War Against Tears
Chapter 1: Leaving & First few days Next Chapter Story
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War Against Tears: Chapter 1: Leaving & First few days

E - Words: 1,466 - Last Updated: Aug 21, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Aug 08, 2013 - Updated: Aug 21, 2013
158 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: a/n OH NO ELI!! That wasn't in my first version, used to be Seb, but that turned out ok... I'll try to post at least once a week. Drop a review and stay classy.

A man stares at papers on a table.Maybe now my father will be proud of me.He thinks as he signs:Blaine Hummel-Anderson.

"Thank You Mr. Hummel-Anderson, your country thanks you." The recruiter says shaking his hand

Monday November 16th 2020 early morning. John F. Kennedy International Airport.

Outside rain drizzles and the sky was overcast, but it's nothing that would ground Blaine's flight. Kurt clutches Blaine's hand tightly as they walk towards his gate, tears stream down his face. They arrive at Blaine's gate and Blaine turns to look in Kurt's eyes.

"I love you; I'm going to miss you so much." He says looking into his sad, watery now grey eyes.

"Than don't go." He chokes out through his tears. His voice brings tears to Blaine's own eyes.

"You get to come see me when I graduate in April. I'll see if I can get a few days leave for your birthday." he says, but it only makes Kurt cry harder. Blaine drops his bag and pulls Kurt into his arms as he lets the tears run down his face. Kurt sobs incoherent sentences into Blaine's neck. Blaine catches the words ' I love you' and 'too long'. They hear Blaine's final boarding call.

"Kurt I have to go. I love you, I'll write you as much as I can and I'll call you every Sunday night. If I'm especially well behaved or if something is going wrong with either of us I might even get to Skype you. I know we can do this, it won't be the same as the last time we were apart." He says with certainty, but Kurt continues to cling to him. "Kurt you have to let go." Blaine says twisting out of Kurt's arms but Kurt's hands remain tight on Blaine's uniform.

Blaine kisses him deeply before pulling Kurt's hands off and grabbing his duffel bag. His heart breaks in his chest. "I love you. Don't stop living just because I'm gone. Keep trying to achieve your dreams" He says in a broken voice.

"I love you too. Please be careful," Kurt begs. Blaine could do nothing but nod, he turns to give his ticket. He only manages a few steps before Kurt flings his arms around him and pulls him in for one last salty kiss. "Remember, I'm never saying goodbye to you." Blaine crushes him to his chest one last time before he turns and walks through the door to board a plane that would take him away from Kurt, his husband, the love of his life for almost a full year, all because inside he's still that little boy wanting approval from his daddy.

Monday November 16th 2020, late evening Kurt POV

Kurt stares at his bed,theirbed with tears threatening to spill down his face. He can't do it, it doesn't feel right. He's slept next to Blaine since they got back together after all those years ago. Sure, they'd had fights where one of them would end up on the couch but they never slept well without the other. Kurt shuffles into the kitchen and picks up the phone. He dials Rachel's number. Rachel answers groggily.

"Hello?" Kurt involuntarily lets a whimper escape his lips.

"Kurt honey is that you? Are you okay?" He hears Rachel's voice and breaks down; a quiet sob escapes his lips.

"No" He sobs.

"I'll be right over baby." She says soothingly and hangs up the phone.

Rachel gets to the apartment about 20 minutes later. When Kurt opens the door Rachel takes in his tear stained face, and pulls him over to the couch where after much crying they both eventually fall asleep.

