Let Me Love You
Honesty, Punishments, News Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Let Me Love You: Honesty, Punishments, News

E - Words: 3,859 - Last Updated: May 27, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 64/64 - Created: Mar 19, 2013 - Updated: May 27, 2013
127 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Review :)

Like he had promised Blaine was there after school to pick up Kurt, who was standing at the side of the road with his head down and a solemn look on his face. Blaine pulled up besides him and waited for him to get into the car. Once in he buckled his seat belt and looked out the window not even acknowledging Blaines presence.

"So...How'd it go at school today?" He asked as he pulled away.

"How do you think?"

"Don't get smart with me Kurt, your already in enough trouble."

Kurts shoulders sagged, "I'm sorry. It was just a really rough day."

"So I take it, that it didn't go to well?"

"No, I'm on academic probation for the rest of the school year."

"And what does that entail exactly?"

"Well I have detention everyday before school for the next two weeks. I have to keep my grades above an 85%, I have to help organize prom and graduation, and if I keep to all of it he will keep me skipping of my permanent record."

"That's good. And that shouldn't be too hard you love organizing parties, and your grades are already good so you shouldn't have a hard time staying above 85%."

"I like planning parties when I'm not obligated to do it, and you know how much I already study and no matter how much I do study my grade average is barely at the 85%."

"Yea well just be grateful that he isn't putting this on your permanent record and nothing worse happened. Dalton is a very prestigious school Kurt he could have easily kicked you out."

"Yea," Kurt sighed.

Blaine dropped the conversation for now, they would have a lot to discuss when they got home anyways regarding Kurts punishment for the weekend and what led him to receive his punishment to begin with since they had yet to talk about it. Kurt stayed silent the rest of the way home.

Once they got home and got inside of the house Blaine turned to Kurt and made sure he had his full attention. Kurt was already in his submissive mind set, knowing and willingly ready to accept any punishment Blaine seemed fit. He knew he had messed up and he was ready to accept he consequences.

"Kneel Kurt," Blaines voice demanded.

Kurts head shot up and looked at Blaine, surprised at the command because it had been awhile since Blaine incorporated kneeling in a punishment.

"I said kneel Kurt don't make me ask you again."

Kurt kneeled immediately. His back straight his face to the floor.

"Look at me Kurt."

Kurt slowly raised his head and looked at Blaine.

"Good boy. So this is how this weekend is going to work. We are going to discuss exactly why you felt the need to lie to me. Either way your punishment has already started. You know the rules and you broke them. You will follow every single rule I give you this weekend. Understood?"

"Yes Sir."

"You have lost your right to walk this weekend. You will only crawl unless I say other wise. We are going to have a talk and you are to be open and honest with me and I will be open and honest with you. You are allowed to speak freely during that time. We lay out everything on the table tonight. If I catch you lying about anything I will extend your punishment. When we are done our conversation you rights to speaking are gone. You only speak when you are spoken to. If you need anything or have a question about anything you may ask by first asking permission to speak. When and only when I give you permission to speak may you speak. You will have corner time over the weekend, and you will be spanked. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good boy, meet me in the living room."

Kurt nodded and lowered his head. He could feel his face burning in embarrassment Blaine had never made him crawl before. He sucked in a deep breath and pushed his embarrassment aside and followed Blaine into the living room on his hands and knees. Blaine sat on the couch and Kurt kneeled infront of his feet.

"Up on the couch Kurt, during out talk we are both even. We are just Blaine and Kurt."

Kurt nodded his head and slowly stood up and sat beside Blaine. Blaine laced his fingers through Kurts hoping to give him some kind of comfort and encouragement to begin speaking.

"So what happened? Why did you leave school and why did you think it would he okay to lie to me?" Blaine asked.

Kurt took a deep breath and began. "I've been stressed out at school. Everyone around me has been receiving their acceptance letters to the schools they want to go to and I haven't heard anything from NYADA. Yesterday just became too much. I couldn't handle hearing one more person talking about college. So I left. I was going to come home but I knew you would be disappointed because I left school. I had to find something to do until school ended so I decided to watch a movie to calm down."

"Kurt, why didn't you just tell me you were stressed out and worried. Do you even think I wouldn't have understood?"

"No, it's just I thought that you would be mad at me for taking the afternoon off of school."

"Kurt I wouldn't have been mad. I get it. Everybody takes a 'me' day every once in awhile even teachers. If you would have just be honest with me I would have understood."

"I'm sorry."

"So what we're you going to do if the school didn't call to inform that you didn't show up for classes."

"Honestly I wasn't going to tell you."

"So you went and watched a movie that you and I had planned to go see today. You would have kept up with this lie if you weren't caught and re watch the movie with me and act like you didn't already see it?"

