Let Me Love You
Hidden Bruises Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Let Me Love You: Hidden Bruises

E - Words: 1,325 - Last Updated: May 27, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 64/64 - Created: Mar 19, 2013 - Updated: May 27, 2013
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Author's Notes: Okay, so here's another chapter. I literally can't stop writing. I have the free time right now which is why these chapters are going up extremely quick. Hope you enjoy this one :)

A few weeks had passed since that day in the office. Kurt and I tested frequently when we were away from each other. At school he would visit me through out the day. He Also has opened up. Lot more as well. We took the time learning about each over, and the more I learned the harder it fell for him. I spoke to principal Figgins about the bullying. David was suspended as well as half of he football team for a week. To me that wasn't enough and I was pissed that that is all we could do without witnesses. For the most part the bullying had stopped with a threat of getting kicked off the team.

The two weeks Kurt and I got to know one another I learned that he liked being given an order, just as much as he enjoyed receiving the praise. I gave him simple tasks to do everyday before he left school; text me when he got home, complete his homework, eat dinner, relax and text me before he went to bed letting me know that he had indeed did everything I asked of him.

I was waiting in my class after school for Kurt on Friday,usually he was there within five minutes of the bell ringing. It had been almost ten and I was beginning to worry. I walked down the hallways towards Kurts locker when I heard crying. I immediately started running. There in front of Kurts locker was Kurt and he was laying on he flooring a ball.

"Kurt! Omg Kurt are you okay?" I knelt down pulling him into my arms.

"Blaine, it hurts." he sobbed into my chest.

"Where does it hurt sweetheart?"

"My side, they kicked me and wouldn't stop, I tried calling for you but they covered my mouth."

"Oh Kurt I'm so sorry, I'm here now. Can I see where they kicked you? I just want to make sure we don't have to go to the hospital."

Kurt nodded and sat back giving me permission to lift up his shirt. Bruises literally littered his body. Every where the shirt covered was covered in bruises. This wasn't just from today. Kurt had lied to me when he said the bullying had stopped. I would confront him about it later, right now I have to make sure that they didn't break his ribs. I gently ran my fingers up Kurts side, marveling at how soft his skin felt. Kurt let out a hiss when I reached his ribs.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm not trying to hurt you, you are doing so good. I don't think anything is broken but we need to get some ice on this. What time do you have to be home tonight?"

"I don't have a curfew its the weekend and besides my dead is gone to D.C this weekend, so I'll be home by myself."

I couldn't let Kurt stay by himself, that really is crossing a boundary. But Kurt and I crossed that boundary awhile ago, what difference does it make now. He needs me tonight, and I want to take care of him, plus we have to have a talk about how he lied to me.

"Kurt, you are going to come home with me tonight. You can't stay by yourself. Let me take care of your bruises, you can take the bed and ill sleep on the couch sweetheart, whatever makes you comfortable."

Kurt looked up at Blaine, "I'm not sure--"

Blaine cut him off, "It's not up for discussion Kurt, you're coming home with me tonight sweetheart, I'm going to take care of you."

"Okay," whispered Kurt.

Blaine helped Kurt to his feet and wrapped his arm around Kurt as carefully as he can without hurting him further. Blaine got him into the car and helped him wih his seat belt. "You can sleep now Kurt If you want to, I'll wake you when we get there." Blaine gave him a kiss to the forehead closed the door and got into the drivers seat. Before he was even out of the parking lot Kurt was fast asleep. I could tell how much pain he was in, every so often he would grunt in his sleep and move to try and get a better position.

I carefully carried Kurt into the house, not wanting to disturb him. I layer him on my bed and went into the kitchen to grab some tylenol, water and an ice pack. I sat beside Kurt for a few minutes just taking in his beauty. He was perfect. I've never met anybody like him. He was as beautiful on he inside as he was on the outside.

"Kurt, sweetheart, I need you to wake up for me. We need to take care of your bruises."

Kurt slowly opened his eyes, trying to figure out where he was.

"Kurt its okay we are at my house, I didn't want to wake up so I carried you in, how are you feeling?"

"it hurts Blaine."

"I know, but I'm going to try and make you feel better ok. Can you sit up for me for just a minute. I need you to.take some tylenol for me and thanks you can lay back down and we will, get some ice on that ok."

Kurt sat up with some assistance from Blaine and took the pill.

"Good boy sweetie, but now I need you to take off your shirt so I can get some ice on he bruises ok."

"Can you help me?" Kurt asked shyly.

"Of course, lift up your arms."

Blaine helped Kurt out of his shirt and gently layed him down. Carefully putting he ice pack on Kurts side.

"How does it feel?"

"So cold, I'm freezing." Kurt shivering.

"Crap I'm sorry, here ill cover you up."

"Blaine, can you lay with me please? I just, I feel safe when I'm in your arms and I want to feel that right now, I need you."

"of course I can sweetie." Blaine layed down in the bed facing Kurt, pulling the blanket over them both. Because the ice pack was on his ribs, the only place he could put his arm was across Kurts hip. So he did.

"Is this okay?" asked Blaine.

"Mmm yea it feels nice." Kurt moved over and put his head into Blaine neck, breathing him in. This is his safe place he thought, this is where I want to be, this is what I want.

"Kurt we have to talk."

"bout what?"

"about how you lied to me, when I asked if the bullying has stopped."

"I didn't lie."

"Kurt I'm going to stop you right there, because I know your lying to me. Those bruises are not just from today. So I'm going to give you a second to organize your thoughts. And only when you are ready to tell me the truth than you can talk."

"but I--"

"No Kurt, I said to take a minute and organize your thoughts, so take that minute. And when you do decide to talk I only want the truth."

Kurt knew why be didn't tell Blaine about the bruises. He's never had anyone that cared about him like Blaine did. He trusted Blaine probably far more than he should so early on in whatever this is, friendship? It was just hard for him to let go and let somebody in. But he wanted to with Blaine. He loved he way Blaine made him feel. He loved how Blaine took control over every situation, and he wanted more. That's what scared him. He was falling hard and fast for his teacher and it scared him. He knew Blaine wanted answers, and he wanted honesty. He was ready to do that. He was going to tell his teacher about the bullying that has continued to happen the past two weeks, about how David trapped him in the locker room and stole his first kiss, and how he was falling in love with him, and how he loved the way Blaine took control. He wants to be Blaine sub more than anything.

Taking a deep breathe, "Blaine, I'm ready to talk now."

End Notes: Reviews :)


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