Let me melt
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Let me melt: Chapter 1

E - Words: 2,768 - Last Updated: Jun 26, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/13 - Created: Jun 26, 2016 - Updated: Jun 26, 2016
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Chapter 1


Blaine was angry. He had planned to spend the summer with his friends in college in New York and NOT with his parents in the Hamptons. The only person he was looking forward to spend time with was his brother Cooper. Not that his parents treated him badly, or that they didn't love him. On the contrary actually, they loved him too much sometimes. They were overbearing. They interfered with his life and his love life. It was exhausting sometimes. He loved his parents, very much, really, but still.


He hadn't seen his brother for too long. Cooper was an actor and located in Los Angeles, and Blaine was in college living in New York. It was difficult to make the time to meet up. Blaine missed his brother, dearly, but he had no intention of spending the whole 3 months with his parents in a luxury hotel, with snobs and boring days playing golf, or even mini golf.


Blaine was a junior now, 21, and on his way to become a music teacher. His parents weren't happy with his choice in the beginning, but in the end, they accepted it. But they begged him to join them and Cooper for the last time for summer vacations. So he agreed, biting back his anger and annoyance. His parents were already at the airport and got a rental car for the drive to the Hamptons. Cooper would arrive tomorrow. Blaine checked for the third time, if he had everything packed and was ready to head out. Elaine and Andrew Anderson would arrive in the next 10 minutes to get him. So he got his suitcase and got out of his apartment to wait for his parents.


After not even 5 minutes, the car with his parents came into view and his mother got out and embraced Blaine. "Oh honey, I missed you so much. How are you? Do you eat enough? You look so thin. And what happened to your hair? You have a mop on your head. Did you stop gelling it? Well, come on. Let's get your things in the trunk and get going."


He knew his mother didn't really expect any answers to her questions so he planted a kiss on her cheek and threw the suitcase into the trunk. In the car he greeted his father and waited for the questions that would necessarily come. He didn't have to wait long.


"So Blaine, how is college treating you? Are you still going strong in your studying? No problems? Still happy with your choices?" Andrew asked.


"Yes dad, my grades are exceptional, I have no problems keeping up with classes and I still love what I plan to do after college." Blaine responded in an even tone. 

"Good then son. Are you happy? What about that boyfriend you told us about. What was his name? Joshua...Jonathan...?"


"It was Jonathan, yes. We broke up 2 months ago. He cheated on me. So I had no intention of staying with him any longer. But can we please not talk about him?"

Blaine rolled his eyes at the pitying look on his parents faces.


"Sure honey. We're so sorry for you. You will find a fine young man who is good to you. And who deserves you with your big heart and your cute puppy eyes and your mop of curls and..."


"Mom would you please stop?" Blaine interrupted her. "Geez, I'm not some sort of treasure on a hidden island. You don't have to sell me to the highest bidder at Macy's. When the time is right, I'll find my Mr. Right. Don't worry. Can we now please change the subject?"


"But sweetheart. I'm just looking out for you. And maybe you are the one to bless us with grandchildren as Cooper will probably stay single for the rest of his life. I really don't understand how someone can live that way. Without taking responsibilities and never settling down with a nice girl and marrying her. Well maybe that's a normal lifestyle in Hollywood. What do I know about these things anyway." Elaine sighed. "How are your friends doing? How's Jamie? And Sam? And the others?"


"Jamie is still in the college dorms and will move in with Sam next month. They are really getting serious now. Sam is going to propose after the holidays, when they are settled in their apartment. I have seen the ring. It's beautiful. He asked me to be his best man if she says yes which I don't doubt honestly. They are the perfect match.

Jacky and Sandra broke up for the 4th time now. I don't get those two. They are so in love with each other, but they can't live together. They always end up fighting over toothpaste in the sink or bad milk in the fridge. I give them 2 weeks and they are back together.

Tina and Mike opened their dance studio just now. They are so good. You have to see them dance. It's incredible. They complement each other so well. It's like they're only one person on the dance floor. I've never seen anything like this before. But they are just at the beginning. They have a bunch of courses for teenagers for modern dances like HipHop and stuff like that. They don't have teachers for ballroom dances yet. So it's slowly going right now. But they will get there. I'm sure they will find some good teachers to do great stuff and maybe even train people for competitions. That would be so great. Well, we'll see in a couple of month I guess.