Kurt kept his head down in shame, "Yes."

"I see...you know if you would have just came home yesterday and we're honest with me we could have gone and seen the movie together."

"Blaine I really am sorry."

"I know, but I haven't forgiven you yet. Do you know how scared I was when I couldn't find you. Do you know what went through my head. I... I thought the worst Kurt. Especially because of your past I automatically feared the worst. It was the worst feeling in the world. I...I can't lose you," Blaine said through the tears that had begun falling.

Kurt looked up and immediately pulled Blaine into his arms. "I am so, so sorry Blaine. I never want you to worry about me. I'm okay I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere, I promise," he whispered into Blaines ear pulling him even tighter into his embrace. "I'm so sorry," he repeated over and over again until Blaines cries became quiet and he was able to gain control over his emotions.

When he was finally able to look up into to Kurts eyes he could tell he had been crying too. "You know you scared me to when you went out last night and didn't return my calls."

"I know and I'm sorry. I just was so angry and needed to calm down. I guess going to he bar and getting drunk was stupid."

"A little yes. But I get it. You haven't been out since we got together."

"Trust me I'm not missing much," Blaine sighed as he recalled the guy hitting on him the night before.

"Are you sure? Because I understand if you wanted to go out once in awhile. I mean you are older than me and I get I'm not old enough to go with you. So I would be fine if you went without me."

"If I learned anything about last night its that I'd rather be at home with you."

"Yea and why is that? What happened?"

"Some guy tried picking me up," Blaine said nonchalantly.

"What? You told him no right?" Kurt asked as a rush of insecurities rushed through him.

"Of course, baby. He danced on me a little bit, but I brushed him off and told him I was in a relationship."

"Blaine....am I....am I holding you back?"

"What? No! Of course not. I only want you sweetheart your it for me."


"Do I sense a bit of jealousy?"

Kurt ducked his head and blushed, "A little bit," he admitted, "It's just you are so hot and perfect no wonder he tried to pick you up."

Now it was Blaines turn to blush, " Kurt look at me," he asked. "No matter how many guys hit on me or try to pick me up you never have anything to worry about. It will always be you and my answer will always be no."

"Okay," Kurt said as he smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Are we okay?" Kurt asked timidly.

"We will be. Let's get through this weekend, yea?"

"Okay," Kurt whispered, "I really am sorry ill never do that again."

"I know and I believe you. But can you trust me when I say that NYADA would be stupid not to accept you as their student. Just have a little faith. And speaking of NYADA something came for you in the mail today."

"What!?" Kurt screeched, "And your just telling me this now."

"I'm sorry, but we had stuff to discuss and I had no idea that this was because of NYADA."

"Your right I'm sorry."

"It's okay here." Blaine said as he passed Kurt an envelope that was hiding behind his back.

Kurt took it with shaking hands, and flipped it over so few times. He had waited so long for this letter and now that he had it he was petrified to open it. He had no idea what he would do if he were rejected. His entire life had been dedicated to performing and as far back as he could remember NYADA had always been his first choice.

Blaine sensed the hesitation, "Just open it sweetheart, no matter what it says I will always be proud of you. You did your best during your audition and that's all I could ever ask for. If you didn't get in you still have other options okay we will figure it out together."

"Blaine....I can't. Open it for me?" He asked as he passed Blaine the envelope.

"Are you sure?"

Kurt nodded his head yes.

"Okay," Blaine said as he opened the envelope and began to read the letter.

Kurt watched his face to see if it would reveal anything but it stayed the same. "Blaine...what's it say?"

Blaine looked up at Kurt with the same neutral face, "Why don't I just read it to you?"

"Dear Mr. Hummel, Congratulations..."

Blaine didn't get another word out before Kurt was jumping up and down, "I got in? I'm going to NYADA?"

"Your going to NYADA sweetheart," Blaine said as he stood up and pulled Kurt into a huge hug, "I am so so proud of you baby. I knew you would get in."

"Blaine, oh my god my dreams are coming true, it's really happening."

"It really is, my future Broadway star," Blaine said with the biggest grin on his face as he pulled Kurt in for a heated and over enthusiastic kiss. He pulled away with a sigh as it began to get heated. He rested his head on Kurts and looked him in the eyes, "I am so proud of you, and there is nothing more that I would like to.do right now than to celebrate but I have to stick to my rules."

"Blaine its okay. I know what I did was wrong and I'm ready to accept all of my punishments. I need to be punished. We will celebrate when it's over."

"Sounds good sweetheart. Are you ready?"

"Yes Sir."

Blaine leaned in and gave him one more gentle kiss. "On your knees," he demanded going right back into Dom mode.

Kurt obeyed and dropped.to his knees.

"Good boy, what is your safeword?"

"Red Sir."

