Aug. 27, 2013, 2:01 p.m.
Aug. 27, 2013, 2:01 p.m.
Chapter 16
"Do you have everything you want to bring?" Blaine asked. "We have to be downstairs pretty soon." He and Kurt were dressed in casual clothes so they would be comfortable on the ride over and Blaine would be changing into his uniform upon arrival at the hotel.
"Yep." Kurt spent an hour the day before shrinking and packing the clothes he wanted to bring. The box bed lay in the bottom of Blaine's carry on bag, by itself, ready to safely transport Kurt to Columbus. He wasn't crazy about sitting in the dark bag for over an hour. Having the phone to play games on and Blaine being right there would help the trip pass quickly, he hoped.
Fifteen minutes later, Blaine sat on the bus, the bag between him and the window. The top part was open and facing Blaine. One hand rested inside the bed and Kurt lay in his palm, curled up, hoping to drift off and make the trip pass swiftly. Blaine's warm skin lulled Kurt to sleep as he listened to the voices of the excited boys.
Kurt opened his eyes, blinking a few times and rubbed his fiancé's wrist to let him know he was awake. Blaine's hand slid out and Kurt tumbled off and onto the bottom of the bag. They hadn't planned things out as well as they thought. Kurt tried to climb back into the box. If there had been more room, he would have flown, but he didn't want to risk hurting himself when he could be patient. He knew Blaine wouldn't bang the bag around, but he would be safer with the something solid between him and the side of the bag.
It sounded like the boys were standing up and exiting the bus. Blaine walked on, unaware of Kurt's distress. He had to get in the box. Kurt knew Blaine would assume he was safe from minor bumps and bruises. The further Blaine walked, the more panic welled up in Kurt.
The sound of the boy's voices had the faint echo of being inside. The bag shifted and the weight of the phone caused it to slide towards Kurt. Terrified of getting squished, his magic pushed out and tore a hole in the bag. He scrabbled at the box. The slick sides offered nothing to hold on to. He made a grab at the edges of the hole as he fell through, the frayed strings slipping through this fingers.
Kurt caught himself before he hit the floor, hovering so close, he could touch with his hand. They were in the hotel. This was bad. He had to stick with Blaine or he'd have no way to find him. Terrified, Kurt half flew and half ran to Blaine, squirmed under his pant leg, and gripped his sock. Blaine froze. Kurt hoped it meant Blaine realized where he was. The leg of the pants pressed against his wings and back more than he would like. He did not want Sebastian asking what Blaine was hiding in his sock. And knowing him, if he saw a lump in Blaine's pants, he would. Kurt had no idea how likely it was that someone could bump against him. He climbed around to the inside of Blaine's ankle, wedging one arm in the sock so he wouldn't fall.
Disoriented and sleepy, Kurt had no idea how long he clung there waiting for Blaine to help him fix this. "I have to use the washroom," Blaine said in a loud voice. "Back in a minute"
"Okay," a voice replied.
Several swift steps later, a door opened and closed. Kurt caught a glimpse of tiles and another door opened and closed.
Blaine pulled his pant leg up and stared at Kurt. "What are you doing?" he whispered. They were in a bathroom stall, safe from prying eyes.
"I fell out of the box and I couldn't get back in. I panicked and my magic tore a hole in the bag instead of getting me back in the box. And I was afraid I'd loose you so I hid in your pants?"
The bathroom door opened again.
"Oh, Kurt." Blaine's expression softened. Kurt yanked his arm out of the sock and barely managed to keep from tumbling to the floor.
"Blaine, are you masturbating because you can't go two hours without Kurt?" Sebastian asked. "If that's the case, I can help you out."
Looking up at Blaine, Kurt had trouble reading his expression. His eyes were wide and his mouth hung open, but no sound came out. Shrugging his shoulders helplessly, Blaine closed his mouth, swallowed, and mouthed, "I don't know what to do."
That was enough, Kurt decided. He focused on the clothes he wore and grew them at the same speed he grew. The pants were tighter than they should be, but the shirt fit and would hide his wings well enough. He feet were bare, but he didn't have time to worry about it.
Kurt opened the stall door and stuck his head out. "Thanks for your concern, but as you can see, Blaine has all the help he can handle." Wiggling his fingers at a shocked Sebastian, Kurt smirked before he shut the door. He leaned closer and put his mouth right next to Blaine's ear. "I'd blow you, but I don't want Sebastian to hear." Blaine whined in the back of his throat. "If you can get away tonight, before or after the club, we can find someplace secluded and I'll let you fuck me any way you want."
The bathroom door opened and closed. Kurt hoped it meant Sebastian left, but he wasn't holding his breath.
Blaine closed his eyes and breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth. "Please," he whispered.
Kurt sucked Blaine's earlobe into his mouth. "And if you go out there and convince Sebastian I'm taking care of you, *I'll* fuck you any way you want."
