Feb. 27, 2013, 4:41 p.m.
Feb. 27, 2013, 4:41 p.m.
“I wonder who that Henry guy was,” said Blaine later at the reception.
Kurt shrugged, “Probably just some old boyfriend who’s mad that he could never live up to how great my dad is.”
The boys scanned the dance floor where the Doctor had been throughout most of the reception, teaching the kids some weird dance moves that looked absolutely ridiculous.
“Do you think that’s how they really dance on his planet?”
“Probably, God knows they have different idea of what manners are.”
“He can be a bit pushy, can’t he?”
“That’s putting it mildly.”
“Hello, are you boys enjoying yourselves?”
Kurt jumped a looked up into the blue eyes of his mother. His heart stuttered in his chest as he tried to think of what to say to her.
“Y-yes, congratulations, Mrs. Hummel,” he grinned.
She laughed gaily, “It’s going to take me a little while to get used to hearing that.”
She glanced out at the dance floor and her grin widened, “Did you two come with him?”
“Yeah, he’s our uncle.”
“He must be from Burt’s side of the family.”
“Not all the Hummel’s are bad dancers,” said Blaine, “Kurt here is wonderful. He could be on Broadway.”
“Kurt,” she repeated and a thrill went up Kurt’s spine at hearing it. “I like that name.”
“Maybe you could name your son after me,” he laughed nervously. “If you have a son that is, or if you even have kids, I don’t know what you guys want after all and it’s all between the two of you.”
She patted his shoulder with another laugh and wandered off to say hello to more of their guests.
Kurt let out a long breath and Blaine chuckled, “That was really smooth.”
Kurt slapped him on the elbow playfully.
“Whoa, I am so glad we did this,” announced the Doctor, coming up to the table and helping himself to the punch. “This is great.”
He took a long drink before refilling his glass and turning to Kurt, “How are you doing?”
“I think I may have just named myself.”
The Doctor arched an eyebrow and Kurt explained.
“I’ve heard of stranger things. Don’t worry, something like that’s not going to alter
the timeline at all.”
Presently, a tall figure strode towards the table and swiped up a piece of the wedding cake, stabbing at it much harder then was needed.
“Is that the guy who tried to stop the wedding?” Blaine whispered to Kurt.
Kurt looked the man over and clenched his teeth, “Yeah, probably still sore that he’ll never find a love like the one my parents had.”
The guy, Henry, scanned the dance floor and Kurt followed his gaze to where Burt and Elizabeth were dancing together.
Kurt glanced back at the guy, wondering if he should say something when he could have sworn Henry’s light green eyes suddenly turned as dark as emeralds, glimmering slightly in the lights.
Kurt blinked and the eyes were back to normal.
Henry slouched off with his piece of cake and Kurt rubbed his eyes, shaking his head slightly as if to clear it.
“Are you okay?”
He looked over at Blaine, “I’m fine, it’s just…it looked like the guys eyes just changed colors.”
“It was probably just a trick of the lights,” Blaine suggested.
“Unless it wasn’t,” said the Doctor, frowning. “How exactly did they change?”
“They turned darker and…glimmered. Why, please tell me he’s not an alien.”
The Doctor thought for a moment and opened his mouth to say something when they were joined by someone else at the table.
Kurt’s heart started beating faster as he saw his mother standing there next to him.
“Hey,” she said, breathlessly, “are you three enjoying yourselves?”
“Yes, this place is beautiful, you’re beautiful, all of this is great.”
Elizabeth laughed at Kurt’s rambling, “You sound like Burt when he starts to get excited about something.”
Kurt grinned at her and felt tears prickle behind his eyes.
“Um, Mrs. Hummel,” said the Doctor, coming up to stand next to Kurt. “First of all, let me say congratulations. Who was that man who tried to ruin your big day?”
Elizabeth’s face fell a little. Kurt could have kicked him just then.
“That was Henry. We’ve been friends since second grade, but I think he’s had a crush on me for some time so he was really upset to hear that I marrying Burt.”
“Do you think that’s all his protest was then; unrequited love?”
“I think so…there’s no other reason I can think of.”
In a flash, the lights went out and they were plunged into darkness.
Kurt automatically grabs for Blaine’s hand and once he finds it their fingers thread together and squeeze the other reassuringly.
He hears hurried footsteps close by and wonders if it’s the Doctor trying to find the breaker to turn the lights back on.
Over the panicked and confused babbling he hears the unmistakable sound of the sonic screwdriver and the lights suddenly turn back on.
Kurt looks around, trying to locate Elizabeth but can’t find her anywhere. Thinking she went to try and find Burt or something, he scans the dance floor, but can’t spot her anywhere.
“Where’s your mother?”
Kurt jumps as the Doctor’s voice sounds right in his ear before rolling his eyes at his own behavior and answering that he didn’t know.
“I don’t think she would have moved while the lights were out in case she ran into someone or something.”
