Camp Arborwood
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Camp Arborwood: Chapter 3

E - Words: 1,586 - Last Updated: Aug 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 11/11 - Created: Aug 26, 2012 - Updated: Aug 27, 2012
953 0 2 1 0

Kurt was positive that Blaine had been about to kiss him when a loud dong from the camp bell had echoed throughout the woods, indicating that the game was over. The curly haired counselor had lingered close for just a moment before pulling back, seeming flustered, mumbling about how they needed to get back to their kids.

The taller boy had stood frozen for just a moment before shaking his head clear and following the other counselor back to the main campground.

Capture the flag had taken most of the day and they ended up spending the rest of the evening apart. Kurt's group of boys were scheduled for some tug of war games with other cabins. Kurt was convinced that this was the worse thing he would have to do all summer. Blaine's group was on clean-up duty, spending their time picking up trash from around the camp and helping wash dishes in the dining hall. Contrary to Kurt's belief, Blaine knew that clean-up duty was the worse thing you could do all summer… mostly because the boys complained the whole time. He tried to make it more fun by getting them to sing while they worked, seven dwarves style, but he was only partially successful.

The two exhausted counselors rounded their kids up for dinner and met at their shared table to eat hamburgers. The awkward moment from earlier seemed forgotten and they were back to playing footsie under the table while pretending to be normal from their trays up.

Campfire time went well, singing and telling war stories from capture the flag. Soon it was time to hit the hay. All twenty boys in their shared cabin were asleep in minutes. An entire day of running wild through the woods had worn them out completely. The two counselors were a different story. They had sat still in a cabin for a good portion of the day... besides, they had way too much on their minds.

Kurt tossed and turned and was just flipping over his pillow, hoping to gain some comfort, when a pair of hazel eyes appeared right at the edge of the bed and a voice whispered quietly.

"Scoot over, I'm coming up."

Kurt thought his heart would beat out of his chest. He scooted over as far as he could in the top twin bunk, which wasn't far, and felt his entire body flush warmly when the other boy climbed in and lay down so that they were face-to-face. Kurt had never been more grateful for an empty bottom bunk.

"Um, can I help you with something?" Kurt whispered as quietly as he could. His bed was slightly removed from the young boys, but he didn't want to risk one of them waking and asking awkward questions.

"I couldn't sleep." Blaine snuggled his head into the pillow and let one arm drape lightly over Kurt's back.

"Did you try counting sheep?" Kurt nudged a knee forward so that it was pressed up against Blaine's legs.

"Can't. Sheep scare me."

Kurt had to cover his mouth with his hand to quiet the laughter. "You ARE kidding, right?"

"Sort of… more like they make me nervous. It's like their eyes are saying, 'We know how much you like lamb chops. Don't think we don't realize what goes on at your dinner table. We will wait until you are alone and find a way to turn you into Blaine chops.'"

Kurt thrust his face down into his pillow to stifle the laughter. When he pulled up he unintentionally moved himself closer. They were completely nose-to-nose now.

"Would you be less nervous about the sheep if I gave you a kiss?" His heart was beating out of control now. They had never actually discussed the fact that they were both gay. It had just been assumed. This was the 'make it or break it' moment.

"It would help significantly." Blaine's voice was so low that Kurt could barely make it out. The yes in the shorter boy's eyes more than made up for it though.

Kurt only had to move forward half an inch or so. He met his own soft lips with the other boy's and pressed lightly. Blaine's were just slightly chapped, but they still felt wonderful. After pulling back slightly for a quick breath, he leaned back in to press just a little harder. He was surprised when he felt Blaine's lips open just slightly and a wetness brushed against his lip. He parted his own lips a bit and the very tips of their tongues danced against each other lightly. Blaine's eyes were still closed and a heavenly smile graced his face when he pulled away.

"That was my first real kiss." He whispered shyly.

"What do you mean by 'real'?" Kurt questioned, feeling just as shy, though this definitely wasn't his first kiss.

