June 26, 2016, 7 p.m.
June 26, 2016, 7 p.m.
Thank you guys so much for your interest in my little story. Enjoy the next chapter!!
Chapter 2
The next morning, Blaine was woken up by a banging on his door. He threw the pillow over his head and shouted “Go away...'s too early.”
There was a snicker in front of the hut and the banging continued.
“Blaine open the door, or I will get the spare key from the reception.”
“Coop? Why you 'ere? You're not 'sposed to be 'ere this early.” Blaine mumbled under his pillow.
More banging.
Blaine growled and got up to open the door.
“You've got to be shitting me. Damn Coop, it's too early for this banging. I was sleeping. What time is it, anyway?” Blaine sat down on the couch and glared at his brother.
“Oh Blainey, it's already 7am and I decided to come early to surprise my favorite brother.” Cooper grinned.
“I'm your only brother, moron.” Blaine grumbled.
“Yeah yeah, same difference bro. Come on, get up. Make yourself presentable. We are heading over to mom and dad's. Go! Now!” Cooper said.
“You are a slave driver, you know that, right?” Blaine pressed out but got into the bathroom to shower and get ready.
Half an hour later both brothers were standing in front of Elaine and Andrew's hut and knocked on the door. Elaine opened immediately and let out a loud cry when she spotted her oldest son and jumped into his arms.
"Oh Cooper honey. You are early. I'm so happy to see you. Wait I'll get your father!" Elaine beamed at him and went inside.
Blaine and Cooper followed her.
"Cooper. You are early." Andrew's eyes were bright with mirth.
"Why does everybody say that today?" Cooper chuckled.
"Doesn't matter now. Come on boys. We're going to get breakfast." Elaine clapped her hands together.
The family went over to the main house and chatted throughout their meal.
"Boys do you already have plans for the day? Any activities planned? Or just enjoying the sun at the beach?" Andrew grinned at his sons.
"Nothing planned right now. Maybe just chilling on the beach and checking out the girls."
"Cooper!" Elaine shot her son a glare. "Not even here for five minutes and you are already stalking the ladies? Or planning to do so? Dear boy I raised you better than that."
Cooper rolled his eyes at her and winked at Blaine.
"Come Blainey. Let's get this party started and head for the beach."
"What did we do wrong with this one?" Elaine grumbled at her husband.
Blaine and Cooper laughed and went back to their hut to get changed.
Later that day, when Cooper was surrounded by beautiful girls in tiny bikinis, Blaine got a call.
"Hey Brit! Finally! Are you here already? I'm at the beach with Cooper. Yeah?...Uhu... Ok. Yeah great. See you in a bit!"
"She's here?" Cooper asked.
"Yes she's checking in with her parents. She'll be here in a bit." Blaine sighed.
When Brittany arrived an hour later, the boys were splashing in the water and waving her over.
"Blaaaaaaaaine. Cooooop. We'll have a freaking great time here. It's beautiful. So, what will we do tonight? Do they have parties here? Or a club? I really need to dance, boys. Like really bad."
"Whoa Brit, easy there. You just arrived. We're here to have a good time and relax." Blaine smirked at her.
"No Blaine. Brit is right. Let's find out what we can do tonight." Cooper ran back to his towel and dried himself.
After dinner with their respective parents, Cooper, Blaine and Brit met again in the main house for the cabaret show, which was presented by the staff. It was fun. They had some drinks, got tipsy and laughed the whole evening.
"So guys, tell me. Did you already spot someone nice or interesting?" Brit wanted to know.
"You know me Brit. The ladies love me. And they can all have me. I'm not the guy to settle down with one girl alone. Nah, I just wanna have as much fun as possible while here. And for now, I have enough dates for the next 2 months. But Blainey here... Mom told me you have your eye on one of the dancers from the staff. A cute, tall, chestnut haired guy. And he asked her about you. What was his name? Kurt? Aw Blainey, are you blushing?" Cooper teased him.
"Stop it Coop! I think he's attractive, yes. But that's all. We didn't even talk to each other so back off." Blaine said.
"Geez Blaine, chill. I didn't want to offend you. But mom said, he was quite interested in getting to know you, until his dancing partner interrupted you and led him away." Cooper held his hands in front of himself in defense.