"Okay," Blaine squeaked and he loosened his tie. "Anything I want?"
A twinge of nervousness lodged in his stomach. Blaine knew so much more about sex than he did. What if he wanted something "freaky?" Kurt pushed the thought away. Blaine wouldn't force him to anything he was uncomfortable with. "Anything," Kurt confirmed.
There was no sign of the troublesome Warbler when Kurt opened the stall door and scanned the room. "Open the bag and keep is steady. I don't want to fall out again."
Kurt shrunk the clothes and himself. The pants were too big and slid. He managed to catch the top before they fell off. After a few adjustments, he landed in the box. When they got to LA, he wanted to play with his magic and see what he could do, because, damn, he was getting good at this. The boundaries of what he'd always believed doable had been shattered and curiosity about the possibilities was overwhelming.
He left the phone alone, he didn't want to risk any problems. Blaine left he washroom.
"Sebastian said you got a blowjob in the bathroom," Nick said. "Nice."
"Uh, Kurt came to see the performance?" Blaine stammered.
"And what does that have to do with anything?"
"Yeah, Blaine," Sebastian chimed in.
Kurt covered his mouth and giggled. Blaine was adorably flustered.
"I want to go to the room, dump my stuff off, and not talk about Kurt."
"You're no fun," Jeff said. "You're the only one getting laid this trip, at least let us live vicariously through you."
"I'm getting laid at Lust," Sebastian announced.
"What?" Jeff asked.
"Lust. The local gay bar. Blaine, and I guess Kurt, are going going with me. They're doing Halloween in June and we're getting dressed up."
"Enough," Blaine hissed. "Yell a little louder, why don't you. None of the adults heard you."
A voice Kurt didn't recognize spoke loudly. "Here are your room assignments. No trading roommates. There will be a bed check. If you are not in your assigned room at curfew, you're in trouble. Seniors listen up. You don't want trouble two weeks before graduation. Questions?" A long pause followed. "Great! Here you go."
"Fuck me," Blaine hissed.
Not good, Kurt thought. He should have stayed big so he would know what was going on. Except then Blaine would have to explain to an adult what Kurt was doing there. It was not the first time he wondered if he should have stayed in the dorm instead going in the trip.
"Looks like you will be sleeping with me after all," Sebastian purred.
Jeff and Trent were assigned to one queen bed in the room and Blaine and Sebastian were assigned to the other. This was a disaster.
Sebastian made lewd remarks as the boys got changed. Blaine gave up, grabbed his uniform and the bag Kurt hid in, and went in the bathroom to change. It was an odd design. The bathtub and toilet were in separate smaller rooms off the main part of the washroom, as best Kurt could tell from his perch on the sink. After making sure he was put together, Blaine carefully picked Kurt up and set him in his pocket.
"Blaine, is that my uniform?" Sebastian asked the moment Blaine exited the bathroom. Both Kurt and Blaine froze. Kurt's mind raced. What had Blaine done with Sebastian's uniform? They had talked about putting it back in Sebastian's room, but it was doubtful Blaine had done it by himself and Kurt hadn't. It didn't smell like Sebastian. The possibility that the jacket had been washed and hung with Blaine's other blazers occurred to Kurt.
"N-no," Blaine stammered.
Sebastian's voice came closer. "It is. That's were Kurt spilled coffee on me."
"I must have pulled it out of the closet just now by accident."
"It's been missing," Sebastian said in a cold, flat tone, "so I didn't bring it on this trip. Why did you go in my room and steal my clothes?"
"I didn't. Why did you go in my room and paw through my stuff?" Blaine shot back.
"I'm sure it was a mistake," Jeff said loudly. "There's a mixup and we don't want a problem right before a performance. I don't care who wears what uniform as long as everyone is presentable. Blaine, the stain is faint, but the jacket has to go. Sebastian, why don't you stick it in your bag so it doesn't get worn accidentally.
Kurt buried his head under his arms. He was not getting squished Sebastian's bag. If he had to make himself big and reveal his secret, he'd do it. Safety came first. And if he popped out of nowhere, he could scare Sebastian into leaving them alone. He gritted his teeth and prepared, reaching for his magic and holding steady.
"Just a second," said Blaine. "I have stuff in the pocket."
Blaine scooped him up and set him in the bag. Kurt breathed a sigh of relief, slowly relaxing his grip on the magic.
"What's so important or embarrassing that you have to hide it?" Sebastian asked.
"Not that it's any of your business, but condoms," Blain announced. "With Kurt here for the weekend, I wouldn't want to be unsafe, or anything."
Blaine better have a plan to take him to the show or he was finding a way to get to the park the second he got abandoned in the room. Kurt was not waiting all day in a bag for Blaine to return.
