May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
Blaine waited patiently for Kurt to start speaking. He looked so small and vulnerable. I felt bad for him, but I needed him to talk to me to open up.
"Blaine, I'm not quite sure how to say this, so I'm just going to say it. But I need you to just let me talk and don't interupt or I might not be able to finish, and this is already had enough for me."
"I'll let you talk sweetheart, just take your time okay. I promise I won't talk until you are done."
Kurt closed his eyes and took a breathe. He needed to do this. He opened his eyes to be met with the same hazel eyes that has given him so much comfort these past two weeks. He could drown in them, get lost in them, and more than anything he wanted to. He took a deep breathe and started.
"I never meant to lie to you Blaine. It's just I've been alone for so long that I'm used to dealing with all of this on my own. I know that you told me to come to you, and more than anything I wanted to, but I was scared, I still am" he sighed.
"I was scared to let you fully in because I started falling for you. I needed you more than I care to admit. I was protecting myself from getting hurt. This can't happen Blaine, you are my teacher, you are eight years older than me. Screw the age difference to me it's just a number and means nothing to me. But you are my teacher and we both can get into so much trouble. Ughh what am I even saying, I don't even know if you feel it too."
"I know I promised I wouldn't speak until you're done but I need you to know Kurt that I feel the same way, maybe with you knowing it will make it easier to finish what you want to say."
Kurt looked at Blaine, "wh--what? You have feelings for me too?"
Blaine took his finger and gently traced the side of his face, "I do," he said smiling at Kurt.
Kurt gave him a shy smile back. "Okay I needed to finish what I was saying before I never do. And it did help, so thank you."
"Blaine I have to tell you something but you can't get mad, okay?"
"I can't promise I won't be mad sweetheart, I don't know what you are going to say, but I promise I won't over react."
Kurt took a deep breathe, "davidtrappedmeinthelockerroomandstolemyrfirstkiss." He said really fast.
"Kurt I need you to slow down when you talk I didn't catch any of that."
"I said, David trapped me in the locker room and he stole my first kiss, he just took it! I was so scared Blaine, I didn't want him to do it, you have to believe me."
"Shhh sweetheart, it's okay I believe you." pulling Kurt to his chest. As much as he was pissed right now his first concern was Kurt. He couldn't show how upset he was because it would only upset him more.
"Kurt, why didn't you tell me when it happened?"
"because I didn't want you to hate me."
"Oh Kurt I could never hate you, what he did was not your fault at all."
Blaine grabbed Kurts face and made him look into Blaines eyes. "Listen to me Kurt, what he did was not your fault. He's an asshole and deserves what is coming to him. Don't think of that as your first kiss, because that's not how it's supposed to happen."
"kiss me Blaine please kiss me and make me forget him."
"Kurt baby i want to so bad but I don't want you to regret it. Your upset right now and not in the best frame of mind. Trust me baby I will kiss you, I will give you anything you want but let's finish talking right now okay?"
Kurt felt a little bit rejected. He had been wanting this kiss for so long and Blaine had just rejected him. But of course Blaine was right, he was always right, he always knew what was best for Kurt. Which is what he had left to talk to Blaine about.
"Okay," he muttered.
"This is probably the most embarrassing thing I'm going to say to you, please don't laugh," he said looking into Blaines eyes.
"I will never laugh at you sweetheart, you can tell me anything."
"Okay, so when you give me orders to do things, I can't explain it. I guess it makes me feel safe, like I'm cared for and loved. And knowing when I get everything right you will praise me. And I never want to disappoint you Blaine. I love when you take control, and I want you to keep doing it. Maybe make a list of rules, punishments, I don't know, I'm a freak, I'm a freaking freak! What is wrong with me?" Kurt tried hiding his face from Blaine complete embarrassment taking over. But Blaine grabbed his hands before he could do that.
"Kurt stop, just look at me for a second. You are not a freak, not at all. There is nothing wrong with you for wanting to submit. I could tell that you liked it which is why I gave you direct orders, and you followed them to a tea, Kurt. You are a submissive and it's coming out. I don't want you to hide that part of yourself. If anything it has made me fall for you even more. I know that I've always wanted to be someone's Dom. I want someone to fully submit to me, follow my orders, I don't want to do it to be mean or be in charge, I just want the person I'm with to feel loved and cherished and taken care of. Kurt I want that to be you. More than anything I want you. I want you to submit to me, I want you to let me take care of you and decide what is best for you."
During Blaine speech, Kurt started crying. That is what he wanted, it's what he has always wanted, he just never thought he would find that here in Lima, if at all.