Monday November 16th 2020, evening 2030h Blaine POV

You'd think the first day of training would be introductory, but no. They get there and the drill sergeant screams at them. They are forced to complete an obstacle course and run five miles. Then they are taught to march and march around the camp as the drill sergeant barks at them. He points out important places and screams their schedule. They are told to remember it, it isn't posted anywhere. Blaine is taught a few things he finds important: they can write whenever they have time, as long as they were not in trouble, they have phone privileges on Sundays and Skype once a month. When they are finally dismissed Blaine's body aches. He heads to the soldiers' 'rec room' which contains a TV, a few desks, a very old piano and guitar, and a pool table. Blaine sits and writes a letter to Kurt telling him about his day and how much he misses him, he ends it with an I love you and seals it with a kiss. He pops it into the mailbox giving him just enough time to get to the barracks for lights out. He pulls Kurt's photo from the trunk by the end of his bed. He kisses photo Kurt's face and whispers 'I love you' before replacing it into the trunk. Crawling under the scratchy covers, his dreams are filled with the teary grey eyes he left in JFK.

Wednesday November 18th 2020, mid morning Kurt POV

Kurt wakes up late on the couch; he walks robotically into the kitchen and makes coffee. He makes enough for Blaine. He stares at the second mug, he feels like he should cry, but he doesn't, he just dumps it back in the pot and drinks his own.

His mug drained he heads to his closet. His outfit of choice is more subdued than his usual flamboyant outfits, but he's trying, because he promised Blaine he would. Kurt Hummel-Anderson is going out.

Once he's dressed he marches down the stairs and through the lobby to grab his mail, he flips through it doing his very best to not to get choked up at ever letter addressed to Mr. and Mr. Hummel-Anderson, or addressed just to Blaine. He flips through bills and junk mail until he finally reaches a letter that makes him stop in his tracks. It's from the US Army Camp and it is addressed to Kurt in what is quite obviously Blaine's handwriting. Kurt feels the returning prickle of tears in his eyes as he walks quickly back to their apartment.

Kurt curls up on the couch and rips open the letter and reads:

Dear Kurt,

I miss you so much, it truly sucks without you, I feel like a part of me is missing. I truly hope you don't feel like I do right now, because I can't be there to make you feel better. Training sucks, it's even more work than when Wes would get stressed over a big competition, and that's really saying something. The guys here seem pretty nice, well at least the people in my rank, drill sergeant is almost as bad as Sue! No one knows I'm gay, I'm a little worried, some of these guys look like they could snap me like a twig, but don't worry, I'll be fine. I hope you are having a better time than me, I hope you are out there finding auditions, getting your big break. Remember what I said, don't stop living just because I'm here and you are in New York. Keep living your dreams Kurt, don't let me hold you back because of my decisions. I need to stop writing now, I have to get to bed in a bit and if I'm late I'll lose privileges. I miss you and I love you, so much.

Love Forever Blaine xoxo

Kurt reads the letter over and over until the ink begins to run as his tears fall on the page.How long would it take Blaine to realize that HE was Kurt's dream?

Kurt quickly finds paper and a pen and writes a reply to Blaine, he'd go out tomorrow.

Friday November 20th 2020 2030h Blaine POV

Blaine lays on his cot reading a letter from Kurt, tears come to his eyes. It feels like there is actually a hole in his chest. Kurt had sprayed the letter with his cologne and if Blaine closes his eyes, it feels like Kurt is close but unreachable, it only makes the longing worse.

"That from your girlfriend?" a voice comes from the foot of his bed.This was it.

"Um, actually no, it's from my husband." Blaine says, bracing himself for harsh words.

"Oh, never would've guessed. Name's Tom, Tom Schmitt." He says sticking out his hand for Blaine to shake. Blaine heaves a sigh of relief and takes Tom's hand.

"Blaine Hummel-Anderson." He says.

"Well Blaine, don't worry about people here being homophobic, ever since Commander Constable transferred here, new recruits learn quickly not to act like homophobic pricks." Tom says

Constable, that name sounded familiar...no... it couldn't be.

"You don't mean Eli Constable would you?" Blaine asks hoping the answer would be no.

"Yea, you guys friends?" Tom asks raising an eyebrow.

ah fuck

"Not exactly" Blaine says rubbing his hand over his face.

This could be interesting


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