Aug. 27, 2013, 2:01 p.m.
Aug. 27, 2013, 2:01 p.m.
Chapter 15
They stayed in the shower, groping and washing until Kurt was satisfied that neither of them smelled like Sebastian. He didn't give Blaine a chance to dry off, Kurt threw him on the bed and climbed on top, their wet skin sliding.
Kurt licked at the shell of Blaine's ear. "I don't like you smelling like Sebastian," he whispered. Blaine shivered beneath him.
"What are you going to do about it?" he gasped as Kurt bit gently on his earlobe.
"Rub all over you till you smell like me."
"I can get on board with that," Blaine said. "Get the lube and I'm all yours."
Kurt smiled. "You can be taught. I see you're asking for the proper supplies."
Blaine leaned up on his elbows so he could nip at Kurt's chin. "You made your feelings on the subject pretty clear."
Leaning closer, Kurt said, "Since you're so good at following directions, I'm going to get you ready and we're having sex." He grabbed the bottle, flipped open the cap, and squeezed out some liquid.
Blaine spread his legs apart, his hole twitching at Kurt's slippery fingers. Kurt pushed two in and twisted them, curling them just so. Blaine wailed as his prostate was stroked. He thrust against Kurt's fingers. "Fuck me. Please, Kurt, please."
Kurt glided his fingers out, took one moment to pour lube on his cock, and he pressed into Blaine. "You're so tight, does it hurt?"
"Perfect," Blaine moaned. "Fuck me hard and it'll be extra perfect."
He wanted to laugh at Blaine's babbling, but the tightness around his cock was making it impossible for him to do anything other than thrust inside the person he loved over and over. Kurt gripped at Blaine's shoulders for leverage. "Love you," he said between kisses.
Blaine pushed his tongue into Kurt's mouth and there was no more talking. Only whimpers that gave way to grunts and moans as Blaine clenched around Kurt, coming hard on both of their chests. Kurt pulled out, thrust into his fist twice, and shot several glittery streaks across Blaine.
He leaned forward, pressing his chest against Blaine. Kurt buried his face in Blaine's neck and took a deep breath. "It worked. You smell like me. And sex."
Blaine laughed, his body shaking Kurt's. "We're going to need another shower."
Kurt pouted. "I just got you smelling good and now you want to wash it all off?"
"Doesn't need to be right this second, but I'm not going to sleep all covered in come." Kurt sighed against Blaine's skin. "Not that I don't appreciate the cuddling, but I have to get my homework done." Kurt peeled himself off of Blaine, tossed him box of tissue, and trudged off to the shower.
When Kurt returned to the room, he found Blaine sitting on the bed, propped against a pillow, snoring softly with an open book in his lap. A moments debate and Kurt decided to let him sleep for an hour. All of the excitement from today had probably worn him out. Kurt walked around the room, picking up clothes, and putting them away or tossing them in the hamper.
He wasn't sure what to do with Sebastian's uniform. What would cause more trouble - taking it back or keeping it hidden? Kurt should do some reconnaissance. At least he thought that was the word the guy in the spy movie used to mean seeing what the enemy was doing. Blaine may be dismissive about Sebastian thinking he'd heard fairy language before, but Kurt wanted to know why.
There were dozens of reasons not to go spying alone. Starting with Blaine getting angry and ending with it not mattering once school finished. He'd gotten in the Warbler's rehearsal both his normal size and human sized with not problems. And Sebastian thought he was a giant dragonfly.
Kurt could pretend to be an insect. Blaine didn't need to know. And if he found out, it was no different that him climbing the flower. Blaine could have gotten hurt getting up there or getting down and he hadn't let that stop him. Curiosity had been a good enough reason for him to explore, it should be good enough for Kurt.
Knowing that he was trying to justify doing what he wanted didn't stop Kurt. He shrank, put on some pants, and went out the screen. He darted over to Sebastian's window and peered in. The room was empty. Kurt frowned. He could go in, the window was open enough for him to squeeze through, but he did not want to get stuck in there if Sebastian came back. Waking up and finding Kurt missing would cause unnecessary panic for Blaine. And who knew what Sebastian would do if he found Kurt in his room.
