Let me melt
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Let me melt: Chapter 5

E - Words: 3,397 - Last Updated: Jun 26, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/13 - Created: Jun 26, 2016 - Updated: Jun 26, 2016
243 0 0 0 1

Author's Notes:

Enjoy chapter 5 friends. :-)

Chapter 5


Kurt strolled with Santana over to their planned rehearsal in the group dance room. He was quiet. Santana watched him every now and then, but didn't say anything. Until she couldn't bear it anymore.


Kurt. Please tell me what's in that beautiful head for yours. What's going on? Talk to me. You know you can tell me everything.” She huffed.


Tana... I don't know... I-I think... maybe... I could fall in love... .” He ducked his head and watched her sheepishly.


Santana barked out a loud laugh. “Oh you smartass. I figured that already. I mean, it's obvious. Have you seen you two? What is the best description of that look... I would call it moony heart-eyes. Gosh you two... You are disgustingly sweet together.”


Kurt blushed and looked down on the ground while walking. “I mean, I know that I'm not experienced with that whole romance thing, but it was never like that with Adam. And I thought, we fit pretty well together, Adam and I. But maybe I was wrong the whole time. Gosh, I've wasted nearly two years to someone mediocre. Tana, I feel like Blaine is perfect for me. We fit together like peanut butter and jelly. I'm really screwed. What do I do when he leaves? I know we just met, but I can feel it. It's like I found my missing puzzle piece...”


Santana snorted at that.


Don't laugh. I know it sounds like a pick-up line from a Katy Perry song, but I mean it. I could spend 24 hours a day with him and it wouldn't be enough. It's like an addiction. And don't you say something about finally getting some action or that I'm just sexually frustrated and my dick is doing the thinking. No, it's in my heart, not my pants. Although he is sexy as hell. Anyway, I'm fucking happy right now, Tana.” Kurt's eyes were glowing and sparkling like stars.


Oh god, give me a minute. I have to vomit rainbows.” She started to retch. “That's really disgusting, Kurt.”


Kurt sent a bitch-glare her way and rolled his eyes.


I'm kidding honey. Don't pee in your pants. I am so unbelievably happy that you are happy. Really, I hope everything will work out with you two. Blaine seems to be a genuine and totally sweet guy. And he's really gorgeous. That might be a tiny bonus on his behalf. Well, if I were straight...” Santana sighed.


Oh no, we're not going there again, Santana. You're not and he's not interested in girls either, so spare your breath on that. Wait... What about you and Brittany?” Kurt raised an eyebrow.


We're good. Having a lot of fun together. Nothing serious though. Just enjoying each others company while she's here. She's cute.” Santana acknowledged.


Are you sure that's all?” Kurt asked cautiously.


Santana shot him a wary look before she answered. “What do you imply?”


Nothing, I just thought you might be interested in more than just some meaningless sex. My mistake. Don't think about it any further. Let's get inside to start rehearsal.” Kurt kept walking and opened the door to the dance room.


Santana was standing stiff as a poker with a bewildered look on her face. After a couple of deep breaths she followed Kurt inside.


Inside the room the whole dance crew was laughing and warming up for the rehearsal. They really were a bunch of funny individuals who fit perfectly together as a group.


Jeff and Nick were dry-humping and kissing in the back of the room. As always. Kurt went over to them and slapped Nick's ass.


You two are the worst employees I've ever seen. Can't you keep it in your pants for some hours of actual work. That's what you guys are paid for. Not for humping each other like dogs. On the dance floor. Geez guys...” Kurt stood there with his arms on his hips and glared.


Hummel, don't you say something like that. I know exactly what you and Blaine were up to not even 10 minutes ago, so don't lecture us. We've seen you two through the window blinds. Got us totally horny, Nicky and I. Damn, he's really an expert with his tongue, that curly hotness of yours.” Jeff gushed.


What the actual fuck, Jeff. Are you serious now? You watched us kissing and are standing here dry-humping each other and getting off on us? Oh my god, I don't believe this shit. Oh and for the record: I wasn't on duty the last two hours, got it? What I do in my spare time is NONE of your business and I would appreciate it if you would respect that bit of privacy I have left here with you guys.” Kurt's face was scrunched in embarrassment. The whole dance staff was looking at them.


