Aug. 12, 2012, 9 a.m.
Aug. 12, 2012, 9 a.m.
I didn't have time to write a big, epic ending to this story so well, this is what I've got for you. It's sort of like an epilogue, and it also explains why I got this name to the story from the beginning. I hope it's not too bad and forced. Enjoy the last chapter! :)
The rest of their stay in New York went by in a blur of shopping, restaurants, walking and of course, more sex. All of the sudden, they were sat on the plane home. Kurt leaned against Blaine, resting his head on his shoulder.
“Can we look at some pictures?” he asked. Blaine’s face lit up in a huge grin. He picked up the camera and turned it on.
“The first ones should be from the airport in Ohio, I think… Aha!” he grinned as he showed Kurt the pictures of Kurt saying goodbye to his parents. He continued on and suddenly, the whole screen lit up.
“B-Blaine,” Kurt stuttered. “Is that me?” The picture was very bright. Kurt was resting his cheek on his arms and looking into the camera. The light that was coming from the window made his skin look very pale and his lips were full and pink. His eyes were the most colorful detail on the picture though. They were icy blue, but they didn’t look cold in any way. His gaze was very relaxed and a small shadow of a smile could be seen on his lips. His face was completely flawless and it contrasted beautifully against the white sheets. The picture looked like it had been shot by a professional photographer. Kurt started flipping through the rest of the pictures from that morning. They were just as beautiful, but all different. Kurt could only sit there with his mouth wide open, completely stunned.
“Are they bad?” Blaine asked cautiously. He had been pretty happy with them himself. They weren’t the best he had taken, but they were okay. Kurt looked at him with big eyes.
“Blaine… You’re not going to be a performer. You’re going to be a photographer.”
And so he did. Blaine and Kurt survived their year apart with only a few fights. They moved in together in a small apartment in New York. Kurt started his second year at NYADA and Blaine went to college to become a photographer. He was doing really well in his classes and three years later, they both graduated on top of their classes. Blaine opened up a studio, which immediately became very popular. Kurt worked on a coffee shop while auditioning for different shows. He got his first main role when he was 25. Blaine sat on the front row, clapping and cheering like crazy, he was so proud of him. When the performance was over, Kurt got a standing ovation from the whole audience. When he had stopped crying, he took a microphone and started talking.
“I would like to say thank you to everyone who has supported me through the years. My mom, dad, step-mom, Finn, Rachel, everyone from the Glee club, the Warblers, and-“ Kurt smiled when he met Blaine’s eyes. “And my boyfriend, Blaine. Anyone who’s even slightly homophobic can leave right now,” Kurt added quickly, then turned back to Blaine. “After being your boyfriend for nine years, that word just doesn’t seem right anymore. I want to be more than that to you. I don’t know if this is what you want, but well, this is what I want. I want to be your husband and I want to start a family with you.” Blaine was just sitting there, completely stunned. Kurt grinned and turned his back to the audience once a stage worker came out and gave him something. He turned back to the front again and sank down on one knee. The whole audience gasped. “Blaine Anderson, my boyfriend and savior, my sweetie and hero, my everything – will you marry me?” Blaine had no idea how he got there, but he was up on the stage within seconds, throwing his arms around Kurt.
“You’re so perfect,” he whispered into his neck. When they pulled back, both of them were crying. They laughed through the tears.
“So, yes or no?” Kurt chuckled.
“Yes, you idiot!” Blaine grinned and held out his hand. Kurt slipped the ring onto his finger and then met his lips in a soft kiss. The crowd went wild, applauding and pulling out their phones to take pictures. And just like that, they were fiancés.
They got married half a year later. It was a simple, yet beautiful ceremony. Kurt had planned the whole wedding and Blaine loved all of it. They went on a honey moon in Paris and had the best time of their lives. Three years after that, they decided that it was time to expand their family. They found a surrogate and got their first daughter. Later, they got one more daughter and a son. The children grew up peacefully without any problem. Blaine was a known photographer and Kurt a musical artist on Broadway. They were happy, just like that.
They both died of age. Blaine at the age of 88 and Kurt at the age of 90. They hadn’t expected to live longer either. They had found their dreams and lived them out. Life had been perfect.
That was short and sweet, right? I guess that's been the theme of this whole story, hehe... Anyway, thank you so much for reading this one! It's been a blast writing it and it was my first multi-chapter story. So yeah, thank you so much for everything! :D Loads of hugs and love. //Helen
That was absolutely sweet. :) great story!