The new plan involved him flying into the school and staying by the ceiling. With no specific destination in mind, he headed for the choir room. Blaine said that the Warbler's like to hang out in there even when they weren't singing.
He spotted Sebastian walking down the hallway. Kurt, impressed by his own brilliance in tracking down the troublesome boy, followed him in and darted for the top of the drapes. Jeff, Nick, and a few other Warblers were sprawled across the couches doing homework in casual clothes. He grumbled about the uncomfortableness of laying across the pleats and settled himself as best he could.
"I'm worried about Blaine," Sebastian said, flopping down next to Nick.
Jeff rolled his eyes. "You're worried about how you'll never get to sleep with him, you're not worried about him."
"Yes, I am." Sebastian balled his hands into fists. "There's something weird about Kurt."
"Only you would think being nice is strange," Nick muttered.
"Have you seen the doll furniture in Blaine's room?"
"Yes," Jeff said. "Kurt makes it and when did Blaine let you in his room?"
"Doesn't matter." Sebastian got a calculating expression on his face that made Kurt nervous. "What language did Kurt sing in at rehearsal that one day? I didn't recognize it."
Frowning, Jeff said, "I don't know. It's not French, German, or Spanish."
"It wasn't Italian, either," another Warbler added.
"Latin, maybe?" Nick said. "You do realize there are dozens of languages and you not knowing which one isn't that peculiar. Blaine told me Kurt didn't grow up around here."
"Why isn't Kurt in school?" Sebastian asked.
Kurt ground his teeth together. He needed to do some damage control. Without waiting to hear the answer, he flew out of the room, through an open door, and into Blaine's dorm. He'd thought he heard Sebastian say, "Another dragonfly," on his way out of the choir room, but he pushed down his concern.
"Wake up, sweetie," Kurt said, shaking Blaine's shoulder.
Blaine's eyes opened. "Whatizit?" he mumbled, blinking sleepily.
Smiling at how adorable his fiancé was, Kurt said, "Sebastian's asking questions about me in the choir room. I think you should go down and fix it."
"How do you know this?" Blaine's eyes narrowed.
"I snuck down to spy on Sebastian. I want to know why he thinks he's heard my language before."
"No," he said. "Don't you 'Kurt' me." He crossed his arms over his chest. "I can go down there if I want. No one saw me." Probably.
"I'm almost done with school. I don't want to have a problem this close to graduation. Two and a half weeks and I'm done. We go to New York and get married, then it's off to LA."
"You're right," Kurt admitted. "I just...what if he's met a fairy before? He wouldn't want to admit it. I saw how Cooper reacted when I told him I was a fairy. He though I was crazy."
"This is really important to you." It wasn't a question.
"Yeah," Kurt said. "What if there are other human sized fairies? I love you and I need you and I am going to marry you. But all my friends are going to be human. I won't be able to tell any them the truth. Can you imagine what it would be like for me to meet someone who understands? Who can help me fit in? Think about it."
Blaine's stern expression softened. "Let's go."
"Can you jump in the shower? I don't want you distracting Sebastian by smelling like sex." Kurt let his eyes drift down to Blaine's hastily wiped chest.
"Good idea."
Ten minutes later, Blaine had on sweats and a tee shirt, his damp hair curling as it dried. They agreed that Kurt should go in Blaine's bag. It was easier than trying to explain why Blaine had on a hoodie indoors so Kurt would have a pocket to hide in.
Blaine carefully packed his school bag with the box bed to prevent Kurt from getting squished. He also added some easy homework as a cover and headed downstairs to join his friends.
Entering the choir room, Kurt heard everyone calling greetings to Blaine and he realized that hiding in the bag meant he couldn't see anything. He wondered if Blaine had done this on purpose, to keep him out of trouble. Kurt crossed his arms and stuck his lower lip out. Blaine reached into the bag and pulled out book, some paper, and a pencil. Kurt sat down and settled in for a long wait.