"I've never really had a boyfriend." Blaine looked down. He pulled his hand away from where it had still been pressed against Kurt's back and poked at the pillow with his finger, feeling immature and inexperienced. "I've dated a little and one guy tried to kiss me once but he was... well, he was bad. He kind of missed my lips. It was the world's most awkward attempt at a kiss."

Kurt laughed into his pillow once again. Blaine was ready to be hurt and offended until the blue eyes met his and he realized that the taller boy's laughter was at the expense of the horrible kisser and not him.

"I'm nervous now," Kurt moved a hand to lay over the finger Blaine was using to still poke at the pillow and gripped it. "I didn't know I was gonna be your first. Was it okay?" Blaine again saw the insecurity he noticed on the very first night they met.

"More than okay. So good that I definitely want to do it again."

"I am totally up for that." Kurt whispered these words into Blaine's mouth as they both leaned in for another kiss.

This lasted for a while. All kisses were light and fairly dry. Occasionally a tongue would venture out for a moment to explore and taste. Never for long though and the exploration would be limited to the lips and tips of the other's tongue.

Hands ventured nervously and cautiously, but only to lightly touch fingers and eventually link hands together.

Finally they broke away. The kissing was starting to get a little more intense and neither were quite ready for that. Their fingers were still linked and they both lay there, glancing each others' way with small smiles.

"Your turn." Blaine spoke while lifting one finger from their joined hands to stroke the back of Kurt's hand. Holy Moses this kid's hands are soft!

"My turn for what?" Kurt looked genuinely confused.

"You know my history. It's your turn to tell me yours. Have you ever had a boyfriend? Have you kissed someone before?"

Kurt started to feel nervous at this. What if Blaine judged him? What if he just thought he was easy? Too late now. Kurt was nothing if not honest.

"Well, I've never had a boyfriend… but I have kissed before."

"Tell me about it."

"There was this guy," Kurt sighed. "He was new to my school this year. His name was Sam. We hit it off and became friends. I found out the he was kind of bi-curious and he learned that I was gay so he suggested we sort of… experiment." Kurt distinctly looked away, fearing the judgment in the other boy's eyes.

"How much experimenting?" Blaine's words were slow and cautious.

"Nothing beyond kissing," Kurt rushed to say. "It was all very secretive and quiet... I guess that's part of what made it exciting. Well, the making out got really intense. Things definitely would have gone further a few times if I hadn't stopped them. There was some definite groping on his part… a little mine… but when it came down to it I just couldn't go any further." He finally had the courage to meet Blaine's eyes now.

"Why not?" Blaine's tone was still even. He hadn't let go of Kurt's hand but he had definitely stiffened his hold.

"It was just experimenting and I couldn't go that far with someone I didn't like in that way. Sam was great but he was only ever going to be a friend. He may have been curious about being with a guy, and even liked it, but he was nowhere near ready to be out. I need to be with someone who is as confident about who they are as I am. I told him we needed to stop and he understood."

"Is this just experimenting to you?" Blaine looked him straight in the eye, demanding an honest answer.

"No," Kurt whispered a little brokenly. "I like you so much, Blaine… already."

Blaine smiled. "Good, because I like you too. If you had just been kissing me for the heck of it I would have been really pissed." The taller boy smiled back, hearing the teasing in the other counselor's voice.

"Seriously though, Kurt? I'm not judging you at all… I want you to know that… but experimenting with people just to try it out? That's not me. I like you. What I'm doing with you right now means something to me. Whatever else we do this summer will mean something to me too."

"Whatever else we do?" Kurt swallowed hard at this, suddenly feeling excited and nervous all at once.

"Yup, I've got plans. Big plans." With that he placed a small kiss on the other boy's nose and jumped off the bunk to head to his own bed.

Kurt rolled onto his back and sighed.

So much for sleep.


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Wow, for a beginner, that was a pretty bold statement/thought.

too freaking cute!!