Disjointed Klaine song inspired story!!!
Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin Next Chapter Story
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Disjointed Klaine song inspired story!!!: Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin

T - Words: 521 - Last Updated: Oct 11, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Oct 10, 2011 - Updated: Oct 11, 2011
762 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Here we go!!! Tiny tiny bit of language in this. like literally one swear word :S
Blaine ran quickly through the Dalton halls, knowing exactly what he was seeking. Quickly ascending the staircase, he turn a corner and scurried down the dorm room corridor. After overhearing a conversation between Wes and David concerning Kurt, he had to be sure. However, it seemed that everything was going against him today. He was only halfway down the corridor when he heard footsteps and faint voices coming from the other end. He was supposed to be in chemistry right now, and Dalton didn't take too well do ditching class, so being caught was not an option.

He fled into a tiny alcove near one of the door along the hallway. There he waited until the two sophomore boys had passed before carrying on his journey. Finally, he reached Kurts dorm room. Quickly, he opened the door and ran inside. Of course, the room was pristine. Everything neatly in it's place, tidied into draws, onto shelves. The only thing that seemed out of place was a book on Kurts bed. As he approached, Blaine saw it was exactly what he was looking for; Kurt's Dairy.�

He flipped open the cover and skimmed through the entries until he got to more recent ones. Sure, Blaine felt bad for abusing Kurt's trust in him like this and compromising his privacy, but desperate times call for desperate measures. He skimmed over one entry from about a week ago:

Dear Diary
Things are getting tougher. I keep catching glimpses of him everywhere I go, a reflection in a mirror, a whistle down the corridor, even just a ghost of wind that feels like his breath on my face. It's getting to a point now where I'm starting to question my sanity. He's everywhere, in my dreams, my nightmares. he's found his way into everything... Blaine...'

His heart stuttered at reading his name on the page. Kurt. Kurt felt the same. for weeks, Blaine had been seeing Kurt everywhere, hearing his voice whisper softly to him at night, everything reminded him of his beautiful best friend...�
"Blaine?!" He heard a shocked voice from the doorway. Shit. Blaine spun around and saw a very angry looking Kurt in the doorway.
"Kurt before you decide to hate me forever for reading your diary, I just wanted to do something..." Blaine urged. Kurt folded his slender arms and looked at Blaine expectantly. So, Blaine walked slowly over to Kurt. He softly unfolded his arms and took Kurts hand in his.�
"I wanted to tell you that I feel the same. I've been seeing you everywhere. hearing you. feeling you... and I think I'm falling for you Kurt." Blaine whispered. A shaky sigh left Kurts chest, blowing cold breath over Blaine's face. Suddenly Blaine felt an urgent pair of lips over his, arms around his neck, and fingers entwining in his hair. It took him a few seconds to comprehend the fact that Kurt was kissing him before he started to kiss him back, strong and sweet, full of hope and relief. Eventually the boys parted and Kurt smiled. Blaine chuckled
"I should read your Diary more often..." Blaine muttered coyly before Kurt Crashed their lips together once more

End Notes: I hope you enjoy :)


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