Trent and Thad are engaged. You won't believe it. That proposed to Trent in the middle of classes. With a red rose and a beautiful ring. Wow. That was awesome. Trent cried like a baby and the professor was so stunned that he ended class after the proposal. They will maybe come visit us for a couple of weeks actually. I'm not sure when, but they will send a text if they do.

And finally, Lindsay and Mark. Well, that is more complicated. They have been together for 5 years. High school sweethearts. They were meant to be endgame. But unfortunately Mark met someone and left Lindsay last week. She's devastated. We aren't sure how to handle them both now. Lindsay cries all day long. She's in classes only sporadically every now and then because she can't stand to see Mark in class. I mean, I love them both, but what should I do? It's frustrating to be in the middle of their problems. I want to be there for both of them, but they want me to chose. That's really unfair.

OK, that was the short version of the events in the last months." Blaine grinned.


"Oh Blaine. Your friends have an interesting life it seems. Were we ever that young Elaine? I can't remember those times. We met when we were only 16 and married with 20. And we have two fantastic sons who make us proud to no end. I think we did a great job my dear." Andrew smiled at his wife and put his hand on her knee.


"Hey mom, did I tell you that Brittany will be in the hotel too? Her parents booked a hut for 2 months. So we will probably meet them very soon." Blaine said.


"Really?" Elaine was beaming. "That's great. I'm looking forward to chat with her mom sometime. She's so funny. But I have to be careful with the alcohol. She always gets me drunk. And I feel awful the next day. Well, let's see how it goes and when we will actually meet them. Did you already plan some activities Blaine? You know they offer a lot of fun things to do over the summer. Like jet skiing, tennis, golf, mini golf, biking, volleyball, dancing and so on."


Blaine rubbed the back of his head. "I haven't decided yet. We'll see in time. Maybe I will do something with Brit and certainly with Jeff and Nick, when they are here."


"Sure honey. It's your vacation too, so relax a bit. Do you wanna take a nap? I have a pillow there in the back somewhere. You can grab it and make yourself comfortable." Elaine smiled at Blaine.


"No I'm good, thank you. Hey dad, how is the hospital? Are your patients getting smarter with their habits?"


"Unfortunately not. Patients with heart problems are so stubborn sometimes. You can't imagine what food they eat. Some even smoke. Their arteries cry every time they eat that junk food. But I have really nice patients. I'm always happy to see the ones who changed their lifestyles after a heart attack. I love to chat with them on their half-year appointments. It makes me really happy that they survived, and I had a little hand in that." Andrew lifted the corner of his mouth to a little grin.


"When will Coop arrive at the hotel?" Blaine asked.


"It will be around noon tomorrow. But he will call beforehand. So we'll know, when he gets there. And you will share a hut with your brother." Elaine told him.


"If he snores, he can sleep outside. I will kick him out by myself. And dare he bring girls over." Blaine mumbled.


"Oh I didn't think about that," Elaine screwed her nose. "Maybe he should sleep in our living room on the couch Andrew. What do you think?"

"Are you kidding me, Elaine? Under no circumstances will our oldest son sleep on the couch in our hut. No way." Andrew huffed out.


"Fine, fine. Whatever. It was just a thought to keep him from doing something inappropriate with other guests. You will have to keep an eye on him, Blaine. He's your brother. Be the responsible one here. You know how he acts around pretty girls." Elaine fidgeted with one of her curls, which poked her in the eye.


Blaine looked exactly like his mom. The same olive skin, the same curly hair and the same honey golden eyes. Cooper instead was so much like his father. Piercing blue eyes, very tall, the same skin tone and high cheek bones. Someone from the outside might say, the Anderson gene-pool was a like a lottery win in the looks department.


The rest of the trip was smooth. There was no need for many words. The silence around the family was comfortable and everyone was hanging in their own thoughts. Time flew by until they finally arrived at the resort. It was impressive. A big main house, many different pools, restaurants and shops were in sight. And all along the long sandy private beach were the guest huts all nicely colored with a porch that let to the ocean. Some huts were bigger, some were smaller. Blaine was in awe. He never imagined the resort to be that beautiful.


'Maybe I will actually have some fun here,' Blaine thought.