"Crawl to the corner, you have one hour in the corner on your knees, back straight head up. You move we start over. Are we clear?

"Yes Sir."

"Good, now go."

Kurt got onto his hands and knees and slowly made his way to the corner. It was embarrassing having to crawl but he knew he deserved it. He went slowly not wanting to hurt his knees on the hardwood considering he would be spending a lot of time on them this weekend. But he was determined to take every punishment Blaine threw at him because he deserved every one. If he only had held out one more day he wouldn't be in this situation but maybe he would be on his knees for a completely different reason.

Thinking about being on his knees serving his Master made Kurt completely hard. He tried desperately to rid himself from his erection but failed. Even though he was being punished Blaines Dom side did wonders to his hormones and there was no exception here.

By the time his hour was up he was rock hard and steadily leaking pre cum. He could feel the uncomfortableness in his underwear. He was beginning to sweat. He felt like if Blaine even touched him once he would explode he already felt so close without even being touched or even Blaine around him. There was something about submitting himself to Blaine that made him this way.

"Kurt, your time is up, come here please."

"Blaine watched as Kurt slowly turned around and even slower than before made.his way to Blaine. He could see the sweat at the top of his brow and it felt and looked like Kurt was in some sort of pain. Once Kurt had made his way to Blaine and was kneeling at his feet, he finally spoke up.

"Are you okay sweetheart? You may speak."

Kurt was embarrassed at how completely hard he was and debated on lying to Blaine, but he made a promise no more lies just the truth. "I'm okay, it's just ummm...."

"Spit it out sweetheart."

"It hurts."

Blaine frowned hoping that he didn't push too far with the kneeling. "What hurts sweetheart?"

"My ummm.....my....my dick," he stuttered out.

Blaine looked at him for a second confused until he looked down and realized what Kurt was saying. He could see clear as day the tent in his pants.

"Your hard?"

"Yes, Sir."

"But...why? You were on punishment."

"I don't know sir, I was just thinking that if I had just been patient for one more day that instead of me being on my knees because I was in trouble that maybe I would be on my knees...for a very completely different reason."

"Fuck Kurt..."

"I'm sorry Sir."

"Hey no need to apologize okay, it's just what you said was incredible hot," Blaine said as he trailed his fingers down Kurts chest making a path to his clothed covered cock getting a moan from Kurt in response.

"You want me to touch you sweetheart?" he asked as he lightly traced Kurts dick.

"Please Blaine..."

"Maybe I should give you just a little reward?" he said as he gave Kurts dick a bit more friction but not enough.

"Please.." Kurt moaned as he moved his hips trying to get more friction.

Blaine pulled his hand away making Kurt whine. "Up," Blaine demanded.

Kurt stood up and waited for further instructions. "Strip, I want you on you knees back to me on the couch by the time I get back."

"Yes Sir," Kurt said as he started to unbutton his pants desperate to free his aching cock from his tight pants.

Blaine walked away and went to the bedroom to grab a few things that he would need. Having sex wasn't in the plans for tonight or at all for he weekend. But he wanted to celebrate Kurt getting into NYADA. Even thought the punishment was very important so was getting into NYADA and he honestly didn't think it was fare to make Kurt wait the entire weekend to at least celebrate a little bit. He knew what NYADA had meant to him and how much and how long he had waited to hear the news. Even though he had only waited a few months for his letter from the day he auditioned essentially he had waited his entire life for the one word, 'Congratulations.' So far Kurt accepted his punishments and his requirements for the weekend without hesitation and accepted his punishment at school. So he had decided he would give him a little reward and give him what he wants and clearly needs.

He grabbed what he had needed and made his way back to he living room. There was Kurt on his knees facing the couch his hands gripping the back of the couch and his ass sticking out.

"Fuck Kurt, you look so beautiful like this sweetheart."

"Sir please do something....it...it hurts."

Blaine walked over to him and lightly pressed kisses to the back if his neck, "Shh sweetheart ill take care of you."

"Please Sir," Kurt moaned tilting his head back until he was resting on Blaines shoulder.

"What do you want Kurt?"

"Please, touch me Sir."

"I think if I were to touch you right now you will cum. So I'm not going to do that. Instead I'm going to slowly open you up, and once I'm done that I'm going to fuck you, how does that sound sweetheart?" he asked as he rubbed his hard cock against the back of Kurts ass.

"Please Sir, sounds so good, please do something."

"Stay still and don't move your hands from where they are now, if you do I will he forced to tie you."

"Yes Sir....actually Sir can I ask a question?"

"Of course."

"Can you maybe...tie me up? I want you to have full control over my body. I need you to tie me up."

"Of course baby.". He grabbed the scarf he had brought from the bedroom and carefully tied Kurts hands together. "Is that okay?"

