Let Me Love You
Morning After Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Let Me Love You: Morning After

E - Words: 1,786 - Last Updated: May 27, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 64/64 - Created: Mar 19, 2013 - Updated: May 27, 2013
126 0 0 0 0

Blaine had woken up first, he could hear the teenagers in the living room slowly waking up, and groaning probably from their hangovers. He looked at Kurt and realized he wouldn't be waking up any time soon. He climbed out of bed and made his way to the living room.

"Morning guys," he said as he greeted the teenagers.

"Once your fully awake I think it's best you all leave. Go home and sleep the rest of the day. Your keys are on the table. Let yourselves out."

He didn't feel like being nice to them this morning. His thoughts were on Kurt and Kurt only and the conversation that he was going to have to have with him. Once all the kids were out of the house he decided to let Kurt sleep a little longer and decided to clean the mess they had left behind. He was about half way done when Kurt emerged looking like hell.

"Morning," he whispered.


"Oh god do you have to yell?" Kurt said as he grabbed his head.

"I wasn't yelling, you have a hangover."

"Yea....I need coffee."

"Go sit down and I'll grab you some."

Kurt went and sat down at the table and rested his head. The coldness of the table felt good on his throbbing head. He was trying to put together what had happened last night, but after about the fourth shot he couldn't remember anything.

"Here take these it should help with the headache," Blaine said passing him a couple tylenol wit his coffee.

"Thank you," Kurt said as he took them.

"Was it worth it? The hangover I mean."

"No,not really. I mean it was fun, but the hangover sucks. Are you mad?"

"I'm not mad that you got drunk. I was your age once too, so it would be hypocritical of me to give you trouble for...well...for acting like a teenager. What I am mad about though, is how irresponsible you guys were about it. Do you even remember anything?"


"I came home to a house full of drunk teenagers. There wasn't one of you that was sober. I walked in on you dancing in your underwear. Your underwear Kurt. And when you saw me, you tried to take your underwear off...In front of your friends."

"Oh god," Kurt said putting his head down in complete embarrassment.

"But that's not the worse part. It was getting late. What if I didn't come home when I did and one of your friends decided to drive home...drunk. They could have killed themselves or other people. Nobody took the keys away before you started drinking. I had to do that when I got home, which I shouldn't have to do that."

"I'm sorry, I didn't think."

"Exactly, you didn't think, none of you did. Do you want to know why you have to be 21 to drink? Because when your 18, you don't think. You don't think of the consequences. You just want to have a good time and nothing else matters."

"I'm sorry."

"Kurt, all of this happening last night made me think. I know to us our age difference has always just been a number. I've never seen you as a kid. Your much older and wiser than your age, and I forget that sometimes. I realized last night that I've already been there. I've been to my fair share of parties underage, in high school and in college. I've already lived, I've done all of it. I've made mistakes and I've learned from them. And you...your just starting to live. Your just starting to make your own mistakes..."

"What....what are you saying Blaine."

He grabbed Kurts hand, "What I'm saying is for the first time in our relationship I see the age difference. I feel like all I do is give you trouble for something, or your always on some kind of punishment. When looking back the mistakes that you've made is the same mistakes any other teenagers do. The lying the partying, being late...it's what teenagers do."

"I can be better, I promise."

"That's the thing Kurt, I don't want you to change because of me. I don't want you to act older than what you are. I want you to make mistakes, I want you to live...and I'm just holding you back from doing that."

"No your not."

"I am. Which is why I think....I think we need to take a break."

"But...but yesterday you just gave me a promise ring, you promised me one day we would get married." Kurt said through his tears.

"And I still stand by that promise. I want to marry you one day sweetheart, that will never change. And I want you to keep that ring, you can still wear it if you want to, or you can take it off its up to you. I just think that right now you should finish your senior year...without me."

"Bl..Blaine I can't. I need you."

"You can sweetheart. It will be good for you. Hang out with your friends, go party, make mistakes, do everything a teenager is suppose to do. And when you graduate ill be here, if you will still want me."

"I'll always want you," Kurt whispered.

"I think that you should spend the rest of he Christmas break with your dad, and than you can either come back here or maybe we can see if we can get you a dorm. It's up to you."