After finally checking in in the main house, Blaine strolled toward his and Cooper's hut and entered. He took a good look around and picked a bedroom for himself and laid his suitcase on the bed. After unpacking, he put on his swim trunks and went straight to the beach. Blaine and his parents had agreed to meet up in front of Elaine and Andrew's hut to go to dinner in one of the restaurants, so he had still a lot of time for a good swim.


He came back a few hours later and got into the shower to get ready for dinner. 4 huts further on his right, his parents were already waiting for him.


"Blaine, did you enjoy your swim? We saw you earlier, but we wanted to give you some time to adjust and not overtax you dear." Elaine said.


"It was great mom. The hut is beautiful and the water was perfect. Can't wait for Cooper to come over tomorrow. Shall we go? I'm starving." Blaine hustled.


"Sure son, let's go. What do you fancy tonight? Italian, Thai, Steakhouse? Your mother and I don't care. You pick tonight." Andrew smiled.


"Oh. Well, I don't really know. I could go for Italian actually. If it's ok for you? Blaine asked.

"Sounds great honey. Let's go then. I'm hungry too." Elaine said.


Dinner was great. They had a good wine with their meal and planned the activities for after dinner. In the main house was a dance demonstration by the hotel staff. Blaine was not very interested in that, but he agreed to stay for his parents sake. They were looking for a table and found one in the corner of the dance floor. They ordered some cocktails and talked for a few minutes, before someone spoke into the microphone on the stage.


"Ladies and gentlemen. Please welcome our dance instructors with a medley of ballroom dances. If you are interested in dance lessons, please contact the staff or the teachers to book your private hours. Additionally we have group hours for you to learn together in groups of about 10 people. If you already have a partner, please bring them by. Otherwise we will pair you up with other guests. And now, please enjoy the show."


From everywhere around the dance floor were dancers now coming in in beautiful suits and dresses. The girls had glitter all over their skin and strolled elegantly onto the dance floor. The music began and they started dancing. In front of the Anderson table was a beautiful Latina with black hair, dark sin and a gorgeous red gown. Her partner was tall, pale and oh... incredibly handsome. He had chestnut hair, swept high on his head and his posture was straight as an arrow. He was stunning. Blaine stared. His mouth was dry and he grabbed his cocktail. Elaine looked at him and grinned. She took a look at the handsome dancer in front of her and smirked at her husband.


Blaine couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful man. His dance moves were smooth and secure. After about 20 minutes the dancers stopped and swapped their partners for guests. The chestnut haired dancer came to the Anderson table and asked Elaine for a dance. She accepted immediately and winked at Blaine.


Andrew and Blaine watched her dance. They were in awe. Elaine was great and she enjoyed herself immensely. After the dance the man escorted her back to the table and thanked her. His eyes met Blaine's and there was a moment when time stood still. Blaine couldn't say anything, or do anything other than look. And the dancer did the same. The moment was gone when the Latina came over and put a hand on the man's shoulder.


"We need to go." She said to him.


After a last long glance at Blaine, he excused himself, turned around and walked away with the woman.


Blaine watched him go with a stunned look on his face.


Elaine put a hand on Blaine's, which was lying on the tablecloth.

"Honey, his name is Kurt, he's 22 and works for this hotel for a year now and he is originally from Ohio, where his parents still live. Do you wanna know more? He's an awesome dancer and his manners are perfect." Elaine grinned.


"Mom, why are you telling me all this?" Blaine blushed.


Son, you can't fool you mother. You look at him like he's a water fountain in the middle of the desert. And I might add, that he's a handsome young man, this one." Andrew answered instead of Elaine.


"Dad, can we please not?" Blaine rolled his eyes at his parents.


"Sure sure, whatever you want honey. But let me say, I like this guy. He's stunning and handsome and he was looking at you, like you were looking at him. I just wanted to let you know. Oh, and he asked me about your name." Elaine's smile was evil now.


"He did not!" Blaine's eyes were wide.


"He sure did." Elaine answered.


"Let's get another round of cocktails and enjoy the rest of the evening, shall we?" Andrew asked. "Cooper will arrive tomorrow after breakfast."


For the rest of the evening, Blaine kept looking for the... for Kurt. But he didn't show up again.

End Notes:

Thank you guys for reading the first chapter. I hope that I can update regulary once a week!


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