Oh yes, you were kissing and it was unbelievably hot to watch.” Jeff huffed. “Listen, Kurt. I'm not trying to rile you up or something like that. We're all happy that you finally found someone who is nice and sweet and handsome and very much interested in you. The whole you. I mean it Kurt. You know me and you know Nick. We would never do something to hurt you intentionally. Because we love you very much and we want you to be happy. Maybe a bit of teasing, but come on. It's the first time that we have a reason to peeve you. Don't take it so hard. We would never say something to the other staff. We're a team and we stick together in good and bad. You know that. And now come here and hug me. Wanna smell Blaine on you.” Jeff cackled.


Kurt grinned and punched his arm lightly. “You are impossible! You know that, right?” But nonetheless he took Jeff into his arms and hugged him tightly.


Jeff sniffed at Kurt like a dog. “Mmmmm he smells delicious Kurt. So much testosterone flying around here.” This time he got a smack on the head from Nick.


If you horn-dogs are done barking, can we start? Wanna get this rehearsal done in time. I've better things to do than listen to your mindless babbling. A hot chick is waiting for me and she is in desperate need of some girl time.” Santana smirked.


Ew Tana, gross... no more information about your girl times, or boobs, or worse, vag...No I can't even say the word...” Nick mocked and shuddered theatrically.


She just shot him a glare and shrugged her shoulders.


After Santana's lecture, the whole group was disciplined in their work and ran perfectly through their practice.




Blaine was back in his hut and sported the silliest grin on his face when Cooper entered and spotted him.


Awww Blainey. How was it? You look like you had the best sex of your life.” Cooper cooed.


Blaine rolled his eyes at his brother and sighed. “What is it with you and your obsession over my sex life? He is great. Well, he could be for me, we'll see. Coop you won't believe how it felt being together. We danced and we kissed. Gosh, it was everything. And more. I will marry him one day, Coop. Believe it or not.” He swooned with a lovesick look on his face.


Whoa Blaine, slow down. That is a bit quick. You need to think rationally here. Your mind is clouded with sexual tension and frustration. You know this guy for what... 4 days? Maybe you should ask him to be your boyfriend first...” Cooper stated.


Oh, you're right. I didn't ask him to be my boyfriend yet. Need to change that tonight. I just assumed that he would want that too. Well, I'll know for sure later. Coop, what will happen when we leave? I have no idea if I can do a long-distance-relationship. I mean the distance isn't very far, but I'm still in college and he works every day. Even the weekends. We would never really see each other. I can't come here every weekend.” Blaine had a sad look on his face and sighed.


What about this... You won't think about all that for now and enjoy your time together. We will be here for a long time. So don't think so far ahead. Maybe it will work out, maybe it won't. Nobody can say that for sure, so don't panic yet. Get to know each other better and spend your free time together. Fall in love, or don't. You two will decide what will happen when the time here is over. Stop worrying right now.” Cooper patted Blaine on his head.


You can be a very reasonable brother sometimes, Coop. Thank you!” Blaine glanced at his brother.


Anytime squirt. Anytime.”


Blaine felt his phone vibrate with a new incoming text.


Kurt: 'Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaine...'


Blaine chuckled and tapped on his phone to answer.


Blaine: 'Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuurt...'


Kurt: 'I miss you :-('


Blaine: 'I miss you too'


Kurt: 'Can we please please meet after the show tonight? I will be done around 9pm. Pleaaaaaaaase... (I'm sending you my best puppy-dog look)'


Blaine: 'Mmmmmmmmm, let me think about it. I will get back to you later.'


Kurt: 'What? Blaine? Come on. Say yes. I'll beg. I'll do whatever you want me to. Please say yes.'


Blaine wasn't willing to give in immediately, so he waited for Kurt to send another text. He didn't have to wait long. Barely two minutes later his phone dinged again.


Kurt: 'Blaine????? Please???? xo'


Blaine: 'You'll do whatever I want? Anything???'


Kurt: 'Um... Well maybe not anything immediately. What do you have in mind?'


Blaine: 'Will you be my boyfriend Kurt?'


Kurt: 'Of course I'll be your boyfriend dummy. I thought that was clear. Now tell me what you want.'


Blaine: 'Well actually that was what I wanted, but if you grant me another wish, let me think about something else...Will tell you later after the show. My brother Cooper will be out the whole night. As always... He's a womanizer through and through and every night with a different girl. Maybe you could come over here and spend the evening with me, if you are free.'