Blaine stood from the table and hissed "Why can't you all stop interfering with my life? I'm sick of everyone telling me what to do, who I should date or who I shouldn't. It's my fucking life and I don't need you to find a boyfriend for me. I can do that on my own for gods sake." He downed his drink and said "I'm going for a walk to the beach. No need to wait for me Coop."
Brit stood up too and took Blaine's hand in hers. "I'm coming with you B. I need a bit of fresh air for my hair. It gets dry inside."
Cooper mumbled something under his breath and went for the bar to get himself a new drink.
Blaine and Brit strolled along the beach until the huts were getting fewer and they nearly arrived the end of the hotel property. They talked quietly about the last weeks, they haven't seen each other because of Brit's absence for being on tour with her show along the west coast. She enjoyed her play. She loved dancing, acting and singing. So as she was asked to come along for 4 weeks, she didn't hesitate and agreed.
After a couple of minutes, they heard music playing and knew that they weren't on the guest part of the hotel beach anymore. They saw a group of around 20 people dancing on the sand. Some were same sex couples, kissing and grinding against each other. No fear of getting caught or yelled at. They were at ease and very much unaware of strangers watching them. As Blaine and Brit were in the shadows of the palm trees, they could watch the group, but weren't seen by them.
Blaine was in awe. Until he saw him. Kurt was standing in the middle of the group and talked to his dance partner, the Latina. His jaw was sharp as a knife and his look was casual now. He only wore a tank top and slacks. No shoes, his hair as perfectly coiffed as yesterday. And Blaine stared...again...he couldn't take his eyes off him. He moved his hips to the music and laughed with his dance partner. They were carefree and it looked like they were good friends. Brit poked Blaine in the side with her elbow.
"Wow, have you seen that gorgeous woman over there in the middle of the crowd talking to that tall, handsome man with the tank top? Any idea who she is?" Brit sported a predator attitude now. Ready to jump her prey.
"That's Kurt's dance partner. I don't know her name yet. And she's standing and talking with...Kurt." Blaine whispered.
"That guy is Kurt? Oh my god Blaine he's gorgeous. We have to go over there and introduce ourselves. Come on." Brit pulled at Blaine's hand and nearly ran over to the group of dancing people.
The first people from the staff who spotted Brittany and Blaine stopped them.
"Sorry you two. You are not allowed to be here. This is not hotel property anymore and guests are forbidden on this part of the beach. This is just for the staff. Please, you need to leave immediately." A brunette man told them and got nearer. He didn't look angry or mad, but he was stern. His dance partner and/or boyfriend, a blonde, tall skinny guy came over too and watched Brit and Blaine. After a few seconds, he took the hand of the brunette guy and said "Nick, come on. Don't be a party pooper. Let's invite them over to hang out with us. They don't seem to be trouble makers or telltales." He pouted a bit and kissed this 'Nick' on his lips.
"Jeff stop pouting. You know I can't resist you when you look like that. All right. You win." Nick said and smiled lovingly at Jeff.
"Yay, I knew it. Hey guys. I'm Jeff, this is my boyfriend Nick and we all are part of the dance staff of the hotel. Please promise that you won't tell anybody that we met here and that you hung out with us. It's not very welcome for the staff and the guests to “interact” apart from shows, or dance lessons. Hotel politics you might say. It's ridiculous, but hey, it's the rules. So, who are you both and are you a couple?"
Brit threw herself around Jeff and Nick and nearly knocked them over.
"My name is Brittany, but my friends call me Brit. This guy over here is my friend and only my friend Blaine. He is not interested in girls, so we never were a couple. But I'm... well, let's say, I like both. Who is that Latina over there? I have to meet her."
Nick and Jeff chuckled and turned around. "Hey Kurt, Santana. Come over here and meet our new friends Brit and Blaine." Jeff yelled.
Kurt and Santana stopped talking to each other and came over to where Nick and Jeff were standing.
"What are you doing Jeff? You know we'll be in big trouble when someone sees us with them here. Get them back to their part of the beach." Kurt told Jeff but didn't take his eyes off Blaine.
"Stop bitching Kurt. They are cool and they won't say anything to anybody, right guys?" Jeff smirked.
"Yes... I mean no... we won't say anything." Blaine stuttered.
Kurt sighed and nodded. "Well I guess, it's too late now. Get yourselves comfortable and get a drink. The bar is over there." He pointed to a little bar in the back and went back to the 'dancefloor'.