Suddenly a younger version of his father is walking towards them and Kurt straightens up automatically as if trying to make a good impression.
“Have any of you three seen Elizabeth?”
“She was here a few minutes ago,” Blaine supplies helpfully.
He and Kurt had made sure to let go of each others hands the moment the lights came back on so as not to attract any unwanted stares or attention—people did seem to focus on the dumbest things sometimes.
Presently, there was a shout and the four men jerked their heads towards the doors that led to the entrance of the reception hall.
“Come on,” said the Doctor, rushing out of the room with the other three close on his heels.
They made their way into the parking lot where two figures could be seen in the moonlight, one dragging the other behind them.
“Elizabeth!” shouted Burt, running after the retreating figures.
“D-Burt!” yelled Kurt, racing off after him.
“Shouldn’t let ourselves fall behind, Blaine,” said the Doctor.
The quartet were closing in on Henry and Elizabeth and Burt and Kurt’s faces both turned to masks of matching anger as they saw Henry trying to force Elizabeth into the back of a black car.
“Let go of her, you basterd!” shouted Burt, running forwards to take hold of Henry’s arm.
Kurt shouted as Henry punched Burt in the nose, an audible crack sounding in the night. Blaine tried grabbing Kurt’s arm but wasn’t in time to catch him as the young man shot forwards and connected his fist with the side of Henry’s face.
Henry fell back against his car, stunned, letting go of Elizabeth in the process.
Kurt had expected his mom to run, but instead she had managed to get one of her high heels off and slammed the flat of it into the back of Henry’s skull, sending the man sprawling to the ground.
“Good hit, Liz,” said Burt, clumsily reaching for her.
Elizabeth and Kurt both took one of his arms and starting leading him back for the reception hall.
A couple of members of the wedding party had come out into the parking lot now and gasped when they saw Burt.
“I have to take Burt to the hospital,” said Elizabeth, “tell everyone what’s happened. I don’t care if they stay or go, but tell all of them thank you for coming this evening and we’ll call later to let them know how Burt is doing.”
Kurt couldn’t help but grin a little. That was the mother he remembered, always cool in a crisis.
The wedding party members nodded and headed back into the reception hall.
Kurt was helping Elizabeth get Burt seated in the passenger seat of his car when he heard breaking glass in the distance.
“What now?”
“Mrs. Hummel, I need to go.”
“Kurt, it’s too dangerous.”
“With all due respect, that’s what me and my two friends are used to.”
Kurt gave her an apologetic look before racing off back the way they had come. He found Henry on his feet again with Blaine throwing rocks at him as the Doctor was fiddling with something in the car’s engine.
Kurt scooped up a handful of gravel and joined Blaine in the distraction, Henry bellowing like a wild animal as he came towards him, slashing the air with—claws?—yes, Henry had definitely grown claws.
Everything else about him looked completely normal, but Kurt had a feeling they were dealing with another alien.
Seriously, it’s like we’re magnets or something.
“Done!” proclaimed the Doctor.
“Done with what?” demanded Kurt.
The Doctor didn’t answer, just rushed forwards, grabbed both Kurt and Blaine by the arm and pulled them into the dirt at the end of the parking lot. Kurt watched Henry stride towards them when a greenish light spilled forth from the engine of the car and enveloped Henry in its glow.
Henry screamed before suddenly bursting into green light and fading from view. The car’s engine turned over once, twice, and then fell silent before it too dissolved in the green glow.
“Are you going to tell us what the hell just happened?”
“Henry was a member of the Recage People,” explained the Doctor. “They’re a race
of aliens that breed with humans in order to keep their bloodlines clean from crossbreeding.”
“Why don’t they just, you know, have sex with other Recage People?” asked Blaine.
“Because only one family is left; by now they’re all related to each other.”
“Is your dad going to be okay?” asked Blaine after a few minutes.
“Yeah, my mom’s taking him to the hospital right now.”
“Well, I suppose the best thing for us to do right now is leave ourselves,” declared the Doctor, getting to his feet and dusting off his pants.
Blaine helped Kurt to his feet and the three of them headed back to the TARDIS.
Lima, OH hospital, May 27 1994
Burt and Elizabeth looked down at the sleeping infant who had finally been born after hours of labor.
“Have you decided on a name for him yet?” asked the nurse.
“Kurt,” Elizabeth said almost instantly.
Burt gave her a funny look, “Where’d you come up with that?”
“It was the name who helped us out on our wedding night,” she replied.
“The tall one, the short one, or the weird one?”
Elizabeth smiled warmly at her husband, “The one who punched Henry on the side of the face.”
“In that case, Kurt’s a wonderful name. Let’s just hope he turns out to be as tough
as his namesake.”
“I’m sure he will,” said Elizabeth, smiling down at the tiny bundle in her arms.
Ironically, that's a day after my sister's birthday. Same year and all.