July 16, 2013, 1:33 p.m.
July 16, 2013, 1:33 p.m.
Here's day number six! The theme is "Promise" and as you might guess, it's going to be the fluffiest fluff ever. Also, I would like to thank AlaskaMarina for the sweetest review I have ever received and it was on this story :) A big thanks to my friend Debra who edited this chapter, you're the best. Now, I hope you enjoy the chapter! WARNING: Contains mentions of sex, although nothing graphic.
Blaine was so tired and sick of everything. He had just finished a horrible day at work and all he wanted was to curl into his comfortable bed and never have to move again. As soon as he stepped out from the building, rain had started pouring down, instantaneously ruining his coat. He swore under his breath when he wasn't able to find his umbrella so he decided to run towards the subway station quickly. He was forced to watch the train move away just as he entered the platform. He sighed and leaned against the wall as tried to catch his breath. He wiped off his hands on his expensive coat that was already ruined by the rain and picked up his phone to quickly send off a text to Kurt, telling him that he’d be late home.
Kurt always got off work earlier than Blaine did and since he enjoyed cooking, he almost always had dinner ready for Blaine when he came home. What Blaine loved the most about it though was the fact that they had a home of their own. Together. It amazed Blaine how far they had come since they met that day at the staircase in Dalton. Seven years since they met now, a little over six years since they started dating and about four years since they moved in together. Everything was perfect and their life was just like Blaine would have hoped it would turn out. He was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when his phone buzzed.
That’s okay, I’ll just keep the food warm for us :) See you soon, honey xx –K
Blaine smiled and typed out a short reply before tucking his phone back into his pocket. It was funny how Kurt could still make his heart flutter by just the smallest of things. They were still ridiculously in love and Blaine hoped that would never change.
Luckily, the next subway came rather quickly and Blaine was home about twenty minutes later with his hair now curly and wet from the rain and clothes entirely soaked and dripping. He stepped inside and sighed heavily as he immediately started undressing from his wet clothes.
“I’m home!” he said loudly as he struggled to remove his cardigan. Kurt came out in the hallway, dressed in simple yoga pants that Blaine had gotten him last Christmas because his ass looked fantastic in them and a big, brown sweatshirt with a wide neck that was several sizes too large and showed off his long, creamy neck, along with one of his shoulders. His hair was still slightly styled from the day that had just gone by, but it was obvious that he hadn’t bothered to fix it to perfection again. Blaine froze in his movements as he saw his boyfriend and took in the beautiful sight of the boy he loved. Lit candles were casting light onto the gorgeous man and made him look even more stunning, if that were even possible.
Kurt was looking back at him curiously. “Blaine, are you okay? You look like you just got struck by lightning, except you’re soaking wet instead of burned,” he chuckled and walked up to him. “Here, let me help you.” Kurt slowly helped him out of his cardigan and Blaine raised an eyebrow when Kurt pulled off his undershirt as well.
“Are we getting naked already?” he grinned and gripped Kurt’s hips seductively.
Kurt hummed and smirked. “Later, babe. Right now, you need to get in the shower and I’ll get the food ready, okay?”
Blaine pouted. “Fine,” he sighed and gave Kurt a small peck on the lips. He swayed his hips as he walked off to the shower and Kurt rolled his eyes.
“Keep that up and you’re not getting any tonight,” he warned before disappearing into the kitchen.
An hour or so later, they were finished with dinner and Blaine had done the dishes. They were cuddling on the couch, and Kurt was reading Vogue while he had Blaine peeking over his shoulder.
“Blaine, could you go get me my cozy blanket? It should be on the bed…” Kurt asked, clearly occupied with his magazine.
Blaine rolled his eyes and kissed Kurt’s head before standing up. “Only because I love you so much.”
He saw Kurt smile slightly before he stood up and walked into the bedroom. The blanket was on the bed, just like Kurt had said. But there was something on top of the blanket. A small post it note that was turned upside down and a small, blue box with gold details was resting next to it. Blaine frowned and took up the tiny box, opening it curiously. Inside it was a ring, a beautiful, thick gold ring with small silver details. Blaine had no idea what this was supposed to mean, so he picked up the tiny post-it and covered his mouth with his hand when he saw what it said.
-There is just one promise left to make now. Will you marry me?-
“It’s not the world’s best proposal,” Kurt’s voice came from the doorway where he was standing and watching Blaine. He slowly started walking towards his boyfriend and took the box from his hands, getting down on one knee in front of him and taking one of his hands into his own. “But it’s a promise… I want to be your husband, Blaine Anderson. I want to be with you forever and grow old with you. I promise to always love you and be your equal. I promise to always be there for you when you need me and that you can tell me anything.” Both of them were teary eyed as Kurt spoke softly. “I promise to be a good father to our future children and to still try to keep us both sexually satisfied,” he chuckled and brought Blaine’s hand to his lips to press a small kiss to it. “I promise to always be yours, never anyone else’s.” He took a deep breath and looked Blaine right in the eye. “Blaine Devon Anderson… Will you marry me?”
The other man looked at Kurt for a long moment before nodding and letting out a choked sob. “Y-Yes,” he breathed. “Yes, yes I will.”
Kurt slid the ring onto Blaine’s finger and was suddenly on his feet pressing their lips together instantly. They kissed for a full minute before pulling back only to bury their heads in the other’s shoulder and hugging for aa while. When they finally pulled back, they were both crying and giggling.
“I can’t believe we’re engaged,” Blaine whispered.
Kurt laughed and nodded. “I know… I should call my dad.”
Blaine hummed and started pressing small kisses up and down Kurt’s exposed neck. “Or we can make love for the first time as fiancés and you can call him tomorrow?” he murmured.
Kurt gasped slightly and gripped at the front of Blaine’s plain navy t-shirt. “O-Okay,” he agreed. They fell down onto the bed in a hot mess of hands trembling and whispered promises. And that really was it. They had forever now and they wouldn’t waste a second of it.