Blaine watched him go and thought about following him before his thoughts were interrupted by Brit. She went for the kill. "Hi, I'm Brit. You wanna dance with me?" She asked Santana with a heated glance.
Santana grinned at her, took her hand and said in a husky voice, "Nothing I'd love more. For now. Let's see what the night brings, babe." With that, they were out of sight and started dancing very closely.
Jeff and Nick took Blaine over to the bar and ordered a shot for him. When he was drowning his 3rd shot, he sensed someone behind his back and froze.
"You would look awesome in a suit for Ballroom dances, but your body is made for Latin like Samba or Tango. Dark curly hair, olive skin, trim waist. Hmmm I could work with that." Kurt teased Blaine's exposed skin on this neck and shoulders with just a fingertip. "You wanna test out the theory Blaine?" Kurt purred into his ear.
"Yeah... um... yes... I'd love to." Blaine muttered and let himself be let on the 'dancefloor'.
Kurt grabbed him by the waist and put their chests snug together. He looked him in the eyes and started swaying slowly. Blaine gasped. Oh gosh he was already on his way to get hard. Just by some slow dancing. Good that their hips weren't touching, or otherwise Kurt would have known immediately. They kept staring in each others eyes for a while, grasping the shoulders of their partner and just feel the music and letting go. After what felt like hours, Kurt touched Blaine's cheek and winked at him.
"Looking forward to see you soon Blaine. Maybe you and Brit should book a dance lesson. Just giving you a hint."
He turned around and was gone. Blaine was dumb stuck for a second until he was pulled back to the bar by Jeff and Nick.
"Oh man, you've got it really bad. Well can't blame you. Kurt is fucking hot... ow...Nick stop hitting me. It's the truth. But of course he's not as hot as you are, baby." Jeff rubbed his arm.
"You'd better watch your mouth, Sterling. Kurt is hard to impress. You know that. He hasn't been with someone since... well... since Adam. And that was a long time ago. Stop trying to pair him off with someone. Won't work." Nick patted Jeff's nose.
"Tell us something about you, Blaine. Where are you from, what do you do? Let's get to the dirtier questions later." Jeff smirked evilly.
"There is not much to tell actually." Blaine said. "I'm from Ohio, 21 years old, live and study in New York and have my own apartment and don't live in dorms on campus. I will become a music teacher. Right now, I'm a junior. Senior after the summer break. And can we keep the dirtier questions at least until next week, when we know each other better?" He joked.
"Absolutely, Blaine." Nick grinned. "You should maybe head back now. It's getting late and the security will come over to your part of the beach to check on everything. It's not wise to be caught over here, believe me."
"OK, I should get Brit now. Has anybody seen her? She seems to be gone already. And Santana is gone too." Blaine wondered.
"Don't worry Blaine. We'll find her and get her back to her room. I believe she might have gone for a walk with Santana earlier." Nick smiled at him.
After saying his goodbyes to Nick and Jeff, Blaine was looking for Kurt, but he couldn't find him. So he strolled over to his hut, shred his clothes in his bedroom and jumped into bed.
His thoughts immediately went to Kurt, his wonderful scent, his strong shoulders, his perfect hair, his warm skin under his hands... he caught himself stroking over his bare chest. Hand wandering over his toned stomach, further down over his hip into his boxer briefs to his throbbing erection. He grabbed it firmly. It was too dry, but he didn't care. He needed it. And the lube was still in his bag in the bathroom. No time to get up again. He licked his palm and started stroking his cock. Slowly. Imagining, it was Kurt's hand instead of his own. He was so hard. His strokes were getting messier and faster now. The tingling in his gut was already there. He was close. So close. He moaned Kurt's name. Softly and quietly. Nearly there...
"Blaaaaaaaaaaaineyyyyyyyy I'm hooooooooome." Cooper stumbled into the hut.
Blaine nearly fell out of his bed. His boner gone immediately.
"What the fucking hell Cooper!" Blaine shouted and pulled his hand out of his underwear. "Are you serious now? I was trying to sleep you asshole. And you are drunk. Go to bed and leave me alone. I can't believe it.”
Cooper giggled and fell on his bed with all his clothes on and started snoring immediately.
Blaine let out a long breath, rolled over and tried to sleep.
When sleep came, he dreamed of Kurt.
See you next week :-)