May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
Kurt got out of the car and headed to the house. He put the key in and walked in.
Kurt almost fell over catching himself at the last second, his heart beating frantically. He looked around to see who had just scared the crap out of him. All of the Warblers were there and all of the New Directions.
"What..what are you guys doing here?"
"It's your birthday, obviously we are here to celebrate with you." Sebastian said stepping forward.
"But Blaine...."
Sebastian stopped him mid sentence, "Here," he said handing him an envelope, "Read it first."
Kurt opened the letter,
Happy Birthday!
I hope that this will be a great way to end your birthday. I know your grounded and I said no friends but I couldn't do that to you. I know how much this birthday meant to you. So enjoy your night with your friends. Stay out of trouble, you know what I would expect from you. I love you with all my heart, I'll see you later on.
He couldn't believe that Blaine had planned all of this for him. That he would lift his grounding for one night just so he could be with his friends. He literally had the best birthday ever.
"So white boy, you and Mr.A?" Mercedes spoke.
"Mercedes, I wanted to tell you, I wanted to tell all of you," he said looking around the room to everyone that was there, "but you have to understand why I didn't."
"It's okay boo, you actually look happy for once. And thats all that matters," she said as she walked over to give him a hug.
"I am happy, so happy." He whispered.
"Okay enough with the sap, let's get this party started!" Puck yelled.
Kurt laughed, "Oh Noah, I've missed you."
"You too man, New Directions isn't the same with out you."
"Thanks Noah."
"So has everyone met or do I need to do introductions?"
"We all met, we've been here for awhile waiting for you. Were all good but agreed to no talking about Nationals," Finn said.
With that, the music was turned on and people were dancing and talking. Kurt made his rounds saying hi to everyone and catching up with his friends he hadn't seen in months. Next thing he knew there was beer being past around and shot glasses being poured.
"Umm....guys where did you get this from?" Kurt asked.
"Chill dude, it's not a birthday party without alcohol," Sebastian said.
"Exactly," Santana said as she took a shot.
"Ughh Blaines gonna be pissed," Kurt said.
"Cmon how mad do you think he really would be, he was in high school once and college. Live a little Hummel." Sebastian said with a smirk.
"Fine, one shot guys that's it."
"Happy Birthday Kurt!" They all said in unison before downing a shot.
It was getting pretty late, and Kurt had surpassed his one shot limit. They had started playing I've Never, than truth or dare. It was Kurts turn and he had chosen dare. Santana dared him to strip down to his underwear and do the Single Ladies dance. Everyone thought it was an amazing idea and Kurt having no boundaries left because of the fog of the alcohol agreed quickly.
Blaine had finished his set at the bar and decided to head home. It was getting pretty late and figured the party would be over by now or just ending. What he didn't expect was to walk into his house to a trashed house and a living room full of drunk teenagers. And he definitely didn't expect to walk into Kurt half naked dancing to Single Ladies.
Kurt was about half way through his dance when he turned around and saw Blaine standing there. "Blainey your here!" he said as he threw himself into Blaines arms.
"Are you drunk?"
"No...just having fun Blainey."
"Your drunk Kurt and your in your underwear."
"Don't you think I'm sexy?"
"Not right now no."
"Aww cmon Blainey, do I have too much clothes on? I could take them off ya know."
"Kurt enough, go into the bedroom and wait for me, this party is officially over."
"But Blainey..."
"Kurt now!"
"Fine, your such a party popper."
Kurt turned around and staggered to the bedroom. Once he knew Kurt was gone he turned to he drunken teenagers that were all looking up at him.
"I can't believe you guys would drink. None of you are of age. I don't even want to know how you got the alcohol."
"Cmon Blaine, lighten up we were just having fun." Sebastian slurred.
"You can have fun without the alcohol Sebastian."
"Don't tell me you never got drunk with your friends in high school."
"That's not the point..."
"You can't be mad at us when you did exactly the same thing."
"Sebastian enough. Do you know how much trouble you guys could get in? You know what never mind. Anyone who drove here give me your keys now. All of you will be sleeping here, you guys can leave in the morning when you are sober."
"Yes Sir," they all said in unison.
Once he was sure he had all of their keys and handed out blankets and pillows, he left he room and went to go deal with Kurt. He walked into the room and heard puking coming from their ensuite. He went back into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and some Tylenol, and made his way back to the room. Kurt was still puking. He went in and started rubbing his back and making sure his hair was out of his face. Once he was done puking He helped him up and helped him brush his teeth.
"Here drink this and take these," he said as he handed Kurt the bottle and the tylenol.
"I'm in trouble aren't I?"
"We will discuss it in the morning, right now you need to get to sleep."
"Okay," Kurt whispered.
The minute he layed down he passed out. Blaine looked at him and sighed. Kurt for the most part always acted more grown up than he was resulting in him forgetting that he was still a high school student. Sebastian was right. It would be hypocritical for him to give Kurt crap when he did exactly the same thing. He's still in high school, and he's going to make mistakes and he's going to act immature, but that's the part of growing up right. So no he wasn't going to be mad that Kurt got drunk, but he was mad that none of them were safe about it. If he didn't show up when he did how many of them would have driven home drunk? And why the hell was Kurt in his underwear? Or how about the fact he was more than willing to take his underwear off infront of his friends.
He wrapped himself around Kurt. Tomorrow was going to be another day of punishment. He didn't know what else to do, it felt like all he was doing lately was punishing him. Maybe it was because Kurt was still so young and even though he was more mature than he should be in some aspects of his life, his age was clearly evident. Blaine loved him more than anything in his life. He had never been so happy before. He knew that one day he would marry him. He never had a problem with their age before, to them it was just a number. But right now, that's all he could see. The age difference between them, the maturity gap between them. Maybe all of this was too soon? Maybe what Kurt needed was to not be in such a serious relationship. Maybe Blaine needed to step back so that for once Kurt could act like a teenager and make mistakes and screw up. Maybe right now the best thing for the both of them was to take a break. Let Kurt finish his senior year not tied down. And maybe if he would still have him once he graduated they could be together. The thought of taking a break from the love of his life broke his heart. And for the first time in a long time he cried himself to sleep.