"Blaine," Sebastian said in an overly bright voice, "we were just talking about the song Kurt sang and how strange it is that he's out of touch with anything modern."
"Okay," Blaine said, matching his tone.
"Did you ever ask him what language it's in?"
"Yes. Kurt's grandma taught it to him. She never told him and she died so he can't ask her."
Kurt smiled at how quickly Blaine answered the question. He paused, and considered that lying wasn't a good skill for a husband to have, except he'd need to do it to cover for Kurt. He blew out a breath, ruffling his bangs. Life had gotten so complicated when he met Blaine.
There was a soft gasp.
"His grandma?" Sebastian said. "Really."
There were some comments about schoolwork, sports, and a few things Kurt didn't understand. He should have stayed in the dorm.
"And why is loverboy here all the time instead of in school?" Sebastian said.
"Kurt grew up very sheltered. His education was spotty compared to what we get here and he's going to be getting his GED this summer. That's all I feel comfortable saying."
Blaine would take care of it, Kurt thought. He stood up and paced from one side of the box to the other and back. And back and forth again. Why did he want to come with Blaine again? Right, because he'd been hoping Sebastian would say something useful and shed some light on his earlier comment. Bored. Bored. Bored. He was so bored. If only he had something to do.
His eyes widened. Blaine's phone. Kurt couldn't have the sound on, but he could play a game. He supposed the pocket was deep to prevent the phone from falling into the main part of the bag, but right now it was annoying and making things difficult. Kurt finally wrestled the phone free and it tumbled into the bottom of the box.
Kurt turned it on and opened the dots game. Music blared out of the phone. Frantic, he tried to turn it off, but in his panic, he turned the volume up. Blaine reached into the bag, pulled out the phone, silenced it, and said, "It's my brother, gotta go."
The bag shifted and jostled as Blaine carried him out of the room. The voices of the boys faded. Kurt stumbled, sitting down so he wouldn't fall over. Blaine was probably annoyed about the phone and Kurt didn't feel like dealing with it. He loved Blaine with all his heart but the boy did not understand how staying in the dorm most of the day and not knowing what Sebastian was up to was making him crazy.
As best Kurt could tell, were going up the stairs and an into the room. Blaine opened the bag and Kurt flew out. Smiling and laughing, Blaine said, "I should have known you'd need something to do. I guess we both suck at espionage."
Relief washed over Kurt. Blaine wasn't angry. "That was kind of a waste," Kurt said. "We didn't learn anything."
"It was a long shot. Sebastian has never given a straight answer about anything important in his life. I learned something."
"What?" Kurt said. Hope and excitement blossomed. He must have missed it.
"We are going to have to keep you entertained on the bus trip to Columbus or we are going to get our cover blown."
Kurt stuck his tongue out at Blaine.
"I have homework due tomorrow. Why don't you grab the headphones and practice reading or watch a movie while I take care of this."
Kurt set up the laptop and put on Labyrinth. He'd seen it several times, but Jareth the goblin king was amazing in those super tight pants where you could see the outline of his dick. His thoughts drifted to the upcoming costume party. The more he considered it, the more he realized going as a fairy in normal clothes wasn't enough, he had to dress the part. While having his wings and ears visible was a start, it was the clothes he choose that would make the difference.
Jareth was sexy and the way he played with the glass balls was fascinating. Blaine called rolling them over his arms and hands like that contact juggling. Now that seemed more fun than struggling with reading.
A glance over his shoulder showed him that Blaine was absorbed with his homework and not paying attention. His fiancé believed that poking around on the internet was a bad idea. He would mumble about, "How you're too innocent," and change the subject.
Kurt held out his hand, palm up, and concentrated. A bubble the size of a pea appeared and slowly grew until it was the size he wanted. Making bubbles was easy. Making them strong was not. If he wanted to be good without the aid of his wand in the next few days, he had to practice.