Kurt: 'Ooooh do you have something naughty in mind? I'm not that easy Blaine...;-)'


Blaine gaped at his phone, shook his head once and laughed about Kurt's last text. He wasn't that easy either.


Blaine: 'Um... well I thought we could listen to some music and maybe dance a bit. Or play a board game or something like that...I didn't ask you to spend the night, Kurt ;-)'


Kurt: 'OMG Blaine I was kidding. I know you didn't ask me to spend the night. LOL. Board game??? Do you want to play cards with me? Like Uno or something? Hey, I'm absolutely on board with your proposition.'


Blaine barked out a loud laugh which earned him an immediate puzzled look from Cooper across the room. Blaine just shook his head at him.


Blaine: 'Good, we'll find something to do. I'm sure.'


Kurt: 'OK, I'm looking forward to meet up later. Will you be there to see the show?'


Blaine: 'Of course I'll be there to watch you dance. Wouldn't miss it for the world.'


Kurt: 'Great. Can't wait. Have to hurry. See you after the show.'


Blaine: 'See you later, boyfriend.'


Kurt: 'Awww you are so cute. Later, boyfriend.'


Cooper grabbed Blaine's phone and cooed. “Awww Blaine, you both are so sweet, I get a tooth-ache.”


Blaine grabbed the phone back and grumbled at Cooper.


After dinner, later the day, Blaine sat with Cooper and his parents at a table near the stage and waited for the show to start. Today they would perform the musical West Side Story. Blaine knew the play and was really looking forward. Elaine watched Blaine amused and thought about a little teasing.


Blaine, why are you so nervous? Are you OK? Or are you getting sick or something? You are so fidgety.” She asked innocently.


Blaine looked over at her and stilled. “No mom, I'm OK. Um, maybe I have to tell you something though...”


What is it, son?” Andrew asked kindly.


Well, I'm kind of seeing someone...” Blaine ducked his head a bit and glanced at his parents.


But that's wonderful, Blaine. Who is it?” Elaine asked enthusiastically.


It's Kurt. You know, the dancer from the staff who picked you up to dance the first evening. But we can't talk about it. It's not really welcome that someone from the staff is dating a guest. So please, we have to keep it quiet.” Blaine whispered.


Of course, Blaine. Don't worry. Your mother and I pretend that we didn't hear any of this. Right, Elaine?” Andrew shot his wife a questioning look.


Sure, sure.” She said. “Oh Blaine, I'm so happy for you. Can he come over later?”


Mom no! Please give us a little more time, before you scare him away.” Blaine smirked at his mother.


Oh you boy. You're awful. And you have no manners. Not introducing your boyfriend to us.” Elaine huffed.


Mom, we know each other for a couple of days and are not going to marry tomorrow. You'll have enough time to get to know him, when we're ready for that.” Blaine murmured.


Fine, I'll wait. But don't you think I will drop this, Blaine.” She wiggled her finger at him.


Yeah, I know...” Blaine murmured under his breath.


The show was awesome. Blaine couldn't get his eyes off Kurt. He was radiating self-confidence and Santana was almost as good as Kurt. The whole crew did an amazing job. It was spectacular.


Blaine, he was incredible, that boyfriend of yours.” Elaine whispered.


I know...” Blaine just answered in awe.


After the show ended, Blaine excused himself for the night and headed back to his accommodation to wait for Kurt.




It took Kurt about 45 minutes to shower and change before he could walk over to Blaine's place. Dressed to impress and putting on his favorite cologne, his heart was beating fast. He was a bit nervous and didn't even know why.


When he arrived at Blaine's door, he knocked tentatively.


Blaine opened the door and took Kurt by his hand to pull him inside.


You were awesome!” Blaine beamed.


Thank you, Blaine. That means the world to me.” Kurt beamed back.


Blaine pulled Kurt close to peck him on the lips. Kurt threw his arms around Blaine's neck and deepened the kiss immediately. They kissed a few minutes softly but passionately. No urgency involved, just tasting and enjoying each other.


Kurt pulled back, took Blaine's hand and led him to the couch to sit down.


OK, what do you want to do? Talk, dance, cuddle on the couch?” Kurt asked.


