Let Me Love You
Graduation and Proposals Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Let Me Love You: Graduation and Proposals

E - Words: 3,587 - Last Updated: May 27, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 64/64 - Created: Mar 19, 2013 - Updated: May 27, 2013
111 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Sorry for the cliff hanger, but hopefully it will make you guys want to find out what Kurts answer is.I was also thinking that for the next part of this story that I could use a BETA, so if you will be interested let me know :)One again thank you guys so much. Xoxo

The last few months flew by. Kurt had just taken his final exams and was about to graduate tomorrow. Kurt was enjoying a quiet night before his grad by himself, which he was enjoying. Between all of the studying for his finals and flying back and forth to New York pretty much every weekend looking for a house or apartment to buy with Blaine had left him exhausted. Blaine was at the pub he had been playing at since they moved to Westerville saying his final goodbyes.

He walked around the house remembering all of the good and bad times that took place. He thought of how far his life had come since meeting Blaine at the beginning of the school year. Before Blaine he never thought he would find the love of his life, or escape his tormentors. He thought he would be stuck in Lima the rest of his life. But here he was the night before his high school graduation, with the love of his life and a spot in NYADA. He over came all the crap he had been through even though it was difficult at times and still had days where he still struggled, he was able to move past everything David and his friends did to him.

They had finally agreed on apartment that was close to NYADA and in just a few days he will be heading off to New York, the city of his dreams, with the man he loves. At first he was scared of leaving Lima and Westerville behind because he didn't want to leave his dad, but in the past few months he had never seen his dad so happy. He had finally met Carol and absolutely fell in love with her. Although she could never replace his mother, she had in such a short time had easily fallen into the role. Finn surprised him as well. He never thought he would experience having a brother but now that he had Finn he couldn't picture not having a brother. They had become close the past few months and he was going to miss him.

He took one last look around the house making sure his memories were in tact. He didn't want to forget for one second all the memories this house held; no matter how good or bad, he was going to miss it. It was their home. His and Blaines and apart of him felt like he would be leaving a part of his heart here once they were gone. He wiped at the tears that had begun flowing, just realizing that he had begun crying. He washed his face and climbed into bed, hoping sleep would come fast, the memories becoming too much all at once.

Blaine arrived home a little bit later than he usually did when he played a gig. The staff and his regulars that came out to watch him play had surprised him with a goodbye party. He didn't realize until tonight how much of an impact his music made on other people. That only gave him the confidence and reassurance that quitting being a teacher was the right choice and he knew exactly what he planned on doing once he reached New York.

He showered quickly and climbed into bed with Kurt who was sleeping peacefully even though Blaine could see the dried tear streaks running down his face. Frowning he lightly brushed a fallen piece of hair out of Kurts eyes and slowly leaned in to kiss him on the forehead. Kurts eyes flickered open. "Sorry baby, I didn't mean to wake you."

"Mmm its okay, I'm glad your home I missed you," he said as he wrapped himself around Blaine.

"I missed you too, everything okay sweetheart? I can tell you've been crying."

"I'm okay. I was just thinking about everything that has happened this year. That after tomorrow I start a new chapter in my life. How much I'm going to miss this house. I don't want to say goodbye."

"Aww sweetheart, it's going to be okay. I'm excited to be moving to New York. You and I have both come so far this year. I am so unbelievably proud of you baby. You deserve everything that is good in this world. And I have a surprise for you. I wasn't going to tell you until after you graduate, it's kind of a graduation gift, but now is just as good a time as any."

Kurt looked up at Blaine with his eyebrows up in question. "What could you have possibly done Anderson. You just bought our apartment in New York and even that was too much."

"That apartment is for us. It's both of ours. This gift is just for you."

"Blaine I don't need anything else..."

"Kurt stop right there," Blaine spoke up silencing him. "Don't you know by now not to.argue about money?" He said as he leaned in for a kiss which Kurt immediately responded too.

"Mmm okay fine, what is it?" Kurt asked excitement evident in his voice.

"That's better, wait right here I'll be right back." He said as he climbed out of bed and ran out of the room.

Kurt sat up and turned on the bedside light waiting for Blaine to come back. Blaine came in and jumped on the bed like an eager puppy and sat beside Kurt with an envelope in his hand. "Here this is for you. I hope you like it," he said as he passed Kurt the envelope.

Kurt opened the envelope and dumped the contents onto the bed in front of them. Falling out was a single key and papers. Holding up the key he looked at Blaine, "Whats this for?"

"Read the paper and find out sweetheart."

Kurt read the papers in silent. When realizing what Blaine had done and it finally kicking in and registering, his hand flew to his mouth in shock and he had begun crying. "What? Blaine...What? How? It wasn't even...Blaine how did you?"

Blaine laughed at Kurt unable to finish a sentence. "I spoke to the owner of the house. Like you I didn't want to let it go it has way too much history here. It's our first place together, and I always wanted to remember it, and to be able to come back to it whenever we can. He didn't want to sell at first but I offered him more than what it is worth and he eagerly agreed. All you have to do sweetheart is sign the papers and it's all yours. I bought it for you. So now you will always have a safe place away for New York. You have somewhere where you can go to and escape if you need it."

"Blaine I don't even know what to say. It's all to much. Your amazing. But..."

"No, no buts. It's yours its already paid for you just have to sign the papers to make it official."

Kurt looked up into Blaines eyes and just stared at him. How did he become so lucky to.find a man like him? "Okay, but under one condition."

"Which is?"

"You have to sign them too. This is OUR home Blaine not mine. This house would mean nothing without you in it."

Blaine surged forward and brought Kurt into a wet heated kiss. Breaking away he rubbed his nose against Kurts and kept their heads connected. "Your condition has been met. Of course I'll sign with you."

"God I love you so much," Kurt whispered.

"I love you too sweetheart. Cmon let's get you back to sleep you have a big day tomorrow."

Blaine would be lying if he said he didn't want Kurt right now. More than anything he would love to make love to Kurt the rest of the night. But he was nervous about tomorrow. Tomorrow he was going to propose after graduation and his nerves were starting to take his toll. He just needed to breathe and more than anything he just needed Kurt in his arms tonight keeping him grounded. And besides after tomorrow hopefully he will have the rest of his life to make love to hopefully his husband.

Morning came to quickly for Blaine. He had tossed and turned half the night going through every worst case scenario. When he was finally able to sleep his nightmares haunted him. Every time he proposed to Kurt the answer was always no and he was left heartbroken. He had woken up more than once covered in his own sweat crying. Things had been going perfect for him, why should they continue to keep going that way?

Kurt rolled over and snuggled into Blaine. "Morning,"he said with a yawn.

Blaine pulled him closer afraid to let go, but at the same time trying not to let his nerves show. "Morning sweetheart, how did you sleep?"

"Mmm good."

"Good, you ready to graduate?"

"I am, I can't wait. I have to go in early to get my cap and gown and line up so ill see you there?"

"Of course, I'll be the loudest one cheering when you walk across that stage."

"Oh god please don't embarrass me."

"I make no promises, now go and get ready you don't want to be late," Blaine said as he kissed Kurts forehead.

"Mmm wanna join me in the shower?"

"I'd love to baby but than you will definitely be late. Tonight though you can have me all to yourself."

Kurt sighed, "Fineee," he said as he rolled out of bed, "I'm going to hold you to that."

Blaine laughed, "I know you will." He hoped that they would still have tonight.

Like promised Blaine probably cheered the loudest when Kurt walked across the stage. And even though he thought he would be embarrassed he wasn't. If anything he felt loved. He knew in that moment Blaine was truly proud of him. He was proud of himself. He had come along with way. When he walked off he stage and joined his friends in the audience and when they through their caps into the air signaling that they were done high school a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Even though he was extremely happy with Blaine and with his life, for the first time since he could remember it felt like he could truly breathe. He did it. He didn't let them win. He made it through and now it was on to the next chapter of his life.

Kurt had chosen not to go to any type of party that he was invited too. He wasn't one for goodbyes or alcohol. He had chosen to spend his night celebrating it with Blaine and his family. His dad, Carol and Finn were there and he couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than to celebrate with the people that he loved. Once he was done saying goodbye to his friends with the promise of keeping in touch he finally made his way to his family.

The first person Kurt seen was his dad who immediately pulled him into a hug, "Son I am so proud of you."

"Thanks dad, thanks for being here."

"Of course kid I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Carol was next. Kurt walked up to her and pulled her into a hug surprised to see she had been crying. "Thanks for coming."

"Oh Kurt,I am so proud of you. I know we haven't known each other for long, but I am just so damn proud."

"Thank you."

"She would be proud of you too," Carol whispered as she backed away.

His eyes filled with tears, "Thank you," he whispered.

Just than it felt like someone tackled him. "Ughh Finn, watch the hair."

"Sorry dude, it's just its nice to see you so happy. Even though we didn't really talk at McKinley I could tell how.sad you always were. And now...I've never see you smile so much. Your my little brother now and I'm proud of you."

"Thanks Finn. And just for the record just because your taller than me doesn't make you the older brother. I'm still older."

"Whatever you say little brother."

Kurt laughed, "I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too."

Blaine cleared his throat. "umm is it okay if I said my congratulations now."

"Oh Blaine," Kurt said as he ran into his arms.

Blaine squeezed Kurt tight and peppered kisses all over his face. "I am so unbelievably proud of you sweetheart."

"Thank you," Kurt said through his giggles.

"I love you," Blaine said as he leaned in for a kiss. Forgetting they were standing in the middle of the school yard and in front of Burt, Carol and Finn, the kiss turned heated fast.

Burt coughed making the boys jump making them realize where they were. "Ok we are going to head out. We will see you boys later for dinner."

"Of c-course," Blaine stuttered realizing what he was about to do his nervousness coming back full force.

Burt noticed his hesitation and gave him a slight nod, hopefully relaying that everything was going to be fine. Burt had known of his plan and was completely on bored and him and Carol were in charge of making sure everything was set up and ready. He had been planning tonight for months since Burt gave him the okay.

"Okay we will see you guys later." Kurt said as he pulled Blaine towards the car. He noticed Blaines hands were shaking. "Hey, you okay baby?"

"What--what, oh yeah everything is fine." he said trying to calm his nerves.

"You sure?"

"Of course, let's go home and get changed don't wanna be late for dinner."

Kurt had dropped the subject for now, Blaine would talk to him when he was ready. They headed home and got ready for their dinner. Blaine didnt tell them where they were going but told him to dress fancy. So he had picked out his best suit and waited for Blaine in the living room.Blaine walked in, with a blindfold in his hand.

"Wow Kurt, you look amazing."

"You do too, you take my breath away," he said as he closed the distance between himself and Blaine.

Blaine smiled, "You ready to go?"

"Yes, are you going to tell me where we are going?"

"Nope. Do you mind if I use this?" he asked as he showed Kurt the blindfold.

"Of course not." Kurt smiled.

Blaine leaned in and gave him a slow kiss before slowly putting the blindfold over Kurts eyes and leading him to the car. Once inside the car the nervous he had been dealing with the past few days were slowly fading. Looking at Kurt he knew that the love he had for this man was mutual. He had no doubt in his mind that Kurt would say yes, he just had to stop worrying. He grabbed Kurts hand in his and slowly rubbed circles over the top.

He pulled up to his destination and stepped out of the car and made his way over to Kurt helping him out. "You ready sweetheart?"

"Yes," he smiled.

Blaine helped him walk a little bit until he reached the beginning of a path. He gasped, it looked even more beautiful than he imagined in his head. Burt and Carol really brought his plan to life, even more than what he expected. He looked down the path and noticed everyone who was invited standing in a line on each side of the Isle with beaming smiles.

He grabbed Kurts hands in his and took a deep breath before slowly taking off he blindfold. It took a few seconds for Kurt to adjust his eyes before he took in his surroundings. "Blaine...where are we? What's everyone doing here?"

There were candles on each side of the path way leading up to an opening. Up the path were white Rose pedals scattering the ground. On each side of the path the most important people in his life were there lined up smiling at him.

"This is all for you sweetheart. Every person here loves you and you've touched their life in one way or another. Why don't you go up ahead and I'll meet you up there."


Blaine gave him a quick kiss before turning him and giving him a slight nudge to begin his journey up the path. The first person he reached was Rachel.

Rachel leaned in a hugged him before pulling back and giving him a white rose. "Kurt even though we could argue on who is the better singer until we have no voice left,you quickly became a good friend of mine. I love you and it is so nice to know that all of your dreams are coming true. Never give up on your dreams Kurt, you deserve NYADA. You are very talented Kurt, your the reason why I caught so hare for solos, because I knew you were my only competition. I will still fight you tooth in nail at NYADA so don't think I'm going soft."

Kurt wiped his eyes and laughed. Only Rachel would follow a compliment with a threat, which is why he loved her. The next person in line was Mercedes.

"Boo! God I missed you this year. School wasn't the same without you. But now matter where you are always remember you will always be in my heart. Your my bestfriend Kurt, and when you are famous one day you better not forget me or I will hunt down your white ass white boy."

Kurt pulled her into a hug, "I could never forget you, ever. And you better be in the front row opening night, just like I'll be front row at your first concert. I love you Cedez."

He slowly made his way down here line listening to all of his friends say something nice to him. Puck, Sebastian, Santana, Britney, everyone he loved was there and made him feel so special. The last person waiting for him was his dad. Burt wiped he tears coming out of his eyes.

"Oh dad don't cry," Kurt said as he pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry, it's just I am so proud of you and so happy. Kurt after your mom died and it was just me and you I was scared. Your mom was so good with you. I was suddenly left alone with a little boy who wanted to have tea parties and dress up and that was always your moms specialty. Even though it may have taken me awhile to fully understand you, I'm glad I finally did. You made me open my eyes to an entire different world. Your my inspiration Kurt. Everything that you have had to go through in your life, your still standing here with your head held high. You beat that odds Kurt. You are going to take this world by storm and those assholes who did nothing but hurt you will not see you coming. I would tell you to go to New York and never look back but I can't do that. Through all of your turmoil you found the best thing in your life, Blaine. Don't ever let him go son he is something very special. Don't ever forget that I love you so much and I am so proud of you. I am so glad that I get to call you my son."

By this point Kurt was a sobbing mess. His dad was everything to him, and to hear everything he had just said was something he had waited for his whole life to hear. He let his dad hold him as he cried. "I love you dad, always. Thanks for always being there for me and supporting me."

Burt smiled and gave Kurt another hug before turning him around facing Blaine. Who some how beat him to the top and was standing there with one final flower. Flower number twelve. The missing piece to his dozen. He walked towards Blaine who was smiling and holding out the rose. "My missing puzzle piece," he whispered.

Kurt took the rose and smiled, "You are my missing puzzle piece Blaine."

Blaine took the roses from Kurt and handed them to Burt and grabbed both of Kurts hands into his. "I love you."

"I love you too, Blaine what is all of this?"

"I asked all of your friends here to celebrate with us. I wanted them to make you feel special and loved, because you deserve to feel that everyday. Kurt you are so very special and I hope you know that." Blaine took a deep breathe and continued. " Kurt you are the love of my life. Before you it felt like I was just drifting through life, searching for something I wasn't sure I would ever find. Love. My soul mate. My best friend. I didn't realize how empty my life truly was...until the day I met you. You say that I saved your life, but the truth of the matter is Kurt, you saved mine. In you I've found my best friend, my soul mate, my missing puzzle piece and most of all I found love. My heart beats because of you. You're my world Kurt, and these past ten months have been the happiest days of my life. I finally found a family I never really had. I can't picture my life without you in it. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. I love you so much Kurt, and I want us to truly begin our lives together...tonight." He took another deep breath as he went down on one knee pulling a box out of his jacket.

Kurts hand flew to his mouth and a sob broke out. The only thing keeping him from collapsing was Blaines hand holding him up.

"Kurt you are the love of my life and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you do the honor of becoming my husband? Kurt...will you marry me?"


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