A Royal Kiss
Chapter 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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A Royal Kiss: Chapter 2

T - Words: 1,946 - Last Updated: Jun 30, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Jun 11, 2012 - Updated: Jun 30, 2012
594 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Well here's the second chapter. It's out earlier than i expected. Enjoy:)

Kurt woke up at 9 am the next morning. He had been woken from nightmares the last two weeks, but that night he had slept the whole night through. He had fallen asleep in his clothes, so he hurried into the bathroom to take a shower and find something to wear. Afterwards Kurt went down to the garden. Rachel was already there, cutting down bushes.

“Hi Rachel” He said. “What do you want me to do?”

“Kurt, you really don’t need to help. Actually I don’t have a lot to do today. Why don’t you do something fun instead?”

“But…” Kurt started, but then a thought caught his mind. “Actually, if it’s okay with you, there’s something I’ve thought about doing today.”

“Of course Kurt, go have fun.”

“Okay, I’ll se you tonight then.”

“See you Kurt.”

He walked towards the opposite end of the garden. He climbed over the fence and entered the little forest. Yesterday he hadn’t noticed which way he was going, so he had no idea where to go now. But he just walked straight ahead.

He’d been thinking about visiting Blaine again yesterday, but it had seemed like a bad idea. But this morning he’d had a feeling that it was the only right thing to do.

The fields started to show, so he knew he’d walked in the right direction. He checked the fields for human beings and since there was no sight of anyone, he went for the barn. But while he was walking through the field he saw a person exiting the barn, headed towards him. He quickly threw himself to the ground to hide between the knee-high grains. He lay still and listened. He could hear the footsteps getting closer.

“Is anyone there?” A voice called. Kurt heard the footsteps even closer now, maybe three feet away. Kurt turned his head to the left and looked right into a pair of well-known shoes.

“Kurt? What in the world are you doing on the ground?” Kurt sighed. It was Blaine. He cleared his throat, got to his feet and brushed the dirt off his clothes.

“Uhm, hi Blaine. I was just… I thought you were someone else, and I didn’t want to be seen outside the castle… I’m sorry for messing up your grain.”

“No problem. But what are you doing here?”

“I… I wanted to talk to you. But could we go somewhere else?”

“Of course. We could go in the barn if you’d like that?”

“Yeah, that would be okay.”

Kurt followed Blaine. They went into the barn without anyone noticing them.

“Where are your parents?” Kurt asked.

“My mom is at the market and my dad is repairing one of the harvesting machines behind the house. So no one will notice you’re here.”

“That’s great.”

“What did you want to talk about?”

“Uhm… I’m just confused Blaine. I really like you, but I didn’t think I was, you know, gay… And I mean… I just met you. But I just have these feelings and I just don’t know how to deal with them.”

“Kurt, you don’t have to deal with them, you just have to accept them.” Blaine said, comforting.

“But that’s pretty hard when I didn’t even know it was possible for me to have feelings for a guy. And anyways, I have to marry Brittany. So even though I figured out how to accept these feelings, there would be nothing I could do about it.”

Blaine looked at him. Kurt tried to read the feelings in his face: sad and relieved, maybe?

Kurt opened his mouth to speak, but Blaine cut him out.

“I have no idea why you would choose to have feelings for me when you could have feelings for any other beautiful, rich or even royal guy. I think what I’m trying to say is, that I’ve never felt this way I feel about you, before. And even though it might get complicated I just want to spend some more time with you and get to know you better. So if that is okay with you for now, I wouldn’t ever ask for more.”

Kurt didn’t know what to say. So he just stepped closer to give Blaine a hug, but Blaine grabbed Kurt’s face and kissed him right on the mouth. Kurt’s heart started beating insanely and he wouldn’t even think about ever letting go of Blaine. He wouldn’t think about the possibility of this ending. They parted to catch their breath but didn’t let go of each other. Blaine took Kurt’s hand and pulled him over to a bale of straw. They both sat down and got comfortable. Kurt laid his head on Blaine’s shoulder. Blaine didn’t let go of Kurt’s hand. And then they just sat there, together. They talked about everything and nothing. The time passed by and they didn’t notice anything but each other: each other’s eyes, lips and hands. But suddenly, just as Kurt pulled Blaine in for a kiss, they heard the barn door open.

“Blaine, are you in here?” A voice called.

“Shit!” Blaine whispered and pulled Kurt with him behind the bale of straw.

“Is that…?” Kurt whispered, but Blaine shushed him.

“Blaine?  Hello! Would you mind helping me with something? Where are you?” They heard the man sigh as he exited the barn. They didn’t move from the hiding place until they were sure he was gone.

“That was close.” Blaine laughed.

“Was that your father?” Kurt asked, still a little chocked from the sudden interruption.

“Yeah. I guess he needs help.”

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be here anymore. I can go now so you can be with your family…”

“No, no please don’t go Kurt, I really want you to be here. Trust me.”

