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Foster Home: Sectionals pt1

E - Words: 1,048 - Last Updated: Jun 13, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Jul 28, 2011 - Updated: Jun 13, 2012
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Author's Notes: This is not very long... I cut what I intented to write in two parts because I'm wayyy to tired to continue writing/editing tonight! I hope you still enjoy it! Don't be shy to review! Sometimes, when it's constructive, I can improve and use what you say in the chapters!
After the big outbreak, everything went smoothly in Glee Club. Santana and Blaine hadn't completely forgiven each other yet, but they still could talk and be in the same room. As for Kurt, he didn't even want to speak to Santana. He could tolerate her presence in the same room, but nothing more than that.

He just couldn't forgive the fact that the girl thought he was easily manipulated. He just couldn't forget the fact that she said that Blaine basically was a whore. Maybe Blaine needed to have friends so bad he had to forgive her, but Kurt was still angry at her.

Nonetheless, the group managed to work on choreographies and songs for Sectionals. Mr Schuester even chose two songs from their list. Sam and Quinn would sing (I've had) The Time of my Life and Santana would sing Valerie.

They had to come up with something unexpected, so they chose Rachel, Mercedes nor Finn to sing.

In normal times, this would have caused a lot of troubles among New Directions, but with the last bit of drama they had, everybody kept their mouth shut and just went with it.

Brittany and Mike came up with an epic acrobatic choreography to go with Valerie while the rest of the group worked on the background dancing for both the songs.

Blaine helped a lot. Giving his opinion on what was the best to beat the Warblers. His advices were always helpful and he also helped with the arrangements.

Things were doing well and on Friday, the day before the actual competition, they were finally ready.


On Saturday morning, the Hummel residence was a warzone. Kurt was everywhere at the same time trying to get everything he needed for Sectionals while Blaine was sitting at the kitchen table,staring at his plate for the last 30 minutes.

He wasn't going to the competition, of course. He still didn't want to face any of his old classmates. Even if he wasn't in the show, his name would be in the program next to Mr Schuester, as a coach, and he didn't want the Warblers to look for him if they knew he was there.

When Kurt was finally ready to go, Blaine went outside with him.

"Break a leg!" the curly haired boy said

"I'll take it, honey" Kurt responded before kissing his boyfriend

"You'll call me?" Blaine asked, after breaking the kiss

"Of course! I'll let you know how it goes!

-Thanks! I guess I'll see you later!

-See you tonight!"

Kurt let his lips brush Blaine's one teasingly and the chestnut haired boy went straight to his car. When s boyfriend's car was not in his view anymore, Blaine went inside and started waiting. That would just be a long day!


He was in the middle of his math homework, two hours later, when the phone rang. Knowing that the competition hadn't started yet, Blaine didn't run to the phone. Instead, he let Burt answer.

After a few minutes, Burt walked into the living room and told Blaine he got a phone call. Feeling his stomach making an awful twist inside him, he picked up the phone Burt handed him and said:


As he greeted the person at the other end of the line, his mind swirled with questions. Who could that be? Maybe it was his social worker, wanting to tell him that he had to move for whatever reason. Maybe the New Directions bus had an accident...

"Blaine, it's me honey!"

Blaine was immediately relived to hear his sweetie's voice.

"Hey! Kurt! You're already missing me or..."

"Stop! We need you! Right now! Get your bag and get in the car with my dad! We need you here!

-What? Why? You're twelve, that's the right number to perform!

-Actually we're not twelve... Mercedes sprained her ankle... She's not used to high heels... We need you here!

-I can't! Kurt! The Warblers –

-The Warblers are here, they're looking for you, anyway! They saw your name and they're looking around! Nothing more! Hide yourself if you want but get your ass over here!

-But- but I don't even have costume ready!

-Wrong! I made sure you had one just in case things like that happened!

-But – Mercedes can't just-

-Blaine, NOW!"

Click! The line went dead...

For a moment, Blaine pondered his options. He could forget about the phone call and continue doing his math homework or he could get in Burt's car, get driven to the theatre by Burt and face his fears. He was still making a pros-cons list in his head when his foster father came into the living room:

"What are you still doing here, sitting? I though you needed to go to the competition!

-I just- I'm –"But he was not able to tell the fact that he was scared.

-Blaine... The club need you...

- I know! I just can't...

-If you're not doing this for them... At least, do it for Kurt"

Burt felt horrible to manipulate Blaine like this. But he also knew that Blaine would regret it later if he didn't go.

On these words, Blaine got up and went to Kurt's closet and retrieved a clothes cover he assumes was his costume. When he opened the zipper, it only confirmed what he thought.

He went downstairs. Aaron and Burt were already by the door, waiting for Blaine to arrive.


The ride to the theatre was quiet. Aaron was still very shy around Blaine, who didn't want to talk anyway. So, Burt just turned up the radio and hummed along the songs.

Blaine's mind was racing. What if the Warblers were still angry at him? What if he only messed up everything and made the New Directions lose the competition? Maybe he should've stayed home!

Before he even realized it, Burt was stopping at the main entrance. He could see Kurt waiting for him near the door. He thanked Burt, said goodbye to Aaron and headed towards Kurt.

"-You ready for this, honey?


-Come on then!"

Just like that, Kurt dragged him inside the theatre, to the Green Room where he could get changed. Blaine looked around frantically, looking for the Warblers.

"They're performing first, Blaine. This means they're already backstage! They were supposed to go second but there's a problem with the band's guitar... And since the Warblers don't need it, they'll try to fix it during their performance."

Feeling a little bit relieved, he followed Kurt a little more willingly. Maybe his old friends would only see him on stage and not face to face.

End Notes: I won't make any promises, but I'll try to update tomorrow! I'LL TRY! I have family coming on friday for the week-end and if I don't update tomorrow, it won't be until Monday! I'm so sorry about that, I know there's a cliffhanger! XD


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