"Where are you going to go? "

"I'm going to move back to Lima."


"Kurt look at me."

Kurt looked up at Blaine, tears pouring down his face.

"I will always love you, that will never change. I'll be here waiting for you when you are done high school. Be a teenager for once. You've been an adult way too long, and now it's time to just act your age. Call or text if you need me for anything."

Blaine leaned in to give Kurt one last kiss. He poured everything into that kiss, making sure Kurt knew that he still loved him, and he will still always be there for him waiting. He pulled away from the kiss and just held Kurt. Both of them crying. "I should go and get my stuff, do you want me to call your dad?"

"No, I'll call him later, I just need sometime to myself."

"Okay," Blaine said giving him one last hug.

"I'll never say goodbye to you," Kurt whispered.

Blaine pulled back and gave Kurt a small smile, tears coming down his face. Before he stood up and walked back to the bedroom. He closed the door and slid down, sitting with his back to the door and his face in his hands and cried. He knew that this was for the best, but it didn't mean that it didn't hurt like hell. He couldn't feel his heart ripping into tiny little pieces. They would get through this, and they would come out stronger than ever. He got up and packed his clothes and grabbed everything he needed. He would give Kurt time to figure out if he wanted to stay in the house or get a room at Dalton.

Once he was sure he had everything he left the room. Kurt was laying on the couch in a ball crying. It took everything in his power to not go and wrap Kurt in his arms and tell him he would stay. He had to be strong, he knew this was for he best. He walked over to Kurt, "Are you going to be okay? Do you want me to call anyone?"

"No its okay ill be fine, I'll call my dad in a bit."

"Okay, I'm going now. I love you."

"I love you too," Kurt said before turning away from Blaine and facing the back of the couch.

He didn't want to leave Kurt by himself the way he was, especially since he was prone to panic attacks. So he left, and once out the door he called Sebastian.

"Hey," Sebastian said.

"Hey can you do me a favor, and come back to the house. Kurt could use a friend right now, and I don't want him by himself. Can you just hangout with him until his dad gets here."

"Why, what happened? Where are you?"

"I'm leaving...I'm heading back to Lima. Kurt and I....we're taking a break right now."

"What? Are you insane?"

"Look Sebastian, I don't want to discuss this with you, can you come over and stay with him until Burt gets here?"

"Yea fine, but you're an idiot. I'll be there in fifteen."

"Thank you."

Once Blaine had finished talking to Sebastian, he dialed Burts number. This was one conversation he didn't want to have.

"Hey Blaine what's going on?"

"Hey Burt. Look umm is there anyway you could come and pick up Kurt as soon as you can?"

"Why what happened is he okay?"

"We are....we are taking a break until he is done school, and he is really upset right now."

"What do you mean taking a break?"

"Exactly that. I'll let Kurt explain everything to you, or I can stop by once I'm in Lima and explain...but can you please come pick him up?"

"I don't know what's going on here kid but I can tell you I don't like it. One of you better talk once I'm there."

"I promise if Kurt doesn't tell you I will."

"Fine, I'll leave in ten shouldn't take me long to get there."

"Thank you Burt."

Just as he got off he phone with Burt Sebastian pulled up and jumped out.

"Thanks for com--" he was cut off when Sebastian punched him in he face.

"What the fuck Sebastian, what was that for?" Blaine said rubbing his cheek.

"That's for you being an idiot. If this is about the party last night, I'm the one who brought the alcohol, not him. So blame me. And your an idiot because anybody can see how perfect you two are together and yet your breaking up with him. Your stupid for letting him go."

"First of all Sebastian, I'm not breaking up with him, we are just taking a break. Second of all I know that we are perfect for each other. And yes the party has everything and nothing to do with our break. It made me realize that he is still a kid that has yet to live his life, when I already have. I don't want to hold him back, not that it's any of your business. Now can you please go make sure he is okay. His dad is on his way."

"Your still an idiot," Sebastian said as he walked into the house.

Blaine walked to his car and got in. He looked at the house one last time before driving off. He cried the entire way to Lima. Knowing that he could be making the biggest mistake of his life. He could have just walked out on the only good thing he ever had. He just hoped that this decision wouldn't come back to bite him in the ass.


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