"Yes Sir."

"Do you want the blindfold too sweetheart?" Blaine had learned that Kurt responded so much more when he was completely blind folded.

"Please Sir."

"Okay," he said as he put the blindfold over Kurts eyes.

"You ready?"

"Yes Sir."

Blaine grabbed the lube and lubbed up his fingers. He trailed a line down Kurts crack until he reached his hole slowly rubbing circles and teasing him until he slowly entered him.

"Fuck Sir, feels good, more please."

"I told you we are doing this part slow sweetheart. If you move one more time I'll stop."

Kurt stopped moving and allowed Blaine to slowly work him open. By the time he was up to three fingers he had almost lost it. He was sweating profusely from holding back his orgasm. He had been on the brink too long but Blaine knew his body and stayed away from his prostate on purpose.

"You ready?"

"Yes please fuck me," Kurt begged.

Blaine pulled his fingers out and quickly lubbed himself up before lining himself with Kurt and thrusting in. He promised Kurt he would fuck him and that's exactly what he planned on doing. Kurt let out a loud pitch scream which only encouraged Blaine even more.

He set up a rhythm slamming into Kurt but just missing his prostate everytime. He knew Kurt was close and one touch to his prostate he knew would send him over the edge and he didn't want it to he over yet. He grabbed the back of Kurts head pulling him into his chest, and whispered in his ear, "You like when I fuck you like this baby? You like it hard?"

"Yes Sir, harder, fuck please," Kurt screamed.

Blaine ruthlessly fucked into Kurt until he was near his orgasm. He could feel it coming and was so close to release. "So close sweetheart cum when your ready," he moaned as he pulled Kurt flush against his chest changing his angle so now he was hitting his prostate right on.

"Fuck Sir right there, don't stop I'm going to cum."

And half dozen more thrusts and Kurt was screaming Blaines name at the top of his lungs shooting his cum all over himself and all over the back of the couch.

"Fuck Kurt," Blaine moaned as he fell over the edge right after Kurt did. Kurt fell forward into the couch and Blaine over top of him both completely exhausted and trying to catch their breath.

"Sir you need to move your squishing me."

"Shit sorry" Blaine apologized as he slowly pulled out and collapsed beside Kurt pulling him into him.

"Can you untie me?"

"Of course."

He took off Kurts blindfold and untied his wrists. "That was amazing."

"Mmm it was," Kurt sighed as he basked in the after glow.

"This doesn't change anything you are still on punishment."

"Yes Sir."

"Good. I think we should get cleaned up and have some dinner."

"Sounds good. I can't believe I came all over the back of the couch that's never going to come out."

Blaine laughed, "It's okay we will, just buy a new one. We are moving to to New York soon anyways."

"New York....it's actually happening."

"I never doubted that it wouldn't happen I knew you'd get in."

"And thanks for believing in me when I didn't even believe in myself."

"I will always believe in you sweetheart. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Cmon let's shower."

Kurt stood up and stretched his muscles before he started making his way to the bathroom but stopped in his tracks when he heard Blaine clear his throat.

"Are you forgetting something?"

"Crap, sorry Sir," he apologized as he dropped to.his knees and made his way to the bathroom.

Blaine stood there and moaned as his cock desperately tried to get hard. Kurts ass was on display and he could see his cum leaking out, it was the hottest thing he had very seen. He forced himself to look away knowing that if he didn't he would spend his entire weekend fucking that perfect ass instead of punishing him. Once he had gained control of his hormones he made his way to the bathroom to join Kurt.

The rest of the weekend flew by. Kurt was on his knees the entire time. When he wasn't being spanked or kneeling in the corner he was writing lines. Time went by much faster than he first thought it would go by. By Sunday night he couldn't sit down. If Blaine wanted Kurt to never forget this punishment he definitely succeed. The only way he could get comfortable was if he was lying down on his side. He had no idea how he would sit in school tomorrow. But once he was lying in Blaines arms that night he knew that it had all been worth it. He knew that no matter how much he got into trouble Blaine would never leave him. He would deal with the punishment and once it was over all would be forgiven and in the end Blaine would always love him more matter what.

"Tomorrow after school I'm going to take you out to celebrate you getting into NYADA. Have you told your dad yet?"

"No, I didn't get the chance, I'll call him tomorrow after school he is going to trip out."

Blaine laughed, "Your right he's been more anxious than you waiting for a response, I can only imagine how he's going to react when he finds out."

"Crap Blaine his heart, he can't handle that."

"Kurt he will be fine, if it makes you feel better I can ask him to come up for dinner or we could go there for dinner."

"Sounds perfect. Thank you."

"Anytime sweetheart. Sweet dreams. I love you."

Kurt yawned, "Sweet dreams Blaine I love you."




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