Sept. 21, 2014, 7 p.m.
Sept. 21, 2014, 7 p.m.
This is usually the word count I write. This is, like, 1,000 words.
Kurt didnt just freak out. He was overjoyed at the prospect of becoming a father—even if he was only in high school. Blaine was also overjoyed at the fact that he was pregnant, but he was worried about the price of sonograms. His parents were rich, but he didnt get his share of the money until he was eighteen.
Kurt almost blurted out their big news on multiple occasions with his dad. He was sure his father would throw him out of the house. After all, Kurt had told him he wouldnt have to worry about Kurt getting anyone pregnant. But that was untrue, wasnt it?
“Blaine, I think we should tell our parents,” Kurt said a mere three days after Blaine told him about his pregnancy.
“Cant we just wait until its obvious?” Blaine asked.
“No. Because then theyll wonder why we waited so long,” Kurt replied.
“Im worried about how my parents will react,” Blaine said.
“Im worried about my dad and Carole, too,” Kurt agreed.
“No, but your parents arent homophobic. Mine are,” Blaine said.
“I told my dad he wouldnt have to worry about stuff like this,” Kurt said. “And Caroles probably had enough of teen pregnancy.”
“Why do you say that?” Blaine asked.
“You know how Quinn got pregnant when she was a sophomore?” Kurt asked.
“Yeah,” Blaine said, remembering how she went punk when he transferred.
“Finn thought he was the father of Beth,” Kurt said. “Quinn said it happened in a hot tub.”
“Well, thats American sex ed in public schools for you,” Blaine said.
“Yeah, I know, right? Mercedes and Finn thought cucumbers gave you AIDS,” Kurt said.
“Wait—seriously?” Blaine laughed.
“Yeah,” Kurt said. “But, anyways, Carole found Finn singing to the sonogram of their baby, and the baby was Pucks. Its a really long and complicated story.”
“My parents will kick me out,” Blaine said.
“Then youll come live with me,” Kurt replied.
“Alright. Lets go downstairs,” Blaine said, getting up from his place on the bed.
“Okay,” Kurt agreed, standing up and walking down the stairs to the living room. Charles was watching the football game on TV. Blaine reached for the remote and turned it off.
“Hey! I was watching that!” Charles thundered.
“I know. I have something to tell you and Mom. Can you get her?” Blaine asked.
“Ivy! Blaine has something to tell us!” Charles yelled.
“Jeez, Charlie. I was just in the next room!” Ivy said.
“Does Coop have to be here?” Charles asked.
“No. He already knows,” Blaine said. “I-I-I-I-I.”
“Blaines pregnant. Hes seven weeks along. Were having a baby,” Kurt said for him. He knew Blaine wouldnt be able to get it out.
“Get out,” Charles said.
“Wh-what?” Blaine asked. He had been expecting that, but wasnt ready for the blow when his father actually said it.
“I said get out,” Charles said. “You have twenty minutes to pack up your shit and I want you out of this house.”
“First of all, its not shit. Its memories, things I love. And clothes you bought for me. Id hardly classify those as shit,” Blaine retorted.
“What did you just say?” Charles said, pushing his son against a wall so that Blaines feet were dangling.
“Nothing,” Blaine said, scared of his father.
“Thats what I thought,” Charles said, letting him go. “Fifteen minutes.”
Blaine ran upstairs to pack his clothes and wall decorations. Kurt opened his closet and grabbed all of their photos together.
“Are you ready to go?” Kurt asked, all of the photos in a shopping bag.
“Yeah,” Blaine said. “Lets go.”
The couple left Blaines parents house and got in Kurts Navigator to go to Kurts house.
“Dad, Blaine got kicked out of his house today,” Kurt said when the two stepped in the door.
“Why?” Burt asked, his curiosity at a peak.
“Were having a baby in seven months,” Kurt replied.
“As far as I know, you two havent gone and adopted a baby. Where are you getting it from?” Burt said.
“We havent,” Blaine answered. “You remember when Kurt told you he wouldnt be getting anyone pregnant?”
“Yeah,” Burt said.
“That was a lie,” Blaine replied. “Im pregnant.”
“How?” Burt asked.
“Im a carrier,” Blaine answered.
“You can stay here as long as you need,” Burt said, pulling Blaine into a hug. “Im going to file for legal guardianship of you, Blaine.”
“But then wed be like siblings!” Kurt yelled.
“But youre not,” Burt said.
“Thanks, sir,” Blaine said.
“Call me Dad,” Burt said.
“Okay...Dad,” Blaine said.
“Carole! Kurt and Blaine have something to tell you!” Burt yelled.
“What is it, boys?” Carole asked, walking down the stairs.
“Youre going to be a grandmother soon,” Blaine said. “Im pregnant.”
“I know I should be more upset with you two, but Ive learned that children are miracles. And you two are going to be fantastic parents,” Carole said.
“Thanks, Carole,” Blaine said.
“Call me Mom, Blaine,” Carole said. “And you two, Kurt. When youre ready.”
“I think Im ready now, Mom,” Kurt said.
“Thanks for the support, Mom,” Blaine said.
“Support for what?” Finn asked, coming inside.
“Dont tell Rachel or any of the glee club,” Blaine said. “But Im pregnant.”
“Thats awesome, dude!” Finn said. “How?”
“Im a carrier,” Blaine replied.
“You have my support, dudes,” Finn said.
“Dont. Call. Me. Dude,” Kurt said.
“Alright, Kurt,” Finn said.