Kurt looked at Blaine. He really was beautiful with his brown curls and big hazel eyes. Blaine looked at Kurt with a suspicious smirk on his lips.

“Now, where were we?” he said, still with a smirk on his lips, as he pulled Kurt closer. Kurt was totally lost in Blaine’s eyes as he kissed him desirably. But the time came where Kurt had to leave. They said goodbye and Kurt promised to be back the next day. And he did. They spent every day where Kurt could escape together, just getting to know each other. Kurt was definitely in love. He could feel that now. Rachel had been right then. She usually was.


About three weeks after their first meeting, Kurt sneaked into the barn, which was their usual meeting place, but he couldn’t see Blaine anywhere. He went deeper into the barn, but there were only haystacks. Suddenly someone grabbed him from behind and pulled him sideways into a big haystack. Kurt let out a scream, but the person schussed at him.

“Don’t worry it’s just me.” The person said. Kurt turned around, lying down in the haystack, to look at the person. Blaine, of course it had been Blaine.

“Is it your new habit to scare people to death?” Kurt teased.

“No, it’s my new habit to pull you into haystacks. It is pretty comfortable lying here, right?”  

“Sure it is, but I get hay in my hair and in my clothes. Actually it hurts a bit.” Kurt sighed.

“If you wanna lay down it’s either this or my bed, and I don’t think you would take the risk and enter my house.”

“When did I say I wanted to lie down?”

“My intentions told me you didn’t get much sleep last night and needed to relax.”

“Actually I didn’t sleep at all.” Kurt said.

“So why did you come here? Shouldn’t you be in your bed right now?”

“I would rather be with you…” Kurt said, a little shyly.

Blaine pressed a kiss on Kurt’s forehead.

“I love you,” he said. Kurt looked at him, overwhelmed. No one had ever told him they loved him before. Well, no one except for his father. And it hit him like a lightening. He loved Blaine too, more than anything.

“I love you too.” Kurt said without hesitation. He found Blaine’s lips. They kissed, more passionate than they’d ever kissed before. Kurt’s hands were tightly fastened behind Blaine’s neck and Blaine’s hands were playing with Kurt’s hair. But slowly Kurt felt Blaine’s hands move down to Kurt’s hips, pulling him closer. Blaine swung a leg over Kurt’s hip and rolled around, so he was on top of Kurt. Their mouths were still moving in well-known patterns. Kurt moved his hands down Blaine’s back and placed them at his hips, pulling him closer. His heart was beating faster than ever as Blaine pushed his body against him. They parted to catch their breath and Blaine started kissing Kurt’s neck, whispering an ‘I love you’ every time he had placed a kiss. Kurt felt like he was on fire. Every part of him screamed for Blaine to come closer than he already was.

“Kurt, I want you so badly.” Blaine moaned.

Kurt took a deep breath and slid one hand into Blaine’s pants. He felt his own pants tighten as searched Blaine’s mouth for a kiss. Blaine let out a loud moan as they heard footsteps behind them.

“Blaine, what the hell is this?” An angry voice called.

Kurt quickly pulled his hand out of Blaine’s pants and Blaine rolled off Kurt and they both got to their feet.

“Uhm… Hi dad.”

“I’d better go.” Kurt whispered into Blaine’s ear and went for the door.

“You aren’t going anywhere young boy.” Blaine’s father said. “Wait… Haven’t I seen you before? Oh god! You’re Kurt. Blaine What the hell is the prince doing here? You kidnapped him, didn’t you?”

“No dad, you’re all wrong, this isn’t the prince… It’s… it’s…” Blaine muttered. Kurt was in shock. He had no idea what to say.

“Blaine. I’m not dumb. I can see that it’s Kurt; don’t act like I’m a fool. Kurt,” Mr. Anderson said, “I know you’re not allowed to leave the castle. So what on earth are you doing in my barn with my kid?”

“I… Please, I beg you, please don’t tell anyone.”

“I don’t think it would be fair to your father if I didn’t tell him. I mean does he know you run off like this?”  

“No but…”

“I’m sorry kid, but as a parent I feel obligated to tell. Blaine, I expect you to be in the house in five minutes.” Mr. Anderson said as he left the barn.

“Yes dad.” Blaine said.

Kurt looked at him with teary eyes.

“Blaine, when my father hear about this…”

“Hurry home.” Blaine interrupted. “Be at the castle before my dad. Pretend like you’ve been there all day. Go now Kurt.” Blaine said.

“What… what if I can’t come back?” Kurt sobbed.

“Then I’ll come to you. Now, hurry home.” Blaine said as he placed a quick kiss at Kurt’s mouth before pushing him out the barn.

And then Kurt started running faster than he’d ever ran before.



End Notes: Hope you liked it. The next chapter will be out in about two week i guess, cause i'm going to Norway..:)


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Awesome story! Can't wait to see what'll happen next!