Kurt sat fuming in the pocket of Blaine's blazer all the way to the place where the Warbler's were singing. He was going to blast Sebastian out the window. Several options ran through his mind, each idea more impractical than the last. If he didn't come up with something spectacular by bedtime, he could magic Sebastian to the bed like he did to Blaine, except no sexy fun times after. At least Blaine would be able to sleep even if Kurt had to stay awake and make sure Sebastian didn't suffer any permeant injuries.
A few of the Warbler's gave Kurt's sudden appearance at the park puzzled looks, but no one made any comments. Sebastian kept staring out of the corner of his eye. Kurt ignored it. Or rather, he pretended to ignore it why plotting the best way get rid of him before he and Blaine were supposed to share a bed.
Fantasy after fantasy played in Kurt's head. His favorite and most elaborate involved shrinking Sebastian to fairy size an sticking him in the bathtub at the hotel. He could lock the door to the room with the shower and no one would know Sebastian was in there. There would be no way for him to get out of the tub without wings. If he was feeling generous, Kurt would toss in a towel for some cushioning. If not, Sebastian could sleep on the cold porcelain.
Kurt sighed. He wouldn't hesitate to attack Sebastian or restrain him in any manner necessary if he tried to hurt Blaine. But fun as it would be, he couldn't do it without justification.
The park was lovely - huge with lush green grass, bright colored flowers, and huge leafy trees. Benches were scattered here and there along the winding paths and children ran and played. The amphitheater was large, with a raised stage, and plenty of seating. The Warbler's were there two hours early to get a feel for the space and double check that their blocking wouldn't cause anyone to tumble off the stage.
Annoyed that he was being shooed off by the director, Kurt decided to go for a walk. Blaine's stricken expression caused him a moments concern, but Blaine couldn't expect him to stand in line by himself for two hours.
"Here's my phone and some money," Blaine said, handing both to Kurt. "I will call you from Jeff's phone if I need to. Press the green square if you see Jeff's picture. Don't answer if it's anyone else, except Cooper. You can talk to him of you want, though I don't know why you'd want to. And the alarm will go off half an hour before the show starts. Come back over when it sounds so you can get a good seat."
"Are you telling him how to use a phone?" Sebastian asked, incredulous.
"Yes," Blaine said in a matter of fact tone.
"Yeah, yeah," Kurt muttered. "Keep my hands to myself, stay out of trouble, don't shrink. Got it."
Sebastian's brow knotted. "Don't shrink?" he mouthed.
Blaine rolled his eyes. "Inside joke," he said. Sebastian didn't look convinced.
"I'll be fine, Blaine. I can take care of myself. I promise."
The director yelled for the boys to get on stage and get ready.
Kurt hugged Blaine and whispered, "I'll be back for the show."
"I know," Blaine said. "I worry because I love you."
A final squeeze, and Kurt walked off. He had no idea what he wanted to do. It was kind of nice being outside and large without Blaine. Kurt knew he would need to get used to it if they were going to live in LA. Going everywhere with Blaine wouldn't be practical. He liked seeing how humans interacted. There was a couple, a boy and a girl, kissing on a bench. It was cute and Kurt wanted it to be him and Blaine one day, enjoying the sunshine and each other.
The scent of something warm and sweet wafted in the air. As far as Kurt knew, they hadn't discussed lunch and Blaine may have to eat with the Warblers. Using as much magic as he had been lately left him hungry. Kurt followed the smell to a small cart.
"What are these?" he asked.
"Churros. They're cinnamon sugar Mexican style doughnuts."
Kurt pulled out a bill. "Can I get two?" The money all looked the same to him. He knew the numbers were different on different bills, but it still blurred together as far as which ones were "better."
"Sure. The man took the money and he used a napkin wrapped around the middles to hand the churros to Kurt. "Careful, they're warm."
"Thank you!"
"You're welcome."
Kurt headed towards the playground. He took a tentative bite. These were better than the doughnuts he'd had in Chicago. Sitting down on a nearby bench, he enjoyed his snack, wondering how many more deserts there were that the hadn't experienced yet. He wondered how difficult it would be to convince Blaine to take him out to dinner and just get deserts. When he finished eating, he brushed his hands together to remove the excess sugar and tossed the napkin in a trash can.
Now what was he supposed to do? He didn't want it play on the slides or swings by himself. Kurt could wander around, but that was boring. He walked along the path until he came to the edge of the park. Buildings lined up along the street. A few were restaurants, at least two sold coffee, and a couple had clothing in the windows. Kurt stood on the sidewalk just outside the entrance to the park, debating. He probably had at least another half hour before Blaine sang.
A sign across the street caught his eye. "Dollhouse." Kurt recognized the word, even if he didn't know the others next to it. He thought one of the words might be fairy, but it had too many letters. If he only went into the one store, he could easily be back for the show with plenty of time to spare. It wouldn't hurt anything to go over and get a better look.