Yes, yes and yes.” Blaine chuckled.


Well let's start with talking, then.” Kurt grinned.


They shared some funny stories about their former Glee Clubs and were so at ease with each other that time flew by.


Oh Blaine, it's already past midnight. I really need to get going, or I won't be up in time tomorrow.” Kurt said sadly.


Yes sure,” Blaine said. “Can I still get a good night kiss?”


Kurt smirked and leaned over. Brushing his lips softly over Blaine's. Teasing his tongue along Blaine's lower lip. Blaine opened his lips willingly to welcome Kurt's tongue, but Kurt ignored them and softly kissed his cheek and then his jaw and ran his tongue over his neck to his left earlobe and bit into it. Blaine gasped. Kurt grinned and trailed kisses along his neck down to his collarbone. Slightly sucking on it, his hands traveled down Blaine's bare arms. Blaine started whining. Traveling back up his neck, Kurt finally found Blaine's lips again and they kissed warm and wet and it was pure heaven. Tongues tangled around each other, hands wandering over arms and backs and fingers buried in curls. They both moaned softly into each others mouths, gripping the others clothes to get impossibly nearer to one another.


After what felt like hours, Kurt pulled back and a sweet blush showed on his cheeks.


Um, I really need to go now.” Kurt smiled sweetly.


OK...” was all Blaine could say in this moment.


They stood up from the couch and strolled slowly to the door, hand in hand. A few feet before they arrived, they heard the lock being opened and in front of them stood Cooper.


Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you had company, Blaine.” Cooper had the grace to be polite. “Hi, I'm Cooper. Blaine's older, cuter, sexier, wiser brother.”


Blaine groaned and hid his head in his hands.


Kurt immediately shot out his hand to shake Cooper's outstretched one.


Hi, I'm Kurt. Boyfriend of the most handsome, caring, cute and sexy as hell man in the whole world.” Kurt smirked.


Wait. I don't date guys. You must have got mixed up on that, bro.” Cooper interjected and barked out a loud laugh.


Haha very funny, Coop.” Blaine threw his brother an angry look.


Oh sweetie. I'm so sorry to disappoint you, but I'm already taken by this gorgeous man right beside me.” Kurt cackled.


Aaaaaaah now I get it. Nice to meet you, Kurt. Blaine won't stop bragging about you. And I have to say, you are as handsome as he is telling us all the time. Cute freckles by the way. Blaine has a real thing for freckles. Oh and your eyes are very pretty too.” Cooper gushed.


Shall I leave you two alone, or...?” Blaine grinned.


Oh Blaine, don't be ridiculous. You are the best looking Anderson on the planet.” Kurt winked at him. “As nice as this little chat is going here, I really need to go now. I'm sorry. Maybe we can continue this another time?”


Sure. Looking forward to get to know my little brother's boyfriend. Don't be a stranger, Kurt. Come over anytime. I'm getting ready for bed and give you two some privacy.” Cooper patted Kurt's shoulder and went to the bathroom.


Bye Cooper. See you soon.” Kurt waved him goodbye and turned back to Blaine.


Will I see you tomorrow?” Kurt asked.


Of course. We'll text, right? Just tell me when you are free and we'll find time for each other. Thank you for the nice evening. I really had fun.” Blaine whispered.


Me too, Blaine. See you tomorrow, my handsome boyfriend.” With one last lingering kiss Kurt opened the door and left the hut.


Blaine closed the door after Kurt had left and went back to the couch. Cooper entered the living room and sat beside Blaine.


Wow, Blaine. He's awesome. What a witty, funny guy he is. I'd say, you should keep him.” Cooper cooed.


Thank you for your blessing my dear brother. I already knew that. What would I do without you.” Blaine laughed and punched Coopers arm.


Ow! What was that for? I'm just stating the truth. But you are good on your own, squirt. You don't need me anymore. Did I say how proud I am of you?” Cooper said.


Thanks Coop. I appreciate that very much. I love you, bro.” Blaine threw his arms around his brother and hugged him tightly.


Ah ah ah, no crying little brother. You will get ugly wrinkles and my shirt will be ruined for life.” Cooper grinned.


And there goes the appreciation again.” Blaine smirked and shook his head at his brother. He stood up from the couch and patted over to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

End Notes:

Thanks for reading sweeties. Next update: Weekend


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