Love is Love
Chapter 1: The Other F-Word Story
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Love is Love: Chapter 1: The Other F-Word

T - Words: 1,138 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 1/? - Created: Aug 22, 2012 - Updated: Aug 22, 2012
354 0 0 0 0

“Hi, I'm Kurt Hummel. I like fashion, singing...Obviously, and coffee. Oh and scarves.” Kurt finished his introduction with a smile. He was currently standing in front of a group of high school students known as “The McKinley Glee Club”, or “The New Directions”. Kurt was a transfer student from Dalton Academy. He would've loved to carry on the rest of high school there, but it was way too expensive, even though he was contributing his half of the pay for private school, he and his dad just couldn't cover it anymore.
Kurt noticed that once he finished speaking, there were a lot of vicious gazes and whispers. He put his head down a bit, and looked over to Mr.Scheuster, the clubs director. He smiled gently and motioned at him to sit down. Kurt took a seat in the corner of the small class, and as he passed by what appeared to be a pretty latino cheerleader, he heard the words “queerer than shitting glitter”, and shrill giggles coming from both her and what looked like a fellow cheerleader and blonde friend. This confused Kurt very much. At Dalton Academy, they were all so accepting of Kurt's sexuality, and he'd grown used to it. Maybe he'd just have to adjust to the odd comment here and there. It is a group of judegmental highschoolers, after-all. He couldn't expect it to go perfectly.
“Thank you for introducing yourself, Kurt. It's great to have you here.” Mr.Scheuster smiled widely at the boy.
“Yeah, but we're sorry there are no other flaming homosexuals in the room.” The latino cheerleader sneered up at him. A good majority of the room chuckled in agreement. Kurt was taken aback. He had never in his life gotten such a rude comment in his life. He was actually suprised at how offended he got. He felt everyone staring at him, and his eyes began to grow hot and his tear ducts started to prick, daring to produce tears.
“Santana! That's no way to welcome our new guest! Get out into the hallway, now!” Mr.Scheuster looked udderly horrifed at her comment, and he was glad at least one person in the room appeared to be mildly nice. “Kurt, I am so sorry for that outburst. Please excuse Santana, and the rest of the class. I do intend on speaking to them.” He glared around at everyone. Kurt didn't want to risk speaking, just in case his words were choked by tears, so he merely answered with a nod.
The rest of the class was spent by Kurt staring up at the clock just wishing that the minute hand would move just a bit faster. As soon as the bell rang, Kurt sprung from his seat, and almost ran out of the class. He didn't slow his pace until his reached the mens washroom. He walked to the mirror and began to wipe his eye, and blew his nose. Just then, he heard voices coming through the door. He turned to see two of the boys that were in the Glee Club.
“Oh, look who it is. Kurt, you say?” A tanned, muscular boy with a mohawke asked him, his eyebrow raising slightly with the question.
“Yes, Kurt. And you are?” Kurt questioned back. “The names Puck, and the ladies room's across the hall, faggot.” He spat. At that instant, he felt the floor collapse underneath him. In the first hour and a half of his day here at McKinley, someone had already called him a “faggot”. Without warning, Kurt burst into tears. He was now full-on sprinting to the stair well. He was going to sit in there for a bit, but he noticed some kids wearing big earphones and beanie hats giving him weird looks, so instead he went out the door.
He was happy to have escaped the havok of immature high school students. He sunk down against the brick exterior, and sighed deeply. Tears continued to slide down his cheeks, and he heaved sobs. He was hoping nobody would pass by. He was extremely late for his next class, which was Spanish with Mr.Scheuster again, but he didn't care. He was not going back in there until he could contain himself. He didn't want to go back in there at all, but he knew he would have to face them at some point.
Kurt just sat there for a solid twenty minutes, before pulling out his phone, and opening his texts. He started instantly composing one to one of his good, no, good doesn't cover it, his best friend, at Dalton Academy, Blaine Anderson.

Blaine! Save me!

What happened? Are you okay?!

No, I'm not okay. I'm terrible. I sitting outside the school crying. Glee club was terrible. They called me a “flaming homosexual”, and then in the bathroom, one of the boys from the club called me a “faggot” and told me to go to the girls washroom. I miss the Warbler's. :(

Somebody called you a faggot?! Kurt, that is not okay! Who was it?!

Some jerk with a mohawke. Said his name was Puck. What kind of name is Puck?

Aw Kurt. I'm so sorry I couldn't have been there to help. We all miss you a ton over here at Dalton!

I miss you guys, too! Can we get coffee tonight? I could really use some venting time with you!

Yeah, Kurt, of course we can! The Lima Bean?

Duh, where else Blaine? ;) And I'll come get you just after dinner, around 7:00?

Haha, okay sounds good! :)

Awesome. Okay, I better run! I just missed a whole period of class, whoops! I'll see you tonight!

Cool. See you then! Hope you're not in trouble, skipper. ;)

Kurt smiled down at his text from Blaine, and closed his phone. Boy, was he lucky to have a friend like Blaine. A friend he could relate to, talk to about anything. The really special thing about it was that Blaine was gay, too, so they had a real connection and could really be open and honest with eachother about everything.
Kurt slipped his phone into his bag, and pulled himself off the ground. He brushed his tailored Alexander McQueen blazer off, and decided to take one quick peek into his compact mirror to make sure his eyes weren't blood-shot from crying. He walked over to the door, sighed one last time, and opened it, staring into the crowded hallways. He would just have to survive a couple more hours of school, but at least he had his coffee break with Blaine to look forward to. With this thought in his mind, he held his head high, and marched back into the school, his pride luckily still in tact.

End Notes: Hey guys, thanks for reading, it means a lot! I have written a lot of Klaine fan-fiction before, but never posted it, so I hope you enjoy it! There are plenty more chapters to come, so stay tuned! Xo!


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