Sept. 21, 2014, 7 p.m.
Sept. 21, 2014, 7 p.m.
I didnt want to be cliche and have Blaines alarm be something by Katy Perry, so I shuffled my iTunes, and Pompeii came up.
"B? You still sick?" Cooper asked after walking into the bathroom. He heard Blaine puking from across the house. And it was a pretty big house.
"No shit, Sherlock," Blaine answered. He was annoyed that he kept puking and every antibiotic he took didn't work.
"Fuck off, Watson," Cooper retorted.
"You started it!" Blaine yelled.
"Is the puking something like morning sickness?" Cooper asked.
"Youre delusional, Coop. Im a guy. I cant get pregnant," Blaine said.
"Well, if youre so sure...why dont you take a pregnancy test?" Cooper said.
"Youre an idiot," Blaine said. "Literally. I can imagine your corpse in a zoo exhibit, with a plaque saying The idiot known as Cooper Anderson."
"Are you a Seer?" Cooper asked, referencing Harry Potter, which normally made Blaine smile. But this time, Blaine' mouth didn't move. "No. Seriously. Take a test."
"Fine," Blaine grunted reluctantly.
"Did you pee on it?" Cooper asked randomly. Blaine and Cooper were sitting on the bed in Blaines bedroom, waiting for the results of the pregnancy test. They were surprised to find one in the master bathroom on their raid. They were originally looking for money to go to the pharmacy.
"No, I licked it. YES, I PEED ON IT!!!!" Blaine yelled.
"We might not need that test after all. Youre definitely acting bitchy enough to be pregnant," Cooper said.
"Shut up, Coop," Blaine said as his phone played Pompeii by Bastille, signaling that the five minutes were up. "Check for me, Coop?"
"OK," Cooper said and went inside the bathroom attached to Blaines room to check the results. "Blaine? Youre gonna want to see this."
"What is it?" Blaine asked.
"The test should say everything," Cooper said, refusing to answer his question.
Cooper gingerly placed the test back to its original resting place: on the sink. Blaine, hand shaking, picked it up, completely shocked by the result. Positive. 5 weeks.