"baby why are you crying?" Blaine asked Kurt while wiping away his tears.
"I'm just so happy Blaine. That's all I ever wanted. I want you. I want to give myself to you, I want you to take care of me, I want you to be my Dom Blaine," Kurt said grabbing his face.
Blaine started tearing up, how can he be real? Everything I've always wanted is right infront of me asking me to be his Dom. Of course I want to be his Dom.
"Kurt, I would love to be your Dom, I want to be the one who takes care of you, be my Sub?"
Kurt didn't even have to think about it, the biggest smile Blaine has ever seen spread across his face,
"Yes Blaine, Omg yes!" Throwing himself into Blaine arms, he forgot about his ribs, and let out a small hiss moving back against the pillows.
"Shit baby, are you okay? You can't move so fast." Blaine said as he stroked Kurts side.
"I'm okay, I forgot they were sore, I'm just so happy."
Blaine moved up the bed a little bit leaning on his elbow, so he could hover over Kurt. He put his hand on one cheek and looked right into Kurts eyes, "me too baby" he whispered. "I really want to kiss you right now" Blaine said.
Kurt looked right at him as his breathe caught in his throat and his heart sped up, "please." he replied.
Blaine still holding the side of his face leaned down slowly giving Kurt plenty of time to pull away. But he didn't. Just before Blaine lips met his, he whispered, "I am falling so in love with you." and than he sealed the deal. The minute his lips touched Kurts he felt every single nerve ending in his body come alive. He has never felt anything so perfect. Kurt hesitantly wrapped his arms around Blaines neck and threaded his fingers through his hair gently pulling. Blaine moaned into the kiss. Kurt was an amazing kisser. And he wanted more, he didn't want it to stop.
The minute Blaines lips touched mine, every thought that was going through my head, every thing I had gone through disappeared. The only thing I could smell, taste and see was Blaine. He was everywhere, filling my senses. My heart was beating so fast. I wanted this forever. I never wanted it to end. When Blaine moaned into my mouth it did amazing things to my body. I wanted to hear it again, I was addicted to his sound. Suddenly it was over with far too quickly And Blaine slowly pulled away resting his forehead on mine. I slowly opened my eyes to have a pair of hazel ones looking directly at me.
"I have wanted to do that for so long, and it was one hundred times better than I could have ever imagined." Blaine said as he closed his eyes letting what just happened sink in.
"I'm falling in love with you too, Blaine," Kurt spoke. Making Blaine look into Kurts eyes to see that he was telling the truth. Blaine smiled at Kurt and leaned down to give him a gentle kiss, and pulled back.
"As much as I would love to stay here all night and just kiss you, we need to get up. We need to change that ice pack and you need to get some food into your belly, let's go baby, I'll help you up."
"Blaine, I really don't want to, I just want to stay here, and I'm not hungry" Kurt pouted.
"Kurt I'm not asking you, I'm telling you to get up. Your ice pack needs to be changed, and you need to eat. I know for a fact the last thing you ate was a salad at lunch and that was almost eight hours ago, now get up."
"Blaine please I just want to lay here," Kurt fought Blaines hold.
Blaine sighed, "Kurt, I'm not doing this to be mean, I'm doing this because I know what's best for you. You asked me to be your Dom, Kurt. This is me being your Dom. Get up Kurt now, and that's an order."
"And after dinner we are going to sit down and wright out a list of rules that you will follow and I list of punishments that you will receive when you break a rule. There's already two that will be added to that list. One lying to me about what was happening at school, and two disobeying me now. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to go start dinner. I'm giving you ten minutes, Kurt, and I will count every minute. You are to get out of this bed carefully without hurting yourself. If you need to use the restroom, it's right through that door. And than you will meet me in the kitchen. If you need help with anything just call for me okay?"
"Yes sir, I'm sorry," he whispered, putting his head down in shame.
"Kurt look at me" Blaine said.
Kurt lifted up his head and looked into Blaines eyes, "Good boy."
"Kurt I'm not trying to be an asshole, I just know what is best for you and I'm only trying to help okay?"
"Okay" Kurt whispered, "I'll be right out."
"Good boy, I'll see you in ten minutes baby, keep your shirt off" Blaine said and left a small lingering kiss on Kurt and turned around and walked out the door setting his timer on his watch for ten minutes.
oh god, please please update?
New chapter up :) and there should be two more later on today, enjoy!
omg i cant wait for you to post more tomorrow!!!!!!!!