My Life is Lived For You
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My Life is Lived For You: Chapter 10

E - Words: 3,624 - Last Updated: Jun 01, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Jun 01, 2012 - Updated: Jun 01, 2012
218 0 0 0 0

After Blaine finally calmed down Kurt and Blaine moved to the front seats and began to drive to the Hudmels residence. The car ride was silent but not in a bad way, Kurt understood that Blaine probably needed a bit of silence. As Kurt drove farther away he started to recognize certain places and details telling him he was close to home. Finally he turned a street corner and saw his house, warmth filled his heart.

"We're here Blaine." Kurt spoke happily

Kurt saw Blaine looking over the house as a small smile grew on his face. Kurt pulled into the drive way and turned off the car. He reached to open the car door but Blaine stopped him.

"Kurt wait…before we go inside I just wanted to apologize for going insane back there."

"Blaine don't you ever apologize for showing your feelings, I understand how you feel. I lost my mother too Blaine I know how it feels. I love you Blaine no matter what." Kurt grabbed and squeezed Blaine's hand. He reached for Blaine's face and pulled him into a lingering and passionate kiss, Kurt pulled back to see Blaine with a huge smile on his face.

"Had to make that one count since we'll have to hold out on kisses until everyone goes to sleep." Kurt chuckled.

Blaine and Kurt got out of the car to get their bags from the back, once the bags were in their hands they both took a deep breath.

"You ready?" Kurt asked facing the house.

"As ready as I could possibly be." Blaine gasped out.

The gradually started walking to the porch and finally reached the door Kurt knocked and prepared himself for whatever happened next.

In three seconds flat there was brunette giant giving Kurt a bone crushing hug.

"Kurt your home! I missed you dude!"

"Finn as much as I missed you you're about two seconds away from breaking my spine." Kurt giggled.

Finn let go of Kurt with a goofy grin and turned to Blaine.

"You must be Blaine." He said stretching his hand out.

"You must be Finn." Blaine chuckled as he shook Finn's hand.

"Well c'mon guys Mom's already cooking and Dads excited to see you!" Finn shuffled them inside the house.

"It was really nice of you guys to let me spend Christmas and stuff here." Blaine said as he shrugged off his coat.

"Aw it's no big deal dude if you're a friend of Kurt's you're automatically granted to stay here whenever you want." Finn laughed as he hung up Kurt and Blaine's coat.

Kurt grabbed Blaine by his wrist and tugged, "Come on I want you to meet my Dad and then I'll introduce you to Carole."

Kurt pulled Blaine into the living room to see his dad in his usual chair watching football, "Daad?" Kurt piped up. Burt turned his head and a huge smile grew across his lips, he slowly stood up from his seat.

"Kurt, I missed you bud." Burt pulled his son into a warm hug.

"I missed you too Dad," Kurt gushed while patting his dad on the back "Dad meet my friend Blaine Anderson." Blaine smiled and reached out his hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir."

"Nice to meet you to kid and please call me Burt." He gave a hearty chuckle.

"Well Burt thank you for letting me stay for the holidays."

"No big deal kid we love having company." Burt smiled.

"Well dad I'm gonna go and introduce Blaine to Carol and then go get settled."

"Alright bud." Burt said and gave his son a quick pat on the shoulder before returning to his game.

Kurt pulled Blaine into the kitchen and rushed his over to a woman chopping vegetables.


"Oh Kurt it's so great to have you home." She dropped what she was doing and walked over to hug him.

"Carol I want you to meet my friends from Dalton, Carol, Blaine Anderson." Kurt gestured to Blaine as he pulled from the hug.

"Oh it's so great to have you here honey! I hope you like chicken."

"It's great to be here its lovely to meet you Mrs. Hummel, and yes I love chicken." Blaine chuckled.

"Oh you're such a gentlemen you should try and teach Finn a few things." She bubbled

"Well I have to get back to cooking so you boys get settled in okay."

"Alright Carol." Kurt grinned and kissed her on the cheek before leaving the kitchen with Blaine following.


When Blaine finally entered Kurt's room he wasn't surprised that it was spotless and flawlessly styled. Though the room looked like it was from a home magazine something about just screamed Kurt the room was heavy with his hypnotizing scent.

"Blaine are you just going to stare at my room or are you actually going to unpack your stuff?"

"Oh yeah of course."

"Let me just empty out my scarf shelf and you can put your stuff there." Blaine giggled at the fact Kurt had a special area in his closet for his scarves. As Blaine emptied out his suitcase he tried to start a conversation, "So what do you guys like do for Christmas exactly?"

"Well nothing big, I mean tomorrow Carol will cook all kinds of stuff for breakfast lunch and dinner. After dinner we each get to open one present then we'll have to go to sleep while my dad gets all of our gifts together. An on Christmas day we open out gifts and lounge and we live off of takeout of leftovers." Kurt piped up from his closet.

"Sounds pretty great to me it's more than I've gotten to do on Christmas."

Kurt turned to Blaine with a small smile on his face he slowly walked over to him and warpped his arms around him.

"I'm so happy you're here Blaine."

"So am I Kurt." Blaine whispered and kissed Kurt on the cheek.

"Boys dinner!" They heard Carol call from downstairs.

They both giggled and pulled apart and headed downstairs.


Dinner was surprisingly okay no threats or embarrassing baby stories about neither Kurt nor Finn. Burt, Carol, and Finn were getting along with Blaine very well. Kurt even let Blaine play a few rounds of Halo with Finn while he helped Carol clean up the kitchen, everything was perfect.

Once it was time for Kurt and Blaine to sleep Kurt started his skin routine while Blaine blew up the air mattress. Kurt was just closing all of the lotion bottles on top of his vanity when two warm arms wrapped around him. Hit looked into the reflection of the mirror see Blaine smiling back at him, his curls hung on his forehead and his eyes filled with love. Kurt ran his hand over his forearm and kissed his fingers tenderly.

"My family really seems to like you." He spoke softly

"I'm glad I like them too." Blaine smiled.

"So am I." Kurt lifted his head up slightly and met Blaine's lips with his own.

Deep down inside Blaine was dying to deepen the kiss but he knew that he had to be careful in case anyone came in to say goodnight. Blaine pulled out of the kiss first and touched his forehead to Kurt's,

"Bedtime babe." Blaine whispered as he tugged Kurt to his bed.

Blaine was so close to laying down with Kurt until they heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Kurt immediately ran back to his vanity and Blaine sprinted and jumped on top of the air mattress. Luckily it was just Finn, "Hey guy's mom and dad wanted me to tell you that they'll be going to the mall tomorrow to pick up some last minutes stuff so it's cool if you guys want to go too but I should warn you I'm meeting Rachel there."

"Ok Finn we'll see if we're not too tired tomorrow." Kurt said coolly

"Cool g'night guys." Finn waved off and walked into his room.

Kurt sat up and slowly crawled on his bed. "So do you want to go to the boring mall tomorrow or do you want to spend some alone time with me?" Kurt purred.

"I think the answer is obvious….the mall of course." Blaine said sarcastically earning a pillow to the face.

"No babe of course I'll stay with you." Blaine giggled and reached up to tap Kurt on the nose. Kurt scooted his body close to the edge so he could look down at Blaine.

"Goodnight Blaine."

"Goodnight Kurt."


Blaine was awoken the next morning by the feeling of fingertips running down his arms, he opened his eyes to see one angelic looking Kurt Hummel. He reached out his hand to make sure he wasn't dreaming and his hand touched Kurt's flawless face.

"Good morning beautiful." Blaine's voice was slightly horse.

"Good morning baby." Kurt giggled

Blaine was a little shocked that Kurt gave him a pet name.

"Baby? Hmm I like that."

Kurt giggled and blush rose up his cheeks.

"My parents and Finn just left.."

"Oh really?"


"Well then." Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt and pulled him on top of his pulling his into a sweet linger kiss.

Kurt pulled away, "Blaine neither of us have brushed our teeth." Kurt chuckled putting his hand over his mouth.

Blaine understood he wouldn't get any tongue action unless they brushed their teeth. Blaine shot up from the bed and tugged Kurt to the bathroom. They both finished brush their teeth and raced each other to Kurt's bed like children. Kurt snuggled up to Blaine and started to kiss him tenderly, Blaine felt Kurt's warm tongue swipe over his lips and automatically granted him access Blaine slowly slid his hands down to Kurt's waist slightly lifting up his sleeping shirt to feel his smooth torso. Kurt rushed his fingers through Blaine's hair tugging slightly for more friction in the kiss. Kurt slid his leg over Blaine's thigh and hooked himself around him.

Blaine could feel Kurt's erection and he was pretty sure Kurt could feel his. Suddenly Kurt pushed himself from the bed with a smirk on his face, Blaine was going to whine but then he spoke, "I think we need to take a shower." He purred. Blaine shot up from the bed and chased Kurt into the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom Blaine picked Kurt up and propped him on the bathroom sink counter. Kurt attacked Blaine's lips while he wrapped his legs around his waist. Blaine detached his lips and moved onto Kurt's neck. He sucked hard on a tender spot, causing Kurt to moan softly in response. Kurt put his fingers under the seam to Blaine's shirt and began to pull it off him. Once the shirt was off Blaine reached for the buttons of Kurt's sleeping top, one, two, three, four, off. He grabbed Kurt's face with his hands and joined their lips; it was full of passion with tongues very much involved.

Blaine picked Kurt up off the sink and stood him off; surprisingly Kurt stuck his thumbs over the waistband of Blaine's pants as soon as he stood up. Kurt slowly slipped his hands further past the elastic and pressed his thumbs into Blaine's hipbones. At the sensation of Kurt's hands Blaine reached behind Kurt and gave his perfect ass a soft squeeze making the boy moan. Kurt finally started to slide down Blaine's sleeping pants his hand followed as the pants dropped onto the floor. Blaine did the same to Kurt running his hands over the v shape of Kurtz hipbones, "Shower. Now." Kurt gasped out.

Blaine pushed back the curtains and walked into the tub, Kurt in hand. Kurt turned and turned the water on at first it was freezing but then turned the perfect level of heat. Blaine spun Kurt around and pulled him close causing their erections to slide together. Both cried out in pleasure, Kurt lightly dug his nails into Blaine's shoulder as he repeated the movement.

Water slowly streamed down their bodies as the grinded against each other. "B-Blaine.." Kurt whimpered as Blaine wrapped his hand around the shaft of Kurt's dick. His started to pump slowly and built up to a quick pace causing Kurt to cry out in pure pleasure. Blaine felt Kurt's warm hand wrap around his member and tease the head. "Shit Kurt..I'm close." Blaine whispered to Kurt. Suddenly Blaine felt Kurt stiffen and flinch as he came all over Blaine's hand. As Blaine worked Kurt through orgasm Kurt's hand squeezed Blaine's dick slightly causing him to cum. Once they both slowed their breathing Kurt pulled Blaine into a soft kiss, "I love you." His whispered and Blaine simply kissed back. They began to actually shower, Blaine even let Kurt wash his hair and Blaine helped Kurt apply his face wash they both giggled when Kurt bumped his nose with Blaine causing the gel to get on one side of Blaine's face.

Once they were dried off they helped each other get dressed, Kurt chose to wear black skinny jeans, emerald oxfords, and a black and cream striped sweater with a heart shaped pin with emerald stone to match his shoes. Blaine decided on red converse, Dark wash jeans, and a plain black t shirt, Kurt convinced him to add a leather jacket.

Kurt picked up his car keys and giggled, "To the mall we go."


Once they got to the mall they stopped at almost every clothing store, Blaine bought three new shirts and a pair of skinny jeans, Kurt bribed him with kisses to get them. They also stopped at other stores to pick out gifts for Kurt's family that they would both represent. They got Finn a CD called Classic Rock Radio Hits, they got Burt the best of John Mellancamp, and they got carol a new apron with her initials on it. They were in the food court when they finally ran into Finn and Rachel, "Oh Kurt it is so good to see you the New Directions miss you especially Mercedes. Oh , Hello you must be Kurt's friend I'm Rachel Berry leader of the New Directions." Blaine was shocked and annoyed at how fast she could talk. "Blaine Anderson part of The Dalton Academy Warblers." Blaine put on his best smile and shook the girls hand.

"Rachel I just got back I do not want to talk about Glee Club." Kurt warned.

She opened her mouth and then shut it immediately, Finn spoke up.

"Dude I think you're really going to like the present I got you. "

"Well I have the same feeling about the gift Blaine and I got you." Kurt smiled and Finns face turned into a confused expression.

"Uhm Kurt can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure Finn, Blaine why don't you and Rachel get something to eat Finn and I will be with you guys in a sec." Rachel grabbed Blaine's hand and tugged him away to a near pizza shop.

"What do you want to talk about Finn?"

"Dude are you and Blaine like an item or something?"

"Finn why would you say that?"

"Well I mean you just decided to bring him home with you, your buying gifts together, I mean I don't know it just seems like.."

"I brought Blaine here because if I didn't he would be left at Dalton alone because his parents don't give him the time of day. An he felt bad he didn't get to pick you guys gifts of his own so we paid half and half on the gifts for you guys. Blaine and I are just friends Finn."

"Alright dude whatever you say.' Finn said before heading to the pizza shop Kurt huffed and followed him.


They wasted half of the day away at the mall and making out in Kurt's car. When they finally did get back to the house carol was already cooking dinner and Finn was already blabbing with Rachel on the phone.

"I think now is the perfect time to give Carol her gift." Blaine whispered to Kurt.

"True, c'mon." Kurt grabbed Carol's apron and held it behind his back as Blaine led the way into the kitchen.

"Oh Hi boys did you have fun at the mall?" Carol grinned as she stirred some gravy.

"Actually we did and while we were there Blaine and I got you a gift."

"Aww you guys didn't need to get me anything."

"But we wanted to." Blaine spoke up beside Kurt. Kurt moved his arms from his back and shifted the apron towards Carol , a huge smile swept across her face.

"Aww thank you boys I love it." She took off her old worn out apron and tied on the new one.

"It looks great on you Carol, we're glad you like it." Blaine smiled.

"Come on Blaine we have to give my dad and Finn his gifts." Kurt walked into the living room and pulled the best of John Mellancamp CD from his messenger bag.

"Why don't you hand this one to him?" Kurt said as he handed the CD to Blaine, he simply nodded and walked over to Burt.

"Merry Christmas Burt this is from Kurt and myself." Blaine smiled and held the CD out to Burt.

"John Mellancamp? Thanks you guys now I have some music to listen to in the shop."

"You're welcome Burt." Blaine grinned.

"And last but not least Finn." Kurt turned on his heel and reached for the CD in his bag.

Kurt grabbed Blaine's and tugged him upstairs and into Finns room, like always Finn was playing videogames.

"Hey guys what's up?"

"Merry Christmas Finn." Kurt held out the CD in front of Finns face. Finn paused the game and smiled at the CD.

"Guys this is so awesome thanks! I'm afraid you and Blaine will have to wait for your gifts tomorrow."

"Wait you got me a gift?" Blaine questions.

"Yeah dude Burt, my mom and I got you a gift, and Kurt got his own for yo-"

"Finn!" Kurt yelped to keep Fin from finishing

"Sorry!" Kurt pinched the bridge of his nose and chuckled at his brother's stupidity.

Once Kurt and Blaine were back in Kurt's room they sat down on his bead and looked over the latest issue of Vogue together.

"So do you want your gift now or after dinner?" Kurt asked and Blaine raised an eyebrow.

"Oh you pervert its nothing like that!" Kurt giggled

"After dinner is when I'm giving you your gift so I guess I chose after dinner."

"Sounds good." Kurt gushed.


Christmas Eve dinner went great Burt and Blaine discussed cars and football, Finn talked to Blaine about mash-ups, and Kurt just sat back and marveled at his family. Blaine suddenly spoke up,

"So I just wanted to say once again thank so much for letting me come here. You guys are so welcoming and nice and I'm so glad to be here. Kurt is lucky to have people like you around and I'm lucky to have Kurt as a friend." Kurt's heart warmed as Blaine spoke he sounded so sincere.

"It's no problem kid your good company and we're glad Kurt has a friend like you." Burt said and patted Blaine on the shoulder.


Once dinner was finished Kurt and Blaine rushed upstairs, they were both excited to finally be giving each other their gifts.

"I want to go first." Kurt stated as he bulled a large suitcase from under the bed.

"Uhm okay." Blaine chuckled as he watched Kurt struggle to open it.

"Come sit next to me." Kurt said and patted the spot on the floor next to him. Blaine slithered of the bed and plopped himself down to Kurt.

"I know how much you love music and I know how much you love playing guitar. When I saw your favorite guitar smashed to pieces I felt horrible and I knew you regretted it. I love you Blaine, I love your voice, your hair, your smile, and I really love it when you play guitar." With the last word Kurt opened the suitcase to reveal a black Ibanez V series acoustic/electric guitar.

Blaine thought he could cry, Kurt loved him so much that he bought him a brand new guitar and the exact same kind as his last one the he destroyed.

"K-Kurt you didn't have to.." Blaine fought back a sob.

"But I wanted to Blaine; I know how much you admire instruments and music. I know this would mean a lot to you." Kurt cooed as he wrapped his arm around Blaine's shoulder.

Blaine lifted his head up and gave Kurt a chaste kiss, "I love it Kurt thank you. I love you."

"I love you too." Kurt tightened his arms around Blaine and wiped away his tears with his thumb.

"Let me get your gift." Blaine said with a teary smile.

Blaine sat up and went over to the closet and to the shelf his clothes was on. He reached under one of his polo's and pulled out a black velvet box, it was big to be a ring and too small to broach. Blaine sat back down next to Kurt again and handed him the box. Kurt took it with a smile and took a deep breath before lifting the top open. Inside the box were to small circle pendants each on a thin chain. One was gold and one was silver, both had a single emerald in the middle, Kurt's birthstone.

"Blaine there beautiful." Kurt sighed he was close to crying.

"It's a tradition in the Anderson family to give a necklace like this one to the person they love. I got you one in silver and one in gold because I know how picky you are with matching yo-"

Blaine was silenced by Kurt's lips he felt hot tears falling down Kurt's cheeks.

"I love you so much Blaine, so much." Kurt whispered as he pulled away.

Blaine reached for the box and pulled out the gold pendent and moved behind Kurt, once he put it on him he put his arms around Kurt and the back of his kissed his neck.

They stayed like that for about and our and moved to the bed. They looked at each other, played with each other's hair, held hands until the clock stroke midnight.

"Merry Christmas Baby." Kurt whispered as he snuggled closer to Blaine.

"Merry Christmas Kurt." Blaine kissed Kurt again and stared at him like he was trying to memorize his face. Everything about him was perfect.


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