May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
Blaine ran to the door to answer it. "Burt hey, thanks for coming on such short notice."
"Nice to see you kid. And no problem I miss my boys. Everything is alright though?"
"Yea of course, Kurt just has some news he would like to share with you. I have to go pick him up from school, soon than we can head out for dinner."
"Why do you have to pick him up? Something wrong with his car?"
"No, his car is fine. He just got into some trouble and lost his driving privileges for awhile."
Burt chuckled, "Say no more."
"Actually while you are here I actually have something I would like to talk to you about," Blaine said becoming nervous.
"Ask away."
"Okay umm...Okay I'm more nervous than I thought I would be."
"It's okay bud take your time."
Blaine took a huge breath "I would like to ask Kurt to marry me, and I would like to ask you for your approval."
Burt smiled, "I was wondering when you were going to ask me. Are you absolutely sure?"
"Of course, I'm sure. Kurts...he's the love of my life. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. He completes me, and I'm pretty sure he feels the same way."
"Than You have my blessing. I've already seen the way you take care of him and I have no doubt in my mind that you won't continue to do that. I see the way you two are with each other. You guys have something special, don't ever let it go."
Blaine jumped out of his seat and took a surprised Burt and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you so much, I promise I will always love and protect your son." He said through his tears.
Burt hugged him back, "I know."
"Thank you."
Blaine and Burt drove over to the school together to pick up Kurt to surprise him. When they pulled up infront of the school Kurt was already waiting. But climbed out.
"Dad!" he yelled as he jumped into his arms almost knocking him over at the force of it.
"Hey kiddo, I've missed you."
"Miss you too dad, I'm so glad your here."
"Me to, let's go get some food huh, I'm curious as to what you have to tell me."
"Let's go," Kurt said all excited. He climbed into the back seat allowing his dad to climb in the front with Blaine. He leaned over and pecked Blaine on the lips, "Hey you, thanks for getting my dad here."
"Anything for you."
"Okay enough with the kissing," Burt said as a joke when he climbed into the car.
"Sorry," Kurt and Blaine said at he same time.
"It's okay was just bugging, how was school?"
"It was okay. Kinda tired since I had to go in early."
"Early for what?"
"Blaine didn't tell you?"
"I didn't say anything to him sweetheart, that's up to you. He just knows you lost your driving privileges."
"What did you do son?"
"I skipped school last week, and got into trouble."
"Aghh I see, that's not like you."
"I know, but can we please not talk about it, I'm already in enough trouble at school and at home."
Blaine chuckled. He noticed how Kurt flinched when he sat down and by the looks on Burts face he noticed too.
"It's dropped, I'm sure the school and Blaine already dealt with it."
"You can say that again," he muttered under his breath.
They had all made it to the restaurant and had already order they were just waiting for their food to arrive. They were just catching up on each others lives. It had been awhile since they had been home for Friday night dinner with Kurt being so busy at school and Burt being busy at home.
"So I have some news for you son. I know that you have something you want to tell me, but do you mind if I go first?"
"Of course go ahead."
"I I met somebody."
"Dad that's great! Who is she, tell me everything!"
"Wait your not mad?"
"No of course not, why would I be mad dad?"
"I just thought...I haven't dated anyone since your...mom."
"Dad its been years. It's about time. As long as your happy than I am happy."
Burt smiled, "I am happy. She makes me happy. Her name is Carole and she is a nurse at Lima Memorial. She's amazing. I think you guys would get along great. She has a son your age you might know him actually he goes to McKinley."
"Whats his name?"
"Finn Hudson."
Even though Finn was apart of the football team he never participated in the bullying. He was also in glee club and even though Kurt didn't exactly consider them friends, he was nice non the less.
"I know him, he seems like a good guy."
"Good, I'd like it if all of could go to dinner one night so you can all officially meet, you too Blaine."
Blaine who had been quiet most of the dinner allowing Kurt and Burt catch up, looked up in surprise.,
"Oh don't even look at me like that. Your apart the of this family and I want you there too."
Blaines eyes watered, he had felt more like a family with his boyfriend and his dad than he ever did with his own. But with Burt confirming it and saying it out loud meant a lot.
Kurt reached over and squeezed his hand, "Than you and I'll be there."
"Okay so let's hear about your news."
"Dad I made it....I got into NYADA."
"I'm going to New York, I got in."
Burt flew out of his seat, "Oh my god Kurt that's amazing, your going to New York!" he practically shouted.
Kurt turned bright red, his dad's commotion drew attention to their table, everyone in the restaurant turned to look at them. Blaine sat there chuckling.
"Oh my god dad please sit down."
"My son is going to New York! He made it into one of the hardest colleges to get into!" he shouted to everyone in the restaurant. The people there laughed and clapped. Kurt hung his head in embarrassment.
He groaned, "Dad please sit down!"
"Remember the name Kurt Hummel, you will he seeing him on Broadway and in movies one day." he proudly exclaimed.
By this point Blaine was in hysterics. He knew Burt would freak out he just didn't realize he would flip out to this extent and Kurt was clearly embarrassed. He was wiping his eyes when he felt a slap to his arm. "Hey what was that for?"
"It's not funny," Kurt groaned.
"It is, your dad is hilarious."
Burt finally sat down," I am so proud of you kid, I'm going to miss you."
"I'm going to miss you too dad. But I'll come home whenever I can or you can come visit us. At least I know you won't be left alone, since your with Carol now."
"Your always welcome to come and stay with us Burt," Blaine spoke up, "You and Carol if it's that serious."
"I'm sure she would love that."
The rest of dinner was spent talking about New York and the future. Burt sat there staring at his son and started on to be husband. When Kurt came out a few years ago he never thought that his son would meet someone who adores him and thinks the world of him. He never thought he would see him get married. And soon he would he receiving a marriage proposal. Kurt had been through hell and for the first time in his life he had never seen Kurt look so happy.
"Well boys thanks for dinner, but I need to head back its getting late."
"Why don't you just stay dad. I...I miss you and soon I'm going to be gone."
"You sure?" He asked more looking at Blaine.
"Of course, I'm pretty sure there's a game on tonight it would he nice to actually watch it with someone who isn't going to sit there talking about the horrible uniforms."
Kurt rolled his eyes, "Perfect, not.exactly how I pictured tonight to go."
"Cmon bud, you sit there with us through one game we will sit there through a musical."
"Fineee let's go."
Blaine and Burt high fived each other and grinned getting their own way leaving Kurt to just roll his eyes, "You guys act like children half the time what am I going to do with you both?"
"Your stuck with both of us so get used to it," Blaine said as he stuck out his tongue Burt copying.
"Yea yea children let's go." Blaine and Burt laughed but followed instructions and followed Kurt to the car.
Blaine had never been happier. He had his boyfriends dad's permission to ask Kurt to marry him, and for the first time in his life he felt apart of a family. Now all he had to do was come up with the perfect plan to ask Kurt to marry him, and he wanted to do other soon before they left for New York.