesn't follow through I may scream!

"So, if I touch you under your jeans then I'll be the first one?"

"Yes." His response was more of a moan than a word.

"Hmmm..." slowly, the curly haired boy managed to work his fingers in between the extremely tight jeans and the boxer briefs underneath. His fingers groped at the cotton and Kurt felt his eyes roll back in his head. Blaine leaned in to kiss the other boy's neck lightly. "So, we're taking things to a whole new level, huh?"

Kurt could only nod, hoping the shorter boy felt his movement. Blaine suddenly pulled back with a grin.

"Good." He placed a quick kiss on Kurt's lips and started to pull his hand back.

"You're just going to stop?!" Kurt tossed is head back in disbelief and frustration.

"Yup, always leave them wanting more. That's my policy." Blaine grinned once again, but it quickly melted away. "Um, Kurt."


"You really need to wear some looser jeans."


"My hand is stuck."

Kurt turned to Blaine.

"So what makes this so much fun in particular?" He worked his hand slowly up the other boy's leg, grazing the inside of his thigh under his cargo shorts. Blaine's eyes widened and he choked on the bite of sausage he'd taken, swatting the offending hand away. He shot the taller boy a look that said, 'Seriously? There are children right here!' Kurt only grinned and took a bite of his fruit salad.

"What makes this fun is that we get to do the hiding while the kids do the seeking."

"Okaaay," Kurt looked at him in confusion. He really couldn't see how hiding was any more fun than seeking.

"We get to hide things." Blaine was speaking slowly, as if to a kindergartener. "We do it by ourselves... camper free." He whispered the last bit so that only Kurt could hear him. The brown haired boy's eyebrows raised and he paused, forked strawberry mid-air.



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Gee...I wonder why his jeans were so tight...and how they got Blaine's hand unstuck. >:)

kurt rubbing